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17 publications found

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Group #1

TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished DateMatch?
Association of non-native Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii, Caprifoliaceae) with other invasive plant species in eastern deciduous forests in southwestern Ohio[1]Theresa M. Culley, [2]Guy N. Cameron, [3]Sarah E. Kolbe, [4]Arnold I. Miller [Full author list]Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society [missing]DOI: 10.3159/TORREY-D-15-00048.1 [ORCID]
Caprifoliaceae [missing]; invasive species [missing]; Lonicera maackii [missing]; deciduous forest [missing]; invasive plant [missing]; invasion biology [missing]; forest invasion [missing]2016-10-01
Relationships between an invasive shrub Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii, Caprifoliaceae) and environmental factors on recruitment of sugar maple trees (Acer saccharum, Aceraceae) in southwestern Ohio[1]Guy N. Cameron, [2]Theresa M. Culley, [3]Sarah E. Kolbe, [4]Arnold I. Miller, [5]Stephen Matter [Full author list]Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society [missing]DOI: 10.3159/TORREY-D-15-00036.1 [ORCID]
Ohio [missing]; shrub [missing]; Caprifoliaceae [missing]; invasive species [missing]; Acer saccharum [missing]; Lonicera maackii [missing]; Aceraceae [missing]; invasive shrub [missing]2016-10-01
Effects of natural and anthropogenic environmental influences on tree community composition and structure in forests along an urban-wildland gradient in southwestern Ohio[1]Sarah E. Kolbe, [2]Arnold I. Miller, [3]Guy N. Cameron, [4]Theresa M. Culley [Full author list]Urban Ecosystems [missing]DOI: 10.1007/S11252-016-0531-7 [ORCID]
urban forest [missing]2016-01-25
Impact of Land-Use History and Forest Trees on Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks[1]Sarah E. Kolbe, [2]Arnold I. Miller, [3]Amy Townsend-Small, [4]Guy N. Cameron, [5]Theresa M. Culley [Full author list]Soil Science Society of America Journal [missing]DOI: 10.2136/SSSAJ2015.12.0426 [ORCID]
soil organic carbon [missing]2016-01-01
Effect of Lonicera maackii on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen in Southwestern Ohio Forests[1]Sarah E. Kolbe, [2]Amy Townsend-Small, [3]Arnold I. Miller, [4]Theresa M. Culley, [5]Guy N. Cameron [Full author list]Invasive plant science and management [missing]DOI: 10.1614/IPSM-D-15-00010.1 [ORCID]
Lonicera maackii [missing]; plant invasion [missing]; invasion management [missing]; forest invasion [missing]2015-12-01
Effects of urbanization on herbaceous forest vegetation: the relative impacts of soil, geography, forest composition, human access, and an invasive shrub[1]Guy N. Cameron, [2]Theresa M. Culley, [3]Sarah E. Kolbe, [4]Arnold I. Miller, [5]Stephen Matter [Full author list]Urban Ecosystems [missing]DOI: 10.1007/S11252-015-0472-6 [ORCID]
shrub [missing]; urbanization [missing]; invasive shrub [missing]; invasion impact [missing]; forest invasion [missing]2015-05-17


TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished DateMatch?
Sepkoski, J. John, Jr. (1948-1999), paleontologist[1]Arnold I. Miller [Full author list]American National Biography Online [missing]DOI: 10.1093/ANB/9780198606697.ARTICLE.1302634 [ORCID]
Jack Sepkoski [missing]2017-11-29
On the Challenge of Comparing Contemporary and Deep-Time Biological-Extinction Rates[1]Megan Lamkin, [2]Arnold I. Miller [Full author list]BioScience [missing]DOI: 10.1093/BIOSCI/BIW088 [ORCID]
extinction rate [missing]2016-08-17
Geographic ranges of genera and their constituent species: structure, evolutionary dynamics, and extinction resistance[1]Michael Foote, [2]Kathleen A. Ritterbush, [3]Arnold I. Miller [Full author list]Paleobiology [missing]DOI: 10.1017/PAB.2015.40 [ORCID]
Evolutionary dynamics [missing]2016-03-09
Cenozoic latitudinal response curves: individualistic changes in the latitudinal distributions of marine bivalves and gastropods[1]Andrew A. Zaffos, [2]Arnold I. Miller [Full author list]Paleobiology [missing]DOI: 10.1017/PAB.2014.13 [ORCID]
Geobiodiversity Database: a comprehensive section-based integration of stratigraphic and paleontological data[1]Jun-xuan Fan, [2]Qing Chen, [3]Xudong Hou, [4]Arnold I. Miller, [5]Michael J. Melchin, [6]Shuzhong Shen, [7]Shuangye Wu, [8]Daniel Goldman, [9]Charles E. Mitchell, [10]Qun Yang, [11]Yuandong Zhang, [12]Renbin Zhan, [13]Jun Wang, [14]Qin Leng, [15]Hua Zhang, [16]Linna Zhang [Full author list]Newsletters on stratigraphy [missing]DOI: 10.1127/0078-0421/2013/0033 [ORCID]
Phanerozoic trends in the global geographic disparity of marine biotas[1]Arnold I. Miller, [2]Devin P. Buick, [3]Katherine V. Bulinski, [4]Chad A. Ferguson, [5]Austin J. W. Hendy, [6]Martin Aberhan, [7]Wolfgang Kiessling [Full author list]Paleobiology [missing]DOI: 10.1666/0094-8373-35.4.612 [ORCID]
Increased Longevities of Post-Paleozoic Marine Genera After Mass Extinctions[1]Arnold I. Miller, [2]Michael Foote [Full author list]Science [missing]DOI: 10.1126/SCIENCE.1089719 [ORCID]
PubMed: 14605366 [ORCID]
evolution [missing]; marine biology [missing]; paleontology [missing]; Paleozoic [missing]2003-11-07
Calibrating the Ordovician Radiation of marine life: implications for Phanerozoic diversity trends[1]Arnold I. Miller, [2]Mike Foote [Full author list]Paleobiology [missing]DOI: 10.1017/S0094837300016237 [ORCID]
Effect of Hurricane Hugo on molluscan skeletal distributions, Salt River Bay, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands[1]Arnold I. Miller, [2]Ghislaine Llewellyn, [3]Karla M. Parsons, [4]Hays Cummins, [5]Mark R. Boardman, [6]Benjamin J. Greenstein, [7]David K. Jacobs [Full author list]Geology [missing]DOI: 10.1130/0091-7613(1992)020<0023:EOHHOM>2.3.CO;2 [ORCID]
United States Virgin Islands [missing]; hurricane [missing]1992-01-01

Potential author items

NameDescriptionAuthored itemsIdentifiersEmployer(s)
Arnold MillerAmerican vascular surgeon1ORCID: 0000-0003-2697-4762
Massachusetts General Hospital [missing]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology [missing]
University of the Witwatersrand [missing]
Royal College of Surgeons of England [missing]
Arnold MillerAmerican clinical psychologist (1927–2011)1ISNI: 0000000080846540
VIAF ID: 5104190
Arnold MillerAmerican labor leader0VIAF ID: 13626922
Arnold Millerfootball player (born 1975)0
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