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Turenne (Character)
from "Mazarin" (1978)

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Alternate Names:
Marchal of Turenne / Vicomte de Turenne / Vicomte de Turennes


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  1. Louis, enfant roi (1993) Played by Thierry Bosc (as Vicomte de Turenne)

  2. "Mazarin" (1978) TV series Played by Jacques Harden

  3. The Iron Mask (1962) Played by Jean Davy (as Marchal of Turenne)
    ... aka "Le masque de fer" - France (original title)

  4. Royal Affairs in Versailles (1954) Played by Jean Chevrier
    ... aka "Si Versailles m'était conté" - Italy (original title)
    ... aka "Affairs in Versailles" - USA (reissue title)

  5. A Gentleman of France (1921) Played by Hugh Buckler (as Vicomte de Turennes)

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