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Priorities: all - high - middle - low

This table will update every 15 minutes.

low162Template contains useless word template1
high1059Tag with incorrect syntax2
high66865Reference list missing3
middle2HTML text style element <a>4
high31Comment tag with no correct end5
low204DEFAULTSORT with special characters6
middle331Headlines start with three "="7
high49Headline should end with "="8
low3Multiple categories on one line9
high639Square brackets with no correct end10
offHTML named entities11
low266HTML list elements12
high13Math tag without correct end13
highSource tag without correct end14
high2Code tag without correct end15
low3525Unicode control characters16
low1070Category duplication17
offCategory first letter small18
high259Heading starts with one "="19
low152Symbol for dead20
offCategory is english21
offCategory with space22
high2Nowiki tag without correct end23
high2Pre tag without correct end24
middle691Headline hierarchy25
low28HTML text style element <b> (bold)26
offUnicode syntax27
high118Table without correct end28
high16Gallery tag without correct end29
low331HTML table element31
high213Double pipe in one link32
offHTML text style element <u> (underline)33
high412Template programming element34
low1Redirect with incorrect syntax36
low59DEFAULTSORT missing for titles with special letters37
low25HTML text style element <i> (italics)38
low40HTML text style element <p>39
low240HTML text style element <font>40
offHTML text style element <big>41
low2HTML text style element <strike>42
high185Template without correct end43
low248Heading with bold44
low1Interwiki duplication45
high1046Square brackets without correct beginning46
high264Template without correct beginning47
low1335Title linked in text48
high11Heading with HTML49
offen dash or em dash50
low3Interwiki before last headline51
low137Category before last headline52
low29Interwiki before last category53
low241Break in list54
low33HTML text style element <small> (small text) double55
offArrow as ASCII art56
low837Heading ends with a colon57
middle74Heading all CAPS58
low582Template value ends with break59
high36Template parameter with problem60
low12350Reference before punctuation61
high28URL without http://62
low72HTML text style element <small> (small text) in ref, sub or sup63
low5613Link equal to linktext64
low23Image description ends with break65
lowImage description with full <small>66
offReference after punctuation67
offLink to other language68
middle231ISBN with incorrect syntax69
middle4765ISBN with wrong length70
middle3ISBN with wrong position of X71
middle56ISBN-10 with wrong checksum72
middle75ISBN-13 with wrong checksum73
high15Link without target74
offIndented list75
middle24Link with encoded space76
offImage description with partial <small>77
middle14Reference list duplication78
high125External link with a line break80
low474Reference duplication81
offLink to other wikiproject82
middle1214Heading start with three "=" and later with level two83
offSection without content84
low300Tags without content85
high146External link with two brackets86
offHTML named entities without semicolon87
low47DEFAULTSORT with a blank space at first position88
low113DEFAULTSORT without space after the comma89
middle207Internal link written as an external link90
middle616Interwiki link written as an external link91
offHeading double92
middle17External link with double http://93
high260Reference tags without correct match94
low4Editors signature or link to User space95
middle1Table of Contents after first heading96
middle46TOC has material after it and before the first heading97
high48Subscript tag without correct end98
high207Superscript tag without correct end99
low124List tag (<ol>, <ul> or <li>) with no correct match.100
low26Ordinal number found inside <sup> tags101
middle17PMID with incorrect syntax102
middle13Pipe magicword inside wikilink103
middle88Unbalanced quotes in ref name104
high37Heading should begin with "="105
middle38ISSN with incorrect syntax106
middle28ISSN with wrong length107
middle10ISSN with wrong checksum108
high77Include tag error109
offFound an include tag110
offRef after last reflist111
low22Bad or deprecated css attribute112
lowLine break or
error in wikilink

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