GeoHack - Liste des monuments historiques du Finistère

Liste des monuments historiques du Finistère
WGS84 48° 19′ 12.17″ N, 4° 17′ 57.87″ W
48.320048°, -4.299409°
UTM 30U 403672 5352689
Typ landmark Scale ± 1:10000
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Wobkruh: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250 km

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Degrees, minutes, seconds latitude and longitude: 48° 19′ 12.17″ N 4° 17′ 57.87″ W WGS84
Degrees, minutes latitude and longitude: 48° 19.2029′ N 4° 17.9645′ W WGS84
Decimal degrees latitude and longitude
(also a Geo microformat ):
<span class="geo"><span class="latitude">48.320048</span>° <span class="longitude">-4.299409</span>°</span> WGS84
UTM Northing, Easting and zone: 5352689 403672 30U WGS84
UK Ordnance Survey: Airy 1830
Switzerland CH1903; Easting, Northing: 0 0 Bessel 1841
New Zealand NZTM; Easting, Northing: 0 0 NZGD2000
{{Coordinate|text=/|NS=48.320048|EW=-4.299409|type=landmark|region=FR|name=Liste des monuments historiques du Finistère}}

Koordinatowe podaća z datumom WGS84 su tež za NAD83 a EU89 płaćiwe.

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