Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Şablon:Mutki kaymakamları (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 1
Ali Rıza Ulusman (edit)

Total: 29
Adnan Çimen (create)
Ahmet Sarıcan (create)
Ali Nazım Balcıoğlu (create)
Cahit Işık (create)
Cevdet Kuran (create)
Dinçel Baykul (create)
Erdoğan Aygeç (create)
Faruk Ekiz (create)
Fatih Ahmet Kurt (create)
Ferhat Peşin (create)
Gürkan Demirkale (create)
Hacı Uzkuç (create)
Kaymakam (edit)
M. H. Nail Anlar (create)
Mehmet Kılıç (bürokrat) (create)
Mehmet Kıran (create)
Muhammed Serkan Şahin (create)
Musa Sarı (create)
Mutki (edit)
Oğuzhan Bulut (create)
Tuncay Topsakaloğlu (create)
Yalçın Bakkal (create)
Yunus Yaralı (create)
Yusuf Suntay (create)
Yüksel Peker (create)
Zeki Karaca (create)
Özgen Gökalp (create)
İsmail Akçabay (create)
Şinasi Demirbaş (create)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 3
Nusret Miroğlu (edit)
Alpaslan Karacan (edit)
Ali Rıza Ulusman (edit)

Total: 31
Adnan Çimen (create)
Ahmet Sarıcan (create)
Ali Nazım Balcıoğlu (create)
Alpaslan Karacan (edit)
Cahit Işık (create)
Cevdet Kuran (create)
Dinçel Baykul (create)
Erdoğan Aygeç (create)
Faruk Ekiz (create)
Fatih Ahmet Kurt (create)
Ferhat Peşin (create)
Gürkan Demirkale (create)
Hacı Uzkuç (create)
Kaymakam (edit)
M. H. Nail Anlar (create)
Mehmet Kılıç (bürokrat) (create)
Mehmet Kıran (create)
Muhammed Serkan Şahin (create)
Musa Sarı (create)
Mutki (edit)
Nusret Miroğlu (edit)
Oğuzhan Bulut (create)
Tuncay Topsakaloğlu (create)
Yalçın Bakkal (create)
Yunus Yaralı (create)
Yusuf Suntay (create)
Yüksel Peker (create)
Zeki Karaca (create)
Özgen Gökalp (create)
İsmail Akçabay (create)
Şinasi Demirbaş (create)

Generated: Thu, 09 May 2024 10:52:41 UTC. Duration: 1 second.

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