Template linking and transclusion check

Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Şablon:Macaristan maliye bakanları (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 1
Sándor Simonyi-Semadam (edit)

Total: 58
1848 Macar Devrimi (edit)
Avusturya-Macaristan İmparatorluğu (edit)
Béla Imrédy (edit)
Béla Székely (create)
Csaba László (politician) (create)
Dünya Savaşları arasında Macaristan (create)
Ernő Gerő (create)
Eugen Varga (create)
Ferenc Duschek (create)
Ferenc Gordon (create)
Ferenc Hegedűs (create)
Ferenc Miákits (create)
Ferenc Rabár (create)
Frigyes Korányi (create)
Gusztáv Gratz (create)
Gyula Lengyel (create)
Gyula Szapáry (edit)
Imre Oltványi (create)
István Antos (create)
István Hetényi (create)
István Kossa (create)
István Vásáry (create)
Iván Szabó (create)
Jenő Rácz (create)
János Bud (create)
János Grünn (create)
János Teleszky (create)
János Veres (create)
József Szlávy (edit)
Kálmán Ghyczy (create)
Károly Kerkapoly (create)
Károly Olt (create)
Lajos Batthyány (edit)
Lajos Bokros (create)
Lajos Faluvégi (create)
Lajos Hegyeshalmi (create)
Lajos Reményi-Schneller (create)
Lajos Walko (create)
László Békesi (create)
Lóránt Hegedüs (create)
Macaristan (edit)
Macaristan Halk Cumhuriyeti (edit)
Macaristan maliye bakanları listesi (create)
Menyhért Lónyay (edit)
Mihály Kupa (create)
Mihály Varga (create)
Miklós Nyárádi (create)
Miklós Villányi (create)
Mátyás Tímár (create)
Pál Szende (create)
Péter Oszkó (create)
Péter Vályi (create)
Sándor Popovics (edit)
Sándor Wekerle Jr. (create)
Tibor Draskovics (create)
Tibor Kállay (create)
Tihamér Fabinyi (create)
Zsigmond Járai (create)


Complete report...

Generated: Fri, 17 May 2024 23:45:30 UTC. Duration: 1 second.

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