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Downloaded document from (53509 characters, 1751 words)
Downloaded document from (8088 characters (UTF8), 470 words)
Total match candidates found: 179 (before eliminating redundant matches)

Matched phrases:

elected to successive three year terms on the board of governors of the international neural network society inns since its founding in 1987 and received the inns gabor award (29 words, 174 characters)

she has also served as an elected member of the council of the american mathematical society and is a charter member of the association for women in mathematics (28 words, 160 characters)

late 1970s she defined the generalized hodgkin huxley models used dynamical systems techniques to analyze their solutions and characterized the qualitative properties of the burst suppression patterns that a typical
in the 1970s she defined generalized hodgkin huxley models used dynamical systems techniques to analyze their solutions and characterized the qualitative properties of the burst patterns that a typical neuron
(20 words, 152 characters)

d in mathematics at the university of wisconsin–madison carpenter taught at mit and northeastern university before moving to boston university carpenter married stephen grossberg on june 16 1979 in
graduate training in mathematics at the university of wisconsin taught at mit and northeastern university before moving to boston university where she is a professor in the departments of
(11 words, 76 characters)

career fields mathematics neuroscience institutions boston university northeastern university mit thesis traveling wave solutions of nerve impulse equations academic advisors charles c conley gail alexandra carpenter ph d
carpenter's neural modeling work began with her 1974 mathematics phd thesis traveling wave solutions of nerve impulse equations in a series of papers published in the 1970s she
(8 words, 58 characters)

solutions and characterized the qualitative properties of the burst suppression patterns that a typical neuron may propagate while investigating normal and abnormal signal patterns in nerve cells
their solutions and characterized the qualitative properties of the burst patterns that a typical neuron may propagate together with stephen grossberg and their students and colleagues gail
(7 words, 44 characters)

systems at boston university and the director of the department of cognitive and neural systems cns technology lab at boston university contents 1 early life 2
boston university where she is a professor in the departments of cognitive and neural systems cns and mathematics director of the cns technology lab and co
(6 words, 35 characters)

summa cum laude mathematics she then earned a ph d in mathematics at the university of wisconsin–madison carpenter then taught at mit and northeastern university before
and long range figure completion gail obtained her graduate training in mathematics at the university of wisconsin and taught at mit and northeastern university before moving
(6 words, 35 characters)

iii 19 george g lendaris ieee senior membership award 2011 ieee neural networks pioneer award 2008 international neural network society inns fellow award 2011 college
in mathematics she is the first woman to receive the ieee neural networks pioneer award copyright 2008 © gail carpenter all rights reserved gail@cns bu
(5 words, 34 characters)

resonance theory carpenter's neural modeling efforts were clearly seen in her 1974 mathematics phd thesis on traveling wave solutions of nerve impulse equations at the
configr gail carpenter gail carpenter's neural modeling work began with her 1974 mathematics phd thesis traveling wave solutions of nerve impulse equations in a series
(5 words, 31 characters)

phd thesis on traveling wave solutions of nerve impulse equations at the university of wisconsin department of mathematics while working with charles c conley later
range figure completion gail obtained her graduate training in mathematics at the university of wisconsin and taught at mit and northeastern university before moving to
(5 words, 30 characters)

and statistics she is acknowledged has having been the very first woman to receive the institute of electrical and electronics engineers ieee neural networks pioneer
of the association for women in mathematics she is the first woman to receive the ieee neural networks pioneer award copyright 2008 © gail carpenter
(5 words, 26 characters)

her seminal work on developing the adaptive resonance theory architectures art 1 art 2 art 3 for adaptive pattern recognition ↑ https www ancestry com
stable online learning pattern recognition and prediction including both unsupervised art 1 art 2 art 2 a art 3 fuzzy art distributed art and supervised
(5 words, 15 characters)

supervised and unsupervised learning methods and address problems such as pattern recognition and prediction the primary intuition behind the art model is that object
art family of neural networks for fast stable online learning pattern recognition and prediction including both unsupervised art 1 art 2 art 2 a
(4 words, 34 characters)

dart gail a carpenter 1996 main page adaptive resonance theory adaptive resonance theory art is a theory developed by stephen grossberg and gail carpenter
students and colleagues gail has since the 1980s developed the adaptive resonance theory art family of neural networks for fast stable online learning pattern
(4 words, 29 characters)

is especially well known for her seminal work on developing the adaptive resonance theory architectures art 1 art 2 art 3 for adaptive pattern
their students and colleagues gail has since the 1980s developed the adaptive resonance theory art family of neural networks for fast stable online learning
(4 words, 29 characters)

bio gail carpenter is professor of mathematics and cns co director of the cns graduate program 1989 vice president of the international neural network
the departments of cognitive and neural systems cns and mathematics director of the cns technology lab and co pi for the nsf science of
(4 words, 19 characters)

in boston university castle in boston massachusetts adaptive resonance theory carpenter's neural modeling efforts were clearly seen in her 1974 mathematics phd thesis
and datasets books news artmap software configr gail carpenter gail carpenter's neural modeling work began with her 1974 mathematics phd thesis traveling wave
(3 words, 27 characters)

revising it to be neutral and encyclopedic february 2022 per boston university where carpenter is a professor emerita of mathematics and statistics she
and taught at mit and northeastern university before moving to boston university where she is a professor in the departments of cognitive and
(3 words, 23 characters)

theory adaptive resonance theory art is a theory developed by stephen grossberg and gail carpenter on aspects of how the brain processes information
burst patterns that a typical neuron may propagate together with stephen grossberg and their students and colleagues gail has since the 1980s developed
(3 words, 21 characters)

the director of the department of cognitive and neural systems cns technology lab at boston university contents 1 early life 2 adaptive resonance
cognitive and neural systems cns and mathematics director of the cns technology lab and co pi for the nsf science of learning center
(3 words, 18 characters)

her theories in various papers during the mid to late 1970s she defined the generalized hodgkin huxley models used dynamical systems techniques to
impulse equations in a series of papers published in the 1970s she defined generalized hodgkin huxley models used dynamical systems techniques to analyze
(3 words, 17 characters)

neutral and encyclopedic february 2022 per boston university where carpenter is a professor emerita of mathematics and statistics she is acknowledged has having
and northeastern university before moving to boston university where she is a professor in the departments of cognitive and neural systems cns and
(3 words, 14 characters)

Matching phrases found: 23

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