Check Wikipedia

Homepageiswikimiddle priority → Fyrirsagnir byrja með þremur "="

Checkwiki finds occurrences where the first heading starts with "=== XY ===" (creating a <h3> header). It should be "== XY ==" (a <h2> header).

To do: 8, Done: 0 article(s) - ID: 007 - List for bots - Set all articles as done!

Show all done articles

0 to 25   (25|50|100|200)

Białystokedit=== Hagkerfi ===more2024-04-20 22:35:13Done
Listi yfir aflagða vegi á Íslandiedit=== Vegir aflagðir að fullu ===more2024-04-20 22:35:13Done
Maineedit===Heiti=== more2024-04-20 22:35:13Done
Pottþétt 10edit=== Diskur 1 ===more2024-04-20 22:35:13Done
Pottþétt 9edit=== Plata 1 ===more2024-04-20 22:35:13Done
Séreignedit=== Inntak séreignarfyrirkomulagsins ===more2024-04-20 22:35:13Done
Sérstök sameignedit==== Almenn sameign og sérstök sameign ====more2024-04-20 22:35:13Done
Steiermarkedit=== Sveitarfélögin ===more2024-04-20 22:35:13Done

0 to 25

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