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Group #1

TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished DateMatch?
Decomposition of an N-fixing invasive plant compared with a native species: Consequences for ecosystem[1]Elizabete Marchante, [2]Hélia Marchante, [3]Helena Freitas, [4]Annelise Kjøller, [5]Sten Struwe [Full author list]Applied Soil Ecology [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.APSOIL.2019.02.016 [ORCID]
native species [missing]; invasive plant [missing]2019-06-01
Short- and long-term impacts of Acacia longifolia invasion on the belowground processes of a Mediterranean coastal dune ecosystem[1]Elizabete Marchante, [2]Annelise Kjøller, [3]Sten Struwe, [4]Helena Freitas [Full author list]Applied Soil Ecology [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.APSOIL.2008.04.004 [ORCID]
invasive species [missing]; soil ecology [missing]; Acacia longifolia [missing]; invasive plant [missing]; coastal ecology [missing]; invasion impact [missing]; coastal invasion [missing]2008-10-01
Invasive Acacia longifolia induce changes in the microbial catabolic diversity of sand dunes[1]Elizabete Marchante, [2]Annelise Kjøller, [3]Sten Struwe, [4]Helena Freitas [Full author list]Soil Biology and Biochemistry [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.SOILBIO.2008.06.017 [ORCID]
dune [missing]; invasive species [missing]; Acacia longifolia [missing]; invasive plant [missing]2008-10-01
Soil recovery after removal of the N2-fixing invasive Acacia longifolia: consequences for ecosystem restoration[1]Elizabete Marchante, [2]Annelise Kjøller, [3]Sten Struwe, [4]Helena Freitas [Full author list]Biological Invasions [missing]DOI: 10.1007/S10530-008-9295-1 [ORCID]
invasive species [missing]; biological invasion [missing]; Acacia longifolia [missing]; invasive plant [missing]; ecosystem restoration [missing]; ecological restoration [missing]; soil restoration [missing]2008-06-03
Potential for N2O production from beech (Fagus silvaticus) forest soils with varying pH[1]Sten Struwe, [2]Annelise Kjøller [Full author list]Soil Biology and Biochemistry [missing]DOI: 10.1016/0038-0717(94)90115-5 [ORCID]
forest soil [missing]2002-12-28


TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished DateMatch?
Biofilms in Soil[1]Mette Burmølle, [2]Annelise Kjøller [Full author list]Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences [missing]DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-3585-1_260 [ORCID]
biofilm [missing]2011-01-01

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Annelise Kjøllerbotanist and mycologist0
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