Earwig's Copyvio Detector


This tool attempts to detect copyright violations in articles. In search mode, it will check for similar content elsewhere on the web using Google, external links present in the text of the page, or Turnitin (via EranBot), depending on which options are selected. In comparison mode, the tool will compare the article to a specific webpage without making additional searches, like the Duplication Detector.

Running a full check can take up to a minute if other websites are slow or if the tool is under heavy use. Please be patient. If you get a timeout, wait a moment and refresh the page.

Be aware that other websites can copy from Wikipedia, so check the results carefully, especially for older or well-developed articles. Specific websites can be skipped by adding them to the excluded URL list.

Site: https:// . .org
Page title: or revision ID:
Results generated in 6.898 seconds using 3 queries. Permalink.

ДегӀаста, Нохчийчоь, Къилба ХӀирийчоь, кхин а.

ГӀумкийн мотт, хаьалха олуш хила Базаран мотт (шен цӀе къумукъ тил) — ГӀумкийн къоман мотт. Баьржина бу ДегӀастахь а, Нохчийчохь (БоргӀане, Бамт-Эвла) а, Къилбаседа ХӀирийчоьнан Мазалкан кӀоштехь а. Иза кыпчагийн тобан туркойн меттанийн йукъа богӀу.

Билгалдахарш Категори:Туьркийн меттанаш Категори:Российн меттанаш
