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Apomyius (), Greek for "driving away the flies," was an epithet of Zeus at Olympia. On one occasion, when Heracles was offering a sacrifice to Zeus at Olympia, he was annoyed by hosts of flies, and in order to get rid of them, he offered a sacrifice to Zeus Apomyius, whereupon the flies withdrew across the river Alpheius. From that time the Eleans sacrificed to Zeus under this name.

It was customary to sacrifice a bull to Zeus Apomyius at the ancient Olympic Games, in order to drive away the flies that plagued those events.

Notes http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/moa/acl3129.0001.001/262


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ZEUS TITLES Greek Name Ζευς Transliteration Zeus Latin Spelling Zeus Translation Jupiter

ZEUS was the Olympian king of the gods and the god of sky, weather, fate, law, justice and moral conduct.

This page lists the cult titles of the god.


ABRETTE′NUS (Abrettênos), a surname of Zeus in Mysia. (Strab. xii. p. 574.)

ACRAEUS (Akraios). Acraea and Acraeus are also attributes given to various goddesses and gods whose temples were situated upon hills, such as Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Pallas, Artemis, and others. (Paus. i. 1. § 3, ii. 24. § 1; Apollod. i. 9. § 28; Vitruv. i. 7; Spanheim,

ad Callim. Hymn in Jov.


AEGIDU′CHOS or AEGI′OCHOS (Aigidouchos or Aigiochos), a surname of Zeus, as the bearer of the Aegis with which he strikes terror into the impious and his enemies. (Hom.


i. 202, ii. 157, 375, &c.; Pind.

Isth. iv. 99; Hygin. Poet. Astr.

ii. 13.) Others derive the surname from

aix and ochê

, and take it as an allusion to Zeus being fed by a goat. (Spanh.

ad Callim. hymn. in Jov.


AENE′IUS or AENE′SIUS (Ainêios or Ainêsios), a surname of Zeus, under which he was worshipped in the island of Cephalenia, where he had a temple on mount Aenos. (Hes. ap.. Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. ii. 297.)

AE′THIOPS (Aithiops), the Glowing or the Black. A surname of Zeus, under which he was worshipped in the island of Chios. (Lycophron,


537, with the note of Tzetzes.)

AETNAEUS (Aitnaios), an epithet given to several gods and mythical beings connected with Mount Aetna, such as Zeus, of whom there was a statue on mount Aetna, and to whom a festival was celebrated there, called Aetnaea (Schol. ad Pind. Ol. vi. 162).

AGAMEMNON (Agamemnôn). A surname of Zeus, under which he was worshipped at Sparta. (Lycophr. 335, with the Schol.; Eustath.

ad Il.

ii. 25.) Eustathius thinks that the god derived this name from the resemblance between him and Agamemnon; while others believe that it is a mere epithet signifying the Eternal, from

agan and menôn .

AGATHODAEMON (Agathodaimôn or Agathos Deos), the "Good God," a divinity in honour of whom the Greeks drank a cup of unmixed wine at the end of every repast. A temple dedicated to him was situated on the road from Megalopolis to Maenalus in Arcadia. Pausanias (viii. 36. § 3) conjectures that the name is a mere epithet of Zeus. (Comp. Lobeck,

ad Phrynich. p. 603.)

AGE′TOR (Agêtôr), a surname given to several gods, for instance, to Zeus at Lacedaemon (Stob.


42): the name seems to describe Zeus as the leader and ruler of men; but others think, that it is synonymous with Agamemnon :-- to Apollo (Eurip.


426) where however Elmsley and others prefer


:-- to Hermes, who conducts the souls of men to the lower world. Under this name Hermes had a statue at Megalopolis. (Paus. viii. 3. § 4.)

AGO′NIUS (Agônios), a surname or epithet of several gods. Aeschylus (


513) and Sophocles (


26) use it of Apollo and Zeus, and apparently in the sense of helpers in struggles and contests. (Comp. Eustath.

ad Il.

p. 1335.) But Agonius is more especially used as a surname of Hermes, who presides over all kinds of solemn contests. (


, Paus. v. 14. § 7; Pind.


vi. 133, with the Schol.)

AGORAEUS and AGORAEA (Agoraia and Agoraios), are epithets given to several divinities who were considered as the protectors of the assemblies of the people in the agora, such as Zeus (Paus. iii. 11. § 8, v. 15. § 3), Athena (iii. 11. § 8), Artemis (v. 15. § 3), and Hermes. (i. 15. § 1, ii. 9. § 7, ix. 17. § 1.)

ALASTOR (Alastôr). According to Hesychius and the Etymologicum M., a surname of Zeus, describing him as the avenger of evil deeds. But the name is also used, especially by the tragic writers, to designate any deity or demon who avenges wrongs committed by men. (Paus. viii. 24. § 4; Plut.

De Def Orac. 13, &c.; Aeschyl. Agam. 1479, 1508, Pers. 343; Soph. Trach. 1092; Eurip. Phoen. 1550, &c.)

ALEXI′CACUS (Alexikakos), the averter of evil, is a surname given by the Greeks to several deities, as -- Zeus (

Orph. De Lapid. Prooem.

i.), -- to Apollo, who was worshipped under this name by the Athenians, because he was believed to have stopped the plague which raged at Athens in the time of the Peloponnesian war (Paus. i. 3. § 3, viii. 41. § 5), -- and to Heracles. (Lactant. v. 3.)

AMBU′LIUS, AMBU′LIA, and AMBU′LII (Amboulia, Amboulioi, and Amboulios), surnames under which the Spartans worshipped Athena, the Dioscuri, and Zeus. (Paus. iii. 13. § 4.) The meaning of the name is uncertain, but it has been supposed to be derived from


, and to designate those divinities as the delayers of death.

ANCHE′SMIUS (Anchedmios), a surname of Zeus derived from the hill Anchesmus in Attica, on which, as on several Attic hills, there was a statue of the god. (Paus. i. 32. § 2.)

APE′MIUS (Apêmios), a surname of Zeus, under which he had an altar on mount Parnes in Attica, on which sacrifices were offered to him. (Paus. i. 32. § 2.)

APESA′NTIUS (Apesantios), a surname of Zeus, under which he had a temple on mount Apesas near Nemea, where Perseus was said to have first offered sacrifices to him. (Paus. ii. 15. § 3; Steph. Byz.

s. v. Apesas .)

APOMYIUS (Apomuios) "driving away the flies," a surname of Zeus at Olympia. On one occasion, when Heracles was offering a sacrifice to Zeus at Olympia, he was annoyed by hosts of flies, and in order to get rid of them, he offered a sacrifice to Zeus Apomyius, whereupon the flies withdrew across the river Alpheius. From that time the Eleans sacrificed to Zeus under this name. (Paus. v. 14. § 2.)

A′RBIUS (Arbios), a surname of Zeus, derived from mount Arbias in Crete, where he was worshipped. (Steph. Byz.

s. v. Apbis .)

AREIUS (Areios), a surname of Zeus, which may mean either the warlike or the propitiating and atoning god, as Areia in the case of Athena. Under this name, Oenomaus sacrificed to him as often as he entered upon a contest with the suitors of his daughter, whom he put to death as soon as they were conquered. (Paus. v. 14. § 5.)

ASBAMAEUS (Asbamaios), a surname of Zeus, the protector of the sanctity of oaths. It was derived from a well, Asbamaeon near Tyana, in Cappadocia, the water of which was said to be beneficial and pleasant to honest persons, but pestilential to those who were guilty of perjury. When perjured persons drank of the water, it produced a disease of the eyes, dropsy, and lameness, so that the guilty persons were unable to walk away from the well, and were obliged to own their crime. (Philostr.

Vit. Apollon. i. 6.; Pseudo-Aristot. Mirab. Auscult. 163; Ammian. Marcellin. xxiii. 6.)

A′SIUS (Asios). A surname of Zeus, from the town of Asos or Oasos in Crete. (Virg. Aen. x. 123; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 355; Steph. Byz. s. v. Asos).

ATABY′RIUS (Ataburios), a surname of Zeus derived from mount Atabyris or Atabyrion in the island of Rhodes, where the Cretan Althaemenes was said to have built a temple to him. (Apollod. iii. 2. § 1; Appian,


26.) Upon this mountain there were, it is said, brazen bulls which roared when anything extraordinary was going to happen. (Schol. ad Pind. Ol. vii. 159.)

ATHO′US (Athôos), a surname of Zeus, derived from mount Athos, on which the god had a temple. (Hesych.

s. v. ; Aeschyl. Agam. 270.)

CA′RIUS (Karios), the Carian, a surname of Zeus, under which he had a temple at Mylassa in Caria, which belonged to the Carians, Lydians, and Mysians in common, as they were believed to be brother nations. (Herod. i. 171, v. 66; Strab. xiv. p. 659.) In Thessaly and Boeotia, Zeus was likewise worshipped under this name. (Phot.

Lex. s. v. )

CA′SIUS (Kasios), a surname of Zeus, derived from amount Casion not far from Pelusium, on which the god had a temple. (Strab. xvi. p. 760; Plin.

H. N.

iv. 20, v. 14.)

CATAE′BATES ( Kataibatês), occurs as a surname of several gods. 1. Of Zeus, who is described by it as the god who descends in thunder and lightning. Under this name he had an altar at Olympia. (Paus. v. 14. § 8; Lycophr. 1370.) Places which had been struck by lightning, i. e. on which Zeus Cataelbates had descended, were sacred to him. (Poliux, ix. 41; Suid. and Hesych.

s. v. )

CATHA′RSIUS (Katharsios), the purifyer or atoner, a surname of Zeus, under which he in conjunction with Nice had a temple at Olympia. (Paus. v. 14. § (6.)

CENAEUS (Kênaios), a surname of Zeus, derived from cape Cenaeum in Euboea, on which the god had a temple. (Apollod. ii. 7. § 7; Ov.

Met. ix. 136.)

CHRYSAOR (Chrusaôr). The god with the golden sword or arms. In this sense it is used as a surname or attribute of several divinities, such as Apollo (Hom.


xv. 256), Artemis (Herod. viii. 77), and Demeter. (

Hom. Hymn. in Cer.

4.) We find Chrysaoreus as a surname of Zeus with the same meaning, under which he had a temple in Caria, which was a national sanctuary, and the place of meeting for the national assembly of the Carians. (Strab. xiv. p. 660; comp. Paus. v. 21. § 5; Steph. Byz.

s. v. Chrusaoris .)

CLA′RIUS (Klarios). Clarius occurs as a surname of Zeus, describing him as the god who distributes things by lot (

klaros or klêros , Aeschyl. Suppl.

360). A hill near Tegea was sacred to Zeus under this name. (Paus. viii. 53. § 4.)

CO′NIUS (Konios), the god who excites or makes dust, a surname of Zeus, who had an uncovered temple under this name in the arx of Megara. (Paus. i. 40. § 5.)

[CORYPHAEUS and] CORYPHAEA (Koruphaia), the goddess who inhabits the summit of the mountain, a surname of Artemis, under which she had a temple on mount Coryphaeon, near Epidaurus. (Paus. ii. 281. § 2.) It is also applied to designate the highest or supreme god, and is consequently given as an epithet to Zeus. (Paus. ii. 4. § 5.)

CROCE′ATAS (Krokeatas), a surname of Zeus, derived from a place, Croceae, near Gythium in Laconia. (Paus. iii. 21. § 4.)

CRO′NIDES or CRONI′ON (Kronidês or Kroniôn), a patronymic from Cronus, and very commonly given to Zeus, the son of Cronus. (Hom.


i. 528, ii. 111, &c.)

CTE′SIUS (Ktêsios), the protector of property, occurs as a surname of Zeus at Phlyus, and of Hermes. (Athen. xi. p. 473; Paus. i. 31. § 2.) Ctesius occurs also as a proper name. (Hom.

Od. xv. 413.)

DICTAEUS (Diktaios), a surname of Zeus, derived from mount Dicte in the eastern part of Crete. Zeus Dictaeus had a temple at Prasus, on the banks of the river Pothereus. (Strab. x. p. 478.)

ELEUTHEREUS (Eleuthereus), the form Eleutherius is certainly used in the sense of the deliverer, and occurs also as the surname of Zeus. (Plut.


vii. in fin.; Pind.


xii. 1; Strab. ix. p. 412; Tacit.

Ann. xv. 64.)

EVA′NEMUS (Euanemos), the giver of favourable wind, was a surname of Zeus, under which the god had a sanctuary at Sparta. (Paus. iii. 13. § 5; comp. Theocrit. xxviii. 5.)

GAME′LII (Gamêlioi theoi), that is, the divinities protecting and presiding over marriage. (Pollux, i. 24; Maxim.


xxvi. 6.) Plutarch (

Quaest. Rom.

2) says, that those who married required (the protection of) five divinities, viz. Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Peitho, and Artemis. (Comp. Dion Chrys.


vii. p. 568.) But these are not all, for the Moerae too are called

theai gamêliai (Spanheim

ad Callim. Hymn. in Dian.

23, in Del.

292, 297), and, in fact, nearly all the gods might be regarded as the protectors of marriage, though the five mentioned by Plutarch perhaps more particularly than others. The Athenians called their month of Gamelion after these divinities. Respecting the festival of the Gamelia see

Dict. of Ant. s. v.

GENETAEUS (Genêtaios), a surname of Zeus, which he derived from Cape Genetus on the Euxine, where he was worshipped as euxeinos, i.e. " the hospitable," and where he had a sanctuary. (Apollon. Rhod. ii. 378, 1009; Val. Flacc. v. 148; Strab. xii. p. 548.)

HETAEREIUS (Hetaireios), the protector of companies or associations of friends, a surname of Zeus, to whom Jason was believed to have offered the first sacrifices, when the Argonauts were assembled for their expedition. (Athen. xiii. p. 572.)

HOMAGY′RIUS (Homagurios), i.e. the god of the assembly or league, a surname of Zeus, under which he was worshipped at Aegium, on the northwestern coast of Peloponnesus, where Agamemnon was believed to have assembled the Greek chiefs, to deliberate on the war against Troy. Under this name Zeus was also worshipped, as the protector of the Achaean league. (Paus. vii. 24. § 1.)

HO′RCIUS (Horkios), the god who watches over oaths, or is invoked in oaths, and punishes their violation, occurs chiefly as a surname of Zeus, under which the god had a statue at Olympia. (Paus. v. 24. § 2; Eurip.

Hippol. 1025.)

HYES (Huês), the moist or fertilising god, occurs like Hyetius, as a surname of Zeus, as the sender of rain. (Hesych.

s. v. huês

.) Under the name of Hyetius, the god had an altar at Argos, and a statue in the grove of Trophonius, near Lebadeia. (Paus. ii. 19. § 7, ix. 39, S 3.) Hyes was also a surname of Dionysus, or rather of the Phrygian Sabazius, who was identified sometimes with Dionysus, and sometimes with Zeus. (Hesych.


; Strab. p. 471.)


HY′PATUS (Hupatos), the most high, occurs not only as an epithet of Zeus in poetry (Hom.


viii. 31, xix. 258), but as a real surname of the god. An altar of Zeus Hypatus existed at Athens in front of the Erechtheium; and it was not allowed to offer up to him any thing alive or libations, but only cakes. (Paus. i. 26. § 6, viii. 2. § 1.) Zeus Hypatus was also worshipped at Sparta (iii. 17. § 3 ), and near Glisas in Boeotia. (ix. 19. § 3.)

IDAEUS (Idaios). The name Idaeus also occurs as a surname of Zeus (Hom.


xvi. 605), and of Heracles, as an Idaean Dactyl. (Paus. v. 8. § 1.)

ITHOMATAS (Ithômatas), a surname of Zeus derived from the Messenian hill of Ithome, where the god had a sanctuary, and where an annual festival, the Ithomaea, was celebrated in his honour. (Paus. iv. 33. § 2, &c.)

LABRANDEUS (Labrandeus), a surname of Zeus Stratius, which he derived from a temple he had at Labranda. (Herod. v. 119; Strab. xiv. p. 659; Plut.

Quaest. Gr. 46.)

LAPE′RSIUS (Lapersios), a surname of Zeus, derived from the Attic demus of Lapersae. (Lycoph. 1369, with the Schol.)

LAPHY′STIUS (Laphustios). A surname of Zeus, which was derived either from Mount Laphystius in Boeotia, or from the verb


, to flee, so that it would be synonymous with


: a third opinion is, that it signified " the voracious," in reference to the human sacrifices which were offered to him in early time. (Paus. i. 24. § 2, ix. 34. § 4.)

LARISSAEUS (Larissaios), surnames of Zeus and Apollo, derived from the arx Larissa at Argos (Paus. ii. 24. § 4; Strab. ix. p. 440, xiv. 649; Steph. Byz.

s. v. Larissa ).

LECHEA′TES (Lecheatês) i.e. the protector of childbed, a surname of Zeus, who, as the father of Athena, was worshipped under this name at Aliphera. (Paus. viii. 26. § 4.)

LEUCAEUS (Leukaios), a surname of Zeus, under which he was worshipped at Lepreus, in Elis. (Paus. v. 5. § 4.)

LIMENO′SCOPUS, LIME′NIA, LIMENI′TES, LIMENI′TIS (Limenia, Limenitês, Limenitis, Limenodkopos), i. e. the protector or superintendent of the harbour, occurs as a surname of several divinities, such as Zeus (Callimach.


114, 2ed. Bentl.), Artemis (Callim.

Hymn. in Dian.

259), Aphrodite (Paus. ii. 34. § 11; Serv.

ad Aen.

i. 724), Priapus (Anthol. Palat. x. 1, 7), and of Pan (Anthol. Palat. x. 10.)

LYCAEUS (Lukaios), sometimes also Lyceus, a surname of certain divinities worshipped on mount Lycaeum in Arcadia, as for instance Zeus, who had a sanctuary on it, in which the festival of the Lycaea was celebrated. No one was allowed to enter the temple, and if any one forced his way in, he was believed to stay within one year, and to lose his shadow (Paus. viii. 2. § 1, 38. § 4, &c.; Pind.


xiii. 154). According to others those who entered it were stoned to death by the Arcadians, or were called stags, and obliged to take to flight to save their lives (Plut.

Quaest. Graec.

39). Pan also was called the Lycaean, because he was born and had a sanctuary on mount Lycaeon (Paus. viii. 38. § 4; Strab. viii. p. 388; Serv.

ad Virg. Georg. i. 16; Virg. Aen.

viii. 344). Lycaeus also occurs as a surname of Apollo.

MAEMACTES (Maimaktês), i. e. the stormy, a surname of Zeus, from which the name of the Attic month Maemacterion was derived. In that month the Maemacteria was celebrated at Athens. (Plut.

de Ir. cohib. 9.)

MECHANEUS (Mêchaneus), skilled in inventing, was a surname of Zeus at Argos (Paus. ii. 22, § 3). The feminine form, Mechanitis (Mêchanitis), occurs as a surname of Aphrodite, at Megalopolis, and of Athena. in the same neighbourhood. (Paus. viii. 31, § 3, 36, § 3.)

MEILI′CHIUS (Meilichios), i. e. the god that can be propitiated, or the gracious, is used as a surname of several divinities. 1. Of Zeus, as the protector of those who honoured him with propitiatory sacrifices. At Athens cakes were offered to him every year at the festival of the Diasia. (Thuc. i. 126; Xenoph.


vii. 7. § 4.) Altars were erected to Zeus Meilichius on the Cephissus (Paus. i. 37. § 3),at Sicyon (ii.9. § 6), and at Argos (ii. 20. § 1; Plut.

De cohib. Ir.

9). 2. Of Dionysus in the island of Naxos. (Athen. iii. p. 78.) 3. Of Tyche or Fortune. (

Orph. Hymn. 71. 2.)

MESSAPEUS (Messapeus), a surname of Zeus, under which he had a sanctuary between Amyclae and mount Taygetus. It was said to have been derived from a priest of the name of Messapeus. (Paus. iii. 20. § 3.)

MOIRA′GETES (Moiragetês), the guide or leader of fate, occurs as a surname of Zeus and Apollo at Delphi. (Paus. x. 24. § 4.)

MO′RIUS (Morios), that is, the protector of the sacred olive trees, occurs as a surname of Zeus. (Soph.

Oed. Col.

705; comp. Liddell and Scott,

Gr. Lex. s. v. Mopia


NEMEIUS (Nemeios), tile Nemeian, a surname of Zeus, under which he had a sanctuary at Argos, with a bronze statue, the work of Lysippus, and where games were celebrated in his honour. (Paus. ii. 20. § 3, 24. § 2.)

NOMOS (Nomos), a personification of law, described as the ruler of gods and men. (Pind.


151, p. 640, ed. Böckh; Plat.

Gorg. p. 484, b.; Orph. Hymn. 63.)

OGO′A (Ogôa), the Carian name of Zeus at Mysala, in whose temple a sea-wave was seen from time to time. (Paus. viii. 10. § 3.) Strabo (xiv. p. 659) calls the god of Mysala, in the Carian dialect, Osogo.

OLY′MPIUS (Olumpios), the Olympian, occurs as a surname of Zeus (Hom.


i. 353), Heracles (Herod. ii. 44), the Muses (Olympiades,


ii. 491), and in general of all the gods that were believed to live in Olympus.

O′MBRIUS (Ombrios), i.e. the rain-giver, a surname of Zeus, under which he had an altar on Mount Hymettus in Attica. (Paus. i. 32. § 3 ; comp. Hes.

Op. et Di. 587, 620.)

PANHELLE′NIUS (Panellênios), i.e. the god common to, or worshipped by all the Hellenes or Greeks, occurs as a surname of the Dodonaean Zeus, whose worship had been transplanted by the Hellenes, in the emigration from Thessaly, to Aegina. Subsequently, when the name Hellenes was applied to all the Greeks, the meaning of the god's surname likewise became more extensive, and it was derived from the propitiatory sacrifice which Aeacus was said to have offered on behalf of all the Greeks, and by the command of the Delphic oracle, for the purpose of averting a famine (Paus. i. 44. § 13). On that occasion Aeacus designated Zeus as the national god of all the Greeks (Pind.


v. 19; Herod. ix. 7; Aristoph.

Equit. 1253; Plut. Lycurg.

6). In Aegina there was a sanctuary of Zeus Panhellenius, which was said to have been founded by Aeacus; and a festival, Panhellenia, was celebrated there. (Paus. i. 18. § 9; Müller,


p. 18, &c. 155, &c.)

PARNE′THIUS (Parnêthios), a surname of Zeus, derived from Mount Parnes in Attica, on which there was a bronze statue of the god. (Paus. i. 32. § 2.)

PATROUS, PATROA (Patrôios, Patrôia), and in Latin,

Patrii Dii

, are, properly speaking, all the gods whose worship has been handed down in a nation or a family from the time of their fathers, whence in some instances they are the spirits of departed ancestors themselves. (Lucian,

De Mort. Pereg.

36.) Zeus was thus

theos patrôios

at Athens (Paus. i. 3. § 3, 43. § 5), and among the Heracleidae, since the heroes of that race traced their origin to Zeus. (Apollod. ii. 8. § 4.)

PHY′XIUS (Phuzios), i. e., the god who protects fugitives, occurs as a surname of Zeus in Thessaly (Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. ii. 1147, iv. 699; Paus. ii. 21. § 3, iii. 17. § 8), and of Apollo. (Philostr.

Her. x. 4.)

PI′STIUS (Pistios), i. e. the god of faith and fidelity, occurs as a surname of Zeus, and, according to some, answers to the Latin Fidius or Medius Fidius. (Dionys. ii. 49; Eurip.

Med. 170.)

POLIEUS (Polieus), "the protector of the city;" a surname of Zeus, under which he had an altar on the acropolis at Athens. Upon this altar barley and wheat were strewed, which were consumed by the bull about to be sacrificed to the god. The priest who killed the victim, threw away the axe as soon as he had struck the fatal blow, and the axe was then brought before a court of justice. (Paus. i. 24. § 4, 28. § 11.)

SOTER (Sôtêr), i. e. "the Saviour" (Lat. Servator or Sospes), occurs as the surname of several divinities:-- 1. of Zeus in Argos (Paus. ii. 20. § 5), at Troezene (ii. 31. § 14), in Laconia (iii. 23. § 6), at Messene (iv. 31. § 5), at Mantineia (viii. 9. § l), at Megalopolis (viii. 30. § 5; comp. Aristoph.

Ran. 1433 ; Plin. H. N.

xxxiv. 8). The sacrifices offered to him were called sôtêria. (Plut.


53.) 2. Of Helios (Paus. viii. 31. § 4), and 3. of Bacchus. (Lycoph. 206.)

STHE′NIUS (Sthenios), i.e. "the powerful," or " the strengthening," a surname of Zeus, under which he had an altar in a rock near Hermione, where Aegeus concealed his sword and his shoes, which were found there by Theseus after he had lifted up the rock. (Paus. ii. 32. § 7, 34. § 6.)

STRA′TIUS (Stratios). Stratios, i.e. the warlike, occurs also as a surname of Zeus and Ares. (Strab. xiv. p. 659 ; Herod. v. 119.)

[XENIUS and] XE′NIA (Xenia), and the masculine Xenios are epithets of Athena and Zeus, describing then as presiding over the laws of hospitality, and protecting strangers. (Lat. Hospitalis ; Paus. iii. 11, in fin.; Hom.

Od. xiv. 389; Cic. ad Q. Frat. ii. 12.)

ZYGIUS and ZYGIA (Zugia and Zugios), are surnames of Hera and Zeus, describing them as presiding over marriage. (Hesych.

s. v. )

Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology.


Many of Zeus' cult titles were derived from his divine functions, as god of weather, governance, the king of the gods, god of fate, giver of plenty, god of marriage, hospitality, protector of strangers and suppliants, protector and deliver from evils, purification, protector of freedom, defence in war:--

Greek Name Ομβριος Ὑετιος Αφεσιος Σκοτιτας Transliteration Ombrios Hyetios Aphesios Skotitas Latin Spelling Ombrius Hyetius Aphesius Scotitas Translation Of the Rain Of the Rain Releasing (Rain) Dark, Murky Greek Name Κεραυνιος Αστραπαιος Καταιβατης Λαβρανδευς Transliteration Keraunios Astrapaios Kataibatês Labrandeus Latin Spelling Ceraunius Astrapaeus Cataebates Labrandeus Translation Of the Thunderbolt Of the Lightning Descending Furious, Raging Greek Name Ικμαιος Κονιος Μαιμακτης Ευηνεμος Λιμενοσκοπος Transliteration Ikmaios Konios Maimaktês Euênemos Limenoskopos Latin Spelling Icmaeus Conius Maemactes Evenemus Limenoscopus Translation Of Moisture Of the Dust Boisterous Of Fair Winds Watcher of Sea-Havens Greek Name Βασιλευς Ὑπατος Ὑπσιστος Κορυφαιος Transliteration Basileus Hypatos Hypsistos Koryphaios Latin Spelling Basileus Hypatus Hypsistus Coryphaeus Translation King, Chief, Ruler Supreme, Most High Supreme, Most High Chief, Leader Greek Name Κτησιος Ἑρκειος Βουλαιος Αμβουλιος Transliteration Ktêsios Herkeios Boulaios Amboulios Latin Spelling Ctesius Herceius Bulaeus Ambulius Translation

Of the House, Property

Of the Courtyard Of the Council Counsellor Greek Name Τελειος Μοιραγετης Κλαριος Σημαλεος Transliteration Teleios Moiragetês Klarios Sêmaleos Latin Spelling Teleus Moiragetes Clarius Semaleus Translation Of Marriage Rites

Leader of the Fates

Of the Lots Giver of Signs Greek Name Μηχανευς Κοσμητης Θεος Αγαθος Επιδωτης Πλουσιος Transliteration Mêkhaneus Kosmêtês Theos Agathos Epidôtês Plousios Latin Spelling Mechaneus Cosmetes Theus Agathus Epidotes Plusius Translation Contriver Orderer The Good God Giver of Good Of Wealth Greek Name Φιλιος Ξενιος Ἱκεσιος Φυξιος Transliteration Philios Xenios Hikesios Phyxios Latin Spelling Philius Xenius Hicesius Phyxius Translation Of Friendship Of Hospitality, Strangers Of Suppliants Of Refuge Greek Name Παλαμναιος Καθαρσιος Προστροπαιος Απημιος Transliteration Palamnaios Katharsios Prostropaios Apêmios Latin Spelling Palamnaeus Catharsius Prostropaeus Apemius Translation (Punisher) of Murderers Of Ritual Purification Turner of Pollution Averter of Ills Greek Name Σωτηρ Μειλιχιος Πανελληνιος Λαοιτης Transliteration Sôtêr Meilikhios Panellênios Laoitês Latin Spelling Soter Milichius Panhellenios Laoites Translation Saviour, Deliverer Gracious, Merciful

Of All the Greeks

Of the People Greek Name Πολειυς Σωσιπολις Ελευθεριος Χρυσαορευς Transliteration Poleius Sôsipolis Eleutherios Khrysaoreus Latin Spelling Poleius Sosipolis Eleuthereus Chrysaoreus Translation Of the City-State City-Saviour Of Freedom

Of the Golden Sword

Greek Name Στρατιος Αρειος Σθενιος Τροπαιος Φυξιος Transliteration Stratios Areios Sthenios Tropaios Phyxios Latin Spelling Stratius Areius Sthenius Tropaeus Phyxius Translation Of War, Warlike Of War, Warlike Of Strength, Strong

Turns to Flight, Defeats

Puts to Flight, Banishes

Another set of cult titles derived from the towns, mountains and other locales where his shrines were located, as well as the names of cult-founders, and descriptions of their locale. Not all of these titles were confined to their "home-town", for example, Zeus Olympios (of Olympia) was worshipped throughout Greece.

Greek Name Ὑμηττιος Παρνηθιος Ανχεσμιος Απεσαντιος Transliteration Hymêttios Parnêthios Ankhesmios Apesantios Latin Spelling Hymettius Parnethius Anchesmius Apesantius Translation

Of Mt Hymettus (Attica)

Of Mt Parnes (Attica)

Of Mt Anchesmus (Attica)

Of Mt Apesas (Argolis)

Greek Name Λαρισαιος Νεμειος Κροκεατος Ιθωματος Transliteration Larisaios Nemeios Krokeatos Ithômatos Latin Spelling Larisaeus Nemeius Croceatus Ithomatus Translation

Of Larisa (Argos acropolis)

Of Nemea (Argolis) Of Croceae (Laconia)

Of Mt Ithome (Messenia)

Greek Name Ολυμπιος Λυκαιος Κιθαιρωνιος Λαφυστιος Transliteration Olympios Lykaios Kithairônios Laphystios Latin Spelling Olympius Lycaeus Cithaeronius Laphystius Translation

Of Olympia (in Elis)

Of Mt Lycaeus (Arcadia)

Of Mt Cithaeron (Boeotia)

Of Mt Laphystius (Boeotia)

Greek Name Κηναιος Ολυμπιος Δωδωναιος Αινησιος Transliteration Kênaios Olympios Dôdônaios Ainêsios Latin Spelling Cenaeus Olympius Dodonaeus Aenesius Translation

Of Cape Cenaeus (Euboea)

Of Mt Olympus (Thessaly)

Of Dodona (Thesprotia)

Of Mt Aenus (Cephallenia)

Greek Name Πελασγιος Πελασγικος Δικταιος Αταβυριος Transliteration Pelasgios Pelasgikos Diktaios Atabyrios Latin Spelling Pelasgius Pelasgicus Dictaeus Atabyrius Translation

Of the Pelasgians (Tribe)

Of the Pelasgians (Tribe)

Of Mt Dicte (Crete)

Of Mt Atabyris (Rhodes)

Greek Name Καριος Λαβρανδευς Λαβραυνδηνος Καπετωλιον Transliteration Karios Labrandeus Labraundênos Kapetôlion Latin Spelling Carius Labrandeus Labraundenus Capitolium Translation Of Caria Of Labranda (Caria) Of Labranda (Caria)

Of the Capitol (Rome)

Greek Name Βουλαιος Αγοραιος Σκοτιτας Λευκαιος Transliteration Boulaios Agoraios Skotitas Leukaios Latin Spelling Bulaeus Agoraeus Scotitas Leucaeus Translation Of the Council-Hall Of the Market-Place

Of the Dark (Oak-Forest)

Of the White-Poplar Grove

Greek Name Λυκαιος Απομυιος Λεχεατης Κλαριος Transliteration Lykaios Apomyios Lekheatês Klarios Latin Spelling Lycaeus Apomyius Lecheates Clarius Translation Of the Wolves Averter of Flies Of the Childbed Of the Lots Greek Name Τελειος Αρισταιος Μεσσαπευς Transliteration Teleios Aristaios Messapeus Latin Spelling Teleius Aristaeus Messapeus Translation Full-Grown

Of Aristaeus (hero Ceos)

Of Messapeus (hero Sparta)

Zeus was also titled with the names of foreign gods with whom he was identified:--

Greek Name Οσογωα Αμμων Transliteration Osogôa Ammôn Latin Spelling Osogoa Ammon Translation (Carian God) Amun (Egyptian God)

Some of his titles were obscure in meaning:--

Greek Name Καππωτης Χαρμων Transliteration Kappôtês Kharmôn Latin Spelling Cappotes Charmon Translation -- -- CULT TERMS

Some general terms pertaining to the god's cult include:--

Greek Name Ολυμπιειον Νεμειον Λυκαιον Χρυσαορεων Transliteration Olympeion Nemeion Lykaion Khrysaoreôn Latin Spelling Olympeum Nemeum Lycaeum Chrysaoreum Translation

Temple of Olympian Zeus

Temple of Nemean Zeus

Temple of Zeus Lycaeus

Temple of Zeus Chrysaoreus

Greek Name Ολυμπια Ολυμπιεια Νεμεα Ιθωμαια Transliteration Olympia Olympieia Nemea Ithômaia Latin Spelling Olympia Olympia Nemea Ithomaea Translation

Olympic Games & Festival

Olympic Games & Festival

Nemean Games & Festival

Festival of Zeus Ithomatus

Greek Name Δαιδαλα Λυκαια Ελευθερια Transliteration Daidala Lykaia Eleutheria Latin Spelling Daedala Lycaea Eleutheria Translation

Festival of (Zeus & Hera)

Festival & Games of Zeus Lycaeus

Festival & Games of Zeus Eleutherius

Months named after Zeus include:--

Greek Name Μαιμακτηριων Transliteration Maimaktêriôn Latin Spelling Maemacterian Translation

Month of Zeus Maemacterius

SOURCES GREEK Strabo, Geography

- Greek Geography C1st B.C. - C1st A.D.

Pausanias, Description of Greece

- Greek Travelogue C2nd A.D.


See Cult of Zeus pages.


A complete bibliography of the translations quoted on this page.

ZEUS PAGES INDEX Part 1: Introduction Symbols & Attributes

Family Tree of Zeus

Gallery Retinue of Zeus Hymns to Zeus Zeus Gallery Encyclopedia Entry Sources

Part 2: Zeus Family

Part 3: Zeus Myths 1 General

Birth of Zeus Nursing of Zeus

War of the Titans

War of the Giants

Battle with Typhoeus

Part 3: Zeus Myths 2 Loves

Part 3: Zeus Myths 3 Loves

Part 3: Zeus Myths 4 Loves

Part 4: Cult of Zeus 1

General Cult Attica, Southern Greece Megaris, Southern Greece Aegina, Southern Greece Corinth, Southern Greece Sicyon, Southern Greece Argolis, Southern Greece

Part 4: Cult of Zeus 2

Laconia, Southern Greece Messenia, Southern Greece Elis, Southern Greece Achaea, Southern Greece Arcadia, Southern Greece

Part 4: Cult of Zeus 3

Boeotia, Central Greece Euboea, Central Greece Phocis, Central Greece Cephallenia, Central Greece

Dodona , Northern Greece

Macedonia, Northern Greece Ceos, Greek Aegean Samos, Greek Aegean Rhodes, Greek Aegean Crete, Greek Aegean Lydia, Anatolia Caria, Anatolia Cappadocia, Anatolia Cilicia, Anatolia Phrygia, Anatolia Cyprus, Mediterranean Libya, North Africa

Rome & Latium, Central Italy

Part 5: Titles & Epithets


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