GeoHack - Category:Fertilitat (Josep Clarà)

Category:Fertilitat (Josep Clarà)
WGS84 41° 22′ 11.68″ N, 2° 10′ 19.78″ E (41.369912.17216)
UTM 31T 430768 4580152
Antipole -41.36991, -177.82784
Type landmark
Within ES-CT
Scale ± 1:10000

Lookup services


The following HTML markup is provided for use in other websites - add closing slashes for XHTML if appropriate. Please use the relevant template (e.g. {{coord}}) or infobox to add coordinates to articles in Wikipedia.


Wiki markup

  • "Display": article is display inline with text, title will display in top corner of page
  • Bolding: This is the code that you most likely want
  • Input format: d = Degrees, dm = Degree-Minutes, dms = Degree-Minutes-Seconds

English Wikipedia

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Wikimedia Commons

More information: Commons Geocoding

Other wikis

The following code is provided for use in other Wikipedias.

Coor * templates
Coord template
Coordinate template
gis geo tag

Code for wikis using the gis Extension

Page actions
