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Q2859000 - No label in !

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ItemLabel []WikilabelsLink #
Q4801729 [CC | ]No label in !Arturo Escobar | Arturo Escobar (anthropologist) | Arturo Escobar (antropólogo) | أرتور إسكوبار5
Q301751 [CC | ]No label in !Critical theory | Teoría crítica | نظرية نقدية | Kritische Theorie4
Q611217 [CC | ]No label in !Degrowth | Décroissance | Decrecimiento | تراجع النمو4
Q6883388 [CC | ]No label in !Development theory | Théories du développement | Teoría del desarrollo | نظرية التنمية4
Q1095066 [CC | ]No label in !Serge Latouche4
Q131201 [CC | ]No label in !Sustainable development | Développement durable | Desenvolvimento sustentável | Desarrollo sostenible4
Q73300 [CC | ]No label in !Wolfgang Sachs | فولفغانغ زاكس4
Q7167 [CC | ]No label in !Colonialism | Colonialismo | Kolonialismus3
Q216279 [CC | ]No label in !Deep ecology | Ecología profunda | علم البيئة المتقدم3
Q295421 [CC | ]No label in !Economism | Économisme | Economicismo3
Q439997 [CC | ]No label in !François Partant3
Q11613 [CC | ]No label in !Harry S. Truman3
Q200325 [CC | ]No label in !Human history | Historia universal | التاريخ البشري3
Q84186 [CC | ]No label in !Ivan Illich | Iván Illich3
Q322922 [CC | ]No label in !Jacques Ellul3
Q2579560 [CC | ]No label in !James Ferguson (anthropologist) | James Ferguson (antropólogo) | جيمس فيرغسون (عالم إنسان)3
Q878526 [CC | ]No label in !Modernization | Modernización | Modernisierung (Soziologie)3
Q162719 [CC | ]No label in !Neoliberalism | Neoliberalismo | نيوليبرالية3
Q689971 [CC | ]No label in !Paradigm shift | Cambio de paradigma | تحول النموذج الفكري3
Q56092 [CC | ]No label in !Simple living | Simplicité volontaire | حياة بسيطة3
Q1508663 [CC | ]No label in !Social criticism | Crítica social | نقد اجتماعي3
Q235451 [CC | ]No label in !Vandana Shiva3
Q1351160 [CC | ]No label in !Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen3
Q202398 [CC | ]No label in !Industrialización | تحول صناعي | Industrialisierung3
Q8874 [CC | ]No label in !ALBA | التحالف البوليفاري لشعوب أمريكتنا2
Q667672 [CC | ]No label in !Anarcho-primitivism | Anarquismo primitivista2
Q546511 [CC | ]No label in !Daniel Quinn2
Q1174579 [CC | ]No label in !David Graeber2
Q1199836 [CC | ]No label in !Derrick Jensen2
Q615445 [CC | ]No label in !Economic efficiency | Eficiencia económica2
Q937610 [CC | ]No label in !Edward Abbey2
Q535185 [CC | ]No label in !Edward Goldsmith2
Q11256 [CC | ]No label in !Fidel Castro | فيدل كاسترو2
Q2458048 [CC | ]No label in !Fredy Perlman2
Q116858 [CC | ]No label in !Gilbert Rist2
Q929651 [CC | ]No label in !Grassroots | Graswurzelbewegung2
Q5621393 [CC | ]No label in !Gustavo Esteva2
Q131149 [CC | ]No label in !Henry David Thoreau2
Q454268 [CC | ]No label in !John Zerzan2
Q334147 [CC | ]No label in !Julius Evola2
Q200667 [CC | ]No label in !Ladakh | لداخ2
Q1001 [CC | ]No label in !Mahatma Gandhi2
Q3280516 [CC | ]No label in !Majid Rahnema2
Q111452 [CC | ]No label in !Maria Mies2
Q48301 [CC | ]No label in !Martin Heidegger2
Q334997 [CC | ]No label in !Masanobu Fukuoka2
Q856122 [CC | ]No label in !Modernization theory | نظرية التحديث2
Q223009 [CC | ]No label in !Ned Ludd2
Q2662880 [CC | ]No label in !Neo-Luddism | Neoludismo2
Q1762221 [CC | ]No label in !Neotribalism | Neotribalismo2
Q734434 [CC | ]No label in !Pentti Linkola2
Q313758 [CC | ]No label in !Philip Larkin2
Q496850 [CC | ]No label in !René Guénon2
Q796226 [CC | ]No label in !Stafford Beer2
Q180194 [CC | ]No label in !Third World | Tercer mundo2
Q7164 [CC | ]No label in !World Bank | البنك الدولي2
Q134456 [CC | ]No label in !Yukio Mishima2
Q188590 [CC | ]No label in !Zapatista Army of National Liberation | Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional2
Q6206 [CC | ]No label in !Capitalisme | Capitalismo2
Q11042 [CC | ]No label in !Culture | Kultur2
Q43619 [CC | ]No label in !Environnement | Meio ambiente2
Q11084414 [CC | ]No label in !Modernité | Moderne2
Q7181 [CC | ]No label in !Mondialisation | Globalização2
Q190586 [CC | ]No label in !Néocolonialisme | Neokolonialismus2
Q1260036 [CC | ]No label in !Technocritique | نقد التقانة2
Q294864 [CC | ]No label in !Anarquismo y medio ambiente | لاسلطوية خضراء2
Q294949 [CC | ]No label in !Ecofeminismo | نسوية بيئية2
Q33057 [CC | ]No label in !ISBN | النظام القياسي الدولي لترقيم الكتب2
Q25670 [CC | ]No label in !Identificador de objeto digital | Digital Object Identifier2
Q265425 [CC | ]No label in !Poscolonialismo | Postkolonialismus2
Q12585 [CC | ]No label in !أمريكا اللاتينية | Lateinamerika2
Q3555354 [CC | ]No label in !2009 Peruvian political crisis1
Q386252 [CC | ]No label in !African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights1
Q4691992 [CC | ]No label in !Agency (sociology)1
Q3366311 [CC | ]No label in !Alta controversy1
Q551310 [CC | ]No label in !Amazon Watch1
Q2096204 [CC | ]No label in !American Indian boarding schools1
Q17012358 [CC | ]No label in !Ancestral domain1
Q674182 [CC | ]No label in !Arctic Council1
Q1457247 [CC | ]No label in !Assembly of First Nations1
Q184122 [CC | ]No label in !Autonomous okrugs of Russia1
Q190354 [CC | ]No label in !Bantustan1
Q1010563 [CC | ]No label in !Bureau of Indian Affairs1
Q945507 [CC | ]No label in !Canadian Indian residential school system1
Q5074822 [CC | ]No label in !Charles A. Coulombe1
Q14947002 [CC | ]No label in !Chechen–Russian conflict1
Q1071644 [CC | ]No label in !Chiapas conflict1
Q16826959 [CC | ]No label in !Civilizing mission1
Q1024020 [CC | ]No label in !Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador1
Q1125875 [CC | ]No label in !Congress of Aboriginal Peoples1
Q89640 [CC | ]No label in !Consumerism1
Q1129883 [CC | ]No label in !Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon River Basin1
Q701210 [CC | ]No label in !Council of Indigenous Peoples1
Q5193242 [CC | ]No label in !Cultural Survival1
Q5193258 [CC | ]No label in !Cultural appropriation1
Q27643296 [CC | ]No label in !Dakota Access Pipeline protests1
Q471891 [CC | ]No label in !De Beers1
Q1138309 [CC | ]No label in !Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples1
Q4857260 [CC | ]No label in !Department of Bantu Education1
Q923955 [CC | ]No label in !Dependency theory1
Q4164323 [CC | ]No label in !Discovery doctrine1
Q3356759 [CC | ]No label in !Economic rationalism1
Q211830 [CC | ]No label in !Emeritus1
Q5260694 [CC | ]No label in !Expulsion of the Chagossians1
Q876830 [CC | ]No label in !First World1
Q112725027 [CC | ]No label in !Fortress conservation1
Q17014731 [CC | ]No label in !Free, prior and informed consent1
Q121842 [CC | ]No label in !French people1
Q4375987 [CC | ]No label in !Government of Bashkortostan1
Q65301633 [CC | ]No label in !Government of Tatarstan1
Q60750568 [CC | ]No label in !Government of the Sakha Republic1
Q98928430 [CC | ]No label in !Green grabbing1
Q3709935 [CC | ]No label in !Harry S. Truman's 1949 inaugural address1
Q470295 [CC | ]No label in !Helena Norberg-Hodge1
Q2025886 [CC | ]No label in !High Arctic relocation1
Q5757610 [CC | ]No label in !High modernism1
Q16513600 [CC | ]No label in !Homeland1
Q1850158 [CC | ]No label in !Human rights in Tibet1
Q4200681 [CC | ]No label in !Indian colony1
Q2519192 [CC | ]No label in !Indian removal1
Q5398059 [CC | ]No label in !Indian reservation1
Q155239 [CC | ]No label in !Indian reserve1
Q7448060 [CC | ]No label in !Indigenous Australian self-determination1
Q6024683 [CC | ]No label in !Indigenous Environmental Network1
Q6024636 [CC | ]No label in !Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism1
Q331590 [CC | ]No label in !Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 19891
Q3474610 [CC | ]No label in !Indigenous intellectual property1
Q17005571 [CC | ]No label in !Indigenous land rights1
Q645304 [CC | ]No label in !Indigenous language1
Q920486 [CC | ]No label in !Indigenous rights1
Q16960143 [CC | ]No label in !Indigenous self-government in Canada1
Q85850776 [CC | ]No label in !Indigenous treaties in Australia1
Q1361309 [CC | ]No label in !Internal colonialism1
Q6054321 [CC | ]No label in !International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs1
Q2477868 [CC | ]No label in !International development1
Q1735529 [CC | ]No label in !John Africa1
Q29452496 [CC | ]No label in !Jonathan Crush1
Q6517770 [CC | ]No label in !Legend of the Rainbow Warriors1
Q110612590 [CC | ]No label in !Little Danes experiment1
Q1558982 [CC | ]No label in !MOVE (Philadelphia organization)1
Q474184 [CC | ]No label in !Manifest destiny1
Q6754231 [CC | ]No label in !Mapuche conflict1
Q4294276 [CC | ]No label in !Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic1
Q1369260 [CC | ]No label in !Minority rights1
Q47542696 [CC | ]No label in !Mouvement Anti-Utilitariste dans les Sciences Sociales1
Q6973505 [CC | ]No label in !National Indigenous Organization of Colombia1
Q86392060 [CC | ]No label in !National Institute of Indigenous Peoples1
Q6979950 [CC | ]No label in !Native American Rights Fund1
Q5937166 [CC | ]No label in !Native American mascot controversy1
Q6979971 [CC | ]No label in !Native American self-determination1
Q6980102 [CC | ]No label in !Native schools1
Q122724636 [CC | ]No label in !OL (identifier)1
Q1486456 [CC | ]No label in !Oka Crisis1
Q7101546 [CC | ]No label in !Oren Ginzburg1
Q85754778 [CC | ]No label in !Persecution of Uyghurs in China1
Q7202092 [CC | ]No label in !Plastic shaman1
Q7245186 [CC | ]No label in !Principles of intelligent urbanism1
Q19876266 [CC | ]No label in !Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi1
Q121594 [CC | ]No label in !Professor1
Q788324 [CC | ]No label in !Rancherie1
Q7290796 [CC | ]No label in !Ranchería1
Q21592122 [CC | ]No label in !Redface1
Q41162 [CC | ]No label in !Republics of Russia1
Q38823 [CC | ]No label in !Ruhollah Khomeini1
Q156595 [CC | ]No label in !Self-determination1
Q716815 [CC | ]No label in !Settler colonialism1
Q116732893 [CC | ]No label in !Social construct1
Q213394 [CC | ]No label in !Sri Lankan Civil War1
Q7599561 [CC | ]No label in !Stanley Diamond1
Q639836 [CC | ]No label in !Stolen Generations1
Q1887464 [CC | ]No label in !Survival International1
Q1768409 [CC | ]No label in !Te Puni Kōkiri1
Q7713933 [CC | ]No label in !The Anti-Politics Machine1
Q3821911 [CC | ]No label in !Tools for Conviviality1
Q7832334 [CC | ]No label in !Traditional ecological knowledge1
Q1428168 [CC | ]No label in !Traditional knowledge1
Q771035 [CC | ]No label in !Traditional medicine1
Q7837326 [CC | ]No label in !Treaty rights1
Q301702 [CC | ]No label in !Two-spirit1
Q2476047 [CC | ]No label in !Underdevelopment1
Q1135789 [CC | ]No label in !Unintended consequences1
Q1423944 [CC | ]No label in !United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues1
Q215613 [CC | ]No label in !Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization1
Q7899933 [CC | ]No label in !Urban Indian reserve1
Q160590 [CC | ]No label in !Utilitarianism1
Q624501 [CC | ]No label in !Viable system model1
Q863534 [CC | ]No label in !Walden1
Q2425 [CC | ]No label in !19891
Q23404 [CC | ]No label in !Anthropologie1
Q212801 [CC | ]No label in !Arundhati Roy1
Q2897678 [CC | ]No label in !Bernard Charbonneau1
Q9005 [CC | ]No label in !Bruxelles1
Q8432 [CC | ]No label in !Civilisation1
Q815962 [CC | ]No label in !Colonisation1
Q158030 [CC | ]No label in !Cornelius Castoriadis1
Q2617752 [CC | ]No label in !Critique du développement1
Q12546 [CC | ]No label in !Croisade1
Q230533 [CC | ]No label in !Décolonisation1
Q234173 [CC | ]No label in !Empreinte écologique1
Q3058690 [CC | ]No label in !Essai sur le don1
Q1371470 [CC | ]No label in !Ethnocide1
Q43455 [CC | ]No label in !Ethnologie1
Q1496 [CC | ]No label in !Fernand de Magellan1
Q3086302 [CC | ]No label in !François de Ravignan1
Q60884 [CC | ]No label in !Günther Anders1
Q60025 [CC | ]No label in !Hannah Arendt1
Q46158 [CC | ]No label in !Humanisme1
Q7257 [CC | ]No label in !Idéologie1
Q3150948 [CC | ]No label in !Ingmar Granstedt1
Q318029 [CC | ]No label in !Karl Polanyi1
Q1638544 [CC | ]No label in !L'Année sociologique1
Q1149297 [CC | ]No label in !Localisme1
Q299863 [CC | ]No label in !Louis Dumont1
Q10710179 [CC | ]No label in !Lumières (philosophie)1
Q295393 [CC | ]No label in !Marcel Mauss1
Q32090 [CC | ]No label in !Mode de vie1
Q340 [CC | ]No label in !Montréal1
Q160381 [CC | ]No label in !Occident1
Q842798 [CC | ]No label in !Occident chrétien1
Q6498273 [CC | ]No label in !Occidentalisation1
Q1345 [CC | ]No label in !Philadelphie1
Q5891 [CC | ]No label in !Philosophie1
Q647114 [CC | ]No label in !Philosophie postmoderne1
Q3456636 [CC | ]No label in !Réseau d'échanges de pratiques alternatives et solidaires1
Q7272 [CC | ]No label in !Socialisme1
Q179941 [CC | ]No label in !Système d'échange local1
Q2695280 [CC | ]No label in !Technique1
Q7328 [CC | ]No label in !Vasco de Gama1
Q370451 [CC | ]No label in !Ville en transition1
Q7063 [CC | ]No label in !XIe siècle1
Q159810 [CC | ]No label in !Économie (activité humaine)1
Q30 [CC | ]No label in !États-Unis1
Q203872 [CC | ]No label in !Être1
Q7942 [CC | ]No label in !Aquecimento global1
Q4530482 [CC | ]No label in !Desenvolvimento econômico1
Q10270010 [CC | ]No label in !Ecodesenvolvimento1
Q8134 [CC | ]No label in !Economia1
Q10309318 [CC | ]No label in !José Eli da Veiga1
Q118455746 [CC | ]No label in !Control de autoridades1
Q189049 [CC | ]No label in !Etnocentrismo1
Q1013 [CC | ]No label in !Lesoto1
Q5620559 [CC | ]No label in !Mito del progreso1
Q190593 [CC | ]No label in !OCLC1
Q2144496 [CC | ]No label in !Sociedad de consumo1
Q2466570 [CC | ]No label in !Tradicionalismo filosófico1
Q19001724 [CC | ]No label in !Universalismo1
Q1480643 [CC | ]No label in !Universidad de París-Sur1
Q2013 [CC | ]No label in !Wikidata1
Q1247 [CC | ]No label in !البحر الكاريبي1
Q478958 [CC | ]No label in !الحضارة الغربية1
Q2351730 [CC | ]No label in !تقدم اجتماعي1
Q171174 [CC | ]No label in !ديمقراطية مباشرة1
Q6216 [CC | ]No label in !ليبرالية1
Q8440 [CC | ]No label in !هوغو تشافيز1
Q514337 [CC | ]No label in !Androzentrismus1
Q34437886 [CC | ]No label in !Aram Ziai1
Q777595 [CC | ]No label in !Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte1
Q251282 [CC | ]No label in !Dipesh Chakrabarty1
Q169207 [CC | ]No label in !Diskriminierung1
Q1129466 [CC | ]No label in !Diskursanalyse1
Q829689 [CC | ]No label in !Edler Wilder1
Q201538 [CC | ]No label in !Edward Said1
Q340724 [CC | ]No label in !Entwicklung1
Q177323 [CC | ]No label in !Entwicklungsland1
Q2827815 [CC | ]No label in !Entwicklungspolitik1
Q391156 [CC | ]No label in !Essentialismus1
Q376717 [CC | ]No label in !Eurozentrismus1
Q7252 [CC | ]No label in !Feminismus1
Q594739 [CC | ]No label in !Framing (Sozialwissenschaften)1
Q1149903 [CC | ]No label in !Globaler Süden1
Q182034 [CC | ]No label in !Hegemonie1
Q1164073 [CC | ]No label in !Homo oeconomicus1
Q103817 [CC | ]No label in !Indigene Völker1
Q7169 [CC | ]No label in !Konservatismus1
Q179270 [CC | ]No label in !Konstruktivismus (Philosophie)1
Q741550 [CC | ]No label in !Kulturrelativismus1
Q1806854 [CC | ]No label in !Lateinamerikanische Schuldenkrise1
Q44272 [CC | ]No label in !Michel Foucault1
Q28643 [CC | ]No label in !Paradigma1
Q267932 [CC | ]No label in !Poststrukturalismus1
Q1415619 [CC | ]No label in !Radikaldemokratie1
Q483024 [CC | ]No label in !Rationalismus1
Q192957 [CC | ]No label in !Reaktion (Politik)1
Q7275 [CC | ]No label in !Staat1
Q213843 [CC | ]No label in !Ubuntu (Philosophie)1
Q8189417 [CC | ]No label in !Umweltbewegung1
Q58522789 [CC | ]No label in !Wachstumskritische Bewegung1
Q472976 [CC | ]No label in !Weltsozialforum1
Q295391 [CC | ]No label in !Ökonomisierung1