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This is based on the mapsources extension by en:User:Egil, extended by Magnus Manske and User:Kolossos.
For the source of this script, see skyhack-source.php.

Map sources/SkyHack

You may be able to find maps and data about the location in the sky for:

Common name Messier 49
Query name M 49

Right ascension (degrees) 7.44458333334° Right ascension (hours) 12.496305555556 h
Declination 8.0005555555556°
Size of view 10 ′ Range for Google Earth/sky 11061.896290867
Zoom for wikisky and Googe Maps/sky 9 Radius for SIMBAD query 12


SIMDAD queries and settings

In case of problems with environment search you can reduce the maximum of output of SIMBAD to several sizes:

Very large Large Medium small tiny

VizieR queries

Template documentation

This template is used for the skyhack tool (script: https://geohack.toolforge.org/skyhack.php), to create an output page.

Please, do not edit this template without discussion before.