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Q20036753 - No label in !

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ItemLabel []WikilabelsLink #
Q219 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria | България | Бугарска | Bulgaristan | Болгария | Bulgária | Bułgaria | Bulgarie | Bulgaaria11
Q41 [CC | ]No label in !Grecia | Greece | Гърция | Грчка | Yunanistan | Греция | Görögország | Grecja | Grèce | Kreeka11
Q218 [CC | ]No label in !Romania | România | Румъния | Румунија | Romanya | Румыния | Románia | Rumunia | Roumanie | Rumeenia11
Q403 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia | Сърбия | Србија | Sırbistan | Сербия | Szerbia | Serbie11
Q168057 [CC | ]No label in !Craiova | Крайова | Крајова | Krajowa10
Q244323 [CC | ]No label in !Вишеградска група | Visegrád Group | Grupul de la Visegrád | Gruppo di Visegrád | Вишеградская группа | Visegrádi Együttműködés | Grupa Wyszehradzka | Groupe de Visegrád | Visegrádi grupp10
Q3711 [CC | ]No label in !Belgrad | Belgrade | Београд | Belgrado | Белград | Belgrád9
Q19660 [CC | ]No label in !Bucarest | Bukarest | Bucharest | București | Букурешт | Бухарест | Bukareszt9
Q472 [CC | ]No label in !Sofia | Софија | София | Szófia9
Q458 [CC | ]No label in !European Union | Uniunea Europeană | Европска унија | Unione europea | Európai Unió | Unia Europejska | Union européenne | Euroopa Liit8
Q6506 [CC | ]No label in !Varna | Варна | Varna, Bulgaria | Várna (Bulgária) | Varna (Bulgarie)8
Q57692 [CC | ]No label in !Victor Ponta | Виктор Понта | Понта, Виктор8
Q178531 [CC | ]No label in !Vidin | Видин8
Q57775 [CC | ]No label in !Boyko Borisov | Boiko Borisov | Бојко Борисов | Bojko Borisov | Bojko Boriszov | Bojko Borisow | Boïko Borissov7
Q46 [CC | ]No label in !Европа | Europe | Europa | Euroopa7
Q693835 [CC | ]No label in !Accession of Serbia to the European Union | Приступање Србије Европској унији | Adesione della Serbia all'Unione europea | Вступление Сербии в Европейский союз | Szerbia csatlakozása az Európai Unióhoz | Procédure d'adhésion de la Serbie à l'Union européenne6
Q312015 [CC | ]No label in !Alexis Tsipras | Алексис Ципрас | Alexīs Tsipras | Aléxisz Cíprasz | Aléxis Tsípras6
Q1048268 [CC | ]No label in !European integration | Европейска интеграция | Evropska integracija | Integrazione europea | Intégration européenne5
Q392805 [CC | ]No label in !Central European Initiative | Inițiativa Central Europeană | Iniziativa centro europea | Initiative centre-européenne4
Q3369938 [CC | ]No label in !Inner Six | Sei fondatori | Europe des Six4
Q32069506 [CC | ]No label in !Three Seas Initiative | Inițiativa celor Trei Mări | Trójmorze | Kolme Mere Algatus4
Q17151 [CC | ]No label in !Солун | Salonicco | Салоники | Thessalonique4
Q23609046 [CC | ]No label in !2007 enlargement of the European Union | Расширение Европейского союза (2007) | Euroopa Liidu 2007. aasta laienemine3
Q14935989 [CC | ]No label in !2030 FIFA World Cup | 2030-as labdarúgó-világbajnokság | Mistrzostwa Świata w Piłce Nożnej 20303
Q222031 [CC | ]No label in !Aleksandar Vučić3
Q294832 [CC | ]No label in !Alexandru Ioan Cuza | Alexandre Jean Cuza3
Q26258815 [CC | ]No label in !Ana Brnabić3
Q1524 [CC | ]No label in !Athens | Atene | Athènes3
Q242758 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgarian Orthodox Church | Chiesa ortodossa bulgara | Église orthodoxe bulgare3
Q7918 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgarian language | Lingua bulgara | Bulgare3
Q172540 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgarian lev | Lev bulgaro | Lev bulgare3
Q133255 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgarians | Bulgari | Bulgares3
Q4996359 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Romania relations | Relațiile dintre România și Bulgaria | Односи Бугарске и Румуније3
Q1987099 [CC | ]No label in !Demographics of Serbia | Demografia della Serbia | Démographie de la Serbie3
Q4916 [CC | ]No label in !Euro3
Q203817 [CC | ]No label in !First Bulgarian Empire | Primo Impero bulgaro | Premier Empire bulgare3
Q7970362 [CC | ]No label in !Greek Orthodox Church | Chiesa greco-ortodossa | Églises orthodoxes de culture grecque3
Q9129 [CC | ]No label in !Greek language | Lingua greca | Grec3
Q518365 [CC | ]No label in !Hungarians in Romania | Magiari di Romania | Hongrois de Roumanie3
Q220430 [CC | ]No label in !Ioannis Kapodistrias | Giovanni Capodistria | Ioánnis Kapodístrias3
Q432 [CC | ]No label in !Islam3
Q701484 [CC | ]No label in !Klaus Iohannis3
Q552751 [CC | ]No label in !Kyriakos Mitsotakis | Kyriakos Mītsotakīs | Kyriákos Mitsotákis3
Q379687 [CC | ]No label in !List of Bulgarian monarchs | Sovrani di Bulgaria | Liste des souverains de Bulgarie3
Q615450 [CC | ]No label in !List of Serbian monarchs | Sovrani di Serbia | Liste des souverains serbes et yougoslaves3
Q260023 [CC | ]No label in !List of countries and dependencies by area | Stati per superficie | Liste des pays et territoires par superficie3
Q11000322 [CC | ]No label in !List of countries by GDP (PPP) | Stati per PIL (PPA) | Liste des pays par PIB (PPA)3
Q19093 [CC | ]No label in !List of countries by GDP (nominal) | Stati per PIL (nominale) | Liste des pays par PIB nominal3
Q176793 [CC | ]No label in !List of countries by Human Development Index | Stati per indice di sviluppo umano | Liste des pays par IDH3
Q223153 [CC | ]No label in !New Democracy (Greece) | Nuova Democrazia | Nouvelle Démocratie (Grèce)3
Q4377230 [CC | ]No label in !Prime Minister of Greece | Primo ministro della Grecia | Premier ministre de Grèce3
Q15304810 [CC | ]No label in !Prime Minister of Romania | Primo ministro della Romania | Premier ministre de Roumanie3
Q923163 [CC | ]No label in !Romani people in Romania | Rom di Romania | Roms de Roumanie3
Q181901 [CC | ]No label in !Romanian Orthodox Church | Chiesa ortodossa rumena | Église orthodoxe roumaine3
Q485150 [CC | ]No label in !Romanians | Rumeni | Roumains3
Q7362681 [CC | ]No label in !Romania–Serbia relations | Relațiile dintre România și Serbia | Односи Србије и Румуније3
Q188814 [CC | ]No label in !Serbian Orthodox Church | Chiesa ortodossa serba | Église orthodoxe serbe3
Q253586 [CC | ]No label in !Serbian Progressive Party | Partito Progressista Serbo | Parti progressiste serbe3
Q172524 [CC | ]No label in !Serbian dinar | Dinaro serbo | Dinar serbe3
Q9299 [CC | ]No label in !Serbian language | Lingua serba | Serbe3
Q127885 [CC | ]No label in !Serbs | Serbi | Serbes3
Q958291 [CC | ]No label in !United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia | Principato di Romania | Principautés unies de Moldavie et de Valachie3
Q24910535 [CC | ]No label in !Albania–Romania relations | Relațiile dintre România și Albania2
Q4793369 [CC | ]No label in !Armenia–Romania relations | Relațiile dintre România și Armenia2
Q189450 [CC | ]No label in !Asparuh of Bulgaria | Asparoukh2
Q863918 [CC | ]No label in !Austria–Romania relations | Relațiile dintre România și Austria2
Q2063929 [CC | ]No label in !Azerbaijan–Romania relations | Relațiile dintre România și Azerbaidjan2
Q239225 [CC | ]No label in !Balkan League | Balkan Birliği2
Q167396 [CC | ]No label in !Balkan Pact | Balkan Antantı2
Q805061 [CC | ]No label in !Balkan Pact (1953) | Balkan Paktı (1953)2
Q96053693 [CC | ]No label in !Bucharest Nine | Bukaresztańska Dziewiątka2
Q4996361 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Serbia relations | Односи Србије и Бугарске2
Q5029605 [CC | ]No label in !Canada–Romania relations | Relațiile dintre Canada și România2
Q5100263 [CC | ]No label in !China–Romania relations | Relațiile dintre România și China2
Q871836 [CC | ]No label in !Foreign relations of Romania | Relațiile externe ale României2
Q3424182 [CC | ]No label in !France–Romania relations | Relațiile dintre România și Franța2
Q15805367 [CC | ]No label in !Germany–Romania relations | Relațiile dintre România și Germania2
Q5601674 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Romania relations | Relațiile dintre România și Grecia2
Q2617598 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Serbia relations | Односи Србије и Грчке2
Q12638 [CC | ]No label in !Gross domestic product | Produit intérieur brut2
Q5886124 [CC | ]No label in !Holy See–Romania relations | Relațiile dintre România și Vatican2
Q5943205 [CC | ]No label in !Hungary–Romania relations | Relațiile dintre România și Ungaria2
Q63989147 [CC | ]No label in !Iran–Romania relations | Relațiile dintre România și Iran2
Q6087784 [CC | ]No label in !Israel–Romania relations | Relațiile dintre România și Israel2
Q28726006 [CC | ]No label in !Italy–Romania relations | Relațiile dintre România și Italia2
Q57415743 [CC | ]No label in !Katerina Sakellaropoulou | Ekateríni Sakellaropoúlou2
Q28726122 [CC | ]No label in !Libya–Romania relations | Relațiile dintre România și Libia2
Q207987 [CC | ]No label in !List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita | Stati per PIL (PPA) pro capite2
Q108977 [CC | ]No label in !List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita | Stati per PIL (nominale) pro capite2
Q217738 [CC | ]No label in !List of heads of state of Greece | Capi di Stato della Grecia2
Q12959473 [CC | ]No label in !List of heads of state of Romania | Capi di Stato della Romania2
Q6895855 [CC | ]No label in !Moldova–Romania relations | Relațiile dintre Republica Moldova și România2
Q7184 [CC | ]No label in !NATO | Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique nord2
Q59987349 [CC | ]No label in !New Hanseatic League | Nowa Liga Hanzeatycka2
Q10601978 [CC | ]No label in !Nordic Defence Cooperation | NORDEFCO2
Q166747 [CC | ]No label in !Parliamentary system | Sistema parlamentare2
Q7208954 [CC | ]No label in !Poland–Romania relations | Relațiile dintre România și Polonia2
Q835586 [CC | ]No label in !Prime Minister of Serbia | Président du gouvernement de Serbie2
Q82135 [CC | ]No label in !Purchasing power parity | Parité de pouvoir d'achat2
Q3624831 [CC | ]No label in !Romani people in Bulgaria | Roms de Bulgarie2
Q7362679 [CC | ]No label in !Romania in NATO | Relațiile dintre România și NATO2
Q7913 [CC | ]No label in !Romanian language | Roumain2
Q4398201 [CC | ]No label in !Romania–Russia relations | Relațiile dintre România și Rusia2
Q7362680 [CC | ]No label in !Romania–Turkey relations | Relațiile dintre România și Turcia2
Q7362685 [CC | ]No label in !Romania–Ukraine relations | Relațiile dintre România și Ucraina2
Q7362682 [CC | ]No label in !Romania–United Kingdom relations | Relațiile dintre România și Regatul Unit2
Q7362683 [CC | ]No label in !Romania–United States relations | Relațiile dintre România și Statele Unite ale Americii2
Q26257557 [CC | ]No label in !Rumen Radev2
Q179164 [CC | ]No label in !Unitary state | Stato unitario2
Q1671084 [CC | ]No label in !Višeslav of Serbia | Višeslav (prince serbe)2
Q7163 [CC | ]No label in !Политика | Politique2
Q127403 [CC | ]No label in !Capi di Stato della Bulgaria | Liste des présidents bulgares2
Q15455838 [CC | ]No label in !Capi di Stato della Serbia | Liste des présidents de la république de Serbie2
Q712226 [CC | ]No label in !Chilometro quadrato | Kilomètre carré2
Q58721 [CC | ]No label in !Irreligiosità | Irréligion2
Q23540 [CC | ]No label in !Protestantesimo | Protestantisme2
Q176310 [CC | ]No label in !Stati per densità di popolazione | Liste des pays par densité de population2
Q712280 [CC | ]No label in !Stati per popolazione | Liste des pays par population2
Q700469 [CC | ]No label in !Tedeschi di Romania | Allemands de Roumanie2
Q128825 [CC | ]No label in !Turchi di Bulgaria | Turcs de Bulgarie2
Q369739 [CC | ]No label in !Ucraini di Romania | Ukrainiens de Roumanie2
Q1072326 [CC | ]No label in !Саммит | Sommet (réunion)2
Q8874 [CC | ]No label in !ALBA1
Q7768 [CC | ]No label in !ASEAN1
Q108556886 [CC | ]No label in !AUKUS1
Q1352880 [CC | ]No label in !Aegean dispute1
Q48834361 [CC | ]No label in !Afghanistan–Greece relations1
Q7159 [CC | ]No label in !African Union1
Q27478487 [CC | ]No label in !Albania–Bulgaria relations1
Q4709240 [CC | ]No label in !Albania–Greece relations1
Q4709251 [CC | ]No label in !Albania–Serbia relations1
Q4724112 [CC | ]No label in !Algeria–Greece relations1
Q4724120 [CC | ]No label in !Algeria–Serbia relations1
Q602399 [CC | ]No label in !Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization1
Q4763822 [CC | ]No label in !Angola–Serbia relations1
Q7172 [CC | ]No label in !Arab League1
Q674182 [CC | ]No label in !Arctic Council1
Q4789336 [CC | ]No label in !Argentina–Greece relations1
Q93006666 [CC | ]No label in !Argentina–Romania relations1
Q4789356 [CC | ]No label in !Argentina–Serbia relations1
Q4793346 [CC | ]No label in !Armenia–Bulgaria relations1
Q4793351 [CC | ]No label in !Armenia–Greece relations1
Q20434502 [CC | ]No label in !Armenia–Serbia relations1
Q776874 [CC | ]No label in !Asia Cooperation Dialogue1
Q30324705 [CC | ]No label in !Asia Council1
Q170481 [CC | ]No label in !Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation1
Q958154 [CC | ]No label in !Assembly of European Regions1
Q1147937 [CC | ]No label in !Association of Caribbean States1
Q4825282 [CC | ]No label in !Australia–Greece relations1
Q47544726 [CC | ]No label in !Australia–Romania relations1
Q15948849 [CC | ]No label in !Australia–Serbia relations1
Q56301373 [CC | ]No label in !Austria–Bulgaria relations1
Q4825540 [CC | ]No label in !Austria–Greece relations1
Q4825554 [CC | ]No label in !Austria–Serbia relations1
Q12861424 [CC | ]No label in !Azerbaijan–Bulgaria relations1
Q4832450 [CC | ]No label in !Azerbaijan–Greece relations1
Q3652455 [CC | ]No label in !Azerbaijan–Serbia relations1
Q16826693 [CC | ]No label in !Bangladesh–Bulgaria relations1
Q17183333 [CC | ]No label in !Bangladesh–Greece relations1
Q17070473 [CC | ]No label in !Bangladesh–Serbia relations1
Q795985 [CC | ]No label in !Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation1
Q29933407 [CC | ]No label in !Belarus–Romania relations1
Q3918723 [CC | ]No label in !Belarus–Serbia relations1
Q4882623 [CC | ]No label in !Belgium–Greece relations1
Q860490 [CC | ]No label in !Bilateralism1
Q4947371 [CC | ]No label in !Bosnia and Herzegovina–Romania relations1
Q4947377 [CC | ]No label in !Bosnia and Herzegovina–Serbia relations1
Q12628222 [CC | ]No label in !Bosniaks of Serbia1
Q4958966 [CC | ]No label in !Brazil–Greece relations1
Q50295770 [CC | ]No label in !Brazil–Romania relations1
Q14915016 [CC | ]No label in !Brazil–Serbia relations1
Q2655795 [CC | ]No label in !British–Irish Council1
Q14605366 [CC | ]No label in !Brussels Agreement (2013)1
Q15942079 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Canada relations1
Q4996335 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–China relations1
Q4996334 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Croatia relations1
Q4996337 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Cyprus relations1
Q4996336 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Czech Republic relations1
Q4996338 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Denmark relations1
Q4996339 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Egypt relations1
Q4996340 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Estonia relations1
Q3424131 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–France relations1
Q4150513 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Georgia relations1
Q4996346 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Germany relations1
Q4996341 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Greece relations1
Q65077718 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Greece–Romania–Serbia UEFA Euro 2028 and 2030 FIFA World Cup bid1
Q30595112 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Holy See relations1
Q4996342 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Hungary relations1
Q28164091 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–India relations1
Q4996343 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Indonesia relations1
Q4996345 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Iraq relations1
Q4996347 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Italy relations1
Q4996348 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Kosovo relations1
Q30636122 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Kurdistan Region relations1
Q4996349 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Latvia relations1
Q28155381 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Mexico relations1
Q4996350 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Mongolia relations1
Q4996351 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Montenegro relations1
Q4996352 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Netherlands relations1
Q4996355 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–North Macedonia relations1
Q113132919 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Palestine relations1
Q4996353 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Poland relations1
Q4996354 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Portugal relations1
Q59034 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Russia relations1
Q3424133 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Slovakia relations1
Q4996358 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Slovenia relations1
Q4996357 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–South Africa relations1
Q4996360 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–South Korea relations1
Q4996362 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Spain relations1
Q4996363 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Sudan relations1
Q4996365 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Syria relations1
Q4822866 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Turkey relations1
Q20071048 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Ukraine relations1
Q4996366 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–United Kingdom relations1
Q4996369 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–United States relations1
Q4996367 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Uzbekistan relations1
Q4996368 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Vietnam relations1
Q105063215 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria–Yugoslavia relations1
Q27835042 [CC | ]No label in !Cambodia–Serbia relations1
Q5029577 [CC | ]No label in !Canada–Greece relations1
Q20434543 [CC | ]No label in !Canada–Serbia relations1
Q205995 [CC | ]No label in !Caribbean Community1
Q17549077 [CC | ]No label in !Catholic1
Q190028 [CC | ]No label in !Central American Integration System1
Q23714964 [CC | ]No label in !Central European Defence Cooperation1
Q319014 [CC | ]No label in !Central European Free Trade Agreement1
Q5066541 [CC | ]No label in !Chad–Romania relations1
Q5098887 [CC | ]No label in !Chile–Greece relations1
Q5098899 [CC | ]No label in !Chile–Romania relations1
Q5100218 [CC | ]No label in !China–Greece relations1
Q5100267 [CC | ]No label in !China–Serbia relations1
Q106039 [CC | ]No label in !Christians1
Q7779 [CC | ]No label in !Commonwealth of Independent States1
Q7785 [CC | ]No label in !Commonwealth of Nations1
Q1500985 [CC | ]No label in !Community for Democracy and Rights of Nations1
Q1500982 [CC | ]No label in !Community of Democratic Choice1
Q1045401 [CC | ]No label in !Community of Latin American and Caribbean States1
Q48852287 [CC | ]No label in !Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership1
Q8908 [CC | ]No label in !Council of Europe1
Q789769 [CC | ]No label in !Council of the Baltic Sea States1
Q5187213 [CC | ]No label in !Croatia–Greece relations1
Q63989882 [CC | ]No label in !Croatia–Romania relations1
Q17098118 [CC | ]No label in !Croatia–Serbia border dispute1
Q1272953 [CC | ]No label in !Croatia–Serbia relations1
Q5192156 [CC | ]No label in !Cuba–Greece relations1
Q5192173 [CC | ]No label in !Cuba–Serbia relations1
Q5200541 [CC | ]No label in !Cyprus–Greece relations1
Q5200552 [CC | ]No label in !Cyprus–Serbia relations1
Q5201791 [CC | ]No label in !Czech Republic–Greece relations1
Q1559695 [CC | ]No label in !Debt-to-GDP ratio1
Q5255804 [CC | ]No label in !Democratic Republic of the Congo–Greece relations1
Q1145659 [CC | ]No label in !Demographics of Bulgaria1
Q5258011 [CC | ]No label in !Denmark–Greece relations1
Q5258049 [CC | ]No label in !Denmark–Romania relations1
Q5258052 [CC | ]No label in !Denmark–Serbia relations1
Q337456 [CC | ]No label in !East African Community1
Q225950 [CC | ]No label in !Economic Cooperation Organization1
Q12227586 [CC | ]No label in !Egypt–Greece relations1
Q3456418 [CC | ]No label in !Egypt–Serbia relations1
Q5401701 [CC | ]No label in !Estonia–Greece relations1
Q5403667 [CC | ]No label in !Ethiopia–Greece relations1
Q5403680 [CC | ]No label in !Ethiopia–Serbia relations1
Q4173083 [CC | ]No label in !Eurasian Economic Union1
Q769334 [CC | ]No label in !European Policy Centre1
Q113834800 [CC | ]No label in !European Political Community1
Q217659 [CC | ]No label in !Eurostat1
Q5450503 [CC | ]No label in !Finland–Greece relations1
Q20434577 [CC | ]No label in !Finland–Serbia relations1
Q2083713 [CC | ]No label in !Foreign relations of Bulgaria1
Q2601235 [CC | ]No label in !Foreign relations of Greece1
Q1059762 [CC | ]No label in !Foreign relations of Serbia1
Q5468537 [CC | ]No label in !Foreign relations of Serbia and Montenegro1
Q62005941 [CC | ]No label in !Forum for the Progress and Integration of South America1
Q3424178 [CC | ]No label in !France–Greece relations1
Q3424188 [CC | ]No label in !France–Serbia relations1
Q96378788 [CC | ]No label in !Frugal Four1
Q326816 [CC | ]No label in !GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development1
Q5547312 [CC | ]No label in !Georgia–Greece relations1
Q16374559 [CC | ]No label in !Georgia–Romania relations1
Q1201911 [CC | ]No label in !Germany–Greece relations1
Q5552206 [CC | ]No label in !Germany–Serbia relations1
Q85850704 [CC | ]No label in !Greece and the International Monetary Fund1
Q5601645 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Holy See relations1
Q15941994 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Hungary relations1
Q5601644 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Iceland relations1
Q5601646 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–India relations1
Q16986129 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Indonesia relations1
Q5601583 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Iran relations1
Q5601648 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Iraq relations1
Q5601649 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Ireland relations1
Q5601655 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Israel relations1
Q5601656 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Italy relations1
Q3424205 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Japan relations1
Q5601651 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Jordan relations1
Q5601652 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Kazakhstan relations1
Q5601654 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Kenya relations1
Q37824719 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Kurdistan Region relations1
Q5601657 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Kyrgyzstan relations1
Q5601658 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Latvia relations1
Q5601659 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Lebanon relations1
Q5601660 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Lithuania relations1
Q5601661 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Malaysia relations1
Q5601662 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Malta relations1
Q15942034 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Mexico relations1
Q5601581 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Moldova relations1
Q15941960 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Montenegro relations1
Q5601665 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Netherlands relations1
Q5601666 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–New Zealand relations1
Q5601668 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Nicaragua relations1
Q5601669 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Nigeria relations1
Q5601673 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–North Macedonia relations1
Q5601670 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Norway relations1
Q4342338 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Pakistan relations1
Q62023549 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Palestine relations1
Q5601672 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Peru relations1
Q15948925 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Philippines relations1
Q5601671 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Poland relations1
Q50663045 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Portugal relations1
Q31197331 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Qatar relations1
Q83231 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Russia relations1
Q15941948 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Saudi Arabia relations1
Q5601676 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–South Africa relations1
Q5601677 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–South Korea relations1
Q5601681 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Spain relations1
Q5601682 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Sweden relations1
Q5601678 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Switzerland relations1
Q6730107 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Syria relations1
Q64156494 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Tunisia relations1
Q2568152 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Turkey relations1
Q5601685 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Ukraine relations1
Q15942490 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–United Arab Emirates relations1
Q5601684 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–United Kingdom relations1
Q5601686 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–United States relations1
Q5601688 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Uruguay relations1
Q5601690 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Venezuela relations1
Q55655169 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Vietnam relations1
Q105440738 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Yugoslavia relations1
Q5601691 [CC | ]No label in !Greece–Zimbabwe relations1
Q132203 [CC | ]No label in !Greek diaspora1
Q5601730 [CC | ]No label in !Greek–Serbian Alliance of 19131
Q12750064 [CC | ]No label in !Group of Nine1
Q217172 [CC | ]No label in !Gulf Cooperation Council1
Q5886126 [CC | ]No label in !Holy See–Serbia relations1
Q1185686 [CC | ]No label in !Human Development Report1
Q945958 [CC | ]No label in !Hungarians in Serbia1
Q5943218 [CC | ]No label in !Hungary–Serbia relations1
Q2297691 [CC | ]No label in !Indian Ocean Rim Association1
Q28164089 [CC | ]No label in !India–Romania relations1
Q6024315 [CC | ]No label in !India–Serbia relations1
Q16986141 [CC | ]No label in !Indonesia–Romania relations1
Q17055754 [CC | ]No label in !Indonesia–Serbia relations1
Q7804 [CC | ]No label in !International Monetary Fund1
Q15943799 [CC | ]No label in !Iran–Serbia relations1
Q63989081 [CC | ]No label in !Iraq–Romania relations1
Q6068254 [CC | ]No label in !Iraq–Serbia relations1
Q6087792 [CC | ]No label in !Israel–Serbia relations1
Q6093880 [CC | ]No label in !Italy–Serbia relations1
Q3424240 [CC | ]No label in !Japan–Serbia relations1
Q20434538 [CC | ]No label in !Kazakhstan–Serbia relations1
Q98906993 [CC | ]No label in !Kosovo and Serbia economic normalization agreements1
Q6433387 [CC | ]No label in !Kosovo–Serbia relations1
Q39057630 [CC | ]No label in !Kurdistan Region–Romania relations1
Q607301 [CC | ]No label in !Latin American Integration Association1
Q499151 [CC | ]No label in !Latin American Parliament1
Q63990076 [CC | ]No label in !Lebanon–Romania relations1
Q10359095 [CC | ]No label in !Libya–Serbia relations1
Q2872776 [CC | ]No label in !Liptako–Gourma Authority1
Q80167 [CC | ]No label in !List of circulating currencies1
Q6616284 [CC | ]No label in !List of diplomatic missions in Bulgaria1
Q261109 [CC | ]No label in !List of diplomatic missions in Greece1
Q6616522 [CC | ]No label in !List of diplomatic missions in Romania1
Q3316885 [CC | ]No label in !List of diplomatic missions in Serbia1
Q1702143 [CC | ]No label in !List of diplomatic missions of Bulgaria1
Q2982008 [CC | ]No label in !List of diplomatic missions of Greece1
Q2982042 [CC | ]No label in !List of diplomatic missions of Romania1
Q2981615 [CC | ]No label in !List of diplomatic missions of Serbia1
Q6636244 [CC | ]No label in !List of regional organizations by population1
Q97994672 [CC | ]No label in !Lublin Triangle1
Q15948872 [CC | ]No label in !Malaysia–Romania relations1
Q6744749 [CC | ]No label in !Malta–Serbia relations1
Q21179176 [CC | ]No label in !Marcel Ciolacu1
Q1918937 [CC | ]No label in !Melanesian Spearhead Group1
Q4264 [CC | ]No label in !Mercosur1
Q15942060 [CC | ]No label in !Mexico–Romania relations1
Q6104887 [CC | ]No label in !Mexico–Serbia relations1
Q1813345 [CC | ]No label in !Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Bulgaria)1
Q3125291 [CC | ]No label in !Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Greece)1
Q15628977 [CC | ]No label in !Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Romania)1
Q2198916 [CC | ]No label in !Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Serbia)1
Q3424220 [CC | ]No label in !Montenegro–Serbia relations1
Q1413574 [CC | ]No label in !Multilateralism1
Q20434558 [CC | ]No label in !Myanmar–Serbia relations1
Q20437949 [CC | ]No label in !Nepal–Serbia relations1
Q85788322 [CC | ]No label in !Netherlands–Romania relations1
Q20434580 [CC | ]No label in !Netherlands–Serbia relations1
Q146165 [CC | ]No label in !Nordic Council1
Q30644901 [CC | ]No label in !North Korea–Romania relations1
Q7055869 [CC | ]No label in !North Korea–Serbia relations1
Q7314500 [CC | ]No label in !North Macedonia–Serbia relations1
Q550369 [CC | ]No label in !Northern Epirus1
Q7060959 [CC | ]No label in !Norway–Romania relations1
Q7060962 [CC | ]No label in !Norway–Serbia relations1
Q96074700 [CC | ]No label in !Open Balkan1
Q1051984 [CC | ]No label in !OpenDemocracy1
Q392770 [CC | ]No label in !Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States1
Q81299 [CC | ]No label in !Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe1
Q123759 [CC | ]No label in !Organization of American States1
Q421023 [CC | ]No label in !Organization of Ibero-American States1
Q596850 [CC | ]No label in !Organization of Turkic States1
Q380340 [CC | ]No label in !Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation1
Q116769868 [CC | ]No label in !PP–DB1
Q7122288 [CC | ]No label in !Pacific Alliance1
Q757276 [CC | ]No label in !Pacific Islands Forum1
Q7125978 [CC | ]No label in !Pakistan–Serbia relations1
Q96398234 [CC | ]No label in !Palau–Serbia relations1
Q7127345 [CC | ]No label in !Palestine–Romania relations1
Q7127353 [CC | ]No label in !Palestine–Serbia relations1
Q603388 [CC | ]No label in !Paneuropean Union1
Q63990199 [CC | ]No label in !Peru–Romania relations1
Q27834760 [CC | ]No label in !Peru–Serbia relations1
Q7185483 [CC | ]No label in !Philippines–Romania relations1
Q7208955 [CC | ]No label in !Poland–Serbia relations1
Q3117794 [CC | ]No label in !Polynesian Leaders Group1
Q56273785 [CC | ]No label in !Portugal–Romania relations1
Q7232586 [CC | ]No label in !Portugal–Serbia relations1
Q14946265 [CC | ]No label in !President of Bulgaria1
Q3409203 [CC | ]No label in !President of Greece1
Q839139 [CC | ]No label in !President of Romania1
Q889830 [CC | ]No label in !President of Serbia1
Q4404583 [CC | ]No label in !Prime Minister of Bulgaria1
Q11523819 [CC | ]No label in !Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership1
Q462668 [CC | ]No label in !Regional integration1
Q4120211 [CC | ]No label in !Regional organization1
Q15731645 [CC | ]No label in !Regionalism (international relations)1
Q936597 [CC | ]No label in !Religion in Greece1
Q2983323 [CC | ]No label in !Religion in Romania1
Q3297722 [CC | ]No label in !Religion in Serbia1
Q7314742 [CC | ]No label in !Republika Srpska–Serbia relations1
Q7361508 [CC | ]No label in !Romani people in Serbia1
Q25043726 [CC | ]No label in !Romania and the International Monetary Fund1
Q107264137 [CC | ]No label in !Romania and the United Nations1
Q7362674 [CC | ]No label in !Romania–Saudi Arabia relations1
Q55654741 [CC | ]No label in !Romania–Slovakia relations1
Q7362677 [CC | ]No label in !Romania–Spain relations1
Q19719736 [CC | ]No label in !Romania–Sri Lanka relations1
Q7362678 [CC | ]No label in !Romania–Switzerland relations1
Q28230299 [CC | ]No label in !Romania–Syria relations1
Q107302137 [CC | ]No label in !Romania–Transnistria relations1
Q17508833 [CC | ]No label in !Romania–Uruguay relations1
Q104830613 [CC | ]No label in !Romania–Yugoslavia relations1
Q1290234 [CC | ]No label in !Russia–Serbia relations1
Q7414854 [CC | ]No label in !San Marino–Serbia relations1
Q20434568 [CC | ]No label in !Saudi Arabia–Serbia relations1
Q22087637 [CC | ]No label in !Serb diaspora1
Q29469039 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia and the United Nations1
Q105529900 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia's reaction to the 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence1
Q23925148 [CC | ]No label in !Serbian diaspora1
Q29640738 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia–NATO relations1
Q7452967 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia–Slovakia relations1
Q7452970 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia–Slovenia relations1
Q29570068 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia–Somalia relations1
Q15948885 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia–South Africa relations1
Q20434506 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia–South Korea relations1
Q7452971 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia–Spain relations1
Q7452972 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia–Sweden relations1
Q7452973 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia–Switzerland relations1
Q7452974 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia–Syria relations1
Q7452975 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia–Turkey relations1
Q3424219 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia–Ukraine relations1
Q17070271 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia–United Arab Emirates relations1
Q7452976 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia–United Kingdom relations1
Q7452977 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia–United States relations1
Q15943820 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia–Venezuela relations1
Q24235969 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia–Zimbabwe relations1
Q485207 [CC | ]No label in !Shanghai Cooperation Organisation1
Q145700 [CC | ]No label in !South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation1
Q47539 [CC | ]No label in !South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone1
Q816706 [CC | ]No label in !Southern African Development Community1
Q3935730 [CC | ]No label in !TAKM1
Q1778594 [CC | ]No label in !Treaty of Guarantee (1960)1
Q13231715 [CC | ]No label in !Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat1
Q4230 [CC | ]No label in !Union of South American Nations1
Q1065 [CC | ]No label in !United Nations1
Q161718 [CC | ]No label in !United Nations Development Programme1
Q7935387 [CC | ]No label in !Visa policy of Serbia1
Q7935459 [CC | ]No label in !Visa requirements for Greek citizens1
Q505180 [CC | ]No label in !Visa requirements for Serbian citizens1
Q1642145 [CC | ]No label in !West Nordic Council1
Q117357130 [CC | ]No label in !Western Balkans Quad1
Q7164 [CC | ]No label in !World Bank1
Q76448698 [CC | ]No label in !Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement1
Q63989035 [CC | ]No label in !Relațiile dintre România și Emiratele Arabe Unite1
Q31180361 [CC | ]No label in !Relațiile dintre România și Japonia1
Q2002 [CC | ]No label in !20151
Q2529 [CC | ]No label in !24 април1
Q43229 [CC | ]No label in !Организация1
Q36 [CC | ]No label in !Полша1
Q214 [CC | ]No label in !Словакия1
Q28 [CC | ]No label in !Унгария1
Q213 [CC | ]No label in !Чехия1
Q33946 [CC | ]No label in !Чехословакия1
Q47232 [CC | ]No label in !Проширење Европске уније1
Q349705 [CC | ]No label in !Самит1
Q1841 [CC | ]No label in !Cattolicesimo1
Q133968 [CC | ]No label in !Cittadini per lo Sviluppo Europeo della Bulgaria1
Q671955 [CC | ]No label in !Ludovic Orban1
Q686228 [CC | ]No label in !Partito Nazionale Liberale (Romania)1
Q1788734 [CC | ]No label in !Re di Romania1
Q49890 [CC | ]No label in !Repubblica semipresidenziale1
Q295346 [CC | ]No label in !Vertice1
Q9167853 [CC | ]No label in !Bałkany1
Q1210843 [CC | ]No label in !Zrzeszenie1
Q49622 [CC | ]No label in !20231
Q190847 [CC | ]No label in !Alexandroúpoli1
Q11708 [CC | ]No label in !Asie du Sud-Est1
Q46622 [CC | ]No label in !Autoroute1
Q23522 [CC | ]No label in !Balkans1
Q13116 [CC | ]No label in !Benelux1
Q170541 [CC | ]No label in !Bloc de l'Est1
Q940348 [CC | ]No label in !Bosniaques1
Q6509 [CC | ]No label in !Bourgas1
Q1781 [CC | ]No label in !Budapest1
Q22667 [CC | ]No label in !Chemin de fer1
Q5043 [CC | ]No label in !Christianisme1
Q5107 [CC | ]No label in !Continent1
Q189833 [CC | ]No label in !Croissance économique1
Q1653 [CC | ]No label in !Danube1
Q22856 [CC | ]No label in !Densité de population1
Q27509 [CC | ]No label in !Europe centrale1
Q263686 [CC | ]No label in !Europe du Sud-Est1
Q8683 [CC | ]No label in !Guerre froide1
Q159385 [CC | ]No label in !Géopolitique1
Q7257 [CC | ]No label in !Idéologie1
Q121359 [CC | ]No label in !Infrastructure1
Q406 [CC | ]No label in !Istanbul1
Q187352 [CC | ]No label in !Kavála1
Q23492 [CC | ]No label in !Langue officielle1
Q58976 [CC | ]No label in !Le Pirée1
Q131645 [CC | ]No label in !Leu roumain1
Q35094 [CC | ]No label in !Liste des capitales du monde1
Q725436 [CC | ]No label in !Liste des chefs du gouvernement bulgare1
Q3809938 [CC | ]No label in !Liste des pays par IDH ajusté selon les inégalités1
Q166 [CC | ]No label in !Mer Noire1
Q34575 [CC | ]No label in !Mer Égée1
Q83201 [CC | ]No label in !Mouvement des non-alignés1
Q660651 [CC | ]No label in !Mémorandum1
Q3361835 [CC | ]No label in !Pan-Européenne1
Q124425 [CC | ]No label in !Rideau de fer1
Q8060 [CC | ]No label in !Roms1
Q160173 [CC | ]No label in !Roussé1
Q83404 [CC | ]No label in !Timișoara1
Q36704 [CC | ]No label in !Yougoslavie1
Q159810 [CC | ]No label in !Économie (activité humaine)1
Q9592 [CC | ]No label in !Église catholique1
Q7275 [CC | ]No label in !État1