
Author Number of edits Total length
Selso 2 5 008
ShadowPossum 1 3 581
PMG 1 3 512
Kenraiz 1 3 508
Archaeodontosaurus 1 3 501
KamikazeBot 1 3 117
Sławek Borewicz 1 2 747
Raz1el 1 2 032
Basik07 1 2 017
Goldmen 1 1 156

Note! The edits that were marked as minor were not taken into account.

Authors list: Selso, ShadowPossum, PMG, Kenraiz, Archaeodontosaurus, KamikazeBot, Sławek Borewicz, Raz1el, Basik07, Goldmen.