
Author Number of edits Total length
Selso 8 42 172
Botanik 2 16 476
Pani w zielonej sukni 2 1 783
ZneryS 1 8 840
MBi 1 7 333
KamikazeBot 1 6 525
PG 1 6 199
Kenraiz 1 3 948
MatmaBot 1 3 483
Nova 1 3 464
Michau Sm 1 2 814 1 1 533
Slaweks 1 1 531
WarXboT 1 1 011
Ark 1 995

Note! The edits that were marked as minor were not taken into account.

Authors list: Selso, Botanik, Pani w zielonej sukni, ZneryS, MBi, KamikazeBot, PG, Kenraiz, MatmaBot, Nova, Michau Sm,, Slaweks, WarXboT, Ark.