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Ethnicities (journal)the academic journal

Before the 1970s, the Korowai people ofPapua were an uncontacted people. Their population numbers no more than 3,000.

An ethnic group or ethnicity is a category of people who identify with each other based on common language, ancestral, social, cultural, or national experiences. Unlike most other social groups, ethnicity is primarily an inherited status. Membership of an ethnic group tends to be defined by a shared cultural heritage, ancestry, origin myth, history, homeland, language or dialect, symbolic systems such as religion, mythology and ritual, cuisine, dressing style, art, and physical appearance.

Ethnic groups, derived from the same historical founder population, often continue to speak related languages and share a similar gene pool,
and may be grouped as ethno-linguistic groups (e.g. Iranian peoples, Slavic peoples, Bantu peoples, Turkic peoples, Austronesian peoples, Nilotic peoples, etc.) By way of language shift, acculturation, adoption and religious conversion, it is possible for some individuals or groups to leave one ethnic group and become part of another (except for ethnic groups emphasizing racial purity as a key membership criterion).

Ethnicity is often used synonymously with ambiguous terms such as nation or people.
In English, it can also have the connotation of something exotic (cf. "White ethnic", "ethnic restaurant", etc.).

Depending on which source of group identity is emphasized to define membership, the following types of (often mutually overlapping) groups can be identified:

Ethno-linguistic, emphasizing shared language, dialect or script — example: Basques

Ethno-national, emphasizing a shared polity or sense of national identity — example: Danes

Ethno-racial, emphasizing shared physical appearance based on genetic origins — example: Afro-Brazilians

Ethno-regional, emphasizing a distinct local sense of belonging stemming from relative geographic isolation — example: South Islanders

Ethno-religious, emphasizing shared affiliation with a particular religion, denomination or sect — example: Sikhs

In many cases – for instance, the sense of Jewish peoplehood – more than one aspect determines membership.

The largest ethnic groups in modern times comprise hundreds of millions of individuals (Han Chinese being the largest), while the smallest are limited to a few dozen individuals (numerous indigenous peoples worldwide). Larger ethnic groups may be subdivided into smaller sub-groups known variously as tribes or clans, which over time may become separate ethnic groups themselves due to endogamy or physical isolation from the parent group. Conversely, formerly separate ethnicities can merge to form a pan-ethnicity, and may eventually merge into one single ethnicity. Whether through division or amalgamation, the formation of a separate ethnic identity is referred to as ethnogenesis.


The term ethnic is derived from the Greek word ἔθνος ethnos (more precisely, from the adjective ἐθνικός ethnikos, which was loaned into Latin as ethnicus). The inherited English language term for this concept is folk, used alongside the latinate people since the late Middle English period.

In Early Modern English and until the mid-19th century, ethnic was used to mean heathen or pagan (in the sense of disparate "nations" which did not yet participate in the Christian oikumene), as the Septuagint used ta ethne ("the nations") to translate the Hebrew goyim "the nations, non-Hebrews, non-Jews". The Greek term in early antiquity (Homeric Greek) could refer to any large group, a host of men, a band of comrades as well as a swarm or flock of animals. In Classical Greek, the term took on a meaning comparable to the concept now expressed by "ethnic group", mostly translated as "nation, people"; only in Hellenistic Greek did the term tend to become further narrowed to refer to "foreign" or "barbarous" nations in particular (whence the later meaning "heathen, pagan").

In the 19th century, the term came to be used in the sense of "peculiar to a race, people or nation", in a return to the original Greek meaning. The sense of "different cultural groups", and in US English "racial, cultural or national minority group" arises in the 1930s to 1940s,<ref>Oxford English Dictionary Second edition, online version as of 2008-01-12, "ethnic, a. and n.". Cites Sir Daniel Wilson, The archæology and prehistoric annals of Scotland 1851' (1863) and Huxley & Haddon (1935), We Europeans, pp. 136,181</ref> serving as a replacement of the term race which had earlier taken this sense but was now becoming deprecated due to its association with ideological racism.

The abstract ethnicity had been used for "paganism" in the 18th century, but now came to express the meaning of an "ethnic character" (first recorded 1953).

The term ethnic group was first recorded in 1935 and entered the Oxford English Dictionary in 1972. Depending on the context that is used, the term nationality may either be used synonymously with ethnicity, or synonymously with citizenship (in a sovereign state). The process that results in the emergence of an ethnicity is called ethnogenesis, a term in use in ethnological literature since about 1950.

Definitions and conceptual history

Ethnography begins in classical antiquity; after early authors like Anaximander and Hecataeus of Miletus, Herodotus in ca. 480 BC laid the foundation of both historiography and ethnography of the ancient world. The Greeks at this time did not describe foreign nations but had also developed a concept of their own "ethnicity", which they grouped under the name of Hellenes. Herodotus (8.144.2) gave a famous account of what defined Greek (Hellenic) ethnic identity in his day, enumerating

shared descent (ὅμαιμον - homaimon, "of the same blood"),

shared language (ὁμόγλωσσον - homoglōsson, "speaking the same language")

shared sanctuaries and sacrifices (Greek: θεῶν ἱδρύματά τε κοινὰ καὶ θυσίαι - theōn hidrumata te koina kai thusiai)

shared customs (Greek: ἤθεα ὁμότροπα - ēthea homotropa, "customs of like fashion").

Whether ethnicity qualifies as a cultural universal is to some extent dependent on the exact definition used. According to "Challenges of Measuring an Ethnic World: Science, politics, and reality", "Ethnicity is a fundamental factor in human life: it is a phenomenon inherent in human experience."

Many social scientists, such as anthropologists Fredrik Barth and Eric Wolf, do not consider ethnic identity to be universal. They regard ethnicity as a product of specific kinds of inter-group interactions, rather than an essential quality inherent to human groups.

According to Thomas Hylland Eriksen, the study of ethnicity was dominated by two distinct debates until recently.

One is between "primordialism" and "instrumentalism". In the primordialist view, the participant perceives ethnic ties collectively, as an externally given, even coercive, social bond. The instrumentalist approach, on the other hand, treats ethnicity primarily as an ad-hoc element of a political strategy, used as a resource for interest groups for achieving secondary goals such as, for instance, an increase in wealth, power, or status. This debate is still an important point of reference in Political science, although most scholars' approaches fall between the two poles.

The second debate is between "constructivism" and "essentialism". Constructivists view national and ethnic identities as the product of historical forces, often recent, even when the identities are presented as old. Essentialists view such identities as ontological categories defining social actors, and not the result of social action.

According to Eriksen, these debates have been superseded, especially in anthropology, by scholars' attempts to respond to increasingly politicised forms of self-representation by members of different ethnic groups and nations. This is in the context of debates over multiculturalism in countries, such as the United States and Canada, which have large immigrant populations from many different cultures, and post-colonialism in the Caribbean and South Asia.

Max Weber maintained that ethnic groups were künstlich (artificial, i.e. a social construct) because they were based on a subjective belief in shared Gemeinschaft (community). Secondly, this belief in shared Gemeinschaft did not create the group; the group created the belief. Third, group formation resulted from the drive to monopolise power and status. This was contrary to the prevailing naturalist belief of the time, which held that socio-cultural and behavioral differences between peoples stemmed from inherited traits and tendencies derived from common descent, then called "race".

Another influential theoretician of ethnicity was Fredrik Barth, whose "Ethnic Groups and Boundaries" from 1969 has been described as instrumental in spreading the usage of the term in social studies in the 1980s and 1990s. Barth went further than Weber in stressing the constructed nature of ethnicity. To Barth, ethnicity was perpetually negotiated and renegotiated by both external ascription and internal self-identification. Barth's view is that ethnic groups are not discontinuous cultural isolates, or logical a prioris to which people naturally belong. He wanted to part with anthropological notions of cultures as bounded entities, and ethnicity as primordialist bonds, replacing it with a focus on the interface between groups. "Ethnic Groups and Boundaries", therefore, is a focus on the interconnectedness of ethnic identities. Barth writes: "... categorical ethnic distinctions do not depend on an absence of mobility, contact and information, but do entail social processes of exclusion and incorporation whereby discrete categories are maintained despite changing participation and membership in the course of individual life histories."

In 1978, anthropologist Ronald Cohen claimed that the identification of "ethnic groups" in the usage of social scientists often reflected inaccurate labels more than indigenous realities:

... the named ethnic identities we accept, often unthinkingly, as basic givens in the literature are often arbitrarily, or even worse inaccurately, imposed.

In this way, he pointed to the fact that identification of an ethnic group by outsiders, e.g. anthropologists, may not coincide with the self-identification of the members of that group. He also described that in the first decades of usage, the term ethnicity had often been used in lieu of older terms such as "cultural" or "tribal" when referring to smaller groups with shared cultural systems and shared heritage, but that "ethnicity" had the added value of being able to describe the commonalities between systems of group identity in both tribal and modern societies. Cohen also suggested that claims concerning "ethnic" identity (like earlier claims concerning "tribal" identity) are often colonialist practices and effects of the relations between colonized peoples and nation-states.

According to Paul James, formations of identity were often changed and distorted by colonization, but identities are not made out of nothing:

[C]ategorizations about identity, even when codified and hardened into clear typologies by processes of colonization, state formation or general modernizing processes, are always full of tensions and contradictions. Sometimes these contradictions are destructive, but they can also be creative and positive.

Social scientists have thus focused on how, when, and why different markers of ethnic identity become salient. Thus, anthropologist Joan Vincent observed that ethnic boundaries often have a mercurial character. Ronald Cohen concluded that ethnicity is "a series of nesting dichotomizations of inclusiveness and exclusiveness". He agrees with Joan Vincent's observation that (in Cohen's paraphrase) "Ethnicity ... can be narrowed or broadened in boundary terms in relation to the specific needs of political mobilization. This may be why descent is sometimes a marker of ethnicity, and sometimes not: which diacritic of ethnicity is salient depends on whether people are scaling ethnic boundaries up or down, and whether they are scaling them up or down depends generally on the political situation.

Approaches to understanding ethnicity

Different approaches to understanding ethnicity have been used by different social scientists when trying to understand the nature of ethnicity as a factor in human life and society. Examples of such approaches are: primordialism, essentialism, perennialism, constructivism, modernism and instrumentalism.

"Primordialism", holds that ethnicity has existed at all times of human history and that modern ethnic groups have historical continuity into the far past. For them, the idea of ethnicity is closely linked to the idea of nations and is rooted in the pre-Weber understanding of humanity as being divided into primordially existing groups rooted by kinship and biological heritage.

"Essentialist primordialism" further holds that ethnicity is an a priori fact of human existence, that ethnicity precedes any human social interaction and that it is basically unchanged by it. This theory sees ethnic groups as natural, not just as historical. It also has problems dealing with the consequences of intermarriage, migration and colonization for the composition of modern day multi-ethnic societies.

"Kinship primordialism" holds that ethnic communities are extensions of kinship units, basically being derived by kinship or clan ties where the choices of cultural signs (language, religion, traditions) are made exactly to show this biological affinity. In this way, the myths of common biological ancestry that are a defining feature of ethnic communities are to be understood as representing actual biological history. A problem with this view on ethnicity is that it is more often than not the case that mythic origins of specific ethnic groups directly contradict the known biological history of an ethnic community.

"Geertz's primordialism", notably espoused by anthropologist Clifford Geertz, argues that humans in general attribute an overwhelming power to primordial human "givens" such as blood ties, language, territory, and cultural differences. In Geertz' opinion, ethnicity is not in itself primordial but humans perceive it as such because it is embedded in their experience of the world.

"Perennialism", an approach that is primarily concerned with nationhood but tends to see nations and ethnic communities as basically the same phenomenon, holds that the nation, as a type of social and political organisation, is of an immemorial or "perennial" character. Smith (1999) distinguishes two variants: "continuous perennialism", which claims that particular nations have existed for very long spans of time, and "recurrent perennialism", which focuses on the emergence, dissolution and reappearance of nations as a recurring aspect of human history.

"Perpetual perennialism" holds that specific ethnic groups have existed continuously throughout history.

"Situational perennialism" holds that nations and ethnic groups emerge, change and vanish through the course of history. This view holds that the concept of ethnicity is basically a tool used by political groups to manipulate resources such as wealth, power, territory or status in their particular groups' interests. Accordingly, ethnicity emerges when it is relevant as means of furthering emergent collective interests and changes according to political changes in the society. Examples of a perennialist interpretation of ethnicity are also found in Barth, and Seidner who see ethnicity as ever-changing boundaries between groups of people established through ongoing social negotiation and interaction.

"Instrumentalist perennialism", while seeing ethnicity primarily as a versatile tool that identified different ethnics groups and limits through time, explains ethnicity as a mechanism of social stratification, meaning that ethnicity is the basis for a hierarchical arrangement of individuals. According to Donald Noel, a sociologist who developed a theory on the origin of ethnic stratification, ethnic stratification is a "system of stratification wherein some relatively fixed group membership (e.g., race, religion, or nationality) is utilized as a major criterion for assigning social positions". Ethnic stratification is one of many different types of social stratification, including stratification based on socio-economic status, race, or gender. According to Donald Noel, ethnic stratification will emerge only when specific ethnic groups are brought into contact with one another, and only when those groups are characterized by a high degree of ethnocentrism, competition, and differential power. Ethnocentrism is the tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one's own culture, and to downgrade all other groups outside one's own culture. Some sociologists, such as Lawrence Bobo and Vincent Hutchings, say the origin of ethnic stratification lies in individual dispositions of ethnic prejudice, which relates to the theory of ethnocentrism. Continuing with Noel's theory, some degree of differential power must be present for the emergence of ethnic stratification. In other words, an inequality of power among ethnic groups means "they are of such unequal power that one is able to impose its will upon another". In addition to differential power, a degree of competition structured along ethnic lines is a prerequisite to ethnic stratification as well. The different ethnic groups must be competing for some common goal, such as power or influence, or a material interest, such as wealth or territory. Lawrence Bobo and Vincent Hutchings propose that competition is driven by self-interest and hostility, and results in inevitable stratification and conflict.

"Constructivism" sees both primordialist and perennialist views as basically flawed, and rejects the notion of ethnicity as a basic human condition. It holds that ethnic groups are only products of human social interaction, maintained only in so far as they are maintained as valid social constructs in societies.

"Modernist constructivism" correlates the emergence of ethnicity with the movement towards nation states beginning in the early modern period. Proponents of this theory, such as Eric Hobsbawm, argue that ethnicity and notions of ethnic pride, such as nationalism, are purely modern inventions, appearing only in the modern period of world history. They hold that prior to this, ethnic homogeneity was not considered an ideal or necessary factor in the forging of large-scale societies.

Ethnicity is an important means by which people may identify with a larger group. Many social scientists, such as anthropologists Fredrik Barth and Eric Wolf, do not consider ethnic identity to be universal. They regard ethnicity as a product of specific kinds of inter-group interactions, rather than an essential quality inherent to human groups.

Processes that result in the emergence of such identification are called ethnogenesis. Members of an ethnic group, on the whole, claim cultural continuities over time, although historians and cultural anthropologists have documented that many of the values, practices, and norms that imply continuity with the past are of relatively recent invention.

Ethnic groups differ from other social groups, such as subcultures, interest groups or social classes, because they emerge and change over historical periods (centuries) in a process known as ethnogenesis, a period of several generations of endogamy resulting in common ancestry (which is then sometimes cast in terms of a mythological narrative of a founding figure); ethnic identity is reinforced by reference to "boundary markers" - characteristics said to be unique to the group which set it apart from other groups.

Ethnicity and nationality

In some cases, especially involving transnational migration, or colonial expansion, ethnicity is linked to nationality. Anthropologists and historians, following the modernist understanding of ethnicity as proposed by Ernest Gellner and Benedict Anderson see nations and nationalism as developing with the rise of the modern state system in the 17th century. They culminated in the rise of "nation-states" in which the presumptive boundaries of the nation coincided (or ideally coincided) with state boundaries.

Thus, in the West, the notion of ethnicity, like race and nation, developed in the context of European colonial expansion, when mercantilism and capitalism were promoting global movements of populations at the same time that state boundaries were being more clearly and rigidly defined.

In the 19th century, modern states generally sought legitimacy through their claim to represent "nations." Nation-states, however, invariably include populations that have been excluded from national life for one reason or another. Members of excluded groups, consequently, will either demand inclusion on the basis of equality, or seek autonomy, sometimes even to the extent of complete political separation in their own nation-state. Under these conditions—when people moved from one state to another, or one state conquered or colonized peoples beyond its national boundaries—ethnic groups were formed by people who identified with one nation, but lived in another state.

Multi-ethnic states can be the result of two opposite events, either the recent creation of state borders at variance with traditional tribal territories, or the recent immigration of ethnic minorities into a former nation state.

Examples for the first case are found throughout Africa, where countries created during decolonisation inherited arbitrary colonial borders, but also in European countries such as Belgium or United Kingdom. Examples for the second case are countries such as Germany or the Netherlands, which were ethnically homogeneous when they attained statehood but have received significant immigration during the second half of the 20th century. States such as the United Kingdom, France and Switzerland comprised distinct ethnic groups from their formation and have likewise experienced substantial immigration, resulting in what has been termed "multicultural" societies especially in large cities.

The states of the New World were multi-ethnic from the onset, as they were formed as colonies imposed on existing indigenous populations.

In recent decades feminist scholars (most notably Nira Yuval-Davis), have drawn attention to the fundamental ways in which women participate in the creation and reproduction of ethnic and national categories. Though these categories are usually discussed as belonging to the public, political sphere, they are upheld within the private, family sphere to a great extent. It is here that women act not just as biological reproducers but also as 'cultural carriers', transmitting knowledge and enforcing behaviours that belong to a specific collectivity. Women also often play a significant symbolic role in conceptions of nation or ethnicity, for example in the notion that 'women and children' constitute the kernel of a nation which must be defended in times of conflict, or in iconic figures such as Britannia or Marianne.

Ethnicity and race

The distinction between race and ethnicity is considered highly problematic. Ethnicity is often assumed to be the cultural identity of a group, often based on language and tradition, while race is assumed to be a biological classification, based on DNA and bone structure. Race is a more controversial subject than ethnicity, due to its common political use. It is assumed that, based on power relations, there exist 'racialized ethnicities' and 'ethnicized races'. Ramón Grosfoguel (University of California, Berkeley) argues that 'racial/ethnic identity' is one concept and that concepts of race and ethnicity cannot be used as separate and autonomous categories.

Before Weber, race and ethnicity were often seen as two aspects of the same thing. Around 1900 and before, the essentialist primordialist understanding of ethnicity was predominant: cultural differences between peoples were seen as being the result of inherited traits and tendencies. This was the time when "sciences" such as phrenology claimed to be able to correlate cultural and behavioral traits of different populations with their outward physical characteristics, such as the shape of the skull. With Weber's introduction of ethnicity as a social construct, race and ethnicity were divided from each other. A social belief in biologically well-defined races lingered on.

In 1950, the UNESCO statement, "The Race Question", signed by some of the internationally renowned scholars of the time (including Ashley Montagu, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Gunnar Myrdal, Julian Huxley, etc.), suggested that: "National, religious, geographic, linguistic and cultural groups do not necessarily coincide with racial groups: and the cultural traits of such groups have no demonstrated genetic connection with racial traits. Because serious errors of this kind are habitually committed when the term 'race' is used in popular parlance, it would be better when speaking of human races to drop the term 'race' altogether and speak of 'ethnic groups'."

In 1982 anthropologist David Craig Griffith summed up forty years of ethnographic research, arguing that racial and ethnic categories are symbolic markers for different ways that people from different parts of the world have been incorporated into a global economy:

The opposing interests that divide the working classes are further reinforced through appeals to "racial" and "ethnic" distinctions. Such appeals serve to allocate different categories of workers to rungs on the scale of labor markets, relegating stigmatized populations to the lower levels and insulating the higher echelons from competition from below. Capitalism did not create all the distinctions of ethnicity and race that function to set off categories of workers from one another. It is, nevertheless, the process of labor mobilization under capitalism that imparts to these distinctions their effective values.

According to Wolf, races were constructed and incorporated during the period of European mercantile expansion, and ethnic groups during the period of capitalist expansion.

Writing about the usage of the term "ethnic" in the ordinary language of Great Britain and the United States, in 1977 Wallman noted that

The term 'ethnic' popularly connotes '[race]' in Britain, only less precisely, and with a lighter value load. In North America, by contrast, '[race]' most commonly means color, and 'ethnics' are the descendants of relatively recent immigrants from non-English-speaking countries. '[Ethnic]' is not a noun in Britain. In effect there are no 'ethnics'; there are only 'ethnic relations'.

In the U.S., the OMB defines the concept of race as outlined for the US Census as not "scientific or anthropological" and takes into account "social and cultural characteristics as well as ancestry", using "appropriate scientific methodologies" that are not "primarily biological or genetic in reference."

Ethno-national conflict

Sometimes ethnic groups are subject to prejudicial attitudes and actions by the state or its constituents. In the 20th century, people began to argue that conflicts among ethnic groups or between members of an ethnic group and the state can and should be resolved in one of two ways. Some, like Jürgen Habermas and Bruce Barry, have argued that the legitimacy of modern states must be based on a notion of political rights of autonomous individual subjects. According to this view, the state should not acknowledge ethnic, national or racial identity but rather instead enforce political and legal equality of all individuals. Others, like Charles Taylor and Will Kymlicka, argue that the notion of the autonomous individual is itself a cultural construct. According to this view, states must recognize ethnic identity and develop processes through which the particular needs of ethnic groups can be accommodated within the boundaries of the nation-state.

The 19th century saw the development of the political ideology of ethnic nationalism, when the concept of race was tied to nationalism, first by German theorists including Johann Gottfried von Herder. Instances of societies focusing on ethnic ties, arguably to the exclusion of history or historical context, have resulted in the justification of nationalist goals. Two periods frequently cited as examples of this are the 19th century consolidation and expansion of the German Empire and the 20th century Nazi Germany. Each promoted the pan-ethnic idea that these governments were only acquiring lands that had always been inhabited by ethnic Germans. The history of late-comers to the nation-state model, such as those arising in the Near East and south-eastern Europe out of the dissolution of the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires, as well as those arising out of the former USSR, is marked by inter-ethnic conflicts. Such conflicts usually occur within multi-ethnic states, as opposed to between them, as in other regions of the world. Thus, the conflicts are often misleadingly labelled and characterized as civil wars when they are inter-ethnic conflicts in a multi-ethnic state.

Ethnic groups by continent


Ethnic groups in Africa number in the hundreds, each generally having its own language (or dialect of a language) and culture.

Many ethnic groups and nations of Africa qualify, although some groups are of a size larger than a tribal society. These mostly originate with the Sahelian kingdoms of the medieval period, such as that of the Ashanti, deriving from Bonoman (11th century) then the Empire of Ashanti (17th century) and Ashanti City-State (21st century).


There is an abundance of ethnic groups throughout Asia, with adaptations to the climate zones of Asia, which can be Arctic, subarctic, temperate, subtropical or tropical. The ethnic groups have adapted to mountains, deserts, grasslands, and forests.

On the coasts of Asia, the ethnic groups have adopted various methods of harvest and transport. Some groups are primarily hunter-gatherers, some practice transhumance (nomadic lifestyle), others have been agrarian/rural for millennia and others becoming industrial/urban. Some groups/countries of Asia are completely urban (Hong Kong and Singapore). The colonization of Asia was largely ended in the 20th century, with national drives for independence and self-determination across the continent.


Europe has a large number of ethnic groups; Pan and Pfeil (2004) count 87 distinct "peoples of Europe", of which 33 form the majority population in at least one sovereign state, while the remaining 54 constitute ethnic minorities within every state they inhabit (although they may form local regional majorities within a sub-national entity). The total number of national minority populations in Europe is estimated at 105 million people, or 14% of 770 million Europeans.

A number of European countries, including France, and Switzerland do not collect information on the ethnicity of their resident population.

Russia has over 185 recognized ethnic groups besides the 80% ethnic Russian majority. The largest group are the Tatars 3.8%.

Many of the smaller groups are found in the Asian part of Russia (see Indigenous peoples of Siberia).

The most distinctive ethnic group in Europe is the Roma, pejoratively known as Gypsies. They originated from India and speak the Romani language.

North America South America See also Ancestry Clan Diaspora Ethnic autonomous regions Ethnic cleansing Ethnic flag Ethnic nationalism Ethnic penalty Ethnicity and health Ethnocentrism Ethnocultural empathy Ethnogenesis Ethnocide Genealogy Genetic genealogy

Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP)

Identity politics Ingroups and outgroups Intersectionality Kinship and Descent

List of ethnic groups

List of indigenous peoples

List of modern ethnic groups

List of stateless ethnic groups

Meta-ethnicity Minority group Multiculturalism Nation National symbol Passing (ethnic group) Polyethnicity Population genetics

Race (classification of human beings)

Race and ethnicity in censuses

Race and ethnicity in the United States Census

Stateless nation Transethnic Tribe

Y-chromosome haplogroups by populations

References Further reading

Abizadeh, Arash, "Ethnicity, Race, and a Possible Humanity" World Order, 33.1 (2001): 23-34. (Article that explores the social construction of ethnicity and race.)

Barth, Fredrik (ed). Ethnic groups and boundaries. The social organization of culture difference, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1969

Beard, David and Kenneth Gloag. 2005. Musicology, The Key Concepts. London and New York: Routledge.

Billinger, Michael S. (2007), "Another Look at Ethnicity as a Biological Concept: Moving Anthropology Beyond the Race Concept", Critique of Anthropology 27,1:5–35.

Craig, Gary, et al., eds. Understanding 'race'and ethnicity: theory, history, policy, practice (Policy Press, 2012)

Danver, Steven L. Native Peoples of the World: An Encylopedia of Groups, Cultures and Contemporary Issues (2012)

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (1993) Ethnicity and Nationalism: Anthropological Perspectives, London: Pluto Press

Eysenck, H.J., Race, Education and Intelligence (London: Temple Smith, 1971) (ISBN 0-85117-009-9)

Hartmann, Douglas. "Notes on Midnight Basketball and the Cultural Politics of Recreation, Race and At-Risk Urban Youth", Journal of Sport and Social Issues. 25 (2001): 339-366.

Hasmath, R. ed. 2011. Managing Ethnic Diversity: Meanings and Practices from an International Perspective. Burlington, VT and Surrey, UK: Ashgate.

Healey, Joseph F., and Eileen O'Brien. Race, ethnicity, gender, and class: The sociology of group conflict and change (Sage Publications, 2014)

Hobsbawm, Eric, and Terence Ranger, editors, The Invention of Tradition. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983).

Kappeler, Andreas. The Russian empire: A multi-ethnic history (Routledge, 2014)

Levinson, David, Ethnic Groups Worldwide: A Ready Reference Handbook, Greenwood Publishing Group (1998), ISBN 978-1-57356-019-1.

Magocsi, Paul Robert, ed. Encyclopedia of Canada's Peoples (1999)

Merriam, A.P. 1959. "African Music", in R. Bascom and, M. J. Herskovits (eds), Continuity and Change in African Cultures, Chicago, University of Chicago Press.

Morales-Díaz, Enrique; Gabriel Aquino; & Michael Sletcher, "Ethnicity", in Michael Sletcher, ed., New England, (Westport, CT, 2004).

Omi, Michael and Howard Winant. Racial Formation in the United States from the 1960s to the 1980s. (New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Inc., 1986).

Seeger, A. 1987. Why Suyá Sing: A Musical Anthropology of an Amazonian People, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Seidner, Stanley S. Ethnicity, Language, and Power from a Psycholinguistic Perspective. (Bruxelles: Centre de recherche sur le pluralinguisme1982).

Sider, Gerald, Lumbee Indian Histories (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).

Smith, Anthony D. (1998). Nationalism and modernism. A Critical Survey of Recent Theories of Nations and Nationalism. London – New York: Routledge.

Thernstrom, Stephan A. ed. Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups (1981)

U.S. Census Bureau State & County QuickFacts: Race.

External links

Race and Ethnicity in Advertising: America 1890-Today

Ethnicity entry in the UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology Downloadable article: "Evidence that a West-East admixed population lived in the Tarim Basin as early as the early Bronze Age" Li et al. BMC Biology'' 2010, 8:15. Biomedcentral.com


American Psychological Association's Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs


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Videos Video Details Wiki Images Editors remove the playlist Ethnic Ideal remove the playlist Ethnic Ideal Ideal Ideal (TV series) Ideal (play) Ethnic group Folk music Bing Ideal Ideal may refer to: In philosophy Ideal (ethics)

, values that one actively pursues as goals

Platonic ideal

, a philosophical idea of trueness of form, associated with Plato

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, special subsets of a semigroup

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having zero resistance and perfect magnetic threading

Ideal Final Result

, in TRIZ methodology, the best possible solution

Ideality (phrenology)

, in phrenology, the disposition towards refinement and perfection

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-drama, originally broadcast on TV channel

BBC Three , created by Graham Duff and produced by BBC Comedy North and Baby Cow Productions . It stars Johnny Vegas as small-time cannabis dealer Moz.

It is set in

Salford , Greater Manchester

, chosen because Duff was familiar with the area having done many stand-up gigs there during his youth. Most of the series takes place in Moz's


and revolves around the eclectic array of characters who visit Moz to buy cannabis, socialise or both.

The closing theme is "Song of the Oss" from the album

Nuada: Music Inspired By the Film the Wicker Man

composed by British band


. The series also features a number of tracks by Californian hip hop group

Ugly Duckling .

It was broadcast on

BBC Three

in the UK, on entertainment channel

3e in Ireland and on ABC2 in Australia .

First broadcast in 2005, seven series have been shown; the most recent ended on 30 June 2011.

After the seventh series aired,


was cancelled by the BBC. Following the announcement, writer and creator Graham Duff wrote to fans: "As some of you may have heard, the BBC have decided against commissioning an 8th series of Ideal. The reason given was that the new channel controller wanted to make a clean sweep. It is a source of both pride and frustration that, at the point of cancellation, Ideal was attracting its biggest ever audiences, its highest profile guest stars and its best ever reviews. And the show is now being screened in more countries than ever before - from America to Finland and beyond."

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This page contains text from

Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia

- https://wn.com/Ideal_(TV_series) Ideal (play) Ideal is a play written by Ayn Rand

. It follows Kay Gonda, a movie star suspected of murder, as she seeks support from various fans, most of whom disappoint her. Written in the 1930s, it was never produced or published during Rand's lifetime. Since her death it has since been published multiple times and produced twice, in 1989 and 2010.

Publishing history

Rand originally wrote the story as a novelette in 1934, and revised it to a stage play around 1936. The text of the play was first published in 1984 as part of

The Early Ayn Rand

, an anthology of Rand's previously unpublished fiction. It was re-published in 2005 in

Three Plays

, alongside her plays

Night of January 16th

and Think Twice .

On July 7, 2015,

Penguin Random House

published an edition featuring the novelette version of


along with the play version.

Productions In 1989, Michael Paxton

staged the play at the Melrose Theater in Los Angeles, California. The production opened on October 13, 1989, and closed on November 19, 1989. A video of the production was released in 2004.

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This page contains text from

Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia

- https://wn.com/Ideal_(play) Ethnic group An ethnic group or ethnicity

is a category of people who


with each other based on common


, social, cultural or national experience.

Unlike most other social groups, ethnicity is primarily an inherited status. Membership of an ethnic group tends to be defined by a shared

cultural heritage
, ancestry , origin myth , history, homeland , language and/or dialect

, symbolic systems such as

, mythology and ritual , cuisine , dressing style, art , and physical appearance .

Ethnic groups, derived from the same historical

founder population

, often continue to speak

related languages

and share a similar

gene pool

. By way of

language shift
, acculturation , adoption and religious conversion

, it is possible for some individuals or groups to

leave one ethnic group and become part of another

(except for ethnic groups emphasizing

racial purity

as a key membership criterion).

Ethnicity is often used synonymously with ambiguous terms such as

nation or people

Depending on which source of

group identity

is emphasized to define membership, the following types of (often mutually overlapping) groups can be identified:

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This page contains text from

Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia

- https://wn.com/Ethnic_group Folk music Folk music includes both traditional music

and the genre that evolved from it during the 20th century folk revival. The term originated in the 19th century but is often applied to music that is older than that. Some types of folk music are also called

world music . Traditional folk music

has been defined in several ways: as music transmitted orally, or as music with unknown composers. It has been contrasted with commercial and classical styles. One meaning often given is that of old songs, with no known composers; another is music that has been transmitted and evolved by a process of

oral transmission

or performed by custom over a long period of time.

Starting in the mid-20th century a new form of popular folk music evolved from traditional folk music. This process and period is called the (second) folk revival and reached a


in the 1960s. This form of music is sometimes called

contemporary folk music or folk revival music

to distinguish it from earlier folk forms. Smaller similar revivals have occurred elsewhere in the world at other times, but the term folk music has typically not been applied to the new music created during those revivals. This type of folk music also includes fusion genres such as

folk rock , folk metal , electric folk

, and others. While contemporary folk music is a genre generally distinct from traditional folk music, in English it shares the same name, and it often shares the same performers and venues as traditional folk music. Even individual songs may be a blend of the two.

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Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia

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Ideal Chad / Attractiveness Ratios For Ethnic Black Men - (blackpill)

Get Your Face Rated : https://badrbakhtari.gumroad.com/

My Website: https://www.nerofacerating.com/

My Instagram : @ bakhtari_badr

Credit: https://looksmax.org/threads/ideal-ratios-for-ethnic-black-men.456032/

In this video I will discuss the ratios that ethnic black men need to have to be considered attractive and the differences.

published: 29 Dec 2023

Ideal Proportions and Achieving Them on Ethnic Faces

Understanding how facial proportions contribute to your feminine or masculine features. Ethnicity plays a big part and there is an art and science to getting the surgery right. Learn how facial proportions differ for your ethnicity and how you can get the right look for you.

Edelstein Cosmetic

Phone: 416-256-5614 | Toll-free: 1-866-687-4273

https://www.EdelsteinCosmetic.com info@edelsteincosmetic.com 362 Fairlawn Avenue,

Toronto, ON, M5M 1T6

published: 06 Jan 2015

The Different Types of Ethnic Wears for Men

The Different Types of Ethnic Wears for Men

What are traditional dress for male?

Hello friends, welcome to my channel 'Fashion Hit' hope you guys doing well.In this video I have shared different types of ethnic wears for men.

Kurta churidar set https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838552 Kurta pajama set https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12839285 Kurta Patiala set https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838632 Sherwani https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838718 Sherwani with achkan https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838790 Bandhgala suit https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838820 Pathani suit https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838829 Nehru jacket https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838873 Kerela dhoti https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838914 Dhoti pants https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838943 ...

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perfect hairstyle to enhance your ethnic wear 😃#hairstyle #ethnic #design

published: 31 Mar 2024

10 Fashion Tips for Men's Indian Ethnic Outfits I Fashion | Ranveer Allahbadia

हमारी Fashion Playlist देखिए : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9uK6jbdzfVdYrk6Ur2vPwKUj8yChSMQl

हमारी Personality Develpoment Playlist देखिए : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9uK6jbdzfVdklB3kqIwwuvLOV8XcIgnd

✅ हमारा अंग्रेजी चैनल : https://www.youtube.com/c/BeerBicepsOfficial

🎥 हमारा PODCAST देखिए : https://www.youtube.com/c/TheRanveerShowClips

🎧 हमारा PODCAST Spotify पे सुनिए : https://open.spotify.com/show/6ZcvVBPQ2ToLXEWVbaw59P

नमस्ते दोस्तों!

आज हम बात करेंगे Indian Traditional Wear For Men के बारें में.

Indian Ethnic Wear For Men क्या है?

What To Wear To an Indian Wedding?

क्या है Everyday Indian Outfits For Office or College?

कैसे करें Spend Less Money and Look Sexy?

किस तरह के Indian Clothes पहनने चाहिए?

How To Look Sexy By Spending Less Money?

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What is Ethnicity? | Ethnic Groups |Race | Ethnicity Vs Race |

This video is about Ethnicity, ethnic groups, Race, and Nationality.

What is Ethnicity?

what does ethnicity mean?

what are ethnic groups?

Ethnicity vs Race ethnicity vs Nationality #ethnicity

our FB page- https://www.facebook.com/schoolofpolitical/

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/schoolofpoliticalscience/

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RevenG - exotic ethnic (HQ)

exotic ethnic by RevenG. DDRSongs brings you the highest quality versions of your favorite Dance Dance Revolution songs. I take requests.

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Dr. Bora Ok, MD. - 3D Animation Of Ethnic Rhinoplasty Surgery

👨🏽‍⚕🇬🇧👉🏼: Closed approach to Ethnic Rhinoplasty(Nose Job). Our techniques tailored to the patients who desire nasal refinement while preserving their cultural identity. For patients of African, Asian, Middle Eastern, the goal is improving their appearance without diminishing their ethnicity.


👨🏽‍⚕🇫🇷👉🏼: La technique de la rhinoplastie ethnique fermée. Nos techniques sont adaptées aux patients souhaitant un raffinement nasal tout en préservant leur identité culturelle. Pour les patients africains, asiatiques, moyen-orientaux, l'objectif est d'améliorer leur apparence sans dissimuler leur appartenance ethnique.


👨🏽‍⚕🇩🇪👉🏼: Geschlossene Nasenkorrektur für Ethnische Rhinoplasty. Wir verwirklichen massgeschneiderte Techniken für unsere Patienten, die im Zusammenhang einer Verfeinerung Ihre ku...

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Pride Perfect Ethnic Wear For Pride Month 🌈❤️

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Shop Now : https://shorturl.at/anuBX

Music Credits :

Music : Parda Hata Do - Farooq Got Audio Mix

Artist : Asha Bhosle , Mohammed Rafi

Composer : Ravi , Farooq Got Audio

Lyricist : Prem Dhawan

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Uncover Your Ethnic Origins - The Perfect Gift for the Holidays

The holidays are all about family, so why don’t you get to know yours a little better?! MyHeritage DNA’s test kit can help you uncover your ethnic origins and find new relatives all around the world. With the help of genome expert Dr Nathan Pearson, the ladies of THE REAL discovered their unique family trees and DNA matches. Go to MyHeritageDNA.com and use the code THEREAL at checkout for free shipping!

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developed with YouTube 5:12

Ideal Chad / Attractiveness Ratios For Ethnic Black Men - (blackpill)

Order: Reorder Duration: 5:12 Uploaded Date: 29 Dec 2023 views: 10465

Get Your Face Rated : https://badrbakhtari.gumroad.com/

My Website: https://www.nerofacerating.com/

My Instagram : @ bakhtari_badr

Credit: https://looksmax.org/...

Get Your Face Rated : https://badrbakhtari.gumroad.com/

My Website: https://www.nerofacerating.com/

My Instagram : @ bakhtari_badr

Credit: https://looksmax.org/threads/ideal-ratios-for-ethnic-black-men.456032/

In this video I will discuss the ratios that ethnic black men need to have to be considered attractive and the differences.


Get Your Face Rated : https://badrbakhtari.gumroad.com/

My Website: https://www.nerofacerating.com/

My Instagram : @ bakhtari_badr

Credit: https://looksmax.org/threads/ideal-ratios-for-ethnic-black-men.456032/

In this video I will discuss the ratios that ethnic black men need to have to be considered attractive and the differences.

published: 29 Dec 2023 views: 10465 1:48

Ideal Proportions and Achieving Them on Ethnic Faces

Order: Reorder Duration: 1:48 Uploaded Date: 06 Jan 2015 views: 1929

Understanding how facial proportions contribute to your feminine or masculine features. Ethnicity plays a big part and there is an art and science to getting th...

Understanding how facial proportions contribute to your feminine or masculine features. Ethnicity plays a big part and there is an art and science to getting the surgery right. Learn how facial proportions differ for your ethnicity and how you can get the right look for you.

Edelstein Cosmetic

Phone: 416-256-5614 | Toll-free: 1-866-687-4273

https://www.EdelsteinCosmetic.com info@edelsteincosmetic.com 362 Fairlawn Avenue,

Toronto, ON, M5M 1T6


Understanding how facial proportions contribute to your feminine or masculine features. Ethnicity plays a big part and there is an art and science to getting the surgery right. Learn how facial proportions differ for your ethnicity and how you can get the right look for you.

Edelstein Cosmetic

Phone: 416-256-5614 | Toll-free: 1-866-687-4273

https://www.EdelsteinCosmetic.com info@edelsteincosmetic.com 362 Fairlawn Avenue,

Toronto, ON, M5M 1T6

published: 06 Jan 2015 views: 1929 1:04

The Different Types of Ethnic Wears for Men

Order: Reorder Duration: 1:04 Uploaded Date: 09 Jul 2022 views: 42884

The Different Types of Ethnic Wears for Men

What are traditional dress for male?

Hello friends, welcome to my channel 'Fashion Hit' hope you guys doing well....

The Different Types of Ethnic Wears for Men

What are traditional dress for male?

Hello friends, welcome to my channel 'Fashion Hit' hope you guys doing well.In this video I have shared different types of ethnic wears for men.

Kurta churidar set https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838552 Kurta pajama set https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12839285 Kurta Patiala set https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838632 Sherwani https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838718 Sherwani with achkan https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838790 Bandhgala suit https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838820 Pathani suit https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838829 Nehru jacket https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838873 Kerela dhoti https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838914 Dhoti pants https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838943 Short kurta https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838966 Disclaimer

The images shown in the videos of my channel are assumed to be taken from public domain and not my own. The original copyright of the images shown in the video belongs to their respective owners. We don't sell any products and we don't have any shop.

Some of the links shared above maybe affiliates links, which means if you choose to buy a product through my above shared links, I earn a small commission, without any extra cost to you !

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The Different Types of Ethnic Wears for Men

What are traditional dress for male?

Hello friends, welcome to my channel 'Fashion Hit' hope you guys doing well.In this video I have shared different types of ethnic wears for men.

Kurta churidar set https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838552 Kurta pajama set https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12839285 Kurta Patiala set https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838632 Sherwani https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838718 Sherwani with achkan https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838790 Bandhgala suit https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838820 Pathani suit https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838829 Nehru jacket https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838873 Kerela dhoti https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838914 Dhoti pants https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838943 Short kurta https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838966 Disclaimer

The images shown in the videos of my channel are assumed to be taken from public domain and not my own. The original copyright of the images shown in the video belongs to their respective owners. We don't sell any products and we don't have any shop.

Some of the links shared above maybe affiliates links, which means if you choose to buy a product through my above shared links, I earn a small commission, without any extra cost to you !

Thank you for watching my video

Please like, comment and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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Traditional Indian mens clothing

Myntra ethnic wear

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published: 09 Jul 2022 views: 42884 0:12

perfect hairstyle to enhance your ethnic wear 😃#hairstyle #ethnic #design

Order: Reorder Duration: 0:12 Uploaded Date: 31 Mar 2024 views: 2664 https://wn.com/Perfect_Hairstyle_To_Enhance_Your_Ethnic_Wear_😃_Hairstyle_Ethnic_Design published: 31 Mar 2024 views: 2664 9:12

10 Fashion Tips for Men's Indian Ethnic Outfits I Fashion | Ranveer Allahbadia

Order: Reorder Duration: 9:12 Uploaded Date: 24 Oct 2018 views: 1273123

हमारी Fashion Playlist देखिए : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9uK6jbdzfVdYrk6Ur2vPwKUj8yChSMQl

हमारी Personality Develpoment Playlist देखिए : https:...

हमारी Fashion Playlist देखिए : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9uK6jbdzfVdYrk6Ur2vPwKUj8yChSMQl

हमारी Personality Develpoment Playlist देखिए : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9uK6jbdzfVdklB3kqIwwuvLOV8XcIgnd

✅ हमारा अंग्रेजी चैनल : https://www.youtube.com/c/BeerBicepsOfficial

🎥 हमारा PODCAST देखिए : https://www.youtube.com/c/TheRanveerShowClips

🎧 हमारा PODCAST Spotify पे सुनिए : https://open.spotify.com/show/6ZcvVBPQ2ToLXEWVbaw59P

नमस्ते दोस्तों!

आज हम बात करेंगे Indian Traditional Wear For Men के बारें में.

Indian Ethnic Wear For Men क्या है?

What To Wear To an Indian Wedding?

क्या है Everyday Indian Outfits For Office or College?

कैसे करें Spend Less Money and Look Sexy?

किस तरह के Indian Clothes पहनने चाहिए?

How To Look Sexy By Spending Less Money?

Ethnic Wear Tips क्या होते हैं?

क्यूँ करना चाहिए Avoid V-Necks को?

क्या Shiny/Glittering Kurtas Looks Good?

क्यूँ करना चाहिए Avoid Flashy Stuff on Kurtas को?

क्या होते हैं Maximum Colours For Kurtas?

क्यूँ करे Choose a Kurta Which Shows Off Your Physique?

What Type Of Kurta To Wear If You're Overweight?

क्यूँ करें Roll Up Your Sleeves?

कौन से Pants To Wear with Kurtas?

क्या Jeans Makes your Look Casual?

Chinos To Wear or Not?

क्या होना चाहिए Colour of Chinos?

क्या Pajama/Churidaar will Look Good with Kurtas?

क्या है Traditional Wear For Party?

क्या है Traditional Wear For Pooja?

किस तरह का Traditional Wear For College पहनें?

Shoes किस तरह के पहनें?

क्या है Shoes on Traditional Outfits?

क्यूँ करें Avoid Gym Shoes?

क्या पहनें Formal Shoes or Simple Flip-flops?

How To Dress Well कैसे करें?

Nehru Jacket For Traditional Wear पहनें या नहीं?

किस तरह के Watches To Wear On Traditional Clothes?

क्यूँ करें Stay Away From Sports/Digital Watches?

कैसे करें Dress For Different Occasion?

Everyday Indian Wear, Indian Wear For Office/College और Men's Traditional Wear के बारें में आपको Guide करने आ गए हैं आपके बड़े भाई

- रणवीर अल्लाहबादिया #diwali #fashion #traditional

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--------------------------------------------- About : नमस्ते दोस्तों,

मेरा नाम रणवीर अल्लाहबादिया है। काफ़ी लोग मुझे मेरे इंग्लिश चैनल BeerBiceps के नाम से जानते हैं। BeerBiceps पर हम Fitness, Fashion, Meditation, Health, Grooming, Weight Loss, Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship और Motivational Videos बनाते हैं। इस नए चैनल पर अब आप हमारे सभी अंग्रेज़ी वीडियोज़ का मज़ा हिंदी में ले सकते है। और साथ ही साथ यहाँ पर आपको मिलेंगे ढ़ेर सारे Inspirational and Motivational Speech के वीडियोज़।

India का चहिता self-help, lifestyle और self-improvement channel अब हिंदी में भी!

Ranveer Allahbadia - YouTube's first India specific fitness, health, lifestyle, fashion, men's grooming and personality development channel in Hindi.


हमारी Fashion Playlist देखिए : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9uK6jbdzfVdYrk6Ur2vPwKUj8yChSMQl

हमारी Personality Develpoment Playlist देखिए : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9uK6jbdzfVdklB3kqIwwuvLOV8XcIgnd

✅ हमारा अंग्रेजी चैनल : https://www.youtube.com/c/BeerBicepsOfficial

🎥 हमारा PODCAST देखिए : https://www.youtube.com/c/TheRanveerShowClips

🎧 हमारा PODCAST Spotify पे सुनिए : https://open.spotify.com/show/6ZcvVBPQ2ToLXEWVbaw59P

नमस्ते दोस्तों!

आज हम बात करेंगे Indian Traditional Wear For Men के बारें में.

Indian Ethnic Wear For Men क्या है?

What To Wear To an Indian Wedding?

क्या है Everyday Indian Outfits For Office or College?

कैसे करें Spend Less Money and Look Sexy?

किस तरह के Indian Clothes पहनने चाहिए?

How To Look Sexy By Spending Less Money?

Ethnic Wear Tips क्या होते हैं?

क्यूँ करना चाहिए Avoid V-Necks को?

क्या Shiny/Glittering Kurtas Looks Good?

क्यूँ करना चाहिए Avoid Flashy Stuff on Kurtas को?

क्या होते हैं Maximum Colours For Kurtas?

क्यूँ करे Choose a Kurta Which Shows Off Your Physique?

What Type Of Kurta To Wear If You're Overweight?

क्यूँ करें Roll Up Your Sleeves?

कौन से Pants To Wear with Kurtas?

क्या Jeans Makes your Look Casual?

Chinos To Wear or Not?

क्या होना चाहिए Colour of Chinos?

क्या Pajama/Churidaar will Look Good with Kurtas?

क्या है Traditional Wear For Party?

क्या है Traditional Wear For Pooja?

किस तरह का Traditional Wear For College पहनें?

Shoes किस तरह के पहनें?

क्या है Shoes on Traditional Outfits?

क्यूँ करें Avoid Gym Shoes?

क्या पहनें Formal Shoes or Simple Flip-flops?

How To Dress Well कैसे करें?

Nehru Jacket For Traditional Wear पहनें या नहीं?

किस तरह के Watches To Wear On Traditional Clothes?

क्यूँ करें Stay Away From Sports/Digital Watches?

कैसे करें Dress For Different Occasion?

Everyday Indian Wear, Indian Wear For Office/College और Men's Traditional Wear के बारें में आपको Guide करने आ गए हैं आपके बड़े भाई

- रणवीर अल्लाहबादिया #diwali #fashion #traditional

INSTAGRAM - HINDI : @ranveerallahbadia


INSTAGRAM - ENGLISH : @beerbiceps


FACEBOOK - HINDI : https://www.facebook.com/ranveerallahbadiaofficial/

FACEBOOK - ENGLISH : https://www.facebook.com/beerbiceps/

TWITTER : @beerbicepsguy https://twitter.com/BeerBicepsGuy LINKEDIN : @beerbiceps https://www.linkedin.com/in/BeerBiceps SNAPCHAT : @beerbicepsguy Video Team :-

Rajas Pardeshi : https://www.instagram.com/through_the_glass_eye/

Blake D'silva : https://www.instagram.com/seeingbetweenthepixels/

Akshat Tiwari : https://www.instagram.com/akshattiiwari/

Girish Agisgekar : https://www.instagram.com/girish_agisgekar/

Business Development Team :-

Charmi Sanghvi : https://www.instagram.com/charmi_s/

Sanchit Keswani : https://www.instagram.com/sanchit.keswani/

Mayank Kaushal : https://www.instagram.com/mayankkaushal97/


Canon 5D Mark 4: https://amzn.to/37te4ck


Canon F1.4 50mm USM prime lens: https://amzn.to/2FjsuzM

Canon F1.4 28mm USM prime lens: https://amzn.to/2QlIXdm

Canon 70-200 f2.8 IS III USM lens: https://amzn.to/36ogh8X

Canon 50mm F1.8: https://amzn.to/39KUBGi

Memory card:

SanDisk Extreme 64gb CF card: https://amzn.to/2FjB7KF

SanDisk Extreme 128gb CF card: https://amzn.to/2QiSy4v


Sennheiser EW122P G4 Cameramount Lapel Wireless Microphone System: https://amzn.to/2T03Dt9

Sennheiser MKE 600 Super-Cardioid Video and Camera Shotgun Microphone for Filming: https://amzn.to/37u7P8n

Zhiyun Crane 2 Gimbal: https://amzn.to/37yUDPC

Yunteng Aluminium Tripod With Carry Case For DSLR - Vct-690 - Black: https://amzn.to/2SSEjF9

--------------------------------------------- About : नमस्ते दोस्तों,

मेरा नाम रणवीर अल्लाहबादिया है। काफ़ी लोग मुझे मेरे इंग्लिश चैनल BeerBiceps के नाम से जानते हैं। BeerBiceps पर हम Fitness, Fashion, Meditation, Health, Grooming, Weight Loss, Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship और Motivational Videos बनाते हैं। इस नए चैनल पर अब आप हमारे सभी अंग्रेज़ी वीडियोज़ का मज़ा हिंदी में ले सकते है। और साथ ही साथ यहाँ पर आपको मिलेंगे ढ़ेर सारे Inspirational and Motivational Speech के वीडियोज़।

India का चहिता self-help, lifestyle और self-improvement channel अब हिंदी में भी!

Ranveer Allahbadia - YouTube's first India specific fitness, health, lifestyle, fashion, men's grooming and personality development channel in Hindi.

published: 24 Oct 2018 views: 1273123 11:42

What is Ethnicity? | Ethnic Groups |Race | Ethnicity Vs Race |

Order: Reorder Duration: 11:42 Uploaded Date: 24 Oct 2019 views: 71895

This video is about Ethnicity, ethnic groups, Race, and Nationality.

What is Ethnicity?

what does ethnicity mean?

what are ethnic groups?

Ethnicity vs Race ethn...

This video is about Ethnicity, ethnic groups, Race, and Nationality.

What is Ethnicity?

what does ethnicity mean?

what are ethnic groups?

Ethnicity vs Race ethnicity vs Nationality #ethnicity

our FB page- https://www.facebook.com/schoolofpolitical/

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/schoolofpoliticalscience/ https://wn.com/What_Is_Ethnicity_|_Ethnic_Groups_|Race_|_Ethnicity_Vs_Race_|

This video is about Ethnicity, ethnic groups, Race, and Nationality.

What is Ethnicity?

what does ethnicity mean?

what are ethnic groups?

Ethnicity vs Race ethnicity vs Nationality #ethnicity

our FB page- https://www.facebook.com/schoolofpolitical/

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/schoolofpoliticalscience/ published: 24 Oct 2019 views: 71895 1:33

RevenG - exotic ethnic (HQ)

Order: Reorder Duration: 1:33 Uploaded Date: 01 Jul 2011 views: 129964

exotic ethnic by RevenG. DDRSongs brings you the highest quality versions of your favorite Dance Dance Revolution songs. I take requests.

exotic ethnic by RevenG. DDRSongs brings you the highest quality versions of your favorite Dance Dance Revolution songs. I take requests.


exotic ethnic by RevenG. DDRSongs brings you the highest quality versions of your favorite Dance Dance Revolution songs. I take requests.

published: 01 Jul 2011 views: 129964 2:10

Dr. Bora Ok, MD. - 3D Animation Of Ethnic Rhinoplasty Surgery

Order: Reorder Duration: 2:10 Uploaded Date: 06 Jan 2020 views: 249989

👨🏽‍⚕🇬🇧👉🏼: Closed approach to Ethnic Rhinoplasty(Nose Job). Our techniques tailored to the patients who desire nasal refinement while preserving their cultural i...

👨🏽‍⚕🇬🇧👉🏼: Closed approach to Ethnic Rhinoplasty(Nose Job). Our techniques tailored to the patients who desire nasal refinement while preserving their cultural identity. For patients of African, Asian, Middle Eastern, the goal is improving their appearance without diminishing their ethnicity.


👨🏽‍⚕🇫🇷👉🏼: La technique de la rhinoplastie ethnique fermée. Nos techniques sont adaptées aux patients souhaitant un raffinement nasal tout en préservant leur identité culturelle. Pour les patients africains, asiatiques, moyen-orientaux, l'objectif est d'améliorer leur apparence sans dissimuler leur appartenance ethnique.


👨🏽‍⚕🇩🇪👉🏼: Geschlossene Nasenkorrektur für Ethnische Rhinoplasty. Wir verwirklichen massgeschneiderte Techniken für unsere Patienten, die im Zusammenhang einer Verfeinerung Ihre kulturelle Identitaet bewahren möchten. Patienten aus Afrika, Asien und dem nahen Osten, legen grosses Wert darauf, eine OP, ohne Ihre ethnische Zugehörigkeit zu verlieren, zu haben.


⚠ : This is my actual patient. Images are shared with patient consent. Individual results may vary. The content of this page is for educational and informational purposes. Please do not use or distribute images herein without written permission.

- 📱 Whatsapp:

+90 552 604 23 21

+44 755 750 16 99

📱 Skype: drboraok

📺 Youtube: Bora Ok, MD.

📍 : Fenerbahçe Mah. Cemil Topuzlu Caddesi No:7 Kat 3 Daire 9 Kadıköy/İstanbul/Turkiye

📧 : dr@drboraok.com 🌍 : https://www.drboraok.com/en/ethnic-nosejob

#ethnicrhinoplasty #ethnicnosejob #africanamericanrhinoplasty #rhinoplastie #rhinoplasty #nasenkorrektur #rhinoplastik #drboraok


👨🏽‍⚕🇬🇧👉🏼: Closed approach to Ethnic Rhinoplasty(Nose Job). Our techniques tailored to the patients who desire nasal refinement while preserving their cultural identity. For patients of African, Asian, Middle Eastern, the goal is improving their appearance without diminishing their ethnicity.


👨🏽‍⚕🇫🇷👉🏼: La technique de la rhinoplastie ethnique fermée. Nos techniques sont adaptées aux patients souhaitant un raffinement nasal tout en préservant leur identité culturelle. Pour les patients africains, asiatiques, moyen-orientaux, l'objectif est d'améliorer leur apparence sans dissimuler leur appartenance ethnique.


👨🏽‍⚕🇩🇪👉🏼: Geschlossene Nasenkorrektur für Ethnische Rhinoplasty. Wir verwirklichen massgeschneiderte Techniken für unsere Patienten, die im Zusammenhang einer Verfeinerung Ihre kulturelle Identitaet bewahren möchten. Patienten aus Afrika, Asien und dem nahen Osten, legen grosses Wert darauf, eine OP, ohne Ihre ethnische Zugehörigkeit zu verlieren, zu haben.


⚠ : This is my actual patient. Images are shared with patient consent. Individual results may vary. The content of this page is for educational and informational purposes. Please do not use or distribute images herein without written permission.

- 📱 Whatsapp:

+90 552 604 23 21

+44 755 750 16 99

📱 Skype: drboraok

📺 Youtube: Bora Ok, MD.

📍 : Fenerbahçe Mah. Cemil Topuzlu Caddesi No:7 Kat 3 Daire 9 Kadıköy/İstanbul/Turkiye

📧 : dr@drboraok.com 🌍 : https://www.drboraok.com/en/ethnic-nosejob

#ethnicrhinoplasty #ethnicnosejob #africanamericanrhinoplasty #rhinoplastie #rhinoplasty #nasenkorrektur #rhinoplastik #drboraok

published: 06 Jan 2020 views: 249989 0:54

Pride Perfect Ethnic Wear For Pride Month 🌈❤️

Order: Reorder Duration: 0:54 Uploaded Date: 16 Jun 2023 views: 338

Fashion is a powerful and bold language, one that speaks volumes about who we are, what we stand for, and how we embrace our identities. So, this Pride month, p...

Fashion is a powerful and bold language, one that speaks volumes about who we are, what we stand for, and how we embrace our identities. So, this Pride month, prepare to be swept away on a rainbow-drenched adventure as we delve into the world of vibrant fashion and proudly flaunt the fascinating Pride colours with our awe-inspiring ethnic wear collection. Here are our top picks!

Shop Now : https://shorturl.at/anuBX

Music Credits :

Music : Parda Hata Do - Farooq Got Audio Mix

Artist : Asha Bhosle , Mohammed Rafi

Composer : Ravi , Farooq Got Audio

Lyricist : Prem Dhawan


Fashion is a powerful and bold language, one that speaks volumes about who we are, what we stand for, and how we embrace our identities. So, this Pride month, prepare to be swept away on a rainbow-drenched adventure as we delve into the world of vibrant fashion and proudly flaunt the fascinating Pride colours with our awe-inspiring ethnic wear collection. Here are our top picks!

Shop Now : https://shorturl.at/anuBX

Music Credits :

Music : Parda Hata Do - Farooq Got Audio Mix

Artist : Asha Bhosle , Mohammed Rafi

Composer : Ravi , Farooq Got Audio

Lyricist : Prem Dhawan

published: 16 Jun 2023 views: 338 6:25

Uncover Your Ethnic Origins - The Perfect Gift for the Holidays

Order: Reorder Duration: 6:25 Uploaded Date: 21 Nov 2018 views: 106434

The holidays are all about family, so why don’t you get to know yours a little better?! MyHeritage DNA’s test kit can help you uncover your ethnic origins and f...

The holidays are all about family, so why don’t you get to know yours a little better?! MyHeritage DNA’s test kit can help you uncover your ethnic origins and find new relatives all around the world. With the help of genome expert Dr Nathan Pearson, the ladies of THE REAL discovered their unique family trees and DNA matches. Go to MyHeritageDNA.com and use the code THEREAL at checkout for free shipping!


The holidays are all about family, so why don’t you get to know yours a little better?! MyHeritage DNA’s test kit can help you uncover your ethnic origins and find new relatives all around the world. With the help of genome expert Dr Nathan Pearson, the ladies of THE REAL discovered their unique family trees and DNA matches. Go to MyHeritageDNA.com and use the code THEREAL at checkout for free shipping!

published: 21 Nov 2018 views: 106434 back Most Related Most Recent Most Popular Top Rated

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repeat playlist shuffle replay video clear playlist restore images list developed with YouTube PLAYLIST TIME: back Most Related Most Recent Most Popular Top Rated

expand screen to full width

repeat playlist shuffle replay video clear playlist restore images list developed with YouTube PLAYLIST TIME: 5:12

Ideal Chad / Attractiveness Ratios For Ethnic Black Men - (blackpill)

Get Your Face Rated : https://badrbakhtari.gumroad.com/

My Website: https://www.nerofacera... published: 29 Dec 2023

Play in Full Screen

Ideal Chad / Attractiveness Ratios For Ethnic Black Men - (blackpill)

Ideal Chad / Attractiveness Ratios For Ethnic Black Men - (blackpill)

Report rights infringement published: 29 Dec 2023 views: 10465

Get Your Face Rated : https://badrbakhtari.gumroad.com/

My Website: https://www.nerofacerating.com/

My Instagram : @ bakhtari_badr

Credit: https://looksmax.org/threads/ideal-ratios-for-ethnic-black-men.456032/

In this video I will discuss the ratios that ethnic black men need to have to be considered attractive and the differences.

Show More 1:48

Ideal Proportions and Achieving Them on Ethnic Faces

Understanding how facial proportions contribute to your feminine or masculine features. Et...

published: 06 Jan 2015

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Ideal Proportions and Achieving Them on Ethnic Faces

Ideal Proportions and Achieving Them on Ethnic Faces

Report rights infringement published: 06 Jan 2015 views: 1929

Understanding how facial proportions contribute to your feminine or masculine features. Ethnicity plays a big part and there is an art and science to getting the surgery right. Learn how facial proportions differ for your ethnicity and how you can get the right look for you.

Edelstein Cosmetic

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https://www.EdelsteinCosmetic.com info@edelsteincosmetic.com 362 Fairlawn Avenue,

Toronto, ON, M5M 1T6

Show More 1:04

The Different Types of Ethnic Wears for Men

The Different Types of Ethnic Wears for Men

What are traditional dress for male?

Hello ... published: 09 Jul 2022

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The Different Types of Ethnic Wears for Men

The Different Types of Ethnic Wears for Men

Report rights infringement published: 09 Jul 2022 views: 42884

The Different Types of Ethnic Wears for Men

What are traditional dress for male?

Hello friends, welcome to my channel 'Fashion Hit' hope you guys doing well.In this video I have shared different types of ethnic wears for men.

Kurta churidar set https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838552 Kurta pajama set https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12839285 Kurta Patiala set https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838632 Sherwani https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838718 Sherwani with achkan https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838790 Bandhgala suit https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838820 Pathani suit https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838829 Nehru jacket https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838873 Kerela dhoti https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838914 Dhoti pants https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838943 Short kurta https://ekaro.in/enkr20220709s12838966 Disclaimer

The images shown in the videos of my channel are assumed to be taken from public domain and not my own. The original copyright of the images shown in the video belongs to their respective owners. We don't sell any products and we don't have any shop.

Some of the links shared above maybe affiliates links, which means if you choose to buy a product through my above shared links, I earn a small commission, without any extra cost to you !

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Show More 0:12

perfect hairstyle to enhance your ethnic wear 😃#hairstyle #ethnic #design

published: 31 Mar 2024

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perfect hairstyle to enhance your ethnic wear 😃#hairstyle #ethnic #design

perfect hairstyle to enhance your ethnic wear 😃#hairstyle #ethnic #design

Report rights infringement published: 31 Mar 2024 views: 2664 Show More 9:12

10 Fashion Tips for Men's Indian Ethnic Outfits I Fashion | Ranveer Allahbadia

हमारी Fashion Playlist देखिए : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9uK6jbdzfVdYrk6Ur2...

published: 24 Oct 2018

Play in Full Screen

10 Fashion Tips for Men's Indian Ethnic Outfits I Fashion | Ranveer Allahbadia

10 Fashion Tips for Men's Indian Ethnic Outfits I Fashion | Ranveer Allahbadia

Report rights infringement published: 24 Oct 2018 views: 1273123

हमारी Fashion Playlist देखिए : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9uK6jbdzfVdYrk6Ur2vPwKUj8yChSMQl

हमारी Personality Develpoment Playlist देखिए : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9uK6jbdzfVdklB3kqIwwuvLOV8XcIgnd

✅ हमारा अंग्रेजी चैनल : https://www.youtube.com/c/BeerBicepsOfficial

🎥 हमारा PODCAST देखिए : https://www.youtube.com/c/TheRanveerShowClips

🎧 हमारा PODCAST Spotify पे सुनिए : https://open.spotify.com/show/6ZcvVBPQ2ToLXEWVbaw59P

नमस्ते दोस्तों!

आज हम बात करेंगे Indian Traditional Wear For Men के बारें में.

Indian Ethnic Wear For Men क्या है?

What To Wear To an Indian Wedding?

क्या है Everyday Indian Outfits For Office or College?

कैसे करें Spend Less Money and Look Sexy?

किस तरह के Indian Clothes पहनने चाहिए?

How To Look Sexy By Spending Less Money?

Ethnic Wear Tips क्या होते हैं?

क्यूँ करना चाहिए Avoid V-Necks को?

क्या Shiny/Glittering Kurtas Looks Good?

क्यूँ करना चाहिए Avoid Flashy Stuff on Kurtas को?

क्या होते हैं Maximum Colours For Kurtas?

क्यूँ करे Choose a Kurta Which Shows Off Your Physique?

What Type Of Kurta To Wear If You're Overweight?

क्यूँ करें Roll Up Your Sleeves?

कौन से Pants To Wear with Kurtas?

क्या Jeans Makes your Look Casual?

Chinos To Wear or Not?

क्या होना चाहिए Colour of Chinos?

क्या Pajama/Churidaar will Look Good with Kurtas?

क्या है Traditional Wear For Party?

क्या है Traditional Wear For Pooja?

किस तरह का Traditional Wear For College पहनें?

Shoes किस तरह के पहनें?

क्या है Shoes on Traditional Outfits?

क्यूँ करें Avoid Gym Shoes?

क्या पहनें Formal Shoes or Simple Flip-flops?

How To Dress Well कैसे करें?

Nehru Jacket For Traditional Wear पहनें या नहीं?

किस तरह के Watches To Wear On Traditional Clothes?

क्यूँ करें Stay Away From Sports/Digital Watches?

कैसे करें Dress For Different Occasion?

Everyday Indian Wear, Indian Wear For Office/College और Men's Traditional Wear के बारें में आपको Guide करने आ गए हैं आपके बड़े भाई

- रणवीर अल्लाहबादिया #diwali #fashion #traditional

INSTAGRAM - HINDI : @ranveerallahbadia


INSTAGRAM - ENGLISH : @beerbiceps


FACEBOOK - HINDI : https://www.facebook.com/ranveerallahbadiaofficial/

FACEBOOK - ENGLISH : https://www.facebook.com/beerbiceps/

TWITTER : @beerbicepsguy https://twitter.com/BeerBicepsGuy LINKEDIN : @beerbiceps https://www.linkedin.com/in/BeerBiceps SNAPCHAT : @beerbicepsguy Video Team :-

Rajas Pardeshi : https://www.instagram.com/through_the_glass_eye/

Blake D'silva : https://www.instagram.com/seeingbetweenthepixels/

Akshat Tiwari : https://www.instagram.com/akshattiiwari/

Girish Agisgekar : https://www.instagram.com/girish_agisgekar/

Business Development Team :-

Charmi Sanghvi : https://www.instagram.com/charmi_s/

Sanchit Keswani : https://www.instagram.com/sanchit.keswani/

Mayank Kaushal : https://www.instagram.com/mayankkaushal97/


Canon 5D Mark 4: https://amzn.to/37te4ck


Canon F1.4 50mm USM prime lens: https://amzn.to/2FjsuzM

Canon F1.4 28mm USM prime lens: https://amzn.to/2QlIXdm

Canon 70-200 f2.8 IS III USM lens: https://amzn.to/36ogh8X

Canon 50mm F1.8: https://amzn.to/39KUBGi

Memory card:

SanDisk Extreme 64gb CF card: https://amzn.to/2FjB7KF

SanDisk Extreme 128gb CF card: https://amzn.to/2QiSy4v


Sennheiser EW122P G4 Cameramount Lapel Wireless Microphone System: https://amzn.to/2T03Dt9

Sennheiser MKE 600 Super-Cardioid Video and Camera Shotgun Microphone for Filming: https://amzn.to/37u7P8n

Zhiyun Crane 2 Gimbal: https://amzn.to/37yUDPC

Yunteng Aluminium Tripod With Carry Case For DSLR - Vct-690 - Black: https://amzn.to/2SSEjF9

--------------------------------------------- About : नमस्ते दोस्तों,

मेरा नाम रणवीर अल्लाहबादिया है। काफ़ी लोग मुझे मेरे इंग्लिश चैनल BeerBiceps के नाम से जानते हैं। BeerBiceps पर हम Fitness, Fashion, Meditation, Health, Grooming, Weight Loss, Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship और Motivational Videos बनाते हैं। इस नए चैनल पर अब आप हमारे सभी अंग्रेज़ी वीडियोज़ का मज़ा हिंदी में ले सकते है। और साथ ही साथ यहाँ पर आपको मिलेंगे ढ़ेर सारे Inspirational and Motivational Speech के वीडियोज़।

India का चहिता self-help, lifestyle और self-improvement channel अब हिंदी में भी!

Ranveer Allahbadia - YouTube's first India specific fitness, health, lifestyle, fashion, men's grooming and personality development channel in Hindi.

Show More 11:42

What is Ethnicity? | Ethnic Groups |Race | Ethnicity Vs Race |

This video is about Ethnicity, ethnic groups, Race, and Nationality.

What is Ethnicity? wh... published: 24 Oct 2019

Play in Full Screen

What is Ethnicity? | Ethnic Groups |Race | Ethnicity Vs Race |

What is Ethnicity? | Ethnic Groups |Race | Ethnicity Vs Race |

Report rights infringement published: 24 Oct 2019 views: 71895

This video is about Ethnicity, ethnic groups, Race, and Nationality.

What is Ethnicity?

what does ethnicity mean?

what are ethnic groups?

Ethnicity vs Race ethnicity vs Nationality #ethnicity

our FB page- https://www.facebook.com/schoolofpolitical/

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/schoolofpoliticalscience/ Show More 1:33

RevenG - exotic ethnic (HQ)

exotic ethnic by RevenG. DDRSongs brings you the highest quality versions of your favorite...

published: 01 Jul 2011

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RevenG - exotic ethnic (HQ)

RevenG - exotic ethnic (HQ)

Report rights infringement published: 01 Jul 2011 views: 129964

exotic ethnic by RevenG. DDRSongs brings you the highest quality versions of your favorite Dance Dance Revolution songs. I take requests.

Show More 2:10

Dr. Bora Ok, MD. - 3D Animation Of Ethnic Rhinoplasty Surgery

👨🏽‍⚕🇬🇧👉🏼: Closed approach to Ethnic Rhinoplasty(Nose Job). Our techniques tailored to the ...

published: 06 Jan 2020

Play in Full Screen

Dr. Bora Ok, MD. - 3D Animation Of Ethnic Rhinoplasty Surgery

Dr. Bora Ok, MD. - 3D Animation Of Ethnic Rhinoplasty Surgery

Report rights infringement published: 06 Jan 2020 views: 249989

👨🏽‍⚕🇬🇧👉🏼: Closed approach to Ethnic Rhinoplasty(Nose Job). Our techniques tailored to the patients who desire nasal refinement while preserving their cultural identity. For patients of African, Asian, Middle Eastern, the goal is improving their appearance without diminishing their ethnicity.


👨🏽‍⚕🇫🇷👉🏼: La technique de la rhinoplastie ethnique fermée. Nos techniques sont adaptées aux patients souhaitant un raffinement nasal tout en préservant leur identité culturelle. Pour les patients africains, asiatiques, moyen-orientaux, l'objectif est d'améliorer leur apparence sans dissimuler leur appartenance ethnique.


👨🏽‍⚕🇩🇪👉🏼: Geschlossene Nasenkorrektur für Ethnische Rhinoplasty. Wir verwirklichen massgeschneiderte Techniken für unsere Patienten, die im Zusammenhang einer Verfeinerung Ihre kulturelle Identitaet bewahren möchten. Patienten aus Afrika, Asien und dem nahen Osten, legen grosses Wert darauf, eine OP, ohne Ihre ethnische Zugehörigkeit zu verlieren, zu haben.


⚠ : This is my actual patient. Images are shared with patient consent. Individual results may vary. The content of this page is for educational and informational purposes. Please do not use or distribute images herein without written permission.

- 📱 Whatsapp:

+90 552 604 23 21

+44 755 750 16 99

📱 Skype: drboraok

📺 Youtube: Bora Ok, MD.

📍 : Fenerbahçe Mah. Cemil Topuzlu Caddesi No:7 Kat 3 Daire 9 Kadıköy/İstanbul/Turkiye

📧 : dr@drboraok.com 🌍 : https://www.drboraok.com/en/ethnic-nosejob

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Pride Perfect Ethnic Wear For Pride Month 🌈❤️

Fashion is a powerful and bold language, one that speaks volumes about who we are, what we...

published: 16 Jun 2023

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Pride Perfect Ethnic Wear For Pride Month 🌈❤️

Pride Perfect Ethnic Wear For Pride Month 🌈❤️

Report rights infringement published: 16 Jun 2023 views: 338

Fashion is a powerful and bold language, one that speaks volumes about who we are, what we stand for, and how we embrace our identities. So, this Pride month, prepare to be swept away on a rainbow-drenched adventure as we delve into the world of vibrant fashion and proudly flaunt the fascinating Pride colours with our awe-inspiring ethnic wear collection. Here are our top picks!

Shop Now : https://shorturl.at/anuBX

Music Credits :

Music : Parda Hata Do - Farooq Got Audio Mix

Artist : Asha Bhosle , Mohammed Rafi

Composer : Ravi , Farooq Got Audio

Lyricist : Prem Dhawan

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Uncover Your Ethnic Origins - The Perfect Gift for the Holidays

The holidays are all about family, so why don’t you get to know yours a little better?! My...

published: 21 Nov 2018

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Uncover Your Ethnic Origins - The Perfect Gift for the Holidays

Uncover Your Ethnic Origins - The Perfect Gift for the Holidays

Report rights infringement published: 21 Nov 2018 views: 106434

The holidays are all about family, so why don’t you get to know yours a little better?! MyHeritage DNA’s test kit can help you uncover your ethnic origins and find new relatives all around the world. With the help of genome expert Dr Nathan Pearson, the ladies of THE REAL discovered their unique family trees and DNA matches. Go to MyHeritageDNA.com and use the code THEREAL at checkout for free shipping!

Show More Ideal Ideal may refer to: In philosophy Ideal (ethics)

, values that one actively pursues as goals

Platonic ideal

, a philosophical idea of trueness of form, associated with Plato

In mathematics Ideal (ring theory)

, special subsets of a ring considered in abstract algebra


, special subsets of a semigroup

Ideal (order theory)

, special kind of lower sets of an order

Ideal (set theory)

, a collection of sets regarded as "small" or "negligible"

Ideal (Lie algebra)

, a particular subset in Lie algebra

Ideal point

, a boundary point in hyperbolic geometry

Ideal triangle

, a triangle in hyperbolic geometry whose vertices are ideal points

In science Ideal chain

, in science, the simplest model describing a polymer

Ideal gas law

, in physics, governing the pressure of an ideal gas

Ideal transformer, an electrical


having zero resistance and perfect magnetic threading

Ideal Final Result

, in TRIZ methodology, the best possible solution

Ideality (phrenology)

, in phrenology, the disposition towards refinement and perfection

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