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Wendy A Wolf

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Listed Publications

12 publications found

TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished Date
Concordance between Research Sequencing and Clinical Pharmacogenetic Genotyping in the eMERGE-PGx Study.[1]Laura J Rasmussen-Torvik, [2]Berta Almoguera, [3]Kimberly Doheny, [4]Robert R Freimuth, [5]Adam S Gordon, [6]Hakon Hakonarson, [7]Jared B Hawkins, [8]Ammar Husami, [9]Lynn C Ivacic, [10]Iftikhar J Kullo, ..., [17]Maureen E Smith, [18]Sarah C Stallings, [19]Wendy A Wolf, [20]Kejian Zhang, [21]Stuart A Scott [Full author list]The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.JMOLDX.2017.04.002
PubMed: 28502727
When Participants in Genomic Research Grow Up: Contact and Consent at the Age of Majority[1]Kyle B Brothers, [2]Ingrid A Holm, [3]Janet E Childerhose, [4]Armand H Matheny Antommaria, [5]Barbara A Bernhardt, [6]Ellen Wright Clayton, [8]Steven Joffe, [9]John A Lynch, [10]Jennifer B McCormick, [11]Laurence B. McCullough, [12]D Williams Parsons, [13]Agnes S Sundaresan, [14]Wendy A Wolf, [15]Joon-Ho Yu, [16]Benjamin S Wilfond, [17]Pediatrics Workgroup of the Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research (CSER) Consortium, [18]Pediatrics Workgroup of the Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research CSER Consortium [Full author list]The Journal of Pediatrics [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.JPEDS.2015.09.020
PubMed: 26477867
informed consent [curation]2015-10-15
Practical considerations in genomic decision support: The eMERGE experience[1]Timothy M Herr, [2]Suzette J Bielinski, [3]Erwin Böttinger, [4]Ariel Brautbar, [5]Murray H. Brilliant, [6]Christopher G. Chute, [7]Beth L Cobb, [8]Joshua C. Denny, [9]Hakon Hakonarson, [10]Andrea L Hartzler, ..., [26]Timothy Uphoff, [27]Chunhua Weng, [28]Wendy A Wolf, [29]Marc S. Williams, [30]Justin Starren [Full author list]Journal of pathology informatics [curation]DOI: 10.4103/2153-3539.165999
PubMed: 26605115
decision support system [curation]2015-01-01
Electronic medical records and genomics (eMERGE) network exploration in cataract: several new potential susceptibility loci[1]Marylyn D. Ritchie, [2]Shefali S Verma, [3]Molly A Hall, [4]Robert J Goodloe, [5]Richard L Berg, [6]Dave S Carrell, [7]Christopher S Carlson, [8]Lin Chen, [9]David R Crosslin, [10]Joshua C. Denny, ..., [18]Xiaoming Wang, [19]Russell A Wilke, [20]Wendy A Wolf, [21]Eric S Torstenson, [22]Stephen D Turner, ... [Full author list]Molecular Vision [curation]PubMed: 25352737genomics [curation]; susceptibility locus [curation]2014-09-19
Return of genomic results to research participants: the floor, the ceiling, and the choices in between[1]Gail P. Jarvik, [2]Laura M Amendola, [3]Jonathan S Berg, [4]Kyle Brothers, [5]Ellen Wright Clayton, [6]Wendy Chung, [7]Barbara J Evans, [8]James P Evans, [9]Stephanie M Fullerton, [10]Carlos J Gallego, ..., [23]Marc S. Williams, [24]Susan M Wolf, [25]Wendy A Wolf, [26]eMERGE Act-ROR Committee and CERC Committee, [27]CSER Act-ROR Working Group, ... [Full author list]American Journal of Human Genetics [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.AJHG.2014.04.009
PubMed: 24814192
Admixture mapping and subsequent fine-mapping suggests a biologically relevant and novel association on chromosome 11 for type 2 diabetes in African Americans[1]Janina Jeff, [2]Loren L Armstrong, [3]Marylyn D. Ritchie, [4]Joshua C. Denny, [5]Abel Kho, [6]Melissa A. Basford, [7]Wendy A Wolf, [8]Jennifer A Pacheco, [9]Rongling Li, [10]Rex L. Chisholm, [11]Dan Roden, [12]M. Geoffrey Hayes, [13]Dana Crawford [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0086931
PubMed: 24595071
type 2 diabetes [curation]2014-03-03
Generalization of variants identified by genome-wide association studies for electrocardiographic traits in African Americans[1]Janina Jeff, [2]Marylyn D. Ritchie, [3]Joshua C. Denny, [4]Abel Kho, [5]Andrea H Ramirez, [6]David R Crosslin, [7]Loren L Armstrong, [8]Melissa A. Basford, [9]Wendy A Wolf, [10]Jennifer A Pacheco, [11]Rex L. Chisholm, [12]Dan Roden, [13]M. Geoffrey Hayes, [14]Dana Crawford [Full author list]Annals of Human Genetics [curation]DOI: 10.1111/AHG.12023
PubMed: 23534349
electrocardiography [curation]; genome-wide association study [curation]2013-03-28
Return of individual research results from genome-wide association studies: experience of the Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Network[1]Stephanie M Fullerton, [2]Wendy A Wolf, [3]Kyle Brothers, [4]Ellen Wright Clayton, [5]Dana Crawford, [6]Joshua C. Denny, [7]Philip Greenland, [8]Barbara A Koenig, [9]Kathleen A Leppig, [10]Noralane Lindor, [11]Catherine A. McCarty, [12]Amy L McGuire, [13]Eugenia R McPeek Hinz, [14]Daniel B Mirel, [15]Erin M Ramos, [16]Marylyn D. Ritchie, [17]Maureen E Smith, [18]Carol J Waudby, [19]Wylie Burke, [20]Gail P. Jarvik [Full author list]Genetics in Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1038/GIM.2012.15
PubMed: 22361898
genomics [curation]; genome-wide association study [curation]2012-04-01
Managing incidental findings and research results in genomic research involving biobanks and archived data sets[1]Susan M Wolf, [2]Brittney N Crock, [3]Brian Van Ness, [4]Frances P Lawrenz, [5]Jeffrey P Kahn, [6]Laura Mari Beskow, [7]Mildred Cho, [8]Michael F Christman, [9]Robert C. Green, [10]Ralph Hall, ..., [24]Sharon F. Terry, [25]Benjamin S Wilfond, [26]Wendy A Wolf [Full author list]Genetics in Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1038/GIM.2012.23
PubMed: 22436882
incidental finding [curation]; biobank [curation]; data ethics [curation]2012-04-01
Use of diverse electronic medical record systems to identify genetic risk for type 2 diabetes within a genome-wide association study[1]Abel Kho, [2]M. Geoffrey Hayes, [3]Laura J Rasmussen-Torvik, [4]Jennifer A Pacheco, [5]William K Thompson, [6]Loren L Armstrong, [7]Joshua C. Denny, [8]Peggy Peissig, [9]Aaron W Miller, [10]Wei-Qi Wei, [11]Suzette J Bielinski, [12]Christopher G. Chute, [13]Cynthia L. Leibson, [14]Gail P. Jarvik, [15]David R Crosslin, [16]Christopher S Carlson, [17]Katherine M Newton, [18]Wendy A Wolf, [19]Rex L. Chisholm, [20]William L Lowe [Full author list]Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association [curation]DOI: 10.1136/AMIAJNL-2011-000439
PubMed: 22101970
genome-wide association study [curation]; type 2 diabetes [curation]2011-11-19
Ethical and practical challenges of sharing data from genome-wide association studies: the eMERGE Consortium experience[1]Amy L McGuire, [2]Melissa A. Basford, [3]Lynn G Dressler, [4]Stephanie M Fullerton, [5]Barbara A Koenig, [6]Rongling Li, [7]Cathy McCarty, [8]Erin M Ramos, [9]Maureen E Smith, [10]Carol P Somkin, [11]Carol J Waudby, [12]Wendy A Wolf, [13]Ellen Wright Clayton [Full author list]Genome Research [curation]DOI: 10.1101/GR.120329.111
PubMed: 21632745
genome-wide association study [curation]; research ethics [curation]; data sharing [curation]; data ethics [curation]2011-07-01
The eMERGE Network: a consortium of biorepositories linked to electronic medical records data for conducting genomic studies[1]Catherine A. McCarty, [2]Rex L. Chisholm, [3]Christopher G. Chute, [4]Iftikhar J Kullo, [5]Gail P. Jarvik, [6]Eric B Larson, [7]Rongling Li, [8]Daniel R. Masys, [9]Marylyn D. Ritchie, [10]Dan Roden, [11]Jeffery Struewing, [12]Wendy A Wolf [Full author list]BMC Medical Genomics [curation]DOI: 10.1186/1755-8794-4-13
PubMed: 21269473
data ethics [curation]2011-01-26
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