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Q3050847 - No label in !

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ItemLabel []WikilabelsLink #
Q4830453 [CC | ]No label in !Business | Bedrijf | Бизнес | ವ್ಯಾಪಾರ | کسب‌وکار | عمل تجاري | Biznes7
Q192907 [CC | ]No label in !Financial statement | Jaarrekening | Urteko kontuak | صورت مالی4
Q4116214 [CC | ]No label in !Accounting | Redovisning | Kontabilitate3
Q949180 [CC | ]No label in !Financial accounting | حسابداری مالی | محاسبة مالية3
Q8161 [CC | ]No label in !Belasting (fiscaal) | Данък | مالیات3
Q46737 [CC | ]No label in !Asset | Aset2
Q46834 [CC | ]No label in !Balance sheet | Balans (boekhouden)2
Q3707847 [CC | ]No label in !Bookkeeping | Boekhouding2
Q380559 [CC | ]No label in !Consolidated financial statement | Geconsolideerde jaarrekening2
Q197952 [CC | ]No label in !Corporate group | گروه شرکتی2
Q12569864 [CC | ]No label in !Economic entity | نهاد اقتصادی2
Q243460 [CC | ]No label in !Income statement | Winst-en-verliesrekening2
Q731112 [CC | ]No label in !Mergers and acquisitions | ادغام‌ها و اکتساب‌ها2
Q159810 [CC | ]No label in !Ekonomi | Икономика2
Q783794 [CC | ]No label in !Vennootschap | شرکت2
Q8134 [CC | ]No label in !Ekonomia | സാമ്പത്തികശാസ്ത്രം2
Q455 [CC | ]No label in !Encyclopædia Britannica | Encyklopedia Britannica2
Q620946 [CC | ]No label in !Library of Congress Control Number2
Q2013 [CC | ]No label in !Wikidata | ويكي بيانات2
Q601401 [CC | ]No label in !ವಾಣಿಜ್ಯ(ವ್ಯಾಪಾರ) | व्यापार2
Q1860 [CC | ]No label in !زبان انگلیسی | Język angielski2
Q326653 [CC | ]No label in !Accountant1
Q1754678 [CC | ]No label in !Accounting period1
Q15995649 [CC | ]No label in !Accounting research1
Q1779838 [CC | ]No label in !Accounting standard1
Q384475 [CC | ]No label in !Accrual1
Q699735 [CC | ]No label in !Annual report1
Q2355239 [CC | ]No label in !Arrangements between railroads1
Q745109 [CC | ]No label in !Associate company1
Q181487 [CC | ]No label in !Audit1
Q830689 [CC | ]No label in !Auditor's report1
Q333197 [CC | ]No label in !Bank reconciliation1
Q41263 [CC | ]No label in !Budget1
Q1322967 [CC | ]No label in !Business valuation1
Q693464 [CC | ]No label in !Cash1
Q460184 [CC | ]No label in !Cash flow statement1
Q1081659 [CC | ]No label in !Common stock1
Q778575 [CC | ]No label in !Conglomerate (company)1
Q1781525 [CC | ]No label in !Conglomerate discount1
Q5163665 [CC | ]No label in !Constant purchasing power accounting1
Q5166387 [CC | ]No label in !Convergence of accounting standards1
Q1077518 [CC | ]No label in !Cost accounting1
Q12154181 [CC | ]No label in !Cost of goods sold1
Q2308363 [CC | ]No label in !Creative accounting1
Q1120961 [CC | ]No label in !Debits and credits1
Q114403 [CC | ]No label in !Depreciation1
Q15995636 [CC | ]No label in !Earnings management1
Q1344727 [CC | ]No label in !Enterprise value1
Q827451 [CC | ]No label in !Equity (finance)1
Q1347909 [CC | ]No label in !Equity method1
Q5395700 [CC | ]No label in !Error account1
Q13516686 [CC | ]No label in !Expense1
Q1265942 [CC | ]No label in !FIFO and LIFO accounting1
Q14136184 [CC | ]No label in !Fair value1
Q740419 [CC | ]No label in !Financial audit1
Q2663158 [CC | ]No label in !Forensic accounting1
Q5508878 [CC | ]No label in !Fund accounting1
Q608971 [CC | ]No label in !General journal1
Q1977520 [CC | ]No label in !General ledger1
Q650978 [CC | ]No label in !Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (United States)1
Q330153 [CC | ]No label in !Generally accepted accounting principles1
Q565043 [CC | ]No label in !Going concern1
Q157499 [CC | ]No label in !Goodwill (accounting)1
Q2990822 [CC | ]No label in !Governmental accounting1
Q5643511 [CC | ]No label in !Halsbury's Laws of England1
Q362098 [CC | ]No label in !Historical cost1
Q3137179 [CC | ]No label in !History of accounting1
Q5883047 [CC | ]No label in !Hollywood accounting1
Q6452684 [CC | ]No label in !Internal audit1
Q176831 [CC | ]No label in !International Financial Reporting Standards1
Q1579825 [CC | ]No label in !International Standards on Auditing1
Q2732056 [CC | ]No label in !Ledger1
Q96776939 [CC | ]No label in !Liability (financial accounting)1
Q87620 [CC | ]No label in !Luca Pacioli1
Q2990807 [CC | ]No label in !Management accounting1
Q4388479 [CC | ]No label in !Matching principle1
Q1003682 [CC | ]No label in !Materiality (auditing)1
Q961481 [CC | ]No label in !Minority interest1
Q616741 [CC | ]No label in !Off-balance-sheet1
Q7233247 [CC | ]No label in !Positive accounting1
Q15209696 [CC | ]No label in !Profit (accounting)1
Q850210 [CC | ]No label in !Revenue1
Q2146785 [CC | ]No label in !Revenue recognition1
Q856418 [CC | ]No label in !Sarbanes–Oxley Act1
Q2990825 [CC | ]No label in !Social accounting1
Q1186451 [CC | ]No label in !Statement of changes in equity1
Q658255 [CC | ]No label in !Subsidiary1
Q109918071 [CC | ]No label in !Successor company1
Q4120326 [CC | ]No label in !Tax accounting in the United States1
Q7689418 [CC | ]No label in !Tax consolidation1
Q1192485 [CC | ]No label in !Trial balance1
Q7859444 [CC | ]No label in !Two sets of books1
Q747699 [CC | ]No label in !Unit of account1
Q7915723 [CC | ]No label in !Variable interest entity1
Q483551 [CC | ]No label in !Walmart1
Q268592 [CC | ]No label in !Bransch1
Q10547652 [CC | ]No label in !Konsolideringsgrad1
Q5970087 [CC | ]No label in !Stordriftsfördel1
Q11692 [CC | ]No label in !Aandeel1
Q206361 [CC | ]No label in !Concern1
Q1880737 [CC | ]No label in !Filiaal1
Q1956113 [CC | ]No label in !Moedermaatschappij1
Q155076 [CC | ]No label in !Rechtspersoon1
Q168678 [CC | ]No label in !Фирма1
Q6256 [CC | ]No label in !ದೇಶ1
Q8137 [CC | ]No label in !ಬಂಡವಾಳ1
Q1368 [CC | ]No label in !ಹಣ1
Q167037 [CC | ]No label in !Корпорация1
Q8425 [CC | ]No label in !Қоғам1
Q43015 [CC | ]No label in !ധനകാര്യം1
Q328 [CC | ]No label in !ویکی‌پدیای انگلیسی1
Q21 [CC | ]No label in !إنجلترا1
Q4290 [CC | ]No label in !استثمار1
Q33057 [CC | ]No label in !النظام القياسي الدولي لترقيم الكتب1
Q190593 [CC | ]No label in !مركز المكتبة الرقمية على الإنترنت1
Q7817 [CC | ]No label in !منظمة الصحة العالمية1
Q188915 [CC | ]No label in !Biblioteka Narodowa Izraela1
Q1133733 [CC | ]No label in !Biblioteka Narodowa Łotwy1
Q193563 [CC | ]No label in !Bibliothèque nationale1
Q615699 [CC | ]No label in !Encyklopedia internetowa1
Q346330 [CC | ]No label in !Inkorporacja1
Q297534 [CC | ]No label in !Konsolidacja1
Q15077505 [CC | ]No label in !Konsolidacja długu1
Q118455746 [CC | ]No label in !Kontrola autorytatywna1
Q122363538 [CC | ]No label in !Osobowość prawna1
Q189539 [CC | ]No label in !Pożyczka1
Q6881511 [CC | ]No label in !Przedsiębiorstwo1
Q1416898 [CC | ]No label in !Przejęcie przedsiębiorstwa1
Q179179 [CC | ]No label in !Stopa procentowa1
Q2339237 [CC | ]No label in !Władysław Kopaliński1
Q397 [CC | ]No label in !Łacina1