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Louis XII
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Louis XII (Character)
from "The Borgias" (2011)

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The Borgias: Season 3: Episode 10 -- Alexander and Cesare are reconciled at last, and the Pope reveals that the Papal Armies have been strengthened and re-equipped with the money saved from the Crusade and the proceeds of the Jubilee.  Now, the Borgias are ready to move against their enemies the Sforzas and are ready to take their first step towards their ultimate goal: to carve out a hereditary kingdom across the heart of Italy.  Cesare marches his fearsome army to lay siege to Catherina Sforza's castle at Forli.  Catherina is determined to resist despite the artillery bombardment and the danger of starvation in the bitter winter.  Micheletto (Sean Harris) reappears from the shadows - his broken heart will not yet let him return to Cesare's service, but he does advise Cesare of weak spots in Forli's defences.  Back in Rome, Cesare finds that Alfonso (Sebastian De Souza) has become even more aggressive and Cesare plans to murder him.  But circumstances become deadly when a scuffle breas out between Cesare and a drunk Alfonso.  The doctor reports that Alfonso will certainly die, slowly and painfully over several days.  Devastated, Lucrezia turns to her potions to end his life painlessly with Cesare vowing that now she will be his for good.

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Alternate Names:
King Louis / King Louis XII / Louis XII of France / Louis d'Orleans / Louis d'Orlans


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Jump to filmography: Archive Footage
  1. Niccolò Machiavelli il Principe della politica (????) Played by Francesco Grifoni (as King Louis XII)

  2. "The Borgias"
        - Lucrezia's Gambit (2013) TV episode, Played by Serge Hazanavicius (as Louis XII of France)
        - The Wolf and the Lamb (2013) TV episode, Played by Serge Hazanavicius (as Louis XII of France)
  3. "Borgia"
        - The Seven Sorrows (2013) TV episode, Played by Joseph Beattie (as Louis d'Orleans)
        - The Assumption (2013) TV episode, Played by Joseph Beattie (as Louis d'Orleans)
        - Transfiguration (2013) TV episode, Played by Joseph Beattie (as King Louis)
        - A Morality Play (2013) TV episode, Played by Joseph Beattie (as King Louis XII)
        - The Blessed Trinity (2013) TV episode, Played by Joseph Beattie (as King Louis)
  4. Louis XI: Shattered Power (2011) (TV) Played by Bruno Debrandt (as Louis d'Orlans)
    ... aka "Louis XI, le pouvoir fracassé" - France (original title)

  5. Sans peur et sans reproche (1988) Played by Martin Lamotte
  6. "The Borgias"
        - Part 8 (1981) TV episode, Played by Yves Beneyton
        - Part 4 (1981) TV episode, Played by Yves Beneyton

  7. Les Borgia ou le sang doré (1977) (TV) Played by André Dumas
  8. "Au théâtre ce soir"
        - La reine galante (1974) TV episode, Played by Georges Riquier
  9. "The Life of Leonardo Da Vinci"
    ... aka "La vita di Leonardo da Vinci" - Italy (original title)
    ... aka "I, Leonardo" - USA
        - Episode #1.5 (1971) TV episode, Played by Christian de Tillière (as King Louis XII)

  10. The Sword and the Rose (1953) Played by Jean Mercure (as King Louis XII)
    ... aka "When Knighthood Was in Flower" - USA (TV title)

  11. When Knighthood Was in Flower (1922) Played by William Norris

  12. A Tudor Princess (1913) Played by Barry O'Moore
Archive Footage:
  1. "Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color"
    ... aka "Disneyland" - USA (original title)
    ... aka "Disney's Wonderful World" - USA (new title)
    ... aka "The Disney Sunday Movie" - USA (new title)
    ... aka "The Magical World of Disney" - USA (new title)
    ... aka "The Wonderful World of Disney" - USA (new title)
    ... aka "Walt Disney" - USA (new title)
    ... aka "Walt Disney Presents" - USA (new title)
        - When Knighthood Was in Flower: Part 2 (1956) TV episode, Played by Jean Mercure
        - When Knighthood Was in Flower: Part 1 (1956) TV episode, Played by Jean Mercure

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