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Group #1

Matched potential author: Helen Christensen - author of 507 items
TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished DateMatch?
The efficacy of internet interventions for depression and anxiety disorders: a review of randomised controlled trials[1]Kathleen M Griffiths, [2]Louise Farrer, [3]Helen Christensen, [3-Q16204130]Helen Christensen [Full author list]Medical Journal of Australia [missing]PubMed: 20528707 [ORCID]
anxiety [missing]2010-06-01Helen Christensen (Q16204130; 507 items)
Beacon: a web portal to high-quality mental health websites for use by health professionals and the public[1]Helen Christensen, [1-Q16204130]Helen Christensen, [2]Kristen Murray, [3]Alison L. Calear, [4]Kylie Bennett, [5]Anthony Bennett, [6]Kathleen M Griffiths [Full author list]Medical Journal of Australia [missing]PubMed: 20528708 [ORCID]
mental health [missing]2010-06-01Helen Christensen (Q16204130; 507 items)
Practitioner-supported delivery of internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy: evaluation of the feasibility of conducting a cluster randomised trial[1]Ian B Hickie, [2]Tracey A Davenport, [3]Georgina M Luscombe, [4]Michael Moore, [5]Kathleen M Griffiths, [6]Helen Christensen, [6-Q16204130]Helen Christensen [Full author list]Medical Journal of Australia [missing]PubMed: 20528705 [ORCID]
2010-06-01Helen Christensen (Q16204130; 507 items)
E-mental health: a new era in delivery of mental health services[1]Helen Christensen, [1-Q16204130]Helen Christensen, [2]Ian B Hickie [Full author list]Medical Journal of Australia [missing]DOI: 10.5694/J.1326-5377.2010.TB03684.X [ORCID]
PubMed: 20528702 [ORCID]
mental health [missing]2010-06-01Helen Christensen (Q16204130; 507 items)
Plenty of activity but little outcome data: a review of the "grey literature" on primary care anxiety and depression programs in Australia[1]Helen Christensen, [1-Q16204130]Helen Christensen, [2]Kathleen M Griffiths, [3]Amelia Gulliver [Full author list]Medical Journal of Australia [missing]PubMed: 18558907 [ORCID]
Australia [missing]2008-06-01Helen Christensen (Q16204130; 507 items)
Predictors of adherence among community users of a cognitive behavior therapy website[1]Philip J Batterham, [2]Alison L Neil, [3]Kylie Bennett, [4]Kathleen M Griffiths, [5]Helen Christensen, [5-Q16204130]Helen Christensen [Full author list]Patient Preference and Adherence [missing]PubMed: 19920949 [ORCID]
cognitive behavioral therapy [missing]; behavior therapy [missing]2008-02-02Helen Christensen (Q16204130; 507 items)
Effectiveness of treatments for depression in older people[1]Cathy J Frazer, [2]Helen Christensen, [2-Q16204130]Helen Christensen, [3]Kathleen M Griffiths [Full author list]Medical Journal of Australia [missing]PubMed: 15963019 [ORCID]
2005-06-01Helen Christensen (Q16204130; 507 items)
Effectiveness of complementary and self-help treatments for depression[1]Anthony F Jorm, [1-Q37830642]Anthony F. Jorm, [2]Helen Christensen, [2-Q16204130]Helen Christensen, [3]Kathleen M Griffiths, [4]Bryan Rodgers [Full author list]Medical Journal of Australia [missing]PubMed: 12065003 [ORCID]
2002-05-01Helen Christensen (Q16204130; 507 items)
The quality and accessibility of Australian depression sites on the World Wide Web[1]Kathleen M Griffiths, [2]Helen Christensen, [2-Q16204130]Helen Christensen [Full author list]Medical Journal of Australia [missing]DOI: 10.5694/J.1326-5377.2002.TB04509.X [ORCID]
PubMed: 12065004 [ORCID]
World Wide Web [missing]2002-05-01Helen Christensen (Q16204130; 507 items)

Group #2

TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished DateMatch?
Characterization of the TRBP domain required for dicer interaction and function in RNA interference[1]Sylvanne M Daniels, [2]Carlos E Melendez-Peña, [3]Robert J Scarborough, [4]Aïcha Daher, [5]Helen S Christensen, [6]Mohamed El Far, [7]Damian F J Purcell, [8]Sébastien Lainé, [9]Anne Gatignol [Full author list]BMC Molecular Biology [missing]DOI: 10.1186/1471-2199-10-38 [ORCID]
PubMed: 19422693 [ORCID]
RNA interference [missing]2009-05-07
Small interfering RNAs against the TAR RNA binding protein, TRBP, a Dicer cofactor, inhibit human immunodeficiency virus type 1 long terminal repeat expression and viral production[1]Helen S Christensen, [2]Aïcha Daher, [3]Kaitlin J Soye, [4]Lisa B Frankel, [5]Marina R Alexander, [6]Sébastien Lainé, [7]Sylvie Bannwarth, [8]Chi L Ong, [9]Sean W L Chung, [10]Shahan M Campbell, [11]Damian F J Purcell, [12]Anne Gatignol [Full author list]Journal of Virology [missing]DOI: 10.1128/JVI.01511-06 [ORCID]
PubMed: 17360756 [ORCID]
virology [missing]2007-05-01
Low TRBP levels support an innate human immunodeficiency virus type 1 resistance in astrocytes by enhancing the PKR antiviral response[1]Chi L Ong, [2]Janine C Thorpe, [3]Paul R Gorry, [4]Sylvie Bannwarth, [5]Anthony Jaworowski, [6]Jane L Howard, [7]Sean Chung, [8]Shahan Campbell, [9]Helen S Christensen, [10]Guerline Clerzius, [11]Andrew J Mouland, [12]Anne Gatignol, [13]Damian F J Purcell [Full author list]Journal of Virology [missing]DOI: 10.1128/JVI.79.20.12763-12772.2005 [ORCID]
PubMed: 16188979 [ORCID]
astrocyte [missing]2005-10-01

Potential author items

NameDescriptionAuthored itemsIdentifiersEmployer(s)
Helen ChristensenAustralian mental health researcher507ORCID: 0000-0003-0435-2065
VIAF ID: 269396829
Australian National University [missing]
Black Dog Institute [missing]
University of New South Wales [missing]
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