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Q795464 - No label in !

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ItemLabel []WikilabelsLink #
Q155 [CC | ]No label in !Brasil | Brazil | 巴西 | ブラジル | Brasile | Brasilien | பிரேசில் | Brazílie | Brésil10
Q668 [CC | ]No label in !India | 印度 | インド | Índia | Indien | இந்தியா | Indie | Inde10
Q148 [CC | ]No label in !China | 中華人民共和国 | Cina | Volksrepublik China | சீனா | Čína | República Popular China | Chine9
Q258 [CC | ]No label in !South Africa | 南非 | 南アフリカ共和国 | África do Sul | Sudafrica | Südafrika | Jihoafrická republika | Sudáfrica | Afrique du Sud9
Q5465 [CC | ]No label in !Cape Town | Cidade do Cabo | Kapstadt | கேப் டவுன் | Ciudad del Cabo | Le Cap6
Q243630 [CC | ]No label in !BRICS | 金砖国家5
Q1144513 [CC | ]No label in !G20 developing nations | G20開發中國家 | G20 (países em desenvolvimento) | G20 (paesi in via di sviluppo) | G235
Q167336 [CC | ]No label in !Greenhouse gas | Gases do efeito estufa | Skleníkové plyny | Gas de efecto invernadero | Gaz à effet de serre5
Q477328 [CC | ]No label in !Group of 77 | Grupo dos 77 | G77 | Grupo de los 77 | Groupe des 775
Q376860 [CC | ]No label in !Newly industrialized country | Países recentemente industrializados | Schwellenland | País recientemente industrializado | Nouveaux pays industrialisés5
Q46807 [CC | ]No label in !The Times of India | தி டைம்ஸ் ஆஃப் இந்தியா5
Q208645 [CC | ]No label in !United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change | Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre a Mudança do Clima | Rámcová úmluva OSN o změně klimatu | Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático | Convention-cadre des Nations unies sur les changements climatiques5
Q30 [CC | ]No label in !Estados Unidos | United States | Vereinigte Staaten | États-Unis5
Q244444 [CC | ]No label in !2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference | Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre as Mudanças Climáticas de 2009 | Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático de 2009 | Conférence de Copenhague de 2009 sur les changements climatiques4
Q177323 [CC | ]No label in !Developing country | 開発途上国 | País em desenvolvimento | Rozvojová země4
Q19771 [CC | ]No label in !G20 | 二十國集團 | G20 (paesi industrializzati)4
Q1570993 [CC | ]No label in !IBSA Dialogue Forum | IBSA對話論壇 | Fórum de Diálogo Índia-Brasil-África do Sul | IBSA-Dialogforum4
Q47359 [CC | ]No label in !Kyoto Protocol | Kyoto-Protokoll | Protocolo de Kioto | Protocole de Kyoto4
Q1970109 [CC | ]No label in !2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference | Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre as Mudanças Climáticas de 2010 | Conférence de Cancún de 2010 sur les changements climatiques3
Q339463 [CC | ]No label in !Copenhagen Accord | Accord de Copenhague3
Q546395 [CC | ]No label in !Emerging market | Mercados emergentes | Pays émergent3
Q1764511 [CC | ]No label in !G7 | 七大工業國組織3
Q1849456 [CC | ]No label in !Potential superpower | Superpotência emergente | Superpuissance émergente3
Q37143 [CC | ]No label in !八大工業國組織 | G8 | Gruppe der Acht3
Q286946 [CC | ]No label in !Pacto do ABC | ABC-Staaten | Pays ABC3
Q7768 [CC | ]No label in !ASEAN | Associação de Nações do Sudeste Asiático2
Q7159 [CC | ]No label in !African Union | União Africana2
Q624307 [CC | ]No label in !Arab Monetary Fund | Fundo Monetário Árabe2
Q188822 [CC | ]No label in !Asian Development Bank | Banco Asiático de Desenvolvimento2
Q18109843 [CC | ]No label in !Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank | Banco Asiático de Investimento em Infraestrutura2
Q833202 [CC | ]No label in !BRIC2
Q208191 [CC | ]No label in !Bandung Conference | Conferência de Bandungue2
Q806667 [CC | ]No label in !Bank of the South | Banco do Sul2
Q864715 [CC | ]No label in !Biosimilar | Biossimilar2
Q4957186 [CC | ]No label in !Brandt Report | Relatório Brandt2
Q8683 [CC | ]No label in !Cold War | Guerra Fria2
Q1077459 [CC | ]No label in !Colombo Plan | Plano Colombo2
Q1045401 [CC | ]No label in !Community of Latin American and Caribbean States | Comunidade de Estados Latino-Americanos e Caribenhos2
Q230533 [CC | ]No label in !Decolonization | Descolonização2
Q188485 [CC | ]No label in !Fair trade | Comércio justo2
Q876830 [CC | ]No label in !First World | Primeiro Mundo2
Q1430704 [CC | ]No label in !Flying geese paradigm | Modelo dos gansos voadores2
Q1417538 [CC | ]No label in !Fourth World | Quarto Mundo2
Q506319 [CC | ]No label in !Generic drug | Medicamento genérico2
Q159385 [CC | ]No label in !Geopolitics | Geopolítica2
Q1203182 [CC | ]No label in !Global North and Global South | Divisão norte-sul2
Q5570670 [CC | ]No label in !Global System of Trade Preferences among Developing Countries | Sistema Global de Preferências Comerciais entre Países em Desenvolvimento2
Q574833 [CC | ]No label in !Global financial system | Sistema financeiro mundial2
Q7181 [CC | ]No label in !Globalization | Globalização2
Q971612 [CC | ]No label in !Group of 15 | Grupo dos 152
Q1589222 [CC | ]No label in !Group of 24 | Grupo dos 242
Q5611256 [CC | ]No label in !Group of Eleven | Grupo dos Onze2
Q2720495 [CC | ]No label in !Group of Five | G5 (politica)2
Q1433120 [CC | ]No label in !Heavily indebted poor countries | Países pobres altamente endividados2
Q752401 [CC | ]No label in !Least developed countries | País subdesenvolvido2
Q190586 [CC | ]No label in !Neocolonialism | Neocolonialismo2
Q1753801 [CC | ]No label in !New International Economic Order | Nova Ordem Econômica Internacional2
Q7012550 [CC | ]No label in !New World Information and Communication Order | Nova Ordem Mundial da Informação e Comunicação2
Q83201 [CC | ]No label in !Non-Aligned Movement | Movimento Não Alinhado2
Q294278 [CC | ]No label in !Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States | Países ACP2
Q1774427 [CC | ]No label in !Politics of climate change | Politique climatique2
Q233472 [CC | ]No label in !Second World | Segundo Mundo2
Q1434887 [CC | ]No label in !Small Island Developing States | Pequenos Estados insulares em desenvolvimento2
Q145700 [CC | ]No label in !South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation | Associação Sul-Asiática para a Cooperação Regional2
Q47539 [CC | ]No label in !South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone | Zona de Paz e Cooperação do Atlântico Sul2
Q210519 [CC | ]No label in !South–South cooperation | Cooperação Sul-Sul2
Q180194 [CC | ]No label in !Third World | Terceiro Mundo2
Q19831683 [CC | ]No label in !Three-world model | Teoria dos Mundos2
Q1330546 [CC | ]No label in !Transition economy | Economia de transição2
Q182000 [CC | ]No label in !United Nations Conference on Trade and Development | Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Comércio e Desenvolvimento2
Q161718 [CC | ]No label in !United Nations Development Programme | Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento2
Q386120 [CC | ]No label in !United Nations Industrial Development Organization | Organização das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Industrial2
Q1814449 [CC | ]No label in !World Conference against Racism | Conferência Mundial contra o Racismo2
Q7817 [CC | ]No label in !World Health Organization | Organização Mundial da Saúde2
Q7825 [CC | ]No label in !World Trade Organization | 世界貿易機関2
Q1986 [CC | ]No label in !2003年 | 20032
Q1996 [CC | ]No label in !20092
Q1889 [CC | ]No label in !Diplomacia | Diplomacie2
Q96 [CC | ]No label in !México | Mexiko2
Q611214 [CC | ]No label in !Próximos Onze | Next Eleven2
Q7888355 [CC | ]No label in !UN-Klimakonferenz | Konference OSN o změně klimatu2
Q132453 [CC | ]No label in !País desarrollado | Pays développé2
Q104880851 [CC | ]No label in !2019 in climate change1
Q104878720 [CC | ]No label in !2020 in climate change1
Q104880841 [CC | ]No label in !2021 in climate change1
Q110555352 [CC | ]No label in !2022 in climate change1
Q115943210 [CC | ]No label in !2023 in climate change1
Q124328464 [CC | ]No label in !2024 in climate change1
Q295875 [CC | ]No label in !ANZUS1
Q2956049 [CC | ]No label in !Abrupt climate change1
Q3738275 [CC | ]No label in !Adaptive capacity1
Q2384419 [CC | ]No label in !Afforestation1
Q101038 [CC | ]No label in !Albedo1
Q3073537 [CC | ]No label in !American Century1
Q2030030 [CC | ]No label in !Anoxic event1
Q7172 [CC | ]No label in !Arab League1
Q674182 [CC | ]No label in !Arctic Council1
Q2423121 [CC | ]No label in !Arctic methane emissions1
Q16243069 [CC | ]No label in !Arctic sea ice decline1
Q776874 [CC | ]No label in !Asia Cooperation Dialogue1
Q170481 [CC | ]No label in !Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation1
Q3099839 [CC | ]No label in !Asian Century1
Q2150936 [CC | ]No label in !Asian Clearing Union1
Q1147937 [CC | ]No label in !Association of Caribbean States1
Q4652675 [CC | ]No label in !Atlantic meridional overturning circulation1
Q1657165 [CC | ]No label in !Atmospheric carbon cycle1
Q1125082 [CC | ]No label in !Balance of power (international relations)1
Q3180251 [CC | ]No label in !Biological pump1
Q4930066 [CC | ]No label in !Blue carbon1
Q5001823 [CC | ]No label in !Business action on climate change1
Q140182 [CC | ]No label in !Carbon accounting1
Q16722080 [CC | ]No label in !Carbon budget1
Q41491 [CC | ]No label in !Carbon capture and storage1
Q167751 [CC | ]No label in !Carbon cycle1
Q4468919 [CC | ]No label in !Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere1
Q56298528 [CC | ]No label in !Carbon dioxide removal1
Q5037988 [CC | ]No label in !Carbon emission trading1
Q55606641 [CC | ]No label in !Carbon farming1
Q310667 [CC | ]No label in !Carbon footprint1
Q3736894 [CC | ]No label in !Carbon leakage1
Q1488967 [CC | ]No label in !Carbon offsets and credits1
Q20681009 [CC | ]No label in !Carbon price1
Q15305550 [CC | ]No label in !Carbon sequestration1
Q5611523 [CC | ]No label in !Carbon sink1
Q288401 [CC | ]No label in !Carbon tax1
Q205995 [CC | ]No label in !Caribbean Community1
Q3772571 [CC | ]No label in !Caribbean Development Bank1
Q4383471 [CC | ]No label in !Causes of climate change1
Q572001 [CC | ]No label in !Charles David Keeling1
Q2359937 [CC | ]No label in !Chemical patent1
Q486928 [CC | ]No label in !China–Japan–South Korea trilateral summit1
Q3123574 [CC | ]No label in !Chinese Century1
Q391581 [CC | ]No label in !Climate Change Performance Index1
Q22661680 [CC | ]No label in !Climate action1
Q7942 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change1
Q260607 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change adaptation1
Q56063340 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change adaptation strategies on the German coast1
Q28402972 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change and Indigenous peoples1
Q104843763 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change and birds1
Q106132582 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change and children1
Q102133023 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change and cities1
Q123125796 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change and civilizational collapse1
Q5454889 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change and fisheries1
Q17001404 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change and gender1
Q97359002 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change and infectious diseases1
Q65091372 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change and invasive species1
Q5133464 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change and poverty1
Q65072075 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change art1
Q1931364 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change denial1
Q30606503 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change education1
Q952151 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change feedbacks1
Q5133466 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change in Africa1
Q1435340 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change in Antarctica1
Q5133470 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change in Australia1
Q5133475 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change in Europe1
Q5347371 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change in South Asia1
Q5133499 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change in popular culture1
Q113274308 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change in the Americas1
Q526925 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change in the Arctic1
Q48727357 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change in the Caribbean1
Q85752885 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change in the Middle East and North Africa1
Q29639359 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change litigation1
Q898653 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change mitigation1
Q5133509 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change scenario1
Q104834114 [CC | ]No label in !Climate change vulnerability1
Q82529147 [CC | ]No label in !Climate communication1
Q60933643 [CC | ]No label in !Climate crisis1
Q5133512 [CC | ]No label in !Climate debt1
Q63438000 [CC | ]No label in !Climate emergency declaration1
Q15635954 [CC | ]No label in !Climate fiction1
Q113141562 [CC | ]No label in !Climate finance1
Q5133517 [CC | ]No label in !Climate governance1
Q1291678 [CC | ]No label in !Climate justice1
Q111494758 [CC | ]No label in !Climate migration1
Q620920 [CC | ]No label in !Climate model1
Q18746339 [CC | ]No label in !Climate movement1
Q17072637 [CC | ]No label in !Climate resilience1
Q3433166 [CC | ]No label in !Climate risk1
Q104869033 [CC | ]No label in !Climate risk insurance1
Q23579649 [CC | ]No label in !Climate security1
Q521783 [CC | ]No label in !Climate sensitivity1
Q66793697 [CC | ]No label in !Climate spiral1
Q3509184 [CC | ]No label in !Climate system1
Q125928 [CC | ]No label in !Climate variability and change1
Q85752879 [CC | ]No label in !Climate-smart agriculture1
Q1797134 [CC | ]No label in !Cloud feedback1
Q5135702 [CC | ]No label in !Cloud forcing1
Q23579671 [CC | ]No label in !Co-benefits of climate change mitigation1
Q5138350 [CC | ]No label in !Coastal flooding1
Q318693 [CC | ]No label in !Collective Security Treaty Organization1
Q604488 [CC | ]No label in !Common Fund for Commodities1
Q7779 [CC | ]No label in !Commonwealth of Independent States1
Q7785 [CC | ]No label in !Commonwealth of Nations1
Q2630344 [CC | ]No label in !Composite Index of National Capability1
Q2801375 [CC | ]No label in !Comprehensive National Power1
Q56296200 [CC | ]No label in !Cooperative Mechanisms under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement1
Q8908 [CC | ]No label in !Council of Europe1
Q5178021 [CC | ]No label in !Coupled Model Intercomparison Project1
Q493109 [CC | ]No label in !Cryosphere1
Q577526 [CC | ]No label in !D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation1
Q1550762 [CC | ]No label in !Debt of developing countries1
Q18350987 [CC | ]No label in !Deforestation and climate change1
Q1949683 [CC | ]No label in !Deterrence theory1
Q3706270 [CC | ]No label in !Developmental state1
Q60761394 [CC | ]No label in !Direct air capture1
Q105974436 [CC | ]No label in !Disability and climate change1
Q5281359 [CC | ]No label in !Disaster risk reduction1
Q844801 [CC | ]No label in !Doha Declaration on the TRIPS agreement and public health1
Q43059 [CC | ]No label in !Drought1
Q5316286 [CC | ]No label in !Durban III1
Q2378937 [CC | ]No label in !Durban Review Conference1
Q5322462 [CC | ]No label in !E9 (countries)1
Q1292280 [CC | ]No label in !Earth's energy budget1
Q82795131 [CC | ]No label in !Ecological grief1
Q225950 [CC | ]No label in !Economic Cooperation Organization1
Q5333592 [CC | ]No label in !Economic analysis of climate change1
Q3400813 [CC | ]No label in !Economic power1
Q5333586 [CC | ]No label in !Economics of climate change mitigation1
Q83179035 [CC | ]No label in !Ecosystem-based adaptation1
Q1430548 [CC | ]No label in !Effects of climate change1
Q465932 [CC | ]No label in !Effects of climate change on agriculture1
Q123163224 [CC | ]No label in !Effects of climate change on biomes1
Q2979220 [CC | ]No label in !Effects of climate change on human health1
Q120970633 [CC | ]No label in !Effects of climate change on livestock1
Q111955696 [CC | ]No label in !Effects of climate change on mental health1
Q5347373 [CC | ]No label in !Effects of climate change on oceans1
Q5347223 [CC | ]No label in !Effects of climate change on plant biodiversity1
Q23580027 [CC | ]No label in !Effects of climate change on small island countries1
Q107525415 [CC | ]No label in !Effects of climate change on the water cycle1
Q5370783 [CC | ]No label in !Emerging power1
Q2630815 [CC | ]No label in !Energy superpower1
Q795757 [CC | ]No label in !Energy transition1
Q4173083 [CC | ]No label in !Eurasian Economic Union1
Q458 [CC | ]No label in !European Union1
Q5413483 [CC | ]No label in !European balance of power1
Q5422084 [CC | ]No label in !Extinction risk from climate change1
Q108582043 [CC | ]No label in !Extreme event attribution1
Q1277161 [CC | ]No label in !Extreme weather1
Q281095 [CC | ]No label in !Financial regulation1
Q107556617 [CC | ]No label in !Fixed anvil temperature hypothesis1
Q8068 [CC | ]No label in !Flood1
Q1187968 [CC | ]No label in !Flood control1
Q3236097 [CC | ]No label in !Food power1
Q1361577 [CC | ]No label in !Forest dieback1
Q12748 [CC | ]No label in !Fossil fuel1
Q19903988 [CC | ]No label in !Fossil fuel divestment1
Q2326542 [CC | ]No label in !Fossil fuel phase-out1
Q429736 [CC | ]No label in !G33 (developing countries)1
Q838116 [CC | ]No label in !G4 nations1
Q1484463 [CC | ]No label in !G8+51
Q3117793 [CC | ]No label in !G901
Q109566978 [CC | ]No label in !Glasgow Climate Pact1
Q105200013 [CC | ]No label in !Global digital divide1
Q85763713 [CC | ]No label in !Global surface temperature1
Q901028 [CC | ]No label in !Global warming potential1
Q5571782 [CC | ]No label in !Glossary of climate change1
Q5009975 [CC | ]No label in !Gold Standard (carbon offset standard)1
Q185145 [CC | ]No label in !Great power1
Q3075923 [CC | ]No label in !Green Climate Fund1
Q41560 [CC | ]No label in !Greenhouse effect1
Q106358009 [CC | ]No label in !Greenhouse gas emissions1
Q111461869 [CC | ]No label in !Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture1
Q7990121 [CC | ]No label in !Greenhouse gas emissions from wetlands1
Q217172 [CC | ]No label in !Gulf Cooperation Council1
Q2382513 [CC | ]No label in !Hard power1
Q215864 [CC | ]No label in !Heat wave1
Q1593728 [CC | ]No label in !Hegemonic stability theory1
Q85766769 [CC | ]No label in !History of climate change policy and politics1
Q1410590 [CC | ]No label in !History of climate change science1
Q84910040 [CC | ]No label in !Human impact on marine life1
Q13861074 [CC | ]No label in !Human rights and climate change1
Q103843442 [CC | ]No label in !IPCC Sixth Assessment Report1
Q104874765 [CC | ]No label in !Illustrative model of greenhouse effect on climate change1
Q6018843 [CC | ]No label in !Index of climate change articles1
Q8832799 [CC | ]No label in !Indian Century1
Q6025269 [CC | ]No label in !Individual action on climate change1
Q17056414 [CC | ]No label in !Infrastructure-based development1
Q3773774 [CC | ]No label in !Instrumental temperature record1
Q171183 [CC | ]No label in !Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change1
Q7804 [CC | ]No label in !International Monetary Fund1
Q21594952 [CC | ]No label in !International Solar Alliance1
Q17002695 [CC | ]No label in !International relations (1814–1919)1
Q724095 [CC | ]No label in !James Hansen1
Q3348639 [CC | ]No label in !Land use, land-use change, and forestry1
Q355497 [CC | ]No label in !Landlocked developing countries1
Q21068593 [CC | ]No label in !List of ancient great powers1
Q5570915 [CC | ]No label in !List of climate change video games1
Q30324543 [CC | ]No label in !List of country groupings1
Q3137529 [CC | ]No label in !List of medieval great powers1
Q21068500 [CC | ]No label in !List of modern great powers1
Q17141509 [CC | ]No label in !Loss and damage (climate change)1
Q3267905 [CC | ]No label in !Low-carbon economy1
Q6746652 [CC | ]No label in !Managed retreat1
Q56321065 [CC | ]No label in !Marine heatwave1
Q6765830 [CC | ]No label in !Maritime power1
Q1747184 [CC | ]No label in !Mass mortality event1
Q6805599 [CC | ]No label in !Media coverage of climate change1
Q1918937 [CC | ]No label in !Melanesian Spearhead Group1
Q4264 [CC | ]No label in !Mercosur1
Q1322988 [CC | ]No label in !Middle power1
Q7184 [CC | ]No label in !NATO1
Q6970171 [CC | ]No label in !National Adaptation Programme of Action1
Q3275668 [CC | ]No label in !National power1
Q20051297 [CC | ]No label in !Nationally determined contribution1
Q2421934 [CC | ]No label in !Nature-based solutions1
Q121734997 [CC | ]No label in !Net zero emissions1
Q8579145 [CC | ]No label in !New Development Bank1
Q146165 [CC | ]No label in !Nordic Council1
Q16543355 [CC | ]No label in !North–South Summit1
Q12739 [CC | ]No label in !Nuclear power1
Q41550 [CC | ]No label in !OECD1
Q392787 [CC | ]No label in !OPEC Fund for International Development1
Q855711 [CC | ]No label in !Ocean acidification1
Q7076135 [CC | ]No label in !Ocean deoxygenation1
Q14868764 [CC | ]No label in !Ocean heat content1
Q122911643 [CC | ]No label in !Ocean stratification1
Q114797648 [CC | ]No label in !Ocean temperature1
Q48995776 [CC | ]No label in !Oceanic carbon cycle1
Q7100074 [CC | ]No label in !Orbital forcing1
Q134102 [CC | ]No label in !Organisation internationale de la Francophonie1
Q47543 [CC | ]No label in !Organisation of Islamic Cooperation1
Q123759 [CC | ]No label in !Organization of American States1
Q596850 [CC | ]No label in !Organization of Turkic States1
Q183140 [CC | ]No label in !Ozone depletion1
Q757276 [CC | ]No label in !Pacific Islands Forum1
Q191069 [CC | ]No label in !Paleoclimatology1
Q846535 [CC | ]No label in !Paleotempestology1
Q21707860 [CC | ]No label in !Paris Agreement1
Q637759 [CC | ]No label in !Pax Americana1
Q1315969 [CC | ]No label in !Pax Sinica1
Q179918 [CC | ]No label in !Permafrost1
Q7169192 [CC | ]No label in !Permafrost carbon cycle1
Q7201457 [CC | ]No label in !Plant-based diet1
Q1112585 [CC | ]No label in !Polarity (international relations)1
Q3117794 [CC | ]No label in !Polynesian Leaders Group1
Q123593132 [CC | ]No label in !Post-Western era1
Q1345203 [CC | ]No label in !Power (international relations)1
Q25107 [CC | ]No label in !Power (social and political)1
Q1132703 [CC | ]No label in !Power politics1
Q1509344 [CC | ]No label in !Power projection1
Q3036279 [CC | ]No label in !Power transition theory1
Q7251941 [CC | ]No label in !Protocol on Trade Negotiations1
Q2000285 [CC | ]No label in !Proxy (climate)1
Q105706981 [CC | ]No label in !Psychological impact of climate change1
Q189603 [CC | ]No label in !Public health1
Q7257941 [CC | ]No label in !Public opinion on climate change1
Q77630 [CC | ]No label in !REDD and REDD+1
Q1463606 [CC | ]No label in !Radiative forcing1
Q753861 [CC | ]No label in !Realpolitik1
Q815818 [CC | ]No label in !Reforestation1
Q4120211 [CC | ]No label in !Regional organization1
Q339834 [CC | ]No label in !Regional power1
Q12705 [CC | ]No label in !Renewable energy1
Q7314241 [CC | ]No label in !Representative Concentration Pathway1
Q903816 [CC | ]No label in !Retreat of glaciers since 18501
Q159 [CC | ]No label in !Russia1
Q1280767 [CC | ]No label in !Satellite temperature measurement1
Q60674974 [CC | ]No label in !School Strike for Climate1
Q3115646 [CC | ]No label in !Scientific consensus on climate change1
Q841083 [CC | ]No label in !Sea level rise1
Q1507383 [CC | ]No label in !Sea surface temperature1
Q7441881 [CC | ]No label in !Season creep1
Q485207 [CC | ]No label in !Shanghai Cooperation Organisation1
Q84021487 [CC | ]No label in !Shared Socioeconomic Pathways1
Q55633021 [CC | ]No label in !Sharp power1
Q1773885 [CC | ]No label in !Small power1
Q2981107 [CC | ]No label in !Smart power1
Q1143951 [CC | ]No label in !Soft power1
Q17165387 [CC | ]No label in !Solar radiation modification1
Q498517 [CC | ]No label in !South Centre (organization)1
Q593682 [CC | ]No label in !Sphere of influence1
Q1489259 [CC | ]No label in !Superpower1
Q7644112 [CC | ]No label in !Superpower collapse1
Q7644108 [CC | ]No label in !Superpower disengagement1
Q53581236 [CC | ]No label in !Sustainable Development Goal 131
Q131201 [CC | ]No label in !Sustainable development1
Q1962383 [CC | ]No label in !Sustainable energy1
Q80956 [CC | ]No label in !Svante Arrhenius1
Q7705761 [CC | ]No label in !Test data exclusivity1
Q352378 [CC | ]No label in !The Adaptation Fund1
Q1011078 [CC | ]No label in !Tipping points in the climate system1
Q7832027 [CC | ]No label in !Trade and development1
Q5947963 [CC | ]No label in !Tropical cyclones and climate change1
Q192177 [CC | ]No label in !Union for the Mediterranean1
Q4230 [CC | ]No label in !Union of South American Nations1
Q1065 [CC | ]No label in !United Nations1
Q967957 [CC | ]No label in !Uniting for Consensus1
Q15909735 [CC | ]No label in !Urban flooding1
Q215712 [CC | ]No label in !Urban heat island1
Q244323 [CC | ]No label in !Visegrád Group1
Q65051884 [CC | ]No label in !Warming stripes1
Q5376358 [CC | ]No label in !Water scarcity1
Q7973735 [CC | ]No label in !Water security1
Q23583773 [CC | ]No label in !Women in climate change1
Q7164 [CC | ]No label in !World Bank1
Q2918729 [CC | ]No label in !World Conference against Racism 20011
Q1853339 [CC | ]No label in !World energy supply and consumption1
Q29520 [CC | ]No label in !中國1
Q3017 [CC | ]No label in !28 de novembro1
Q496967 [CC | ]No label in !Aliança dos Pequenos Estados Insulares1
Q420873 [CC | ]No label in !Integração latino-americana1
Q10303026 [CC | ]No label in !Integração sul-americana1
Q2871706 [CC | ]No label in !Multipolaridade1
Q166542 [CC | ]No label in !Relações internacionais1
Q26540 [CC | ]No label in !Satélite artificial1
Q1149903 [CC | ]No label in !Sul global1
Q613875 [CC | ]No label in !Terceiro-mundismo1
Q180089 [CC | ]No label in !The Economist1
Q3755569 [CC | ]No label in !G141
Q1052825 [CC | ]No label in !G2 (USA-Cina)1
Q556938 [CC | ]No label in !G221
Q2398456 [CC | ]No label in !G33 (paesi industrializzati)1
Q8969 [CC | ]No label in !Cancún1
Q1748 [CC | ]No label in !Kopenhagen1
Q11148 [CC | ]No label in !The Guardian1
Q926175 [CC | ]No label in !The Hindu1
Q404824 [CC | ]No label in !அமெரிக்கா1
Q125 [CC | ]No label in !நவம்பர்1
Q1860 [CC | ]No label in !Angličtina1
Q189833 [CC | ]No label in !Hospodářský růst1
Q12638 [CC | ]No label in !Hrubý domácí produkt1
Q202398 [CC | ]No label in !Industrializace1
Q33057 [CC | ]No label in !International Standard Book Number1
Q461 [CC | ]No label in !Internet Archive1
Q771405 [CC | ]No label in !Jižní Asie1
Q12585 [CC | ]No label in !Latinská Amerika1
Q82955 [CC | ]No label in !Politik1
Q1613416 [CC | ]No label in !Počet obyvatel1
Q28856 [CC | ]No label in !Stylistika1
Q132959 [CC | ]No label in !Subsaharská Afrika1
Q11188 [CC | ]No label in !Světová populace1
Q27231 [CC | ]No label in !Východní Asie1
Q118455746 [CC | ]No label in !Control de autoridades1
Q3588927 [CC | ]No label in !Emisiones de dióxido de carbono1
Q28135011 [CC | ]No label in !Responsabilidades comunes pero diferenciadas1
Q2013 [CC | ]No label in !Wikidata1