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Analysis of edit summary usage

Summary [show] [hide]

Username Authordom
Namespace All
Live edits 2,248
Edits with summaries 1,490 · (66.3%)
Major edits 1,894
Major edits with summaries 1,254 · (66.2%)
Last 150 major edits with summaries 105 · (70%)
Minor edits 354
Minor edits with summaries 236 · (66.7%)
Last 150 minor edits with summaries 94 · (62.7%)
With summary · 1,490 (66.3%)
No summary · 758 (33.7%)
Major edits with summaries · 1,254 (66.2%)
No summary · 640 (33.8%)

Month counts [show] [hide]

Month Total edits Edit summaries Edit summaries %
2020-12 5 2 40%
2020-11 16 8 50%
2020-10 54 36 66.7%
2020-06 3 3 100%
2020-05 5 4 80%
2020-04 19 12 63.2%
2020-03 283 216 76.3%
2020-02 546 406 74.4%
2020-01 316 231 73.1%
2019-12 44 39 88.6%
2019-11 112 90 80.4%
2019-10 384 204 53.1%
2019-09 305 140 45.9%
2019-08 156 99 63.5%