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Corrigenda: Sirbu C, Miu IV, Gavrilidis AA, Gradinaru SR, Niculae IM, Preda C, Oprea A, Urziceanu M, Camen-Comanescu P, Nagoda E, Sirbu IM, Memedemin D, Anastasiu P (2022) Distribution and pathways of introduction of invasive alien plant species in Romania. NeoBiota 75: 1–21. https://doi.org/10.3897/neobiota.75.84684[1]Culita Sirbu, [2]Iulia V. Miu, [3]Athanasios A Gavrilidis, [4]Simona R Grădinaru, [5]Iulian M. Niculae, [6]Cristina Preda, [7]Adrian Oprea, [8]Mihaela Urziceanu, [9]Petronela Camen-Comanescu, [10]Eugenia Nagoda, [11]Ioana M. Sirbu, [12]Daniyar Memedemin, [13]Paulina Anastasiu [Full author list]NeoBiota [missing]DOI: 10.3897/NEOBIOTA.75.94331 [ORCID]
invasive species [missing]; introduced species [missing]; invasive plant [missing]2022-09-28
Distribution and pathways of introduction of invasive alien plant species in Romania[1]Culita Sirbu, [2]Iulia V. Miu, [3]Athanasios A Gavrilidis, [4]Simona R Grădinaru, [5]Iulian M. Niculae, [6]Cristina Preda, [7]Adrian Oprea, [8]Mihaela Urziceanu, [9]Petronela Camen-Comanescu, [10]Eugenia Nagoda, [11]Ioana M. Sirbu, [12]Daniyar Memedemin, [13]Paulina Anastasiu [Full author list]NeoBiota [missing]DOI: 10.3897/NEOBIOTA.75.84684 [ORCID]
Romania [missing]; invasive species [missing]; introduced species [missing]; invasive plant [missing]2022-08-23
Ex situ conservation of plant diversity in Romania: A synthesis of threatened and endemic taxa[1]Bogdan-Iuliu Hurdu, [2]Ana Coste, [3]Adela Halmagyi, [4]Paul-Marian Szatmari, [5]Anca Farkas, [6]Mihai Pușcaș, [7]Pavel Dan Turtureanu, [8]Oana Roșca-Casian, [9]Cătălin Tănase, [10]Adrian Oprea, [11]Constantin Mardari, [12]Daniel Răduțoiu, ... [Full author list]Journal for Nature Conservation [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.JNC.2022.126211 [ORCID]
plant diversity [missing]; Q115219249 [missing]2022-08-01
Invasive alien plant species in Romania of European Union concern[1]Culiţă Sîrbu, [2]Paulina Anastasiu, [3]Mihaela Urziceanu, [4]Petronela Camen-Comănescu, [5]Ioana-Minodora Sîrbu, [6]Ana-Maria Popa, [7]Cristian Ioja, [8]Athanasios A Gavrilidis, [9]Adrian Oprea [Full author list]Environmental & Socio-economic Studies [missing]DOI: 10.2478/ENVIRON-2021-0023 [ORCID]
Romania [missing]; invasive species [missing]; invasive plant [missing]2022-01-10
Reciprocal contamination by invasive plants: analysis of trade exchange between Slovakia and Romania[1]Peter Ferus, [2]Culiţă Sîrbu, [3]Pavol Eliáš, [4]Jana Konôpková, [5]Ľuba Ďurišová, [6]Costel Samuil, [7]Adrian Oprea [Full author list]Biologia [missing]DOI: 10.1515/BIOLOG-2015-0102 [ORCID]
Slovakia [missing]; Romania [missing]; invasive species [missing]; invasive plant [missing]; invasion biology [missing]; invasion pathway [missing]2015-01-01
Neophyte Invasion in Moldavia (Eastern Romania) in Different Habitat Types[1]Culiţă Sîrbu, [2]Adrian Oprea, [3]Costel Samuil, [4]Cătălin Tănase [Full author list]Folia Geobotanica [missing]DOI: 10.1007/S12224-011-9112-Y [ORCID]
Romania [missing]; biological invasion [missing]; habitat type [missing]2012-02-28

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Adrian Oprearumunský botanik, práce z oboru0VIAF ID: 85249115
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