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Q3153007 - No label in !

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ItemLabel []WikilabelsLink #
Q11660 [CC | ]No label in !Artificial intelligence | Intelligence artificielle | Inteligência artificial | هوش مصنوعی | Trí tuệ nhân tạo | Inteligencia artificial6
Q2555318 [CC | ]No label in !Automated reasoning | Raciocínio automatizado | استدلال خودکار | Razonamiento automático4
Q529909 [CC | ]No label in !Sistema multiagente | Multi-agent system | Système multi-agents4
Q673661 [CC | ]No label in !Abstraction | انتزاع | Abstracción (filosofía)3
Q263847 [CC | ]No label in !Vida artificial | Artificial life3
Q2631895 [CC | ]No label in !Automated planning and scheduling | Planification (intelligence artificielle) | Planificación automática3
Q912887 [CC | ]No label in !Cambridge University Press | انتشارات دانشگاه کمبریج3
Q1172284 [CC | ]No label in !Data set | Jeu de données | Conjunto de datos3
Q180634 [CC | ]No label in !Distributed computing | رایانش توزیع‌شده | Computación distribuida3
Q215772 [CC | ]No label in !Emergence | برآمدگی (فلسفه علم) | Emergencia (filosofía)3
Q730920 [CC | ]No label in !Problem solving | حل مسئله | Resolución de problemas3
Q2297769 [CC | ]No label in !Software agent | عامل نرم‌افزاری | Agente (software)3
Q771906 [CC | ]No label in !System resource | Ressource (informatique) | Recursos computacionales3
Q863960 [CC | ]No label in !Intelligence distribuée | Inteligência de enxame | هوش ازدحامی3
Q117336820 [CC | ]No label in !AI boom | Explosão de IA2
Q116291231 [CC | ]No label in !AI safety | Segurança da inteligência artificial2
Q2254427 [CC | ]No label in !AI takeover | Rebelião das máquinas2
Q2264109 [CC | ]No label in !Artificial general intelligence | Inteligência artificial geral2
Q65066631 [CC | ]No label in !Artificial intelligence art | Arte de inteligência artificial2
Q4139206 [CC | ]No label in !Centralized computing | Computación centralizada2
Q432197 [CC | ]No label in !Collective intelligence | Intel·ligència col·lectiva2
Q197536 [CC | ]No label in !Deep learning | Aprendizagem profunda2
Q484847 [CC | ]No label in !E-commerce | Comercio electrónico2
Q12727779 [CC | ]No label in !Ethics of artificial intelligence | Ética na inteligência artificial2
Q50818671 [CC | ]No label in !Federated learning | یادگیری فدرال2
Q117246174 [CC | ]No label in !Generative artificial intelligence | Inteligência artificial generativa2
Q1142726 [CC | ]No label in !Intelligent agent | Agente inteligente (inteligencia artificial)2
Q2539 [CC | ]No label in !Machine learning | Apprentissage automatique2
Q38456 [CC | ]No label in !Microscopic scale | Nivel microscópico2
Q6901701 [CC | ]No label in !Monolithic application | Aplicación monolítica2
Q16254165 [CC | ]No label in !Music and artificial intelligence | Música e inteligência artificial2
Q30642 [CC | ]No label in !Natural language processing | Processamento de linguagem natural2
Q7094097 [CC | ]No label in !Online machine learning | یادگیری ماشین برخط2
Q7248593 [CC | ]No label in !Progress in artificial intelligence | Progresso na inteligência artificial2
Q14431238 [CC | ]No label in !Resource management | Gestión de recursos2
Q2271896 [CC | ]No label in !Scheduling (production processes) | زمان‌بندی (فرایندهای تولید)2
Q3500657 [CC | ]No label in !Social simulation | Simulación social2
Q1068715 [CC | ]No label in !Telecommunications network | Red de telecomunicación2
Q212607 [CC | ]No label in !Wireless LAN | Red de área local inalámbrica2
Q648266 [CC | ]No label in !Wayback Machine2
Q33057 [CC | ]No label in !شماره استاندارد بین‌المللی کتاب | ISBN2
Q418 [CC | ]No label in !مخابرات | Telecomunicación2
Q846651 [CC | ]No label in !چندپردازشی | Multiprocesamiento2
Q124450143 [CC | ]No label in !AI era1
Q4652028 [CC | ]No label in !AI winter1
Q4692050 [CC | ]No label in !Agent-based computational economics1
Q4692052 [CC | ]No label in !Agent-based model in biology1
Q4692055 [CC | ]No label in !Agent-based social simulation1
Q139008 [CC | ]No label in !Agent-oriented programming1
Q4692253 [CC | ]No label in !Aggregate data1
Q4781507 [CC | ]No label in !Applications of artificial intelligence1
Q60767698 [CC | ]No label in !Artificial intelligence in government1
Q28324961 [CC | ]No label in !Artificial intelligence in healthcare1
Q30673782 [CC | ]No label in !Artificial intelligence in industry1
Q116550106 [CC | ]No label in !Artificial intelligence in mental health1
Q4801081 [CC | ]No label in !Artificial intelligence systems integration1
Q25203946 [CC | ]No label in !Asynchrony (computer programming)1
Q117791942 [CC | ]No label in !Auto-GPT1
Q812540 [CC | ]No label in !Bayesian network1
Q317671 [CC | ]No label in !Botnet1
Q304726 [CC | ]No label in !Chinese room1
Q117374769 [CC | ]No label in !Comparison of platforms for software agents1
Q844240 [CC | ]No label in !Computer vision1
Q49473179 [CC | ]No label in !Deepfake1
Q5253905 [CC | ]No label in !Deliberative agent1
Q5369501 [CC | ]No label in !Embarrassingly parallel1
Q14489129 [CC | ]No label in !Evolutionary algorithm1
Q21715237 [CC | ]No label in !Existential risk from artificial general intelligence1
Q1439852 [CC | ]No label in !Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents1
Q4168796 [CC | ]No label in !Friendly artificial intelligence1
Q5514096 [CC | ]No label in !GORITE1
Q4475737 [CC | ]No label in !General game playing1
Q48996222 [CC | ]No label in !Generative audio1
Q24950778 [CC | ]No label in !Glossary of artificial intelligence1
Q2592244 [CC | ]No label in !History of artificial intelligence1
Q2652378 [CC | ]No label in !Hybrid intelligent system1
Q17092798 [CC | ]No label in !JACK Intelligent Agents1
Q1684174 [CC | ]No label in !Java Agent Development Framework1
Q102279951 [CC | ]No label in !Jiang Xie1
Q3478658 [CC | ]No label in !Knowledge representation and reasoning1
Q6606170 [CC | ]No label in !List of artificial intelligence projects1
Q30314784 [CC | ]No label in !Machine learning in bioinformatics1
Q109570989 [CC | ]No label in !Machine learning in earth sciences1
Q83512991 [CC | ]No label in !Machine learning in physics1
Q79798 [CC | ]No label in !Machine translation1
Q112842184 [CC | ]No label in !Multi-agent pathfinding1
Q6934423 [CC | ]No label in !Multi-agent planning1
Q85786957 [CC | ]No label in !Multi-agent reinforcement learning1
Q3822650 [CC | ]No label in !Multiprocessor1
Q2464338 [CC | ]No label in !Philosophy of artificial intelligence1
Q7247324 [CC | ]No label in !Processing mode1
Q1768494 [CC | ]No label in !Recursive self-improvement1
Q96482266 [CC | ]No label in !Regulation of artificial intelligence1
Q170978 [CC | ]No label in !Robotics1
Q7448180 [CC | ]No label in !Self-propelled particles1
Q125547326 [CC | ]No label in !Simulated reality1
Q4801079 [CC | ]No label in !Situated approach (artificial intelligence)1
Q382944 [CC | ]No label in !Soar (cognitive architecture)1
Q7574061 [CC | ]No label in !Spatial distribution1
Q3487828 [CC | ]No label in !Subsumption architecture1
Q2446723 [CC | ]No label in !Swarm robotics1
Q5514059 [CC | ]No label in !Symbolic artificial intelligence1
Q16000353 [CC | ]No label in !Timeline of artificial intelligence1
Q1574928 [CC | ]No label in !Trading strategy1
Q189223 [CC | ]No label in !Turing test1
Q17173292 [CC | ]No label in !Agrégation (programmation)1
Q5249081 [CC | ]No label in !Architecture distribuée1
Q21198 [CC | ]No label in !Informatique1
Q457396 [CC | ]No label in !Intelligence ambiante1
Q192776 [CC | ]No label in !Réseau de neurones artificiels1
Q187787 [CC | ]No label in !Algoritmo genético1
Q24882728 [CC | ]No label in !Alinhamento da inteligência artificial1
Q116197048 [CC | ]No label in !Alucinação (inteligência artificial)1
Q124023194 [CC | ]No label in !Aplicações da inteligência artifical1
Q115570683 [CC | ]No label in !Aprendizado por reforço com feedback humano1
Q593744 [CC | ]No label in !Base de conhecimento1
Q1744628 [CC | ]No label in !Classificação estatística1
Q460851 [CC | ]No label in !Colônia de formigas (otimização)1
Q86737641 [CC | ]No label in !Comportamento da Máquina1
Q179310 [CC | ]No label in !Computação1
Q176934 [CC | ]No label in !Computação bioinspirada1
Q1197129 [CC | ]No label in !Computação evolucionária1
Q615684 [CC | ]No label in !Computação social1
Q9081 [CC | ]No label in !Conhecimento1
Q2257348 [CC | ]No label in !Corretor gramatical1
Q977260 [CC | ]No label in !Cérebro artificial1
Q2488408 [CC | ]No label in !Cérebro positrônico1
Q3116070 [CC | ]No label in !GRASP1
Q96379788 [CC | ]No label in !Governo por algoritmo1
Q3966 [CC | ]No label in !Hardware1
Q201413 [CC | ]No label in !Heurística1
Q123858206 [CC | ]No label in !Integração de Inteligência Artificial nas Técnicas de Adestramento de Cães1
Q40890078 [CC | ]No label in !Inteligência artificial explicável1
Q96240582 [CC | ]No label in !Inteligência artificial para operações de TI1
Q1122090 [CC | ]No label in !Inteligência computacional1
Q54845131 [CC | ]No label in !Inteligência de conteúdo1
Q1385229 [CC | ]No label in !Meta-heurística1
Q30324255 [CC | ]No label in !Máquina Moral1
Q691243 [CC | ]No label in !Máquina autorreplicadora1
Q282453 [CC | ]No label in !Máquina de vetores de suporte1
Q2072794 [CC | ]No label in !Optimização por enxame de partículas1
Q1424540 [CC | ]No label in !Pesquisa tabu1
Q1198858 [CC | ]No label in !Processamento1
Q1151406 [CC | ]No label in !Raciocínio baseado em casos1
Q403574 [CC | ]No label in !Reconhecimento de entidade mencionada1
Q189436 [CC | ]No label in !Reconhecimento de fala1
Q167555 [CC | ]No label in !Reconhecimento ótico de caracteres1
Q1262415 [CC | ]No label in !Retificação de imagem1
Q18609322 [CC | ]No label in !Robótica em nuvem1
Q58778 [CC | ]No label in !Sistema1
Q3055492 [CC | ]No label in !Sistema Tutorial Inteligente1
Q1192553 [CC | ]No label in !Sistema de reconhecimento facial1
Q184609 [CC | ]No label in !Sistema especialista1
Q1961016 [CC | ]No label in !Sistemas de Processamento de Informações Neurais1
Q10372248 [CC | ]No label in !Sistemas periciais1
Q11658 [CC | ]No label in !Transformador1
Q367 [CC | ]No label in !Wikilivros1
Q133500 [CC | ]No label in !Aprenentatge1
Q147638 [CC | ]No label in !Ciència cognitiva1
Q857647 [CC | ]No label in !Constructivisme (pedagogia)1
Q310988 [CC | ]No label in !Democràcia participativa1
Q1820370 [CC | ]No label in !Estil cognitiu1
Q609298 [CC | ]No label in !Interacció social1
Q131805 [CC | ]No label in !John Dewey1
Q180819 [CC | ]No label in !Lev Vigotski1
Q204815 [CC | ]No label in !Marvin Minsky1
Q213593 [CC | ]No label in !Torres de Hanoi1
Q1053392 [CC | ]No label in !Zona de Desenvolupament Proper1
Q16783523 [CC | ]No label in !اتریوم1
Q1363963 [CC | ]No label in !استراتژی بازاریابی1
Q131276 [CC | ]No label in !شماره استاندارد بین‌المللی پیایند1
Q25670 [CC | ]No label in !شناساگر اشیاء دیجیتال1
Q44455 [CC | ]No label in !نظریه بازی1
Q173106 [CC | ]No label in !Nút mạng1
Q232661 [CC | ]No label in !Tính toán song song1
Q2868724 [CC | ]No label in !Asincronía1
Q750403 [CC | ]No label in !Biblioteca Nacional de España1
Q193563 [CC | ]No label in !Biblioteca Nacional de Francia1
Q188915 [CC | ]No label in !Biblioteca Nacional de Israel1
Q118455746 [CC | ]No label in !Control de autoridades1
Q36578 [CC | ]No label in !Gemeinsame Normdatei1
Q620946 [CC | ]No label in !Library of Congress Control Number1
Q674038 [CC | ]No label in !Nivel macroscópico1
Q2597810 [CC | ]No label in !Système universitaire de documentation1
Q2013 [CC | ]No label in !Wikidata1