IMDb > Reginald 'Red' Forman (Character)
Reginald 'Red' Forman
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Reginald 'Red' Forman (Character)
from "That '70s Show" (1998)

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That '70s Show: :  -- US Home Video Trailer from 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
That '70s Show: :  -- Trailer for That '70s Show: Season Six
That '70s Show: :  -- Trailer for That '70s Show: Season 2
That '70s Show: :  -- Trailer for That '70s Show: Season One
That '70s Show: :  -- A comedy revolving around a group of teenage friends, their mishaps, and their coming of age, set in 1970s Wisconsin.

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Reginald Albert 'Red' Forman, an extremely conservative Navy War Veteran... See more »
Alternate Names:
Red Forman / Reginald "Red" Forman / Young Red


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  1. "That '70s Show"
        - Love of My Life (2006) TV episode, Played by Kurtwood Smith (as Reginald "Red" Forman)
        - That '70s Finale (2006) TV episode, Played by Kurtwood Smith
        - Leaving Home Ain't Easy (2006) TV episode, Played by Kurtwood Smith
        - Sheer Heart Attack (2006) TV episode, Played by Kurtwood Smith (as Reginald "Red" Forman)
        - We Will Rock You (2006) TV episode, Played by Kurtwood Smith (as Reginald "Red" Forman)
          (195 more)
  2. "Robot Chicken"
        - Gold Dust Gasoline (2005) TV episode, Played by Kurtwood Smith
  3. Making the Show: 'That '70s Show' (2003) (TV) Played by Kurtwood Smith

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Fun Stuff

From "That '70s Show: Punk Chick (#1.22)" (1999)
[to Hyde, who wants to quit school and go to New York]
Reginald "Red" Forman: What are you going to put on your resume? Dumbass?
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