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TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished DateMatch?
Errata: "Design and Validation of a Biosensor Implantation Capsule Robot," [Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 139, 081003-1], BIO-16-1427[1]Seth P Harris, [2]Benjamin Terry [Full author list]Journal of Biomechanical Engineering [missing]DOI: 10.1115/1.4046699 [ORCID]
PubMed: 32191281 [ORCID]
Rapid, remote education for point-of-care ultrasound among non-physician emergency care providers in a resource limited setting[1]Benjamin Terry, [2]David L Polan, [3]Rashidah Nambaziira, [4]Julius Mugisha, [5]Mark Bisanzo, [6]Romolo Gaspari [Full author list]African Journal of Emergency Medicine [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.AFJEM.2019.05.004 [ORCID]
PubMed: 31528532 [ORCID]
Measurements for a healthy gut[1]Benjamin Terry [Full author list]Nature Electronics [missing]DOI: 10.1038/S41928-017-0012-X [ORCID]
healthy gut [missing]2018-01-01
Separate cis-trans pathways post-transcriptionally regulate murine CD154 (CD40 ligand) expression: a novel function for CA repeats in the 3'-untranslated region[1]B JoNell Hamilton, [2]Xiao-Wei Wang, [3]Jane Collins, [4]Donald B Bloch, [5]Alan Bergeron, [6]Brian Henry, [7]Benjamin M Terry, [8]Moe Zan, [9]Andrew J Mouland, [10]William F C Rigby [Full author list]Journal of Biological Chemistry [missing]DOI: 10.1074/JBC.M802492200 [ORCID]
PubMed: 18640985 [ORCID]
Impaired insulin and insulin-like growth factor expression and signaling mechanisms in Alzheimer's disease – is this type 3 diabetes?[1]Eric Steen, [2]Benjamin M. Terry, [3]Enrique J. Rivera, [4]Jennifer L. Cannon, [5]Thomas R. Neely, [6]Rose Tavares, [7]X. Julia Xu, [8]Jack R. Wands, [9]Suzanne M. de la Monte [Full author list]Journal of Alzheimer's Disease [missing]DOI: 10.3233/JAD-2005-7107 [ORCID]
Alzheimer's disease [missing]; preproinsulin [missing]2005-03-03
Die Germanen in der antiken Literatur. I. Teil: Römische Literatur. Richard Kunze[1]Benjamin Terry [Full author list]Classical Philology [missing]DOI: 10.1086/359134 [ORCID]

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NameDescriptionAuthored itemsIdentifiersEmployer(s)
Benjamin TerryGhanaian footballer0
Benjamin TerryBritish actor (1818-1896)0
Benjamin Terry(born 1776)0
Benjamin Terry(1683-1773)0
Benjamin Terry0ISNI: 0000000037635588
VIAF ID: 18723192
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