Article revision statistics

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Article: Command_&_Conquer:_Red_Alert_2
Total revisions: 19
Number of minor edits: 13 (68.421%)
Number of IP edits: 2 (14.286%)
First edit: 2010-10-08T13:27:00+00:00 (by Masahiro Naoi)
Most recent edit: 2024-02-10T23:54:04+00:00 (by InternetArchiveBot)
Average time between edits: 256.474 days
Average number of edits per month: 0.119
Average number of edits per year: 1.423
Number of edits in the last day: 0
Number of edits in the last week: 0
Number of edits in the last month: 0
Number of edits in the last year: 1
Number of users: 14
Average edits per user: 1.357

Edits over time

Article size over time

Top 50 contributors

Username # of edits Minor First edit Latest edit Mean time between edits Mean page size (KiB) Added (B) Removed (B)
Maskbot (talk) 4 4 (100.0%) 2010-10-30T17:28:52+00:00 2017-06-29T11:48:50+00:00 1 years, 243 days, 10 hours 2.076 49 -6
Masahiro Naoi (talk) 2 0 (0.0%) 2010-10-08T13:27:00+00:00 2010-10-08T13:27:26+00:00 13 seconds 2.552 2627 -28
EmausBot (talk) 2 2 (100.0%) 2011-12-01T21:20:25+00:00 2012-08-23T23:27:34+00:00 133 days, 1 hours, 3 minutes 2.775 96 0
Luckas-bot (talk) 1 1 (100.0%) 2010-10-08T14:23:17+00:00 2010-10-08T14:23:17+00:00 None 2.575 38 0
Bluemask (talk) 1 1 (100.0%) 2010-10-10T07:09:46+00:00 2010-10-10T07:09:46+00:00 None 2.602 27 0
HRoestBot (talk) 1 1 (100.0%) 2011-07-31T16:17:53+00:00 2011-07-31T16:17:53+00:00 None 2.648 38 0
WikitanvirBot (talk) 1 1 (100.0%) 2011-08-26T13:41:05+00:00 2011-08-26T13:41:05+00:00 None 2.69 43 0
DarafshBot (talk) 1 1 (100.0%) 2012-04-29T21:53:33+00:00 2012-04-29T21:53:33+00:00 None 2.729 2 0
MastiBot (talk) 1 1 (100.0%) 2012-05-14T05:37:03+00:00 2012-05-14T05:37:03+00:00 None 2.767 38 0
Legobot (talk) 1 1 (100.0%) 2013-03-12T05:29:38+00:00 2013-03-12T05:29:38+00:00 None 1.931 0 -914 (talk) 1 0 (0.0%) 2013-11-29T10:14:58+00:00 2013-11-29T10:14:58+00:00 None 1.871 0 -61
CommonsDelinker (talk) 1 0 (0.0%) 2017-07-21T06:05:16+00:00 2017-07-21T06:05:16+00:00 None 1.871 0 -33 (talk) 1 0 (0.0%) 2020-06-30T13:26:59+00:00 2020-06-30T13:26:59+00:00 None 1.851 0 -21
InternetArchiveBot (talk) 1 0 (0.0%) 2024-02-10T23:54:04+00:00 2024-02-10T23:54:04+00:00 None 1.95 102 0

Elapsed time: 0.054 seconds.
05:49:54, 28 Apr 2024

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