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Matched potential author: Rima D Lucardi - author of 6 items
TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished DateMatch?
Phenotypic differentiation among native, expansive and introduced populations influences invasion success[1]Adrián Lázaro‐Lobo, [2]Angela T. Moles, [3]Guillaume Fried, [4]Filip Verloove, [5]Juan Antonio Campos, [6]Mercedes Herrera, [7]Elena Goñi, [8]Fréderic Bioret, [9]Gabriella Buffa, [10]Edy Fantinato, [11]Alexander Sentinella, [12]Myron P. Zalucki, [13]Margaret M. Mayfield, [14]Tobias Smith, [15]Alexandra Catling, [16]Jacinta M. Zalucki, [17]Rima D. Lucardi, [18]Cory M. Shoemaker, [19]David S. Mason, [20]Gary N Ervin [Full author list]Journal of Biogeography [missing]DOI: 10.1111/JBI.14252 [ORCID]
human impact on the environment [missing]; Baccharis halimifolia [missing]; invasive plant [missing]; invasion success [missing]; phenotypic differentiation [missing]2021-09-21Rima D Lucardi (Q90816426; 6 items)
Region-wide assessment of fine-scale associations between invasive plants and forest regeneration[1]Adrián Lázaro-Lobo, [2]Rima D. Lucardi, [3]Carlos Ramirez‐Reyes, [4]Gary N Ervin [Full author list]Forest Ecology and Management [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.FORECO.2021.118930 [ORCID]
invasive plant [missing]; invasion management [missing]; forest invasion [missing]2021-01-19Rima D Lucardi (Q90816426; 6 items)
Invasion Success in Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica): A Population Genetic Approach Exploring Genetic Diversity and Historical Introductions[1]Rima D. Lucardi, [2]Lisa E. Wallace, [3]Gary N Ervin [Full author list]Invasive plant science and management [missing]DOI: 10.1614/IPSM-D-13-00029.1 [ORCID]
population genetics [missing]; invasive species [missing]; genetic diversity [missing]; Imperata cylindrica [missing]; invasive plant [missing]; invasion genetics [missing]; plant invasion [missing]; invasion success [missing]; invasion management [missing]2014-03-01Rima D Lucardi (Q90816426; 6 items)
Evaluating hybridization as a potential facilitator of successful cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) invasion in Florida, USA[1]Rima D. Lucardi, [2]Lisa E. Wallace, [3]Gary N Ervin [Full author list]Biological Invasions [missing]DOI: 10.1007/S10530-014-0654-9 [ORCID]
invasive species [missing]; biological invasion [missing]; Imperata cylindrica [missing]; invasion facilitation [missing]2014-02-16Rima D Lucardi (Q90816426; 6 items)


TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished DateMatch?
Variation in plant traits and phylogenetic structure associated with native and nonnative species in an industrialized flora[1]Samantha J Worthy, [2]Travis D. Marsico, [3]Rima D. Lucardi, [4]Lauren E Whitehurst, [5]Kevin S. Burgess [Full author list]NeoBiota [missing]DOI: 10.3897/NEOBIOTA.77.87307 [ORCID]
introduced species [missing]2022-10-31Rima D Lucardi (Q90816426; 6 items)
An Overview of Triadica sebifera (Chinese Tallowtree) in the Southern United States, Emphasizing Pollinator Impacts and Classical Biological Control[1]James T. Vogt, [2]Rabiu Olatinwo, [3]Michael D. Ulyshen, [4]Rima D. Lucardi, [5]Daniel Saenz, [6]Jessica L. McKenney [Full author list]Southeastern Naturalist [missing]DOI: 10.1656/058.020.0403 [ORCID]
Triadica sebifera [missing]2021-11-26
Native or non‐native? Historical biogeography of an emergent forest pest,Matsucoccus macrocicatrices[1]Thomas D Whitney, [2]Kamal J. K. Gandhi, [3]Rima D. Lucardi [Full author list]Journal of Biogeography [missing]DOI: 10.1111/JBI.13702 [ORCID]
biogeography [missing]; historical biogeography [missing]2019-09-23
Response of twelve Florida cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) populations to herbicide treatment[1]Stephen F. Enloe, [2]Rima D. Lucardi, [3]Nancy J. Loewenstein, [4]Dwight K. Lauer [Full author list]Invasive plant science and management [missing]DOI: 10.1017/INP.2018.12 [ORCID]
Imperata cylindrica [missing]; plant invasion [missing]; invasion management [missing]2018-06-01

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NameDescriptionAuthored itemsIdentifiersEmployer(s)
Rima D Lucardiresearcher (ORCID 0000-0002-8851-2494)6ORCID: 0000-0002-8851-2494
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