Template linking and transclusion check

Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Şablon:Kadirli kaymakamları (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 48
A.Rauf Ulusoy (create)
A.Selam Bayram(Vekil) (create)
Agah Büyüksagiş (create)
Ahmet Geçgil (create)
Ahmet Hamdi Arıtürk (create)
Ahmet Keskin (create)
Ahmet Macunluoğlu (create)
Alev Akçura (create)
Ali Yener Erçin (create)
Aziz İnci (create)
Bahaddin Ablum (create)
Bedrettin Bey (create)
Cemal Bey (create)
Derviş Ahmet Set (create)
Emin Sıralı (create)
Emin Özışık (create)
Fazıl Haluk Bey (create)
Fazıl Tosyalı (create)
Hakkı Barın (create)
Haydar Bingöl (create)
Hidayet Bey (create)
Kadirli (edit)
Kaymakam (edit)
Kemal Avşaroğlu (create)
Kemal Vural (create)
Mehmet Can (kaymakam) (create)
Mehmet Cengiz Kentli (create)
Mehmet Güler (kaymakam) (create)
Mehmet Mızrak (create)
Muammer Aksoy (kaymakam) (create)
Mustafa Guni (create)
Münir Alkan (create)
Naim Ural (create)
Necati Özdemir (create)
Necdet Sümer (create)
Necip Çakmak (create)
Osman Tolga (create)
Rahmi Atakan (create)
Sadettin Kalkan (create)
Selçuk Erdem (kaymakam) (create)
Seyfettin Bey (create)
Talat Kahvecioğlu (create)
Vehbi Engin (create)
Yahya Sahip Ün (create)
Zühtü Öner (create)
İsmail Hakkı Bey (edit)
İsmet Yılmaztoprak (create)
Şevket Bey (create)


Complete report...

Generated: Wed, 01 May 2024 03:25:11 UTC. Duration: 0 seconds.

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