Template linking and transclusion check

Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Şablon:Galaksinin Koruyucuları (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 3
Galaksinin Koruyucuları (dizi) (edit)
Aleta Ogord (edit)
The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special (edit)

Total: 105
Adam Warlock (edit)
Andy Lanning (create)
Angela (çizgi roman) (create)
Annihilation: Conquest (create)
Annihilation (çizgi roman) (create)
Annihilators (Marvel Comics) (create)
Annihilus (create)
Arnold Drake (create)
Asgardians of the Galaxy (create)
Avengers (çizgi roman) (edit) İntikamcılar (edit)
Badoon (create)
Ben Grimm (edit)
Beta Ray Bill (edit)
Black Order (çizgi roman) (create)
Blastaar (create)
Brood (çizgi roman) (create)
Bug (çizgi roman) (create)
Carol Danvers (edit)
Celestial (çizgi roman) (edit) Göksel Varlıklar (edit)
Charlie-27 (create)
Chitauri (create)
Collector (karakter) (create)
Cosmic Ghost Rider (create)
Cosmic entity (Marvel Comics) (create)
Cosmo the Spacedog (create)
Dan Abnett (create)
Demir Adam (edit)
Drax (Marvel Sinematik Evreni) (edit)
Drax the Destroyer (create)
Ego the Living Planet (create)
Elders of the Universe (create)
Fantastic Four (edit) Fantastik Dörtlü (edit)
Flash Thompson (edit)
Galactus (edit)
Galaksinin Koruyucuları üyeleri (create)
Gamora (edit)
Gamora (Marvel Sinematik Evreni) (create)
Gladiator (Kallark) (create)
Grandmaster (Marvel Comics) (create)
Groot (edit)
Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol.1 (create)
Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind (create)
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series (create)
Guardians of the Galaxy (1969) (create)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) (create)
Guardians of the Galaxy (TV dizisi) (create)
Guardians of the Galaxy (video oyunu) (create)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Awesome Mix Vol. 2 (create)
Guardians of the Galaxy – Mission: Breakout! (create)
Hala the Accuser (create)
Hulkling (create)
Inhumans (create)
J'son (çizgi roman) (create)
Jack Flag (create)
Kismet (Marvel Comics) (create)
Kitty Pryde (create)
Knowhere (create)
Korath the Pursuer (create)
Korvac (create)
Kree (create)
Lego Marvel Super Heroes - Guardians of the Galaxy: The Thanos Threat (create)
Mantis (Marvel Comics) (create)
Martinex (create)
Marvel's Wastelanders (create)
Moondragon (create)
Nebula (Marvel Sinematik Evreni) (create)
Nebula (karakter) (create)
Nikki (çizgi roman) (create)
Noh-Varr (create)
Nova (Richard Rider) (create)
Nova (Sam Alexander) (create)
Nova Corps (create)
Peter Quill (Marvel Sinematik Evreni) (create)
Phyla-Vell (create)
Quasar (Wendell Vaughn) (create)
Realm of Kings (create)
Rocket Raccoon (edit) Roket Rakun (edit)
Roket Rakun (Marvel Sinematik Evreni) (create)
Ronan the Accuser (create)
Roy Thomas (create)
Shi'ar (create)
Silver Surfer (edit) Gümüş Sörfçü (edit)
Skrull (edit)
Stan Lee (edit)
Star-Lord (edit)
Starhawk (çizgi roman) (create)
Starjammers (create)
Supreme Intelligence (create)
Symbiote (çizgi roman) (create)
Talon (Marvel Comics) (create)
Thanos (edit)
The Black Vortex (create)
The Magus (create)
The Thanos Imperative (create)
Thor (Marvel Comics) (edit)
Titus (çizgi roman) (create)
Uatu (create)
Universal Church of Truth (create)
Vance Astro (create)
Vulcan (Marvel Comics) (create)
War of Kings (create)
Watcher (çizgi roman) (create)
Wiccan (çizgi roman) (create)
X-Men (edit)
Yondu (edit)

 Links to redirects

Total: 7
Avengers (çizgi roman) (edit) İntikamcılar (edit)
Celestial (çizgi roman) (edit) Göksel Varlıklar (edit)
Fantastic Four (edit) Fantastik Dörtlü (edit)
Guardians of the Galaxy (film) (edit) Galaksinin Koruyucuları (edit)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (edit) Galaksinin Koruyucuları 2 (edit)
Rocket Raccoon (edit) Roket Rakun (edit)
Silver Surfer (edit) Gümüş Sörfçü (edit)


Complete report...

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