IMDb > Gary Ewing (Character)
Gary Ewing
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Gary Ewing (Character)
from "Knots Landing" (1979)

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Garrison Arthur (Gary) Ewing is the middle son of... See more »


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Jump to filmography: Archive Footage
  1. "Dallas"
        - Ewings Unite! (2013) TV episode, Played by Ted Shackelford
        - JR's Masterpiece (2013) TV episode, Played by Ted Shackelford
        - The Furious and the Fast (2013) TV episode, Played by Ted Shackelford

  2. "Knots Landing: Back to the Cul-de-Sac"
        - Part 2 (1997) TV episode, Played by Ted Shackelford
        - Part 1 (1997) TV episode, Played by Ted Shackelford
  3. "Knots Landing"
        - Just Like Old Times: Part 2 (1993) TV episode, Played by Ted Shackelford
        - Just Like Old Times: Part 1 (1993) TV episode, Played by Ted Shackelford
        - Day of the Assassin (1993) TV episode, Played by Ted Shackelford
        - My Kingdom for a Horse (1993) TV episode, Played by Ted Shackelford
        - Hints and Evasions (1993) TV episode, Played by Ted Shackelford
          (337 more)
  4. "Dallas"
        - Conundrum (1991) TV episode, Played by Ted Shackelford
        - The Family Ewing (1985) TV episode, Played by Ted Shackelford
        - Jock's Will (1982) TV episode, Played by Ted Shackelford
        - Five Dollars a Barrel (1981) TV episode, Played by Ted Shackelford
        - The Split (1981) TV episode, Played by Ted Shackelford
          (6 more)

  5. Dallas: The Early Years (1986) (TV) Played by Joel Allen
Archive Footage:
  1. Knots Landing Reunion: Together Again (2005) (TV) Played by Ted Shackelford
  2. Dallas Reunion: Return to Southfork (2004) (TV) Played by Ted Shackelford
  3. "Intimate Portrait"
        - Joan Van Ark (2002) TV episode, Played by David Ackroyd
  4. The Knots Landing Block Party (1993) (TV) Played by Ted Shackelford

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Fun Stuff

From "Dallas: Return Engagement (#3.14)" (1979)
Valene Ewing: [about Miss Ellie] She's desperate to see you, Gary.
Gary Ewing: I'm sorry, Valene. She'd just drag me right back into that family.
Valene Ewing: No, no, no, she said she wouldn't.
Gary Ewing: Yes she would! She's a lady who thinks family. She can't think any other way.
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