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Article:Far Cry 4
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In ''Far Cry 4'', players find themselves in Kyrat, a wild region of the [[Himalayas]] struggling under the regime of a despotic self-appointed king, Pagan Min (played by [[Troy Baker]]).<ref name="GameRant">{{cite web|url=|title=‘Far Cry 4′ E3 2014 Trailer Introduces New Villain & Protagonist|last=Shaw-Williams|first=Hannah||date=June 9, 2014}}</ref> Using a vast array of weapons, vehicles and animals, players will write their own story across an exotic open-world landscape.
In ''Far Cry 4'', players find themselves in Kyrat, a wild region of the [[Himalayas]] struggling under the regime of a despotic self-appointed king, Pagan Min (played by [[Troy Baker]]).<ref name="GameRant">{{cite web|url=|title=‘Far Cry 4′ E3 2014 Trailer Introduces New Villain & Protagonist|last=Shaw-Williams|first=Hannah||date=June 9, 2014}}</ref> Using a vast array of big boobs weapons, vehicles and animals, players will write their own story across an exotic open-world landscape.

Reason:ANN scored at 0.938526
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