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Q2613567 - No label in !

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Q916 [CC | ]No label in !Angola | Ангола | アンゴラ6
Q5146 [CC | ]No label in !ポルトガル語 | Португальский язык | Португалски језик | Portuguese language | Portuguès5
Q6216 [CC | ]No label in !自由主義 | Либерализм | Либерализам | Liberalism | Liberalisme5
Q212712 [CC | ]No label in !自由主義インターナショナル | Internationale libérale | Либерална интернационала | Liberal International | Internacional Liberal5
Q3271432 [CC | ]No label in !アンゴラの政党 | List of political parties in Angola | Llista de partits polítics d'Angola3
Q28699 [CC | ]No label in !UNITA | アンゴラ全面独立民族同盟3
Q4893679 [CC | ]No label in !アンゴラ労働者農民青年同盟党 | Party of the Alliance of Youth, Workers and Farmers of Angola | Partit de l'Aliança de Joves, Obrers i Pagesos d'Angola3
Q4763772 [CC | ]No label in !アンゴラ国民民主党 | Angolan National Democratic Party | Partit Nacional Democràtic Angolès3
Q4763768 [CC | ]No label in !アンゴラ民主フォーラム | Angolan Democratic Forum | Fòrum Democràtic Angolès3
Q907051 [CC | ]No label in !アンゴラ民族解放戦線 | National Liberation Front of Angola | Front Nacional d'Alliberament d'Angola3
Q28551 [CC | ]No label in !アンゴラ解放人民運動 | MPLA | Moviment Popular per a l'Alliberament d'Angola3
Q1969479 [CC | ]No label in !国民議会 (アンゴラ) | National Assembly (Angola) | Assemblea Nacional (Angola)3
Q3269688 [CC | ]No label in !民主アンゴラ・連合 | Democratic Angola – Coalition | Angola Democràtica – Coalició3
Q4994218 [CC | ]No label in !民主刷新党 (アンゴラ) | Democratic Renewal Party (Angola) | Partit Renovador Democràtic3
Q1674856 [CC | ]No label in !社会改革党 (アンゴラ) | Social Renewal Party (Angola) | Partit de Renovació Social (Angola)3
Q3366709 [CC | ]No label in !社会民主党 (アンゴラ) | Social Democratic Party (Angola) | Partit Social Demòcrata (Angola)3
Q5255706 [CC | ]No label in !進歩民主党・アンゴラ国民同盟 | Democratic Party for Progress – Angolan National Alliance | Partit Democràtic pel Progrés – Aliança Nacional Angolesa3
Q4778486 [CC | ]No label in !Anália de Victória Pereira | Перейра, Аналия де Виктория3
Q2060 [CC | ]No label in !1992年 | 19922
Q7278 [CC | ]No label in !政党 | Partit polític2
Q7006871 [CC | ]No label in !新民主選挙連合 | Nova Democràcia Unió Electoral2
Q1129430 [CC | ]No label in !CASA–CE2
Q1155473 [CC | ]No label in !Politics of Angola | Política d'Angola2
Q7163 [CC | ]No label in !政治1
Q2434 [CC | ]No label in !19831
Q2004 [CC | ]No label in !20081
Q1354317 [CC | ]No label in !2012 Angolan general election1
Q28128406 [CC | ]No label in !2017 Angolan general election1
Q108516285 [CC | ]No label in !2022 Angolan general election1
Q10728124 [CC | ]No label in !ANO 20111
Q63926676 [CC | ]No label in !Action (Italian political party)1
Q4689575 [CC | ]No label in !Africa Liberal Network1
Q476596 [CC | ]No label in !Alexander De Croo1
Q244927 [CC | ]No label in !Alliance Party of Northern Ireland1
Q200599 [CC | ]No label in !Alliance of Free Democrats1
Q25079 [CC | ]No label in !Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party1
Q2838082 [CC | ]No label in !Alliance of Liberties1
Q1552951 [CC | ]No label in !Alliance of the New Citizen1
Q228 [CC | ]No label in !Andorra1
Q3307243 [CC | ]No label in !Angolan Communist Party1
Q4763765 [CC | ]No label in !Angolan League1
Q4763771 [CC | ]No label in !Angolan Union for Peace, Democracy and Development1
Q16828548 [CC | ]No label in !Angolan nationality law1
Q1273872 [CC | ]No label in !Angolan passport1
Q270511 [CC | ]No label in !Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck1
Q15056000 [CC | ]No label in !Arab Liberal Federation1
Q399 [CC | ]No label in !Armenia1
Q284853 [CC | ]No label in !Armenian National Congress1
Q40 [CC | ]No label in !Austria1
Q2735114 [CC | ]No label in !Authentic Radical Liberal Party1
Q227 [CC | ]No label in !Azerbaijan1
Q184 [CC | ]No label in !Belarus1
Q31 [CC | ]No label in !Belgium1
Q225 [CC | ]No label in !Bosnia and Herzegovina1
Q859682 [CC | ]No label in !Botswana Movement for Democracy1
Q27972481 [CC | ]No label in !Bright Armenia1
Q219 [CC | ]No label in !Bulgaria1
Q5015488 [CC | ]No label in !Cabinet of Angola1
Q30324660 [CC | ]No label in !Centre (Croatian political party)1
Q506591 [CC | ]No label in !Centre Party (Finland)1
Q110832 [CC | ]No label in !Centre Party (Sweden)1
Q1393123 [CC | ]No label in !Citizens (Spanish political party)1
Q39046276 [CC | ]No label in !Civic Liberal Alliance1
Q1094460 [CC | ]No label in !Civic United Front1
Q4147532 [CC | ]No label in !Civil Position1
Q451544 [CC | ]No label in !Colette Flesch1
Q1953899 [CC | ]No label in !Communist Committee of Cabinda1
Q5154314 [CC | ]No label in !Communist Organization of Angola1
Q371273 [CC | ]No label in !Constitution of Angola1
Q3550065 [CC | ]No label in !Constitutional Union (Morocco)1
Q921918 [CC | ]No label in !Cornelis Berkhouwer1
Q2467546 [CC | ]No label in !Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats1
Q224 [CC | ]No label in !Croatia1
Q1255803 [CC | ]No label in !Croatian People's Party – Liberal Democrats1
Q1249448 [CC | ]No label in !Croatian Social Liberal Party1
Q5192025 [CC | ]No label in !Cuban Liberal Union1
Q229 [CC | ]No label in !Cyprus1
Q213 [CC | ]No label in !Czech Republic1
Q929248 [CC | ]No label in !Dacian Cioloș1
Q916161 [CC | ]No label in !Danish Social Liberal Party1
Q1186248 [CC | ]No label in !Democrat Party (Thailand)1
Q60785287 [CC | ]No label in !Democratic Alignment (Cyprus)1
Q761877 [CC | ]No label in !Democratic Alliance (South Africa)1
Q1129443 [CC | ]No label in !Democratic Convergence of Catalonia1
Q4120220 [CC | ]No label in !Democratic Front Party1
Q5255615 [CC | ]No label in !Democratic Front for the Liberation of Angola1
Q21892 [CC | ]No label in !Democratic Party (Hong Kong)1
Q1186227 [CC | ]No label in !Democratic Party (Indonesia)1
Q1029792 [CC | ]No label in !Democratic Party (Luxembourg)1
Q200314 [CC | ]No label in !Democratic Party of Japan1
Q1186316 [CC | ]No label in !Democratic Party of Kosovo1
Q903822 [CC | ]No label in !Democratic Progressive Party1
Q5255834 [CC | ]No label in !Democratic Solidarity Party1
Q747910 [CC | ]No label in !Democrats 661
Q35 [CC | ]No label in !Denmark1
Q978208 [CC | ]No label in !Didier Reynders1
Q286519 [CC | ]No label in !El-Ghad Party1
Q5354613 [CC | ]No label in !Elections in Angola1
Q113613581 [CC | ]No label in !Esperança da Costa1
Q191 [CC | ]No label in !Estonia1
Q928652 [CC | ]No label in !Estonian Centre Party1
Q738947 [CC | ]No label in !Estonian Reform Party1
Q257343 [CC | ]No label in !Ethiopian Democratic Party1
Q8886 [CC | ]No label in !European Council1
Q117836387 [CC | ]No label in !European Liberal Democrats1
Q16837477 [CC | ]No label in !European Liberal Forum1
Q579926 [CC | ]No label in !European Liberal Youth1
Q8889 [CC | ]No label in !European Parliament1
Q2617120 [CC | ]No label in !European Party of Ukraine1
Q458 [CC | ]No label in !European Union1
Q786791 [CC | ]No label in !Federation of Liberals1
Q310815 [CC | ]No label in !Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos1
Q216517 [CC | ]No label in !Fianna Fáil1
Q33 [CC | ]No label in !Finland1
Q107121702 [CC | ]No label in !Focus (Croatian political party)1
Q2687348 [CC | ]No label in !Foreign relations of Angola1
Q142 [CC | ]No label in !France1
Q13124 [CC | ]No label in !Free Democratic Party (Germany)1
Q183331 [CC | ]No label in !Free Democrats (Georgia)1
Q962942 [CC | ]No label in !Free Egyptians Party1
Q64252730 [CC | ]No label in !Freedom Party (Lithuania)1
Q228720 [CC | ]No label in !Future Movement1
Q295128 [CC | ]No label in !Gaston Thorn1
Q230 [CC | ]No label in !Georgia (country)1
Q183 [CC | ]No label in !Germany1
Q5555147 [CC | ]No label in !Ghad El-Thawra Party1
Q364313 [CC | ]No label in !Gijs de Vries1
Q1334208 [CC | ]No label in !Graham Watson1
Q545900 [CC | ]No label in !Green Liberal Party of Switzerland1
Q12978 [CC | ]No label in !Guy Verhofstadt1
Q1583347 [CC | ]No label in !Hans van Baalen1
Q5938135 [CC | ]No label in !Human rights in Angola1
Q113624556 [CC | ]No label in !Humanist Party of Angola1
Q15246541 [CC | ]No label in !Hungarian Liberal Party1
Q28 [CC | ]No label in !Hungary1
Q189 [CC | ]No label in !Iceland1
Q2054647 [CC | ]No label in !Independent Liberal Party (Nicaragua)1
Q6016844 [CC | ]No label in !Independent National Alliance of Angola1
Q6017216 [CC | ]No label in !Independent Social Party of Angola1
Q1186306 [CC | ]No label in !Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle1
Q1261390 [CC | ]No label in !Istrian Democratic Assembly1
Q1450384 [CC | ]No label in !Italian Radicals1
Q38 [CC | ]No label in !Italy1
Q13639017 [CC | ]No label in !Janez Lenarčič1
Q3165826 [CC | ]No label in !Jean-François Pintat1
Q28650390 [CC | ]No label in !João Lourenço1
Q13570003 [CC | ]No label in !Kadri Simson1
Q11869065 [CC | ]No label in !Kaja Kallas1
Q1246 [CC | ]No label in !Kosovo1
Q211 [CC | ]No label in !Latvia1
Q1756085 [CC | ]No label in !Latvia's First Party/Latvian Way1
Q84628662 [CC | ]No label in !Lelo for Georgia1
Q1279026 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal Alliance of Montenegro1
Q1258672 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal Democracy of Slovenia1
Q921704 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal Democratic Party (Bosnia and Herzegovina)1
Q2729481 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal Democratic Party (Kenya)1
Q683845 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal Democratic Party (North Macedonia)1
Q1077031 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal Democratic Party (Serbia)1
Q9624 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal Democrats (UK)1
Q6119857 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal Network for Latin America1
Q500190 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal Party (Norway)1
Q1476937 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal Party (Philippines)1
Q138345 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal Party of Canada1
Q2881637 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal Party of Cuba1
Q152744 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal Party of Gibraltar1
Q538272 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal Party of Honduras1
Q3366496 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal Party of Kosovo1
Q614163 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal Party of Macedonia1
Q1266892 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal Party of Montenegro1
Q6540807 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal Socialist Party (Angola)1
Q6540809 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal South East European Network1
Q1357261 [CC | ]No label in !Liberal and Centre Union1
Q110857 [CC | ]No label in !Liberals (Sweden)1
Q1257276 [CC | ]No label in !Liberals of Andorra1
Q1252265 [CC | ]No label in !Liberals of Serbia1
Q5968968 [CC | ]No label in !List of diplomatic missions in Angola1
Q2601718 [CC | ]No label in !List of diplomatic missions of Angola1
Q22065638 [CC | ]No label in !List of municipalities of Angola1
Q750139 [CC | ]No label in !List of political ideologies1
Q3271971 [CC | ]No label in !List of presidents of Angola1
Q3382091 [CC | ]No label in !List of presidents of the National Assembly of Angola1
Q37 [CC | ]No label in !Lithuania1
Q32 [CC | ]No label in !Luxembourg1
Q270820 [CC | ]No label in !Margrethe Vestager1
Q57792 [CC | ]No label in !Mark Rutte1
Q61250 [CC | ]No label in !Martin Bangemann1
Q205384 [CC | ]No label in !Minister of External Relations (Angola)1
Q20738981 [CC | ]No label in !Modern (political party)1
Q217 [CC | ]No label in !Moldova1
Q28563736 [CC | ]No label in !Momentum Movement1
Q236 [CC | ]No label in !Montenegro1
Q47090559 [CC | ]No label in !More Europe1
Q38674389 [CC | ]No label in !Movement For!1
Q164242 [CC | ]No label in !Movement for Rights and Freedoms1
Q6926712 [CC | ]No label in !Movement for the Democracy of Angola1
Q6926737 [CC | ]No label in !Movement for the National Independence of Angola1
Q936970 [CC | ]No label in !Movement for the Progress of Madagascar1
Q47463814 [CC | ]No label in !Movement of Free Citizens (Serbia)1
Q10332854 [CC | ]No label in !Movement of Young Intellectuals1
Q740271 [CC | ]No label in !Musavat1
Q727325 [CC | ]No label in !National Alliance of Democrats for Reconstruction1
Q1257317 [CC | ]No label in !National Awakening Party1
Q4924597 [CC | ]No label in !National Council of the Union of Burma1
Q2723561 [CC | ]No label in !National Democratic Union of Equatorial Guinea1
Q1851961 [CC | ]No label in !National Liberal Party (Lebanon)1
Q686228 [CC | ]No label in !National Liberal Party (Romania)1
Q928435 [CC | ]No label in !National Movement for Stability and Progress1
Q6979091 [CC | ]No label in !National Union for Democracy1
Q55 [CC | ]No label in !Netherlands1
Q2080372 [CC | ]No label in !New Alliance Party (Mexico)1
Q1511179 [CC | ]No label in !New Kosovo Alliance1
Q221 [CC | ]No label in !North Macedonia1
Q20 [CC | ]No label in !Norway1
Q946306 [CC | ]No label in !Our Party (Bosnia and Herzegovina)1
Q7112705 [CC | ]No label in !Outline of political science1
Q3048772 [CC | ]No label in !Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia1
Q1685523 [CC | ]No label in !Party for Peace, Democracy, and Development1
Q1553195 [CC | ]No label in !Party leader1
Q4896859 [CC | ]No label in !Party of the Angolan Communist Community1
Q4893958 [CC | ]No label in !Party of the United Struggle for Africans in Angola1
Q310225 [CC | ]No label in !Pat Cox1
Q1803640 [CC | ]No label in !Patriotic Party (Guatemala)1
Q239333 [CC | ]No label in !People's Party for Freedom and Democracy1
Q36 [CC | ]No label in !Poland1
Q1471276 [CC | ]No label in !Popular Movement (Morocco)1
Q45 [CC | ]No label in !Portugal1
Q20092981 [CC | ]No label in !Power of the People1
Q846091 [CC | ]No label in !President of Angola1
Q1046777 [CC | ]No label in !Progressive Party (Iceland)1
Q48844389 [CC | ]No label in !Progressive Slovakia1
Q329028 [CC | ]No label in !Provinces of Angola1
Q1542710 [CC | ]No label in !Radical Party (France)1
Q1669673 [CC | ]No label in !Rally of the Republicans1
Q962693 [CC | ]No label in !Recreate for Growth1
Q533384 [CC | ]No label in !Reformist Movement1
Q64590185 [CC | ]No label in !Renew Europe1
Q314545 [CC | ]No label in !René Pleven1
Q27 [CC | ]No label in !Republic of Ireland1
Q3366675 [CC | ]No label in !Republican Party (Tunisia)1
Q3366680 [CC | ]No label in !Republican Party of Angola1
Q1429418 [CC | ]No label in !Republican Party of Georgia1
Q218 [CC | ]No label in !Romania1
Q159 [CC | ]No label in !Russia1
Q27108508 [CC | ]No label in !Save Romania Union1
Q1351653 [CC | ]No label in !Senegalese Democratic Party1
Q403 [CC | ]No label in !Serbia1
Q52292915 [CC | ]No label in !Servant of the People1
Q1253973 [CC | ]No label in !Seychelles National Party1
Q298180 [CC | ]No label in !Simone Veil1
Q2289041 [CC | ]No label in !Singapore Democratic Party1
Q214 [CC | ]No label in !Slovakia1
Q1340886 [CC | ]No label in !Social Liberal Party (Tunisia)1
Q29 [CC | ]No label in !Spain1
Q48988210 [CC | ]No label in !Strategy Aghmashenebeli1
Q48321355 [CC | ]No label in !Stéphane Séjourné1
Q34 [CC | ]No label in !Sweden1
Q845537 [CC | ]No label in !Swedish People's Party of Finland1
Q39 [CC | ]No label in !Switzerland1
Q202638 [CC | ]No label in !The Liberals (Switzerland)1
Q698080 [CC | ]No label in !Uffe Ellemann-Jensen1
Q212 [CC | ]No label in !Ukraine1
Q577455 [CC | ]No label in !Union of Democratic Forces of Guinea1
Q82892 [CC | ]No label in !Union of Democrats and Independents1
Q3550145 [CC | ]No label in !Union of Republican Forces1
Q775844 [CC | ]No label in !United Democratic Front (Malawi)1
Q3357902 [CC | ]No label in !United Democratic Party (Tanzania)1
Q930328 [CC | ]No label in !United Democrats1
Q145 [CC | ]No label in !United Kingdom1
Q1781632 [CC | ]No label in !United Party for National Development1
Q63764512 [CC | ]No label in !Valérie Hayer1
Q217321 [CC | ]No label in !Venstre (Denmark)1
Q3382672 [CC | ]No label in !Vice President of Angola1
Q17080615 [CC | ]No label in !Visa policy of Angola1
Q7935406 [CC | ]No label in !Visa requirements for Angolan citizens1
Q65590503 [CC | ]No label in !Von der Leyen Commission1
Q12001809 [CC | ]No label in !Věra Jourová1
Q85825 [CC | ]No label in !Werner Hoyer1
Q531313 [CC | ]No label in !Willy De Clercq1
Q15332 [CC | ]No label in !Yabloko1
Q622716 [CC | ]No label in !Yesh Atid1
Q3573659 [CC | ]No label in !Yves Galland1
Q362673 [CC | ]No label in !Yvon Delbos1
Q399633 [CC | ]No label in !ANGOP1
Q1138247 [CC | ]No label in !Eleccions generals d'Angola de 19921
Q3586969 [CC | ]No label in !Eleccions legislatives d'Angola de 20081
Q648266 [CC | ]No label in !Wayback Machine1