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Downloaded document from (127582 characters, 5223 words)
Downloaded document from (111058 characters (UTF8), 1415 words)
Total match candidates found: 130 (before eliminating redundant matches)

Matched phrases:

in the state which contains over two billion barrels of shale oil second only to the bakkan and over 80 trillion cubic feet of natural gas companies will be required
because the north slope contains over two billion barrels of shale oil second only to the bakkan and over 80 trillion cubic feet of natural gas maryland new york pennsylvania
(22 words, 119 characters)

gas companies will be required conduct water testing at least 90 days prior to and up to 120 days after hydraulically fracturing a well which includes analysis of ph
well companies will be further conduct water testing at least 90 days prior to and up to 120 days after hydraulically fracturing a well the sampling requires analysis of
(19 words, 104 characters)

120 days after hydraulically fracturing a well which analysis of ph alkalinity total dissolved solids and total petroleum hydrocarbons the proposed rules necessitate disclosure of the identity and volume
days after hydraulically fracturing a well the sampling analysis of ph alkalinity total dissolved solids and total petroleum hydrocarbons the proposed regulations also require disclosure of the precise coordinates
(13 words, 94 characters)

20 march 2013 ↑ d'angelo wayne j 30 january hydraulic fracturing state regulatory roundup vol 14 kelley drye warren llp http www lexology com library detail aspx g 4023f7ca
or get in touch by visiting our about page hydraulic fracturing state regulatory roundup vol 14 kelley drye warren llp usa january 30 2013 fracking insider readers we are
(11 words, 75 characters)

petroleum hydrocarbons the proposed rules necessitate disclosure of the identity and volume of chemicals used in fracturing fluid see alaska oil and gas conservation commission in february 2013
significantly however aogcc's proposed rules require disclosure of the identify and volume of chemicals used in fracturing fluid unlike other state disclosure rules alaska's proposed rule does not
(8 words, 48 characters)

of minor groundwater pollution in the vicinity in january 2013 the alaska oil and gas conservation commission which is responsible for overseeing oil and gas production in
ltd expects to be fully approved by next year alaska the alaska oil and gas conservation commission aogcc has put out for public comment sweeping new proposed
(7 words, 46 characters)

and gas production in alaska proposed new rules for regulating hydraulic fracturing in the state which contains over two billion barrels of shale oil second
out for public comment sweeping new proposed rules to regulate hydraulic fracturing in the state the proposed rules require oil and gas companies to notify
(5 words, 33 characters)

h b 2615 which imposes strict controls on fracturing companies such as chemical disclosure requirements and water testing requirements the bill includes baseline and
from the most controversial that the panel will face issues such as chemical disclosure water management and setbacks are likely to be hotly debated
(4 words, 27 characters)

clean water act to regulate discharge of produced waters from hydraulic fracturing operations in december 2011 federal environment officials scientifically linked underground water
conservation in california superior court alleging a failure to regulate hydraulic fracturing operations specifically the groups allege that the division of oil gas
(3 words, 31 characters)

the safe drinking water act excludes hydraulic fracturing from the underground injection control regulations the use of diesel fuel during hydraulic fracturing is
regulate hydraulic fracturing operations under california underground injection control program underground injection control programs were designed to regulate the underground storage of substances
(3 words, 29 characters)

regulated state oil and gas agencies may issue additional regulations for hydraulic fracturing states or epa have the authority under the clean water
river basin commission for its plans to allow water withdrawals for hydraulic fracturing operations maryland maryland's marcellus shale safe drilling advisory commission which
(3 words, 24 characters)

06 cheney deregulation html retrieved 20 march 2013 ↑ regulation of hydraulic fracturing under the safe drinking water act epa 15 january 2013
issuing oil and gas leases without properly examining the impacts of hydraulic fracturing operators have been using hydraulic fracturing in california for decades
(3 words, 23 characters)

of ph alkalinity total dissolved solids and total petroleum hydrocarbons the proposed rules necessitate disclosure of the identity and volume of chemicals used
be contested at an upcoming hearing the comment deadline for the proposed rules ends february 4 2013 these rules are significant because the
(3 words, 18 characters)

dissolved solids and total petroleum hydrocarbons the proposed rules necessitate disclosure of the identity and volume of chemicals used in fracturing fluid see
solids and total petroleum hydrocarbons the proposed regulations also require disclosure of the precise coordinates of the fracture and the pressure anticipated to
(3 words, 17 characters)

bakkan and over 80 trillion cubic feet of natural gas companies will be required to conduct water testing at least 90 days prior
of a well pad before they hydraulically fracture a well companies will be further required conduct water testing at least 90 days prior
(3 words, 17 characters)

of department for environment food and rural affairs set up to regulate the public water supply companies in england and wales water testing
underground injection control program underground injection control programs were designed to regulate the underground storage of substances groups have consistently pushed to apply
(3 words, 15 characters)

Matching phrases found: 16

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