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Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults
Phelps, Nowell H;Singleton, Rosie K;Zhou, Bin;Heap, Rachel A;Mishra, Anu;Be...
Academic Journal Academic Journal | In The Lancet 16-22 March 2024 403(10431):1027-1050 Please log in to see more details

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One health, une seule santé : Théorie et pratique des approches intégrées de la santé
One Health, « Une seule santé », est une stratégie mondiale visant à développer les co... more
One health, une seule santé : Théorie et pratique des approches intégrées de la santé
One Health, « Une seule santé », est une stratégie mondiale visant à développer les collaborations interdisciplinaires pour la santé humaine, animale et environnementale. Elle promeut une approche intégrée, systémique et unifiée de la santé aux échelles locale, nationale et mondiale, afin de mieux affronter les maladies émergentes à risque pandémique, mais aussi s'adapter aux impacts environnementaux présents et futurs.Bien que ce mouvement s'étende, la littérature en français reste rare. Traduit de l'anglais, coordonné par d'éminents épidémiologistes et s'appuyant sur un large panel d'approches scientifiques rarement réunies autour de la santé, cet ouvrage retrace les origines du concept et présente un contenu pratique sur les outils méthodologiques, la collecte de données, les techniques de surveillance et les plans d'étude. Il combine recherche et pratique en un seul volume et constitue un ouvrage de référence unique pour la santé mondiale.

Subject terms:

Communicable diseases--Research - Communicable diseases

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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Regards sur l'autonomisation religieuse dans le processus d'indépendance du Vietnam au milieu du vingtième siècle.
Bourdeaux, Pascal
Academic Journal Academic Journal | French Politics, Culture & Society. Summer2015, Vol. 33 Issue 2, p11-32. 22p. Please log in to see more details
Indochina played a pioneering role during the decolonization of the French empire, and... more
Regards sur l'autonomisation religieuse dans le processus d'indépendance du Vietnam au milieu du vingtième siècle.
French Politics, Culture & Society. Summer2015, Vol. 33 Issue 2, p11-32. 22p.
Indochina played a pioneering role during the decolonization of the French empire, and the religious issue proved important to the process. Even to this day, state-church relations bear signs of this contentious and painful past. The historiography of the Indochina War, as well as that of the Vietnam War, clearly call attention to the activism of religious leaders and religious communities, especially Buddhists and Catholics, who fought for independence, peace, and the needs and rights of the Third World. And religion was put to the service of shaping public opinion both in Vietnam and internationally. Naturally, ideological convictions during the era of decolonialization account for the dominance of political analysis of this subject. But with the passage of time we can now develop a more sociological understanding of people's religious motivations and practices and the role they played in the conflict between communism and nationalism. The historian can also re-examine the secularization process in decolonized societies by analyzing, on the one hand, the supposed loss of ascendancy of religions in society and, on the other hand, the appearance of new religious movements that tended to adapt to modernity. This essay explores these politico-religious dynamics in the context of the decolonization of Vietnam. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Subject terms:

Secularization (Theology) - Vietnamese history, 1945-1975 - Indochinese War, 1946-1954 - Decolonization - Church & state - Vietnamese politics & government, 1945-1975 - French colonies - Twentieth century - History - Religion - Vietnam - Asia

Content provider:

Literary Reference Source

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Les nouveaux paradigmes du projet ? : Transition, adaptation, résilience
Helga-Jane Scarwell;Philippe Deboudt;Helga-Jane Scarwell;Philippe Deboudt
Transition, adaptation, résilience : ces trois notions ont été choisies pour identifie... more
Les nouveaux paradigmes du projet ? : Transition, adaptation, résilience
Transition, adaptation, résilience : ces trois notions ont été choisies pour identifier et analyser dans cet ouvrage au travers de multiples contextes géographiques, échelles de l'action, figures d'acteurs et temporalité de l'aménagement, les nouveaux paradigmes du projet. La transition constitue le premier nouveau paradigme du projet analysé dans la première partie de l'ouvrage. La transition accompagne-t-elle la généralisation d'une inflexion du projet vers la préfiguration comme nouveau mode opératoire? Le projet n'apparaîtrait-il pas comme une opportunité à saisir pour engager les villes et les territoires sur le chemin de la transition environnementale? L'adaptation représente le second nouveau paradigme du projet constituant le fil directeur de la seconde partie de l'ouvrage. A la différence de la première partie dans laquelle les transitions ont principalement concerné le fait urbain et les villes, l'adaptation est envisagée pour des territoires plus diversifiés. Quelles sont les nouvelles figures de l'action, quelles sont les méthodes qui s'imposent en parallèle du projet pour envisager l'adaptation des villes et des territoires aux enjeux environnementaux et au changement climatique? Dans la troisième partie, la résilience représente le dernier paradigme mobilisé. La notion même de projet a-t-elle encore du sens ou n'est-elle plus qu'une fiction, lorsque domine la vulnérabilité, l'inégalité, l'instabilité, l'incertitude? Quels projets ou stratégies sont conçus et mis en œuvre dans les villes et les territoires pour assurer leur résilience?

Subject terms:

Paradigm (Linguistics)

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Coexistence et confrontation des modèles agricoles et alimentaires : Un nouveau paradigme du développement territorial ?
De nouveaux modèles agricoles et alimentaires se déploient dans les territoires en rép... more
Coexistence et confrontation des modèles agricoles et alimentaires : Un nouveau paradigme du développement territorial ?
De nouveaux modèles agricoles et alimentaires se déploient dans les territoires en réponse aux critiques des formes anciennes et pour faire face à de nouveaux enjeux. Ils incarnent des archétypes de la diversité observée, des projets d'acteurs ou bien de nouvelles normes.Les auteurs analysent ici des situations de coexistence et de confrontation de modèles agricoles et alimentaires selon quatre dimensions majeures du développement territorial : la tension entre spécialisation et diversification, l'innovation, l'adaptation et la transition alimentaire. Une série de travaux conceptuels et d'études de cas en France et de par le monde permet de comprendre les interactions entre ces modèles (confrontation, complémentarité, coévolution, hybridation, etc.), au-delà de la caractérisation de leur diversité et de l'évaluation de leurs performances relatives. La coexistence et la confrontation de ces modèles renforcent leur capacité de changement radical.L'ouvrage souligne les questions originales du cadre d'analyse, ses défis méthodologiques et les conséquences attendues pour l'accompagnement du développement agricole et alimentaire dans les territoires ruraux et urbains. Il est destiné aux chercheurs, enseignants, étudiants et professionnels intéressés par le développement territorial. Consulter la préface de Jan Douwe Van der PloegCe livre est également disponible en anglais sous le titre Coexistence and Confrontation of Agricultural and Food Models auprès des éditions Springer -

Subject terms:

Agricultural industries - Land use, Rural--Econometric models - Agriculture--Economic aspects

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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L'Influence française sur la société vietnamienne coloniale dans le roman Bach-Yên ou la fille au cœur fidèle de Trần Văn Tùng.
Hương, Nguyễn Giáng
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Contemporary French & Francophone Studies. 2017, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p64-71. 8p. Please log in to see more details
The novelBach-Yên ou la fille au cœur fidèle, like many francophone Vietnamese article... more
L'Influence française sur la société vietnamienne coloniale dans le roman Bach-Yên ou la fille au cœur fidèle de Trần Văn Tùng.
Contemporary French & Francophone Studies. 2017, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p64-71. 8p.
The novelBach-Yên ou la fille au cœur fidèle, like many francophone Vietnamese articles of its time appears to be a link between French-language and national-language Vietnamese literature. It thematizes a question common to both of these literatures, which is that of the struggle of a Vietnamese youth educated in a Western manner, against the traditional values that persist in families and in society. Even though it is written in French, this novel is a part of the trend towards modernization that one can observe in Vietnam during the 1930s and 1940s, particularly with the rise of journalism inquốc ngữ, and theThơ mới[New Poetry] andTựlực văn đoàn[Literary autonomous group] movements in literature. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]

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Literary Reference Source

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Een beeld in technicolor. Vijftig jaar oorlogen in Vietnam 1940-1990
Pieter Meulendijks;Pieter Meulendijks
An image in technicolor. Fifty years of wars in Vietnam 1940-1990 gives a broad and in... more
Een beeld in technicolor. Vijftig jaar oorlogen in Vietnam 1940-1990
An image in technicolor. Fifty years of wars in Vietnam 1940-1990 gives a broad and innovative interpretation of the history of Vietnam between 1940 and 1990. Black and white characterisations, one-sided interpretations and prevailing myths are debunked. Instead, a nuanced and multifaceted picture is given in which the United States is less prominent. History is not only written by the victors and, in this case too, the history of Vietnam during this period cannot be attributed solely to Ho Chi Minh and the success of the Communists in 1975. The internal losers, that is, the other political movements and their leaders, must also be given a crucial place in Vietnam's history. For example, the civil wars that took place between 1940 and 1990 played an unmistakable role. The older, idealised image of North Vietnam is inaccurate. This country was a dictatorial and oppressive police state. After 1954, the North Vietnamese leaders were embroiled in a fierce power struggle and were largely responsible for the war in South Vietnam. The answer to the question of who the legitimate representatives of the Vietnamese nation were also requires a more balanced judgment of non-Communist politicians, such as Bao Dai, Ngo Dinh Diem and Nguyen Van Thieu. As for the role of international players, initially, it was the Cold War that determined the United States'interference; later, it was American credibility. In the end, it was the support from China and the Soviet Union that was the deciding factor for North Vietnam's victory. Important new perspectives are given on the role of minorities, the meaning of ‘a third way', the devastating effects of the strategy, the role of women and girls, and the mental and cultural aspects of the wars.

Subject terms:

Cambodian-Vietnamese Conflict, 1977-1991 - Sino-Vietnamese Conflict, 1979 - Indochinese War, 1946-1954--Diplomatic history - Vietnam War, 1961-1975 - Indochinese War, 1946-1954--Public opinion

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risks, 1990-2022
Mensah, George A.;Abate, Yohannes Habtegiorgis;Abbasian, Mohammadreza;Abd-A...
Academic Journal Academic Journal | In Journal of the American College of Cardiology 19-26 December 2023 82(25):2350-2473 Please log in to see more details

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Typosine, La Dixième Muse. Formes éditoriales des canzonieri français (1544-1560).
Review Review | Renaissance & Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme. Winter2009, Vol. 32 Issue 1, p131-133. 3p. Please log in to see more details
The article reviews the book "Typosine, La Dixième Muse. Formes éditoriales des canzon... more
Typosine, La Dixième Muse. Formes éditoriales des canzonieri français (1544-1560).
Renaissance & Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme. Winter2009, Vol. 32 Issue 1, p131-133. 3p.
The article reviews the book "Typosine, La Dixième Muse. Formes éditoriales des canzonieri français (1544-1560)" by Daniel Maira.

Subject terms:

Typosine, la dixieme muse: Formes editoriales des canzonieri francais 1544-1560 (Book) - Maira, Daniel - French poetry - Nonfiction

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Literary Reference Source

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Gender in Focus : Identities, Codes, Stereotypes and Politics
Andreea Zamfira;Christian de Montlibert;Daniela Radu;Andreea Zamfira;Christ...
This book deals with the interplay between identities, codes, stereotypes and politics... more
Gender in Focus : Identities, Codes, Stereotypes and Politics
This book deals with the interplay between identities, codes, stereotypes and politics governing the various constructions and deconstructions of gender in several Western and non-Western societies (Germany, Italy, Serbia, Romania, Cameroon, Indonesia, Vietnam, and others). Readers are invited to discover the realm of gender studies and to reflect upon the transformative potentialities of globalisation and interculturality.

Subject terms:

Sex discrimination - Gender identity - Gender identity--Political aspects

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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The State of Law : Comparative Perspectives on the Rule of Law in Germany and Vietnam
Ulrich von Alemann;Detlef Briesen;Lai Quoc Khanh;Ulrich von Alemann;Detlef ...
This book is the result of the first interdisciplinary conference in Vietnam which too... more
The State of Law : Comparative Perspectives on the Rule of Law in Germany and Vietnam
This book is the result of the first interdisciplinary conference in Vietnam which took place on'the Rule of Law.'Instead of beginning immediately with a highly specialized debate from the perspective of one single academic discipline, we started to discuss numerous facets of the subject arising from a multidisciplinary dialogue. For this reason, the contributions for this publication come from various scientific disciplines in Vietnam and Germany: political, historical, social, economic and legal sciences, but also members of Vietnamese governmental and non-governmental organizations. The aim of the volume is to open up a dialogue about the Rule of Law between two very different legal cultures, the German-European and the Vietnamese-Southeast Asian.

Subject terms:

Rule of law--Germany - Rule of law--Vietnam

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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Grammars of the Urban Ground
Ash Amin;Michele Lancione;Ash Amin;Michele Lancione
The contributors to Grammars of the Urban Ground develop a new conceptual framework an... more
Grammars of the Urban Ground
The contributors to Grammars of the Urban Ground develop a new conceptual framework and vocabulary for capturing the complex, ever-shifting, and interactive processes that shape contemporary cities. Building on Marxist, feminist, queer, and critical race theory as well as the ontological turn in urban studies, they propose a mode of analysis that resists the staple of siloed categories such as urban “economy,” “society,” and “politics.” In addition to addressing key concepts of urban studies such as dispossession and scale, the contributors examine the infrastructures of plutocratic life in London, reconfigure notions of gentrification as a process of racial banishment, and seek out alternative archives for knowledge about urban density. They also present case studies of city life in the margins and peripheries of São Paulo, Kinshasa, Nairobi, and Jakarta. In so doing, they offer a foundation for better understanding the connective and aggregative forces of city-making and the entanglements and relations that constitute cities and their everyday politics.Contributors. Ash Amin, Teresa Caldeira, Filip De Boeck, Suzanne Hall, Caroline Knowles, Michele Lancione, Colin McFarlane, Natalie Oswin, Edgar Pieterse, Ananya Roy, AbdouMaliq Simone, Tatiana Thieme, Nigel Thrift, Mariana Valverde

Subject terms:

City planning--Political aspects - Sociology, Urban - Marginality, Social--Political aspects

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Evaluating Sustainable Food System Innovations : A Global Toolkit for Cities
Élodie Valette;Alison Blay-Palmer;Beatrice Intoppa;Amanda Di Battista;Ophél...
This book presents Urbal, an approach that applies impact pathway mapping to understan... more
Evaluating Sustainable Food System Innovations : A Global Toolkit for Cities
This book presents Urbal, an approach that applies impact pathway mapping to understand how food system innovations in cities, and their territories, change and impact food system sustainability. Around the world, people are finding innovative ways to make their food systems more sustainable. However, documenting and understanding how these innovations impact the sustainability of food system can be a challenge. The Urban Driven Innovations for Sustainable Food Systems (Urbal) methodology responds to these constraints by providing innovations with a simple, open-source, resource-efficient tool that is easily appropriated and adaptable to different contexts. Urbal is designed to respond to the demands of field stakeholders, whether public or private, to accompany and guide them in their actions and decision-making with regard to sustainability objectives. This book presents this qualitative and participatory impact assessment method of food innovations and applies it to several cases of food innovation around the world, including the impact of agricultural districts in Milan, chefs and gastronomy in Brasilia, e-commerce in Vietnam, eco-friendly farm systems in Berlin and the Nourish to Flourish governance process in Cape Town. The book demonstrates how food innovations can impact different dimensions of sustainability, positively and negatively, and identify the elements that facilitate or hinder these impacts. The volume reflects on how to strengthen the capacity of these stakeholders to disseminate their innovations on other scales to contribute to the transition towards more sustainable food systems. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars working on sustainable food systems, urban food, food innovation and impact assessment, as well as policymakers, practitioners and funders interested in these areas.

Subject terms:

Nutrition policy - Food supply - Food security

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Andererseits - Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies : Vol. 11/12, 2022/23
William Collins Donahue;Georg Mein;Rolf Parr;William Collins Donahue;Georg ...
eBook eBook | 2024; Vol. 01112 Please log in to see more details
andererseits provides a forum for research, commentary, and creative work on topics re... more
Andererseits - Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies : Vol. 11/12, 2022/23
2024; Vol. 01112
andererseits provides a forum for research, commentary, and creative work on topics related to the German-speaking world and the field of German Studies. Works presented in the publication come from a wide variety of genres including book reviews, poetry, essays, editorials, forum discussions, academic notes, lectures, and traditional peer-reviewed academic articles. In addition, we welcome contributions by journalists, librarians, archivists, and other commentators interested in German Studies broadly conceived. As a specifically transatlantic endeavor, we also highlight select topics in American Studies that impact German Studies. By publishing such a diverse array of material, we hope to demonstrate the extraordinary value of the humanities in general, and German Studies in particular, on a variety of intellectual and cultural levels. This issue features sections about German Studies approaches to media literacy, Stephen Dowden's book »Modernism and Mimesis« and the poetics of ambiguous memory.

Subject terms:

German literature--21st century--History and criticism

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Philippine Ethnography : A Critically Annotated and Selected Bibliography
Shiro Saito;Shiro Saito
This volume is a comprehensive listing of reference sources for Philippine ethnology, ... more
Philippine Ethnography : A Critically Annotated and Selected Bibliography
This volume is a comprehensive listing of reference sources for Philippine ethnology, excluding physical anthropology and de-emphasizing folklore and linguistics. It is published as part of the East-West Bibliographic Series. This listing includes books, journal articles, mimeographed papers, and official publications selected on the basis of the ratings of sixty-two Philippine specialists. Several titles were added to fill the need for material in certain areas.

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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Navigating Prosperity and Security in East Asia
Shiro Armstrong;Adam Triggs;Tom Westland;Shiro Armstrong;Adam Triggs;Tom We...
The world's two largest economies, the United States and China, are locked in a trade ... more
Navigating Prosperity and Security in East Asia
The world's two largest economies, the United States and China, are locked in a trade war, complicating policy choices internationally. These choices are sharper for the countries of East and Southeast Asia than they are elsewhere, because the multilateral rules-based economic order on which East Asian economic integration and cooperation is built is under threat.Economic policy has never been separate from security considerations. For decades, the national security risks inherent in economic exchange have been mitigated under a US-led system that allowed the strengthening of economic ties, including between China and the rest of the world. But economics and security are increasingly entangled in a way that is damaging to both, creating a dangerous trade-off. Now, as global uncertainties grow, the risks of international exchange—rather than its benefits—are beginning to dominate the calculus for some policymakers.Against this backdrop, how can Southeast Asian countries and US allies in Asia balance their security interests and their economic interests? And how can these countries, individually and collectively, broaden their policy options and deepen economic integration? This volume investigates the domestic and international dimensions of these questions.

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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Race and Migration in the Transpacific
Yasuko Takezawa;Akio Tanabe;Yasuko Takezawa;Akio Tanabe
eBook eBook | 2023; Vol. 00024 Please log in to see more details
Looking at a range of cases from around the Transpacific, the contributors to this boo... more
Race and Migration in the Transpacific
2023; Vol. 00024
Looking at a range of cases from around the Transpacific, the contributors to this book explore the complex formulations of race and racism emerging from transoceanic migrations and encounters in the region. Asia has a history of ceaseless, active, and multidirectional migration, which continues to bear multilayered and complex genetic diversity. The traditional system of rank order between groups of people in Asia consisted of multiple “invisible” differences in variegated entanglements, including descent, birthplace, occupation, and lifestyle. Transpacific migration brought about the formation of multilayered and complex racial relationships, as the physically indistinguishable yet multifacetedly racialized groups encountered the hegemonic racial order deriving from the transatlantic experience of racialization based on “visible” differences. Each chapter in this book examines a different case study, identifying their complexities and particularities while contributing to a broad view of the possibilities for solidarity and human connection in a context of domination and discrimination. These cases include the dispossession of the Ainu people, the experiences of Burakumin emigrants in America, the policing of colonial Singapore, and data governance in India. A fascinating read for sociologists, anthropologists, and historians, especially those with a particular focus on the Asian and Pacific regions.

Subject terms:

Racism--North Pacific Region--Case studies - Human rights--North Pacific Region--Case studies - Race discrimination--North Pacific Region--Case studies - Immigrants--North Pacific Region--Case studies

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Routledge Handbook of Civil and Uncivil Society in Southeast Asia
Eva Hansson;Meredith L. Weiss;Eva Hansson;Meredith L. Weiss
The Routledge Handbook of Civil and Uncivil Society in Southeast Asia explores the nat... more
Routledge Handbook of Civil and Uncivil Society in Southeast Asia
The Routledge Handbook of Civil and Uncivil Society in Southeast Asia explores the nature and implications of civil society across the region, engaging systematically with both theoretical approaches and empirical nuance for a systematic, comparative, and informative approach. The handbook actively analyses the varying definitions of civil society, critiquing the inconsistent scrutiny of this sphere over time. It brings forth the need to reconsider civil society development in today's Southeast Asia, including activist organisations'and platforms'composition, claims, resources, and potential to effect sociopolitical change. Structured in five parts, the volume includes chapters written by an international set of experts analysing topics relating to civil society: Spaces and platforms Place within politics Resources and tactics Identity formation and claims Advocacy The handbook highlights the importance of civil society as a domain for political engagement outside the state and parties, across Southeast Asia, as well as the prevalence and weight of'uncivil'dimensions. It offers a well-informed and comprehensive analysis of the topic and is an indispensable reference work for students and researchers in the fields of Asian Studies, Asian Politics, Southeast Asian Politics and Comparative Politics. The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license. Funded by The Research Foundation for State University of New York, USA and The Stockholm Center for Global Asia, Sweden.

Subject terms:

Civil society--Southeast Asia

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Perspectives on Transitions in Refugee Education : Ruptures, Passages, and Re-Orientations
Seyda Subasi Singh;Olja Jovanović Milanović;Michelle Proyer;Seyda Subasi Si...
Flüchtlinge sind in ihrem Leben mit Übergängen konfrontiert: auf individueller, sozial... more
Perspectives on Transitions in Refugee Education : Ruptures, Passages, and Re-Orientations
Flüchtlinge sind in ihrem Leben mit Übergängen konfrontiert: auf individueller, sozialer und kultureller Ebene. Dieses Buch behandelt verschiedene Aspekte dieser Übergänge und ihre Überschneidungen mit Bildungserfahrungen. Studien aus unterschiedlichen Länderkontexten zeigen die komplexen Beziehungen zwischen Individuum, Kultur, Gesellschaft und Institutionen. Die Untersuchung dieser Beziehungen und Erfahrungen während der Übergangsprozesse soll zu einem tieferen Verständnis der verschiedenen Arten von Übergängen im Zusammenhang mit Bildung beitragen, was in der Zukunft zur Verbesserung von Unterstützungsstrukturen genutzt werden kann.

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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Engineering Chemistry Vol. 4
Omar S. Dahham;Adhi Dwi Hatmanto;Omar S. Dahham;Adhi Dwi Hatmanto
eBook eBook | 2023; Vol. 00004 Please log in to see more details
The 4th volume of'Engineering Chemistry'contains articles presenting research results ... more
Engineering Chemistry Vol. 4
2023; Vol. 00004
The 4th volume of'Engineering Chemistry'contains articles presenting research results related to oil processing technologies, modelling and simulation of hydrogen production processes using membrane reactors, and features of the transesterification technology of the waste cooking oil in biodiesel production. Some articles are devoted to the latest biotechnologies for biomass processing and chemical analysis of bioactive compounds and antimicrobial components of propolis from various geographic zones. This volume will be useful to specialists from the petroleum industry, applied biotechnologies and hydrogen production.

Subject terms:

Chemical engineering - Chemistry, Technical

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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