Check Wikipedia

Homepageenwikilow priority → DEFAULTSORT with a blank at first position

The script found a DEFAULTSORT with a blank at first position, like {{DEFAULTSORT: Doe, John}}.

Following tools can correct the problem:

To do: 8, Done: 0 article(s) - ID: 88 - List for bots - Set all articles as done!

Show all done articles

0 to 25   (25|50|100|200)

Alain PérezeditDEFAULTSORT: Pérez, Alainmore2024-04-23 00:07:10Done
Elnaz MohammadieditDEFAULTSORT: Mohammadi, Elnazmore2024-04-22 00:07:11Done
Eshragh NajafabadieditDEFAULTSORT: Najafabadi, Eshraghmore2024-04-23 00:07:10Done
Hamid PourazarieditDEFAULTSORT: Pourazari, Hamidmore2024-04-25 00:07:10Done
Jun ReyeseditDEFAULTSORT: Reyes, Junmore2024-04-25 00:07:10Done
Otto MeistereditDEFAULTSORT: Meister, Ottomore2024-04-24 00:07:12Done
Ric's Art BoateditDEFAULTSORT: Ric's Art Boatmore2024-04-24 00:07:12Done
The All-Earth Ecobot ChallengeeditDEFAULTSORT: All-Earth Ecobot Challengemore2024-04-22 00:07:11Done

0 to 25

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