IMDb > Ensign Travis Mayweather (Character)
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Ensign Travis Mayweather (Character)
from "Star Trek: Enterprise" (2001)

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Ensign Travis Mayweather (Anthony Montgomery) ... See more »
Alternate Names:
MACO Sergeant Travis Mayweathe / MACO Sergeant Travis Mayweather


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Jump to filmography: Archive Footage
  1. "Star Trek: Enterprise"
    ... aka "Enterprise" - USA (original title)
        - These Are the Voyages... (2005) TV episode, Played by Anthony Montgomery
        - Terra Prime (2005) TV episode, Played by Anthony Montgomery
        - Demons (2005) TV episode, Played by Anthony Montgomery
        - In a Mirror, Darkly: Part 2 (2005) TV episode, Played by Anthony Montgomery (as MACO Sergeant Travis Mayweathe)
        - In a Mirror, Darkly: Part 1 (2005) TV episode, Played by Anthony Montgomery (as MACO Sergeant Travis Mayweather)
          (93 more)
Archive Footage:
  1. How William Shatner Changed the World (2005) (TV) Played by Anthony Montgomery

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Fun Stuff

From "Star Trek: Enterprise: Broken Bow: Part 1 (#1.1)" (2001)
[Klaang has been abducted out of sickbay by Suliban, a stealth-capable race]
Capt. Jonathan Archer: We've got state-of-the-art sensors. Why the hell didn't we detect them?
Ensign Travis Mayweather: Mr. Reed thought he detected something right before we lost power.
Lieutenant Malcolm Reed: The starboard sensor logs recorded a spatial disturbance.
Commander Charles 'Trip' Tucker III: Looks more like a glitch.
Ensign Hoshi Sato: Those weren't glitches in sickbay.
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