Back Уикипедия ( • 2023-01-30 — 2023-02-06

Admin Stats

Summary [show] [hide]

Starting date 2023-01-30
Ending date 2023-02-06 (8 days)
Log types delete, revision delete, log delete, restore, (re)block, unblock, (re)protect, unprotect, rights, merge, import, abusefilter, content model
Current admins 16
Non-admins with admin actions 0

Admins [show] [hide]

Only users who made at least one admin action in the time period are shown. Some users may be former admins, or are non-admins but have rights to make certain admin actions.

# Username User groups Links Total Delete Revision delete Log delete Restore (Re)block Unblock (Re)protect Unprotect Rights Merge Import AbuseFilter Content model
1 Kasymov administrator ec · guc · log 111 110 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Kaiyr administrator ec · guc · log 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0