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David Hodges
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David Hodges (Character)
from "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" (2000)

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David Hodges is a lab technician who was transferred... See more »


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  1. CSI: Immortality (2015) (TV) Played by Wallace Langham
  2. "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation"
    ... aka "CSI: Las Vegas" - South Africa (English title) (informal alternative title), USA (syndication title)
    ... aka "C.S.I." - USA (short title)
    ... aka "CSI: Weekends" - USA (promotional title)
        - The End Game (2015) TV episode, Played by Wallace Langham
        - Under My Skin (2015) TV episode, Played by Wallace Langham
        - The Last Ride (2015) TV episode, Played by Wallace Langham
        - Merchants of Menace (2015) TV episode, Played by Wallace Langham
        - Hero to Zero (2015) TV episode, Played by Wallace Langham
          (242 more)

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Fun Stuff

From "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: The Lost Reindeer (#14.11)" (2013)
Morgan Brody: Why do you think Santa hanging out here all by his lonesome after the party?
David Hodges: He was probably recovering from the forced celebration of a hyper commercialized holiday that lost all sense of wonder
Morgan Brody: Wow, sounds like somebody got a lot of coal in his stocking as a kid
David Hodges: I wish! Instead of regaling me with stories of Santa, my scientist father lectured me on the impossibilities of the whole thing
Morgan Brody: What? He didn't think a fat man in his sled could make it around the world in one night?
David Hodges: He also had a problem with the climate damage caused by toy factories on the North Pole
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