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Dietrich Rothenbacher

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Listed Publications

333 publications found

TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished Date
Trauma-related acute kidney injury during inpatient care of femoral fractures increases the risk of mortality: a claims data analysis[1]Gisela Büchele, [2]Martin Rehm, [3]Rebecca Halbgebauer, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Markus Huber-Lang [Full author list]DOI: 10.1016/J.AJMO.2022.100009
Relationship between cardiac biomarker concentrations and long-term mortality in subjects with osteoarthritis[1]Martin Rehm, [2]Gisela Büchele, [3]Raphael Simon Peter, [4]Rolf Erwin Brenner, [5]Klaus-Peter Günther, [6]Hermann Brenner, [7]Wolfgang Koenig, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0242814
PubMed: 33264342
biomarker [curation]2020-12-02
Changes in human milk fatty acid composition and maternal lifestyle-related factors over a decade: a comparison between the two Ulm Birth Cohort Studies[1]Linda P Siziba, [2]Leonie Lorenz, [3]Hermann Brenner, [4]Prudence R Carr, [5]Bernd Carsten Stahl, [6]Marko Mank, [7]Tamas Marosvölgyi, [8]Tamas Decsi, [9]Eva Szabo, [10]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [11]Jon Genuneit [Full author list]British Journal of Nutrition [curation]DOI: 10.1017/S0007114520004006
PubMed: 33040757
Growth Differentiation Factor-15 as a Potent Predictor of Long-Term Mortality among Subjects with Osteoarthritis[1]Natalie Arnold, [2]Martin Rehm, [3]Gisela Büchele, [4]Raphael S Peter, [5]Rolf Erwin Brenner, [6]Klaus-Peter Günther, [7]Hermann Brenner, [8]Wolfgang Koenig, [9]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Journal of Clinical Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.3390/JCM9103107
PubMed: 32993054
Association of lung function with overall mortality is independent of inflammatory, cardiac, and functional biomarkers in older adults: the ActiFE-study[1]Gudrun Weinmayr, [2]Holger Schulz, [3]Jochen Klenk, [4]Michael Denkinger, [5]Enric Duran-Tauleria, [6]Wolfgang Koenig, [7]Dhayana Dallmeier, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [9]ActiFE Study Group [Full author list]Scientific Reports [curation]DOI: 10.1038/S41598-020-68372-W
PubMed: 32681112
biomarker [curation]2020-07-17
Long-term trajectories of anxiety and depression in patients with stable coronary heart disease and risk of subsequent cardiovascular events[1]Raphael S Peter, [2]Michelle L Meyer, [3]Ute Mons, [4]Ben Schöttker, [5]Ferdinand Keller, [6]Roman Schmucker, [7]Wolfgang Koenig, [8]Hermann Brenner, [9]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Depression and Anxiety [curation]DOI: 10.1002/DA.23011
PubMed: 32237189
coronary artery disease [curation]2020-04-01
Accelerometer-measured sedentary and physical activity time and their correlates in European older adults: The SITLESS study[1]Maria Giné-Garriga, [2]Oriol Sansano-Nadal, [3]Mark A Tully, [4]Paolo Caserotti, [5]Laura Coll-Planas, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [7]Dhayana Dallmeier, [8]Michael Denkinger, [9]Jason J Wilson, [10]Carme Martin-Borràs, [11]Mathias Skjødt, [12]Kelly Ferri, [13]Ana Claudia Silva Farche, [14]Emma McIntosh, [15]Nicole E Blackburn, [16]Antoni Salvà, [17]Marta Roqué [Full author list]The Journals of Gerontology [curation]DOI: 10.1093/GERONA/GLAA016
PubMed: 31943000
accelerometer [curation]2020-01-14
Frailty Index and Sex-Specific 6-Year Mortality in Community-Dwelling Older People: The ActiFE Study[1]Dhayana Dallmeier, [2]Ulrike Braisch, [3]Kilian Rapp, [4]Jochen Klenk, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Michael Denkinger, [7]ActiFE Study Group [Full author list]The Journals of Gerontology [curation]DOI: 10.1093/GERONA/GLZ051
PubMed: 30789659
Leptin in Human Milk and Child Body Mass Index: Results of the Ulm Birth Cohort Studies[1]Chad A Logan, [2]Linda P Siziba, [3]Wolfgang Koenig, [4]Prudence R Carr, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [7]Jon Genuneit [Full author list]Nutrients [curation]DOI: 10.3390/NU11081883
PubMed: 31412610
Association of growth differentiation factor 15 with other key biomarkers, functional parameters and mortality in community-dwelling older adults[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Dhayana Dallmeier, [3]Hannes Christow, [4]Wolfgang Koenig, [5]Michael Denkinger, [6]Jochen Klenk, [7]ActiFE study group [Full author list]Age and Ageing [curation]DOI: 10.1093/AGEING/AFZ022
PubMed: 30855645
biomarker [curation]2019-07-01
Multi-state models of transitions in depression and anxiety symptom severity and cardiovascular events in patients with coronary heart disease[1]Michelle L Meyer, [2]Feng-Chang Lin, [3]Andrea Jaensch, [4]Ute Mons, [5]Harry Hahmann, [6]Wolfgang Koenig, [7]Hermann Brenner, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0213334
PubMed: 30845176
coronary artery disease [curation]2019-01-01
Relationship of Estimated GFR and Albuminuria to Concurrent Laboratory Abnormalities: An Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis in a Global Consortium[1]Lesley A Inker, [2]Morgan E Grams, [3]Andrew S Levey, [4]Josef Coresh, [5]Massimo Cirillo, [6]John F Collins, [7]Ron T Gansevoort, [8]Orlando M Gutierrez, [9]Takayuki Hamano, [10]Gunnar H Heine, ..., [16]Girish N Nadkarni, [17]Carmen A Peralta, [18]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [19]Elke Schaeffner, [20]Sanaz Sedaghat, ... [Full author list]American Journal of Kidney Diseases [curation]DOI: 10.1053/J.AJKD.2018.08.013
PubMed: 30348535
hematocrit [curation]; serum calcium [curation]; Albuminuria [curation]2018-10-19
Cost-effectiveness of exercise referral schemes enhanced by self-management strategies to battle sedentary behaviour in older adults: protocol for an economic evaluation alongside the SITLESS three-armed pragmatic randomised controlled trial[1]Manuela Deidda, [2]Laura Coll-Planas, [3]Maria Giné-Garriga, [4]Míriam Guerra-Balic, [5]Marta Roqué, [6]Mark A Tully, [7]Paolo Caserotti, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [9]Antoni Salvà Casanovas, [10]Frank Kee, [11]Nicole E Blackburn, [12]Jason J Wilson, [13]Mathias Skjødt, [14]Michael Denkinger, [15]Katharina Wirth, [16]Emma McIntosh, [17]SITLESS Team [Full author list]BMJ Open [curation]DOI: 10.1136/BMJOPEN-2018-022266
PubMed: 30327403
Soluble CD14 concentration in human breast milk and its potential role in child atopic dermatitis: Results of the Ulm Birth Cohort Studies[1]Chad A Logan, [2]Johannes M Weiss, [3]Wolfgang Koenig, [4]Bernd Carsten Stahl, [5]Prudence R Carr, [6]Hermann Brenner, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Jon Genuneit [Full author list]Clinical & Experimental Allergy [curation]DOI: 10.1111/CEA.13245
PubMed: 30084516
atopic dermatitis [curation]2018-08-28
Time trends in dyspepsia and association with H. pylori and work-related stress-An observational study in white collar employees in 1996 and 2015.[1]Stefanie Braig, [2]Simon Berger, [3]David Rothenbacher, [4]Stefanie Schmid, [5]Thomas Seufferlein, [6]Hermann Brenner, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Harald Gündel [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0199533
PubMed: 29933411
Helicobacter pylori [curation]2018-06-22
Prospective analysis of time out-of-home and objectively measured walking duration during a week in a large cohort of older adults.[1]Kilian Rapp, [2]Stefanie Mikolaizak, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Michael D. Denkinger, [5]Jochen Klenk [Full author list]European Review of Aging and Physical Activity [curation]DOI: 10.1186/S11556-018-0197-7
PubMed: 29946372
Screen Time, Physical Activity and Self-Esteem in Children: The Ulm Birth Cohort Study[1]Stefanie Braig, [2]Jon Genuneit, [3]Viola Walter, [4]Stephanie Brandt, [5]Martin Wabitsch, [6]Lutz Goldbeck, [7]Hermann Brenner, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health [curation]DOI: 10.3390/IJERPH15061275
PubMed: 29914149
screen time [curation]; birth cohort [curation]2018-06-16
Different rates of progression and mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease at outpatient nephrology clinics across Europe[1]Katharina Brück, [2]Kitty J Jager, [3]Carmine Zoccali, [4]Aminu K Bello, [5]Roberto Minutolo, [6]Kyriakos Ioannou, [7]Francis Verbeke, [8]Henry Völzke, [9]Johan Arnlöv, [10]Daniela Leonardis, ..., [17]Jose Luis Gorriz, [18]Stein Hallan, [19]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [20]Dino Gibertoni, [21]Luca De Nicola, ... [Full author list]Kidney International [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.KINT.2018.01.008
PubMed: 29656901
nephrology [curation]; chronic renal insufficiency [curation]2018-06-01
Fetal growth and incidence of atopic dermatitis in early childhood: Results of the Ulm SPATZ Health Study.[1]Chad A Logan, [2]Johannes M Weiss, [3]Frank Reister, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Jon Genuneit [Full author list]Scientific Reports [curation]DOI: 10.1038/S41598-018-26440-2
PubMed: 29795189
atopic dermatitis [curation]2018-05-23
Association of Serum Retinol-Binding Protein 4 Concentration With Risk for and Prognosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis[1]Angela Rosenbohm, [2]Gabriele Nagel, [3]Raphael S Peter, [4]Torben Brehme, [5]Wolfgang Koenig, [6]Luc Dupuis, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Albert C. Ludolph [Full author list]JAMA Neurology [curation]DOI: 10.1001/JAMANEUROL.2017.5129
PubMed: 29482216
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [curation]2018-05-01
Response to Drs. Rasmussen and Pareek regarding our paper in Int. J. Cardiol. 2018; 250: 247-252: Hs-cTroponins for the prediction of recurrent cardiovascular events in patients with established CHD - A comparative analysis from the KAROLA study.[1]Henning Jansen, [2]Wolfgang Koenig, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]International Journal of Cardiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.IJCARD.2017.12.101
PubMed: 29506715
Osteoarthritis-patterns, cardio-metabolic risk factors and risk of all-cause mortality: 20 years follow-up in patients after hip or knee replacement.[1]G Büchele, [2]K P Günther, [3]Hermann Brenner, [4]W Puhl, [5]T Stürmer, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [7]R E Brenner [Full author list]Scientific Reports [curation]DOI: 10.1038/S41598-018-23573-2
PubMed: 29588472
osteoarthritis [curation]2018-03-27
Phenotypic differences of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in China and Germany.[1]Angela Rosenbohm, [2]Mingsheng Liu, [3]Gabriele Nagel, [4]Raphael S Peter, [5]Bo Cui, [6]Xiaoguang Li, [7]Jan Kassubek, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [9]Dorothée Lulé, [10]Liying Cui, [11]Albert C. Ludolph, [12]ALS Registry Swabia Study Group [Full author list]Journal of Neurology [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S00415-018-8735-9
PubMed: 29392461
Germany [curation]; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [curation]2018-02-01
Hs-cTroponins for the prediction of recurrent cardiovascular events in patients with established CHD - A comparative analysis from the KAROLA study[1]Henning Jansen, [2]Andrea Jänsch, [3]Lutz P Breitling, [4]Liesa Hoppe, [5]Dhayana Dallmeier, [5-Q51731777]Dhayana Dallmeier, [6]Roman Schmucker, [7]Hermann Brenner, [8]Wolfgang Koenig, [9]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]International Journal of Cardiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.IJCARD.2017.08.062
PubMed: 29169757
Association of maternal uric acid and cystatin C serum concentrations with maternal and neonatal cardiovascular risk markers and neonatal body composition: The Ulm SPATZ Health Study[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Stefanie Braig, [3]Chad A Logan, [4]Gertrud Feike, [5]Miriam Müller, [6]Wolfgang Koenig, [7]Frank Reister, [8]Jon Genuneit [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0200470
PubMed: 30024915
Media consumption and sleep quality in early childhood: results from the Ulm SPATZ Health Study.[1]Jon Genuneit, [2]Pablo E Brockmann, [3]Angelika Anita Schlarb, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Sleep Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.SLEEP.2017.10.013
PubMed: 29680432
Life course body mass index and risk and prognosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: results from the ALS registry Swabia.[1]Raphael S Peter, [2]Angela Rosenbohm, [3]Luc Dupuis, [4]Torben Brehme, [5]Jan Kassubek, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [7]Gabriele Nagel, [8]Albert Christian Ludolph [Full author list]European Journal of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S10654-017-0318-Z
PubMed: 28975435
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [curation]2017-10-03
[Real-world evidence : Benefits and limitations in multiple sclerosis research].[1]Tjalf Ziemssen, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]J Kuhle, [4]T Berger [Full author list]Der Nervenarzt [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S00115-017-0387-Y
PubMed: 28776214
multiple sclerosis [curation]2017-10-01
Evaluation of left and right ventricular systolic and diastolic electromechanical synchrony in older people: a population-based observational study[1]R Laszlo, [2]H Konz, [3]K Kunz, [4]D Dallmeier, [5]Jochen Klenk, [6]M Denkinger, [7]W Koenig, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [9]J M Steinacker For The ActiFE Study Group [Full author list]Physiological Research [curation]DOI: 10.33549/PHYSIOLRES.933453
PubMed: 28937256
diastole [curation]2017-09-22
Assessment of renal function in routine care of people living with HIV on ART in a resource-limited setting in urban Zambia[1]Andreas Deckert, [2]Florian Neuhann, [3]Christina Klose, [4]Thomas Bruckner, [5]Claudia Beiersmann, [6]John Haloka, [7]Mannie Nsofwa, [8]Greg Banda, [9]Maik Brune, [10]Helmut Reutter, [11]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [12]Martin Zeier [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0184766
PubMed: 28931037
Zambia [curation]; urbanization [curation]2017-09-20
Composite End Points: Implications of Changing Compositions With Longer Follow-Up[1]Lutz P Breitling, [2]Ute Mons, [3]Harry Hahmann, [4]Wolfgang Koenig, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes [curation]DOI: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.116.003458
PubMed: 28855221
Prediction of BMI at age 11 in a longitudinal sample of the Ulm Birth Cohort Study[1]Hanna Christiansen, [2]Stephanie Brandt, [3]Viola Walter, [4]Martin Wabitsch, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Hermann Brenner, [7]Benno G Schimmelmann, [8]Oliver Hirsch [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0182338
PubMed: 28832593
birth cohort [curation]2017-08-23
Metabolomics reveals an entanglement of fasting leptin concentrations with fatty acid oxidation and gluconeogenesis in healthy children[1]Franca F Kirchberg, [2]Stephanie Brandt, [3]Anja Moß, [4]Wolfgang Peissner, [5]Wolfgang Koenig, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [7]Hermann Brenner, [8]Berthold Koletzko, [9]Christian Hellmuth, [10]Martin Wabitsch [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0183185
PubMed: 28817652
fatty acid [curation]; gluconeogenesis [curation]; metabolomics [curation]2017-08-17
Adipokines, C-reactive protein and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - results from a population- based ALS registry in Germany.[1]Gabriele Nagel, [2]Raphael S Peter, [3]Angela Rosenbohm, [4]Wolfgang Koenig, [5]Luc Dupuis, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [7]Albert C. Ludolph [Full author list]Scientific Reports [curation]DOI: 10.1038/S41598-017-04706-5
PubMed: 28663573
Germany [curation]; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [curation]2017-06-29
Metabolite profiling in identifying metabolic biomarkers in older people with late-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus[1]Zhi Yang Tam, [2]Sean Pin Ng, [3]Ling Qiao Tan, [4]Chih-Hsien Lin, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Jochen Klenk, [7]Bernhard Otto Boehm, [8]SPC Team, [9]ActiFE Study Group [Full author list]Scientific Reports [curation]DOI: 10.1038/S41598-017-01735-Y
PubMed: 28663594
biomarker [curation]; type 2 diabetes [curation]2017-06-29
The SITLESS project: exercise referral schemes enhanced by self-management strategies to battle sedentary behaviour in older adults: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial[1]Maria Giné-Garriga, [1-Q51731803]Maria Giné-Garriga, [2]Laura Coll-Planas, ..., [3]Míriam Guerra, [4]Àlex Domingo, [5]Marta Roqué, [6]Paolo Caserotti, [7]Michael Denkinger, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [9]Mark A. Tully, [10]Frank Kee, ... [Full author list]Trials [curation]DOI: 10.1186/S13063-017-1956-X
PubMed: 28521831
study protocol [curation]2017-05-18
Expression and Activity of the Small RhoGTPase Cdc42 in Blood Cells of Older Adults Are Associated With Age and Cardiovascular Disease[1]Maria Carolina Florian, [2]Jochen Klenk, [3]Gina Marka, [4]Karin Soller, [5]Hady Kiryakos, [6]Richard Peter, [7]Florian Herbolsheimer, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [9]Michael Denkinger, [10]Hartmut Geiger, [9-Q51731947]Michael Denkinger [Full author list]The Journals of Gerontology [curation]DOI: 10.1093/GERONA/GLX091
PubMed: 28498918
Changes in children's sleep domains between 2 and 3 years of age: the Ulm SPATZ Health Study[1]Stefanie Braig, [2]Michael S Urschitz, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Jon Genuneit [Full author list]Sleep Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.SLEEP.2017.04.011
PubMed: 28735915
Global Cardiovascular and Renal Outcomes of Reduced GFR.[1]Bernadette Thomas, [2]Kunihiro Matsushita, [3]Kalkidan Hassen Abate, [4]Ziyad Al-Aly, [5]Johan Ärnlöv, [6]Kei Asayama, [7]Robert Atkins, [8]Alaa Badawi, [9]Shoshana Ballew, [10]Amitava Banerjee, ..., [66]Giuseppe Remuzzi, [67]Gregory Roth, [68]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [69]Michihiro Satoh, [70]Kai-Uwe Saum, ... [Full author list]Journal of the American Society of Nephrology [curation]DOI: 10.1681/ASN.2016050562
PubMed: 28408440
New approach shows no association between maternal milk fatty acid composition and childhood wheeze or asthma[1]Chad A Logan, [2]S Brandt, [3]M Wabitsch, [4]Hermann Brenner, [5]F Wiens, [6]B Stahl, [7]Tamas Marosvolgyi, [8]T Decsi, [9]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [10]Jon Genuneit [Full author list]Allergy [curation]DOI: 10.1111/ALL.13161
PubMed: 28306160
asthma [curation]; fatty acid [curation]; wheeze [curation]2017-03-17
Increased Plasma Concentrations of Soluble ST2 Independently Predict Mortality but not Cardiovascular Events in Stable Coronary Heart Disease Patients: 13-Year Follow-up of the KAROLA Study[1]Vanessa Pfetsch, [2]Veronika Sanin, [3]Andrea Jaensch, [4]Dhayana Dallmeier, [4-Q51731777]Dhayana Dallmeier, [5]Ute Mons, [6]Hermann Brenner, [7]Wolfgang Koenig, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S10557-017-6718-1
PubMed: 28283847
coronary artery disease [curation]2017-03-10
Reduced PRF1 enhancer methylation in children with a history of severe RSV bronchiolitis in infancy: an association study[1]Magdeldin Elgizouli, [2]Chad Logan, [3]Ruth Grychtol, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Alexandra Nieters, [6]Andrea Heinzmann [Full author list]BMC Pediatrics [curation]DOI: 10.1186/S12887-017-0817-9
PubMed: 28253869
bronchiolitis [curation]2017-03-03
Postpartum Smoking Relapse and Breast Feeding: Defining the Window of Opportunity for Intervention[1]Chad A Logan, [1-Q58774435]Chad A Logan, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Jon Genuneit, [3-Q39439555]Jon Genuneit [Full author list]Nicotine and Tobacco Research [curation]DOI: 10.1093/NTR/NTW224
PubMed: 27613913
breastfeeding [curation]; postpartum period [curation]2017-03-01
Epidemiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Southern Germany[1]Angela Rosenbohm, [2]Raphael S Peter, [3]Siegfried Erhardt, [4]Dorothée Lulé, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Albert C. Ludolph, [7]Gabriele Nagel, [8]ALS Registry Study Group [Full author list]Journal of Neurology [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S00415-017-8413-3
PubMed: 28220290
Germany [curation]; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [curation]2017-02-20
Gestational Weight Gain and Fetal-Maternal Adiponectin, Leptin, and CRP: results of two birth cohorts studies[1]Chad A Logan, [2]Rebecca Bornemann, [3]Wolfgang Koenig, [4]Frank Reister, [5]Viola Walter, [6]Giamila Fantuzzi, [7]Maria Weyermann, [8]Hermann Brenner, [9]Jon Genuneit, [10]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Scientific Reports [curation]DOI: 10.1038/SREP41847
PubMed: 28150815
weight gain [curation]; birth cohort [curation]2017-02-02
The Longer, the Better? An Empirical Study of the Extent and Mechanisms of Attenuating Biomarker Associations in Cardiovascular Patient Cohorts[1]Lutz P Breitling, [2]Ute Mons, [3]Harry Hahmann, [4]Wolfgang Koenig, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Clinical Chemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1373/CLINCHEM.2016.263202
PubMed: 28073900
biomarker [curation]2017-01-10
Biomarkers associated with sedentary behaviour in older adults: a systematic review[1]Katharina Wirth, [2]Jochen Klenk, [3]Simone Brefka, [4]Dhayana Dallmeier, [4-Q51731777]Dhayana Dallmeier, [5]Kathrin Faehling, [6]Marta Roqué, [7]Mark A. Tully, [8]Maria Giné-Garriga, [8-Q51731803]Maria Giné-Garriga, [9]Paolo Caserotti, [10]Antoni Salvà, [11]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [12]Michael Denkinger, [13]Brendon Stubbs [Full author list]Ageing Research Reviews [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.ARR.2016.12.002
PubMed: 28025174
biomarker [curation]; systematic review [curation]2016-12-23
Identification of extreme motor phenotypes in Huntington's disease[1]Ulrike Braisch, [2]Birgit Hay, [3]Rainer Muche, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Bernhard Landwehrmeyer, [6]Jeffrey Long, [7]Michael Orth, [8]REGISTRY Investigators of the European Huntington's Disease Network and COHORT Investigators of the Huntington Study Group [Full author list]American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics [curation]DOI: 10.1002/AJMG.B.32514
PubMed: 27868347
Huntington's disease [curation]2016-11-21
Accuracy of ECG indices for diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy in people >65 years: results from the ActiFE study[1]Roman Laszlo, [2]Katia Kunz, [3]Dhayana Dallmeier, [3-Q51731777]Dhayana Dallmeier, [4]Jochen Klenk, [5]Michael Denkinger, [5-Q51731947]Michael Denkinger, [6]Wolfgang Koenig, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Juergen Michael Steinacker, [9]ActiFE Study group [Full author list]Aging Clinical and Experimental Research [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S40520-016-0667-6
PubMed: 27830522
left ventricular hypertrophy [curation]2016-11-09
The osteoporotic fracture prevention program in rural areas (OFRA): a protocol for a cluster-randomized health care fund driven intervention in a routine health care setting[1]Kilian Rapp, [2]Karin Kampe, [3]Patrick Roigk, [4]Hella Kircheisen, [5]Clemens Becker, [6]Ivonne Lindlbauer, [7]Hans-Helmut König, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [9]Gisela Büchele [Full author list]BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders [curation]DOI: 10.1186/S12891-016-1308-0
PubMed: 27821102
osteoporosis [curation]2016-11-08
Maternal prenatal stress and child atopic dermatitis up to age 2 years: The Ulm SPATZ health study[1]Stefanie Braig, [2]Johannes M Weiss, [3]Tobias Stalder, [4]Clemens Kirschbaum, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Jon Genuneit [Full author list]Pediatric Allergy & Immunology [curation]DOI: 10.1111/PAI.12680
PubMed: 27801949
atopic dermatitis [curation]2016-11-01
Understanding Mortality of Femoral Fractures Following Low-Impact Trauma in Persons With and Without Care Need[1]Tobias Bluhmki, [2]Raphael Simon Peter, [3]Kilian Rapp, [4]Hans-Helmut König, [5]Clemens Becker, [6]Ivonne Lindlbauer, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Jan Beyersmann, [9]Gisela Büchele [Full author list]Journal of the American Medical Directors Association [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.JAMDA.2016.08.022
PubMed: 27776984
Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 310 diseases and injuries, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015[0]Chandrashekhar T. Sreeramareddy, [1]GBD 2015 Disease and Injury Incidence and Prevalence Collaborators, [1-Q28468981]Theo Vos, [1-Q38304685]Olalekan A. Uthman, [2]Raimundas Lunevicius, [3]Noore K Alam, [4]Gholamreza Roshandel, [5]Andrew H. Kemp, [6]Maheswar Satpathy, [7]Khurshid Alam, [8]Yuming Guo, [9]Konstantinos Stroumpoulis, [10]Alireza Mohammadi, ..., [23]Farhad Pishgar, [24]Samir Bhatt, [25]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [26]Erika Ota, [27]María Jesús Ríos Blancas, ... [Full author list]The Lancet [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31678-6
PubMed: 27733282
person with disabilities [curation]2016-10-01
Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015[0]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [1]GBD 2015 Mortality and Causes of Death Collaborators, [1-Q37607512]Maysaa El Sayed Zaki, [1-Q64952391]Benn Sartorius, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Jose Martinez-Raga, [4]Robyn M Lucas, [5]Richard C. Franklin, [6]Gizachew Assefa Tessema, [7]Alireza Esteghamati, [8]Amador Goodridge, [9]Fisaha Tesfay, [10]Kalpana Balakrishnan, ... [Full author list]The Lancet [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31012-1
PubMed: 27733281
life expectancy [curation]; maternal health [curation]2016-10-01
Measuring the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: a baseline analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015[0]Francis A. Mhimbira, [1]GBD 2015 SDG Collaborators, [1-Q56428134]Khurshid Alam, [1-Q64952391]Benn Sartorius, [2]James Dean Wilkinson, [3]Alireza Mohammadi, [4]Amitava Banerjee, [5]Yannick Béjot, [6]Samir Bhatt, [7]Maysaa El Sayed Zaki, [8]María Jesús Ríos Blancas, [9]Chandrashekhar T. Sreeramareddy, [10]Anurag Agrawal, ..., [29]Matthew M Coates, [30]Heresh Amini, [31]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [32]Robyn M Lucas, [33]Olalekan A. Uthman, ... [Full author list]The Lancet [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31467-2
PubMed: 27665228
sustainable development [curation]; global health [curation]; Sustainable Development Goals [curation]2016-09-21
Predictive Performance of a Fall Risk Assessment Tool for Community-Dwelling Older People (FRAT-up) in 4 European Cohorts[1]Pierpaolo Palumbo, [2]Jochen Klenk, [3]Leonardo Cattelani, [4]Stefania Bandinelli, [5]Luigi Ferrucci, [6]Kilian Rapp, [7]Lorenzo Chiari, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Journal of the American Medical Directors Association [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.JAMDA.2016.07.015
PubMed: 27594522
Fracture risk in people with developmental disabilities: results of a large claims data analysis[1]Gisela Büchele, [2]C Becker, [3]I D Cameron, [4]R Auer, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]H H König, [7]K Rapp [Full author list]Osteoporosis International [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S00198-016-3733-1
PubMed: 27553444
disability [curation]; data analysis [curation]2016-08-24
Prognostic Utility of Galectin-3 for Recurrent Cardiovascular Events During Long-term Follow-up in Patients with Stable Coronary Heart Disease: Results of the KAROLA Study[1]Henning Jansen, [2]Wolfgang Koenig, [3]Andrea Jaensch, [4]Ute Mons, [5]Lutz P Breitling, [6]Hubert Scharnagl, [7]Tatjana Stojakovic, [8]Heribert Schunkert, [9]Hermann Brenner, [10]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Clinical Chemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1373/CLINCHEM.2016.257550
PubMed: 27540030
coronary artery disease [curation]2016-08-18
Echocardiographic B-mode evaluation of the right heart in older people: The ActiFE Study[1]Roman Laszlo, [2]Tobias Baumann, [3]Hannah Konz, [4]Dhayana Dallmeier, [4-Q51731777]Dhayana Dallmeier, [5]Jochen Klenk, [6]Michael Denkinger, [6-Q51731947]Michael Denkinger, [7]Wolfgang Koenig, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [9]Juergen Michael Steinacker [Full author list]Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.ARCHGER.2016.07.007
PubMed: 27518473
echocardiography [curation]2016-08-07
Need to Rethink[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Wolfgang Koenig [Full author list]Deutsches Ärzteblatt international [curation]DOI: 10.3238/ARZTEBL.2016.0505A
PubMed: 27545705
Right ventricular function assessed by tissue Doppler echocardiography in older subjects without evidence for structural cardiac disease[1]Roman Laszlo, [2]Tobias Baumann, [3]Hanna Konz, [4]Dhayana Dallmeier, [6]Michael Denkinger, [9]Juergen Michael Steinacker, [10]ActiFe Study, [4-Q51731777]Dhayana Dallmeier, [5]Jochen Klenk, [6-Q51731947]Michael Denkinger, [7]Wolfgang Koenig, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Aging Clinical and Experimental Research [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S40520-016-0590-X
PubMed: 27245355
echocardiography [curation]; Duplex ultrasonography [curation]2016-05-31
Growth Differentiation Factor 15, Its 12-Month Relative Change, and Risk of Cardiovascular Events and Total Mortality in Patients with Stable Coronary Heart Disease: 10-Year Follow-up of the KAROLA Study[1]Dhayana Dallmeier, [1-Q51731777]Dhayana Dallmeier, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Ute Mons, [4]Wolfgang Rottbauer, [5]Wolfgang Koenig, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Clinical Chemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1373/CLINCHEM.2016.254755
PubMed: 27197673
coronary artery disease [curation]2016-05-19
Changing Societal and Lifestyle Factors and Breastfeeding Patterns Over Time[1]Chad A Logan, [2]Tatjana Zittel, [3]Stefanie Striebel, [4]Frank Reister, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [7]Jon Genuneit [Full author list]Pediatrics [curation]DOI: 10.1542/PEDS.2015-4473
PubMed: 27244822
breastfeeding [curation]2016-04-19
Objectively Measured Walking Duration and Sedentary Behaviour and Four-Year Mortality in Older People[1]Jochen Klenk, [2]Dhayana Dallmeier, [2-Q51731777]Dhayana Dallmeier, [3]Michael Dieter Denkinger, [4]Kilian Rapp, [5]Wolfgang Koenig, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [7]ActiFE Study Group [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0153779
PubMed: 27082963
The Risk of Hospital Admission Due to Traumatic Brain Injury Is Increased in Older Persons With Severe Functional Limitations[1]Gisela Büchele, [2]Kilian Rapp, [3]Hans-Helmut König, [4]Andrea Jaensch, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Clemens Becker, [7]Petra Benzinger [Full author list]Journal of the American Medical Directors Association [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.JAMDA.2016.02.032
PubMed: 27073040
traumatic brain injury [curation]2016-04-09
The impact of preventive measures on the burden of femoral fractures - a modelling approach to estimating the impact of fall prevention exercises and oral bisphosphonate treatment for the years 2014 and 2025[1]Petra Benzinger, [2]Clemens Becker, [3]Chris Todd, [4]Florian Bleibler, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Hans-Helmut König, [7]Kilian Rapp [Full author list]BMC Geriatrics [curation]DOI: 10.1186/S12877-016-0247-9
PubMed: 27038629
Epidemiologic research topics in Germany: a keyword network analysis of 2014 DGEpi conference presentations.[1]Raphael S Peter, [2]Torben Brehme, [3]Henry Völzke, [4]Rainer Muche, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Gisela Büchele [Full author list]European Journal of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S10654-016-0141-Y
PubMed: 26994764
Germany [curation]2016-03-19
Delivery Mode, Duration of Labor, and Cord Blood Adiponectin, Leptin, and C-Reactive Protein: Results of the Population-Based Ulm Birth Cohort Studies[1]Chad A Logan, [2]Larissa Thiel, [3]Rebecca Bornemann, [4]Wolfgang Koenig, [5]Frank Reister, [6]Hermann Brenner, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Jon Genuneit [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0149918
PubMed: 26900695
birth cohort [curation]2016-02-22
Methodology used in studies reporting chronic kidney disease prevalence: a systematic literature review[1]Katharina Brück, [2]Kitty J Jager, [3]Evangelia Dounousi, [4]Alexander Kainz, [5]Dorothea Nitsch, [6]Johan Ärnlöv, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Gemma Browne, [9]Vincenzo Capuano, [10]Pietro Manuel Ferraro, ... [Full author list]Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation [curation]DOI: 10.1093/NDT/GFW024
PubMed: 26908763
chronic renal insufficiency [curation]2016-02-05
Global and National Burden of Diseases and Injuries Among Children and Adolescents Between 1990 and 2013: Findings From the Global Burden of Disease 2013 Study[1]Global Burden of Disease Pediatrics Collaboration, [2]Hmwe H Kyu, [3]Christine Pinho, [4]Joseph A Wagner, [5]Jonathan C Brown, [6]Amelia Bertozzi-Villa, [7]Fiona Charlson, [8]Luc E Coffeng, [9]Lalit Dandona, [10]Holly Erskine, ..., [115]Alina Rodriguez, [116]David Rojas-Rueda, [117]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [118]David H Rothstein, [119]Juan R Sanabria, ... [Full author list]JAMA Pediatrics [curation]DOI: 10.1001/JAMAPEDIATRICS.2015.4276
PubMed: 26810619
teenager [curation]; maternal health [curation]2016-01-25
Concurrent Validity of activPAL and activPAL3 Accelerometers in Older Adults[1]Jochen Klenk, [2]Gisela Büchele, [3]Ulrich Lindemann, [4]Sabrina Kaufmann, [5]Raphael S Peter, [6]Roman Laszlo, [7]Susanne Kobel, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Journal of Aging and Physical Activity [curation]DOI: 10.1123/JAPA.2015-0178
PubMed: 26751290
accelerometer [curation]2016-01-11
CKD Prevalence Varies across the European General Population[1]Katharina Brück, [2]Vianda S Stel, [3]Giovanni Gambaro, [4]Stein Hallan, [5]Henry Völzke, [6]Johan Ärnlöv, [7]Mika Kastarinen, [8]Idris Guessous, [9]José Vinhas, [10]Benedicte Stengel, ..., [23]Ron Gansevoort, [24]Gerjan Navis, [25]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [26]Pietro Manuel Ferraro, [27]Dorothea Nitsch, ... [Full author list]Journal of the American Society of Nephrology [curation]DOI: 10.1681/ASN.2015050542
PubMed: 26701975
Past Decline Versus Current eGFR and Subsequent ESRD Risk[1]Csaba P. Kovesdy, [2]Josef Coresh, [3]Shoshana Ballew, [4]Mark Woodward, [5]Adeera Levin, [6]David M J Naimark, [7]Joseph Nally, [11]Kunihiro Matsushita, [12]Andrew S Levey, [13]CKD Prognosis Consortium, [6-Q28958315]Hermann Brenner, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [9]Benedicte Stengel, [10]Kunitoshi Iseki [Full author list]Journal of the American Society of Nephrology [curation]DOI: 10.1681/ASN.2015060687
PubMed: 26657867
Past Decline Versus Current eGFR and Subsequent Mortality Risk[1]David M J Naimark, [2]Morgan E Grams, [3]Kunihiro Matsushita, [4]Corri Black, [5]Iefke Drion, [6]Caroline S. Fox, [7]Lesley A Inker, [8]Areef Ishani, [9]Sun Ha Jee, [10]Akihiko Kitamura, ..., [12]Joseph Nally, [13]Carmen Alicia Peralta, [14]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [15]Seungho Ryu, [16]Marcello Tonelli, ... [Full author list]Journal of the American Society of Nephrology [curation]DOI: 10.1681/ASN.2015060688
PubMed: 26657865
Atrial fibrillation and long-term prognosis of patients with stable coronary heart disease: Relevance of routine electrocardiogram[1]Michelle L Meyer, [2]Andrea Jaensch, [3]Ute Mons, [4]Lutz P Breitling, [5]Harry Hahmann, [6]Wolfgang Koenig, [7]Hermann Brenner, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]International Journal of Cardiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.IJCARD.2015.11.111
PubMed: 26630626
electrocardiography [curation]; atrial fibrillation [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2015-11-17
The Association of Hair Cortisol with Self-Reported Chronic Psychosocial Stress and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Women Shortly after Delivery[1]Stefanie Braig, [2]Felix Grabher, [3]Clarissa Ntomchukwu, [4]Frank Reister, [5]Tobias Stalder, [6]Clemens Kirschbaum, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Jon Genuneit [Full author list]Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1111/PPE.12255
PubMed: 26525484
Long-term prognostic value of IgM antibodies against phosphorylcholine for adverse cardiovascular events in patients with stable coronary heart disease[1]Armin Imhof, [2]Wolfgang Koenig, [3]Andrea Jaensch, [4]Ute Mons, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Atherosclerosis [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.ATHEROSCLEROSIS.2015.10.024
PubMed: 26520895
Prevalence, incidence and concomitant co-morbidities of type 2 diabetes mellitus in South Western Germany--a retrospective cohort and case control study in claims data of a large statutory health insurance[1]Michael W J Boehme, [2]Gisela Buechele, [3]Julia Frankenhauser-Mannuss, [4]Jana Mueller, [5]Dietlinde Lump, [6]Bernhard O Boehm, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]BMC Public Health [curation]DOI: 10.1186/S12889-015-2188-1
PubMed: 26334523
Germany [curation]; type 2 diabetes [curation]2015-09-03
Optimal management of cervical cancer in HIV-positive patients: a systematic review[1]Atara Ntekim, [2]Oladapo Campbell, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Cancer Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1002/CAM4.485
PubMed: 26136407
HIV seropositivity [curation]; uterine cervix neoplasm [curation]2015-09-01
Sexual Activity Patterns Before Myocardial Infarction and Risk of Subsequent Cardiovascular Adverse Events[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Dhayana Dallmeier, [3]Ute Mons, [4]Wayne D Rosamond, [5]Wolfgang Koenig, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Journal of the American College of Cardiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.JACC.2015.07.053
PubMed: 26403348
myocardial infarction [curation]2015-09-01
Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 306 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 188 countries, 1990-2013: quantifying the epidemiological transition[1]GBD 2013 DALYs and HALE Collaborators, [2]Christopher J.L. Murray, [3]Ryan M Barber, [4]Kyle Foreman, [5]Ayse Abbasoglu Ozgoren, [6]Foad Abd-Allah, [7]Semaw F Abera, [8]Victor Aboyans, [9]Jerry Puthenpurakal Abraham, [10]Ibrahim Abubakar, ..., [462]Luca Ronfani, [463]Gregory A Roth, [464]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [465]David H Rothstein, [466]Jane T Rowley, ... [Full author list]The Lancet [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)61340-X
PubMed: 26321261
disability [curation]; demography [curation]; mortality rate [curation]; epidemiology [curation]; life expectancy [curation]; maternal health [curation]; age group [curation]; age factor [curation]; sex factor [curation]2015-08-27
Methodology used in studies reporting chronic kidney disease prevalence: a systematic literature review[1]Katharina Brück, [2]Kitty J Jager, [3]Evangelia Dounousi, [4]Alexander Kainz, [5]Dorothea Nitsch, [6]Johan Ärnlöv, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Gemma Browne, [9]Vincenzo Capuano, [10]Pietro Manuel Ferraro, ... [Full author list]Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation [curation]DOI: 10.1093/NDT/GFV131
PubMed: 26209739
transplantation [curation]; chronic renal insufficiency [curation]; biomarker [curation]; systematic review [curation]; glomerular filtration rate [curation]; biomedical investigative technique [curation]2015-08-01
Risk of Nursing Home Admission After Femoral Fracture Compared With Stroke, Myocardial Infarction, and Pneumonia[1]Kilian Rapp, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Jay Magaziner, [4]Clemens Becker, [5]Petra Benzinger, [6]Hans-Helmut König, [7]Andrea Jaensch, [8]Gisela Büchele [Full author list]Journal of the American Medical Directors Association [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.JAMDA.2015.05.013
PubMed: 26142060
pneumonia [curation]2015-07-02
A prospective assessment of cardiac biomarkers for hemodynamic stress and necrosis and the risk of falls among older people: the ActiFE study[1]Dhayana Dallmeier, [1-Q51731777]Dhayana Dallmeier, [2]Jochen Klenk, [3]Raphael S Peter, [4]Michael Denkinger, [4-Q51731947]Michael Denkinger, [5]Richard Peter, [6]Kilian Rapp, [7]Wolfgang Koenig, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]European Journal of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S10654-015-0059-9
PubMed: 26130126
biomarker [curation]2015-07-01
Comparison of Various Equations for Estimating GFR in Malawi: How to Determine Renal Function in Resource Limited Settings?[1]Nicola Glaser, [2]Andreas Deckert, [3]Sam Phiri, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Florian Neuhann [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0130453
PubMed: 26083345
Malawi [curation]2015-06-17
Physical Activity and Different Concepts of Fall Risk Estimation in Older People--Results of the ActiFE-Ulm Study[1]Jochen Klenk, [2]Ngaire Kerse, [3]Kilian Rapp, [4]Thorsten Nikolaus, [5]Clemens Becker, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [7]Richard Peter, [8]Michael Dieter Denkinger, [9]ActiFE Study Group [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0129098
PubMed: 26058056
Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries in 188 countries, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013[0]Gelin Xu, [1]Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 Collaborators, [1-Q67380695]Borja Del Pozo-Cruz, [2]Shireen Sindi, [3]Marcella Montico, [4]James Dean Wilkinson, [5]Miriam Levi, [6]David M. Pereira, [7]Omid Ameli, [8]Farshad Pourmalek, [9]Elena Álvarez Ortiz, [10]Peter J. Hotez, ..., [33]Andrew H. Kemp, [34]Ilana Ackerman, [35]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [36]Konstantinos Stroumpoulis [Full author list]The Lancet [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)60692-4
PubMed: 26063472
disability [curation]2015-06-05
Estimated glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria for prediction of cardiovascular outcomes: a collaborative meta-analysis of individual participant data[1]Kunihiro Matsushita, [2]Josef Coresh, [26-Q28958446]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Yingying Sang, [4]Hermann Brenner, ..., [5]Caroline S. Fox, [6]Eliseo Guallar, [7]Tazeen Hasan Jafar, [8]Simerjot K Jassal, [9]Gijs W D Landman, [10]Paul Muntner, ..., [24]Mark Woodward, [25]Johan Ärnlöv, [26]CKD Prognosis Consortium, [27]Hiroshi Yatsuya [Full author list]The Lancet: Diabetes & Endocrinology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S2213-8587(15)00040-6
PubMed: 26028594
circulatory system [curation]; meta-analysis [curation]; collaboration [curation]; data collaboration [curation]2015-05-28
New opportunities of real-world data from clinical routine settings in life-cycle management of drugs: example of an integrative approach in multiple sclerosis[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Gorana Capkun, [3]Hatice Uenal, [4]Hayrettin Tumani, [5]Yvonne Geissbühler, [6]Hugh Tilson [Full author list]Current Medical Research and Opinion [curation]DOI: 10.1185/03007995.2015.1027677
PubMed: 25758179
multiple sclerosis [curation]2015-04-02
Intrafamilial associations of cardiometabolic risk factors--results of the Ulm Birth Cohort Study.[1]Stephanie Brandt, [2]Anja Moß, [3]Wolfgang Koenig, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]Martin Wabitsch [Full author list]Atherosclerosis [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.ATHEROSCLEROSIS.2015.02.045
PubMed: 25796035
birth cohort [curation]2015-03-10
Serial measurements of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide in patients with coronary heart disease[1]Dhayana Dallmeier, [2]Michael J Pencina, [3]Iris Rajman, [4]Wolfgang Koenig, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0117143
PubMed: 25629613
coronary artery disease [curation]; brain natriuretic peptide [curation]2015-01-28
Comparison of the performance of 2 GFR estimating equations using creatinine and cystatin C to predict adverse outcomes in elderly individuals.[1]Insa E Emrich, [2]John Pickering, [3]Ben Schöttker, [4]Claudia S Lennartz, [5]Kyrill S Rogacev, [6]Hermann Brenner, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Bernd Holleczek, [9]Kai-Uwe Saum, [10]Danilo Fliser, [11]Gunnar H Heine [Full author list]American Journal of Kidney Diseases [curation]DOI: 10.1053/J.AJKD.2014.12.006
PubMed: 25620662
Objectively measured physical activity and vitamin D status in older people from Germany[1]Jochen Klenk, [2]Kilian Rapp, [3]Michael Denkinger, [4]Gabriele Nagel, [5]Thorsten Nikolaus, [6]Richard Peter, [7]Bernhard O Boehm, [10]ActiFE Study Group, [3-Q51731947]Michael Denkinger, [8]Wolfgang Koenig, [9]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health [curation]DOI: 10.1136/JECH-2014-204632
PubMed: 25563742
Germany [curation]; vitamin D [curation]2015-01-06
Cord blood PRF1 methylation patterns and risk of lower respiratory tract infections in infants: findings from the Ulm Birth Cohort[1]Magdeldin Elgizouli, [2]Chad A Logan, [3]Alexandra Nieters, [4]Hermann Brenner, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000000332
PubMed: 25569648
birth cohort [curation]2015-01-01
Creating a blended learning module in an online master study programme in oncology[1]Benjamin Mayer, [2]Christina Ring, [3]Rainer Muche, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Uta Schmidt-Strassburger [Full author list]Education for Health [curation]DOI: 10.4103/1357-6283.161951
PubMed: 26261125
Serum Vitamin D Concentrations and Cognitive Function in a Population-Based Study among Older Adults in South Germany.[1]Gabriele Nagel, [2]Florian Herbolsheimer, [3]Matthias Riepe, [4]Thorsten Nikolaus, [5]Michael D Denkinger, [6]Richard Peter, [7]Gudrun Weinmayr, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [9]Wolfgang Koenig, [10]Albert C. Ludolph, [11]Christine A F von Arnim, [12]ActiFE Study group [Full author list]Journal of Alzheimer's Disease [curation]DOI: 10.3233/JAD-143219
PubMed: 25649649
Germany [curation]; vitamin D [curation]2015-01-01
Covariate-adjusted measures of discrimination for survival data[1]Ian R White, [2]Eleni Rapsomaniki, [2-Q28958437]Ben Schöttker, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3-Q66473922]Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, [4]Lucy T. Lennon [Full author list]Biometrical Journal [curation]DOI: 10.1002/BIMJ.201400061
PubMed: 25530064
covariate [curation]2014-12-20
Global, regional, and national age-sex specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013.[0]Farshad Pourmalek, [1]GBD 2013 Mortality and Causes of Death Collaborators, [1-Q47452537]Bulat T. Idrisov, [2]Robyn M Lucas, [3]Peter J. Hotez, [4]Sadaf G. Sepanlou, [5]Matias Trillini, [6]Konstantinos Stroumpoulis, [7]Mohammad T. Hedayati, [8]Borja Del Pozo-Cruz, [9]Omid Ameli, [10]Heresh Amini, ..., [30]Matthew M Coates, [31]Francis A. Mhimbira, [32]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [33]Neil Pearce, [34]Ferrán Catalá-López, ... [Full author list]The Lancet [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61682-2
PubMed: 25530442
mortality [curation]2014-12-18
Determinants of maternal hair cortisol concentrations at delivery reflecting the last trimester of pregnancy.[1]Stefanie Braig, [2]Felix Grabher, [3]Clarissa Ntomchukwu, [4]Frank Reister, [5]Tobias Stalder, [6]Clemens Kirschbaum, [7]Jon Genuneit, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Psychoneuroendocrinology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.PSYNEUEN.2014.12.006
PubMed: 25553388
cortisol [curation]2014-12-12
Sex-specific associations of established and emerging cardiac biomarkers with all-cause mortality in older adults: the ActiFE study.[1]Dhayana Dallmeier, [1-Q51731777]Dhayana Dallmeier, [2]Michael Denkinger, [2-Q51731947]Michael Denkinger, [3]Richard Peter, [4]Kilian Rapp, [5]Allan S Jaffe, [6]Wolfgang Koenig, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]ActiFE Study Group [Full author list]Clinical Chemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1373/CLINCHEM.2014.230839
PubMed: 25501933
biomarker [curation]2014-12-10
Relevance of correction for drift and day-to-day variation in cystatin C measurement: a post-hoc analysis of the PREVEND cohort, with independent replication in the ESTHER cohort.[1]Priya Vart, [2]Stephan J L Bakker, [3]Ben Schöttker, [4]Dick de Zeeuw, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Hermann Brenner, [7]Hiddo J Lambers Heerspink, [8]Kai-Uwe Saum, [9]Sijmen A Reijneveld, [10]Ute Bültmann, [11]Wolfgang Koenig, [12]Ron T Gansevoort [Full author list]Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1515/CCLM-2014-0894
PubMed: 25415637
Age-specific influence of wheezing phenotypes on pre-adolescent and adolescent health-related quality of life.[1]Stefanie Braig, [2]Stephanie Brandt, [3]Martin Wabitsch, [4]Ines Florath, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [7]Jon Genuneit [Full author list]Pediatric Allergy & Immunology [curation]DOI: 10.1111/PAI.12280
PubMed: 25229563
wheeze [curation]; teenager [curation]2014-10-13
Evidence of inappropriate cardiovascular risk assessment in middle-age women based on recommended cut-points for waist circumference[1]I. Florath, [2]S. Brandt, [3]M.N. Weck, [4]A. Moss, [5]P. Gottmann, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [7]Martin Wabitsch, [8]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.NUMECD.2014.04.005
PubMed: 24932537
Prognostic value of midregional pro-A-type natriuretic peptide and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide in patients with stable coronary heart disease followed over 8 years[1]Mahir Karakas, [2]Andrea Jaensch, [3]Lutz P Breitling, [4]Hermann Brenner, [5]Wolfgang Koenig, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Clinical Chemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1373/CLINCHEM.2013.220202
PubMed: 25139456
coronary artery disease [curation]2014-08-19
Prognostic value of one-year course of symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients with coronary heart disease: Role of physical activity and unmet medical need[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Andrea Jaensch, [3]Ute Mons, [4]Harry Hahmann, [5]Thomas Becker, [6]Wolfgang Koenig, [7]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]European Journal of Preventive Cardiology [curation]DOI: 10.1177/2047487314545317
PubMed: 25070785
heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2014-07-28
Decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate and subsequent risk of end-stage renal disease and mortality[1]Josef Coresh, [2]Tanvir Turin, [26-Q98733545]Ron T Gansevoort, [27-Q90134887]Andrew S Levey, [3]Kunihiro Matsushita, [4]Yingying Sang, [5]Shoshana Ballew, [6]Lawrence J. Appel, [7]Hisatomi Arima, [8]Steven J Chadban, [9]Massimo Cirillo, [10]Ognjenka Djurdjev, ..., [25]Benedicte Stengel, [26]Gordon J Prescott, [27]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [28]Hermann Brenner, [29]Toshimi Sairenchi, ... [Full author list]The Journal of the American Medical Association [curation]DOI: 10.1001/JAMA.2014.6634
PubMed: 24892770
kidney disease [curation]2014-06-01
Cord blood 25(OH)D levels and the subsequent risk of lower respiratory tract infections in early childhood: the Ulm birth cohort[1]Anna Łuczyńska, [2]Chad A Logan, [3]Alexandra Nieters, [4]Magdeldin Elgizouli, [5]Ben Schöttker, [6]Hermann Brenner, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]European Journal of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S10654-014-9918-Z
PubMed: 24859820
birth cohort [curation]2014-05-25
Incidence and geographical variation of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in Southern Germany--completeness of the ALS registry Swabia[1]Hatice Uenal, [2]Angela Rosenbohm, [3]Johannes Kufeldt, [4]P. Weydt, [5]Katharina Goder, [6]Albert C. Ludolph, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Gabriele Nagel, [9]ALS registry Study Group [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0093932
PubMed: 24722455
Germany [curation]; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [curation]2014-04-10
Glycated hemoglobin measurement and prediction of cardiovascular disease[1]Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, [2]Emanuele Di Angelantonio, [3]Pei Gao, [4]Hassan Khan, [5]Adam S. Butterworth, [6]David Wormser, [7]Stephen K Kaptoge, [8]Sreenivasa Rao Kondapally Seshasai, [9]Alex Thompson, [10]Nadeem Sarwar, ..., [72]Naveed Sattar, [73]Ben Schöttker, [73-Q56936055]Nicholas J. Wareham, [74]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [74-Q66473921]Elizabeth Selvin, [75]Simon G Thompson, [76]John Danesh, ... [Full author list]The Journal of the American Medical Association [curation]DOI: 10.1001/JAMA.2014.1873
PubMed: 24668104
glycated hemoglobin [curation]; cardiovascular disease [curation]2014-03-01
Relative risks of chronic kidney disease for mortality and end-stage renal disease across races are similar[0]Hermann Brenner, [1]Chi Pang Wen, [1-Q58326818]Gordon J Prescott, [15-Q28958437]Ben Schöttker, [2]Kunihiro Matsushita, [3]Josef Coresh, [4]Kunitoshi Iseki, [5]Muhammad Islam, [6]Ronit Katz, [7]William M. McClellan, [8]Carmen A Peralta, [9]HaiYan Wang, [10]Dick de Zeeuw, [11]Brad C Astor, [12]Ron T Gansevoort, [13]Andrew S Levey, [14]Adeera Levin, [15]Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis Consortium, [16]Toshimi Sairenchi, [17]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Kidney International [curation]DOI: 10.1038/KI.2013.553
PubMed: 24522492
chronic renal insufficiency [curation]2014-02-12
Plasma insulin levels in childhood are related to maternal factors--results of the Ulm Birth Cohort Study.[1]Stephanie Brandt, [2]Anja Moß, [3]Belinda Lennerz, [4]Wolfgang Koenig, [5]Maria Weyermann, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [7]Hermann Brenner, [8]Martin Wabitsch [Full author list]Pediatric Diabetes [curation]DOI: 10.1111/PEDI.12109
PubMed: 24433290
preproinsulin [curation]; birth cohort [curation]2014-01-17
Infant atopic eczema and subsequent attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder--a prospective birth cohort study[1]Jon Genuneit, [2]Stefanie Braig, [3]Stephanie Brandt, [4]Martin Wabitsch, [5]Ines Florath, [6]Hermann Brenner, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Pediatric Allergy & Immunology [curation]DOI: 10.1111/PAI.12152
PubMed: 24289041
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [curation]; attention [curation]; birth cohort [curation]2013-12-01
Prospective evaluation of renal function, serum vitamin D level, and risk of fall and fracture in community-dwelling elderly subjects.[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Jochen Klenk, [3]M D Denkinger, [4]F Herbolsheimer, [5]T Nikolaus, [6]R Peter, [7]B O Boehm, [8]K Rapp, [9]D Dallmeier, [10]Wolfgang Koenig, [11]ActiFE Study Group [Full author list]Osteoporosis International [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S00198-013-2565-5
PubMed: 24221451
vitamin D [curation]2013-11-13
Effectiveness of a supportive telephone counseling intervention in type 2 diabetes patients: randomized controlled study[1]Ute Mons, [2]Elke Raum, [3]Heike U Krämer, [4]Gernot Rüter, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Thomas Rosemann, [7]Joachim Szecsenyi, [8]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0077954
PubMed: 24205043
type 2 diabetes [curation]2013-10-30
Cystatin C versus creatinine in determining risk based on kidney function[1]Michael G Shlipak, [2]Kunihiro Matsushita, [3]Johan Ärnlöv, [4]Lesley A Inker, [5]Ronit Katz, [6]Kevan R Polkinghorne, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Mark J Sarnak, [9]Brad C Astor, [10]Josef Coresh, [11]Andrew S Levey, [11-Q28958315]Hermann Brenner, [12]Ron T Gansevoort, [13]CKD Prognosis Consortium [Full author list]The New England Journal of Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1056/NEJMOA1214234
PubMed: 24004120
Cytochrome P450 2C19*2 polymorphism in patients with stable coronary heart disease and risk for secondary cardiovascular disease events: results of a long-term follow-up study in routine clinical care[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Michael M Hoffmann, [3]Lutz P Breitling, [4]Iris Rajman, [5]Wolfgang Koenig, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]BMC Cardiovascular Disorders [curation]DOI: 10.1186/1471-2261-13-61
PubMed: 23981380
cardiovascular disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2013-08-27
Prognostic association of HbA1c and fasting plasma glucose with reduced kidney function in subjects with and without diabetes mellitus. Results from a population-based cohort study from Germany[1]Ben Schöttker, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Wolfgang Koenig, [4]H Müller, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Preventive Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.YPMED.2013.08.002
PubMed: 23948106
Germany [curation]; population-based cohort study [curation]2013-08-13
Secretory phospholipase A(2)-IIA and cardiovascular disease: a mendelian randomization study[1]Michael V Holmes, [2]Tabassome Simon, [3]Holly J Exeter, [4]Lasse Folkersen, [5]Folkert Asselbergs, [6]Montse Guardiola, [7]Jackie A Cooper, [8]Jutta Palmen, [9]Jaroslav A Hubacek, [10]Kathryn F Carruthers, ..., [24]Markus Scholz, [25]Christiane L Haase, [26]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [27]Daniel I. Swerdlow, [28]Karoline Kuchenbaecker, ... [Full author list]Journal of the American College of Cardiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.JACC.2013.06.044
PubMed: 23916927
cardiovascular disease [curation]2013-07-31
The age-specific quantitative effects of metabolic risk factors on cardiovascular diseases and diabetes: a pooled analysis[1]Gitanjali M Singh, [2]Goodarz Danaei, [3]Farshad Farzadfar, [4]Gretchen A Stevens, [5]Mark Woodward, [6]David Wormser, [7]Stephen Kaptoge, [8]Gary Whitlock, [9]Qing Qiao, [10]Sarah Lewington, ..., [16]Ben Schöttker, [16-Q73565288]Majid Ezzati, [17]Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group; Asia-Pacific Cohort Studies Collaboration (APCSC), [17-Q43983894]Lucy T. Lennon, [18]Diabetes Epidemiology: Collaborative analysis of Diagnostic criteria in Europe (DECODE), [18-Q28958446]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [19]Emerging Risk Factor Collaboration (ERFC), [19-Q28958315]Hermann Brenner, [20]Prospective Studies Collaboration (PSC) [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0065174
PubMed: 23935815
cardiovascular disease [curation]2013-07-30
Identification of 23 new prostate cancer susceptibility loci using the iCOGS custom genotyping array[1]Rosalind Eeles, [2]Ali Amin Al Olama, [3]Sara Benlloch, [4]Edward Saunders, [5]Daniel Leongamornlert, [6]Malgorzata Tymrakiewicz, [7]Maya Ghoussaini, [8]Craig Luccarini, [9]Joe Dennis, [10]Sarah Jugurnauth-Little, ..., [126]Craig Teerlink, [127]Heiko Muller, [128]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [129]Thomas A Sellers, [130]Hui-Yi Lin, ... [Full author list]Nature Genetics [curation]DOI: 10.1038/NG.2560
PubMed: 23535732
prostate cancer [curation]; susceptibility locus [curation]2013-04-01
Seasonality of vitamin D status in older people in Southern Germany: implications for assessment[1]Jochen Klenk, [2]K. Rapp, [3]M. D. Denkinger, [4]G. Nagel, [5]T. Nikolaus, [6]R. Peter, [7]Wolfgang Koenig, [8]B. O. Bohm, [9]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Age and Ageing [curation]DOI: 10.1093/AGEING/AFT042
PubMed: 23542723
Germany [curation]; vitamin [curation]; vitamin D [curation]2013-03-29
Gastric parietal cell antibodies, Helicobacter pylori infection, and chronic atrophic gastritis: evidence from a large population-based study in Germany.[1]Yan Zhang, [2]Melanie N Weck, [3]Ben Schöttker, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention [curation]DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-12-1343
PubMed: 23456556
antibody [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]; atrophic gastritis [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2013-03-01
Association of pre- and post-natal parental smoking with offspring body mass index: an 8-year follow-up of a birth cohort[1]I Florath, [2]M Kohler, [3]M N Weck, [4]S Brandt, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Ben Schöttker, [7]A Moß, [8]P Gottmann, [9]Martin Wabitsch, [10]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Pediatric obesity [curation]DOI: 10.1111/J.2047-6310.2012.00146.X
PubMed: 23420701
birth cohort [curation]2013-02-18
Implementation of a population-based epidemiological rare disease registry: study protocol of the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)--registry Swabia[1]Gabriele Nagel, [2]Hatice Unal, [3]Angela Rosenbohm, [4]Albert C. Ludolph, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]ALS Registry Study Group [Full author list]BMC Neurology [curation]DOI: 10.1186/1471-2377-13-22
PubMed: 23414001
epidemiology [curation]; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [curation]; rare disease [curation]; study protocol [curation]2013-02-17
Proinflammatory cytokines, adiponectin, and increased risk of primary cardiovascular events in diabetic patients with or without renal dysfunction: results from the ESTHER study[1]Ben Schöttker, [2]Christian Herder, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Michael Roden, [5]Hubert Kolb, [6]Heiko Müller, [7]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Diabetes Care [curation]DOI: 10.2337/DC12-1416
PubMed: 23378623
Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and incident diabetes mellitus type 2: a competing risk analysis in a large population-based cohort of older adults[1]Ben Schöttker, [2]Christian Herder, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Laura Perna, [5]Heiko Müller, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]European Journal of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S10654-013-9769-Z
PubMed: 23354985
type 2 diabetes [curation]; risk analysis [curation]2013-01-26
Associations of kidney disease measures with mortality and end-stage renal disease in individuals with and without hypertension: a meta-analysis[1]Bakhtawar K Mahmoodi, [14-Q28958437]Ben Schöttker, [15-Q58326818]Gordon J Prescott, [2]Kunihiro Matsushita, [3]Mark Woodward, [4]Peter J Blankestijn, [5]Massimo Cirillo, [6]Takayoshi Ohkubo, [7]Peter Rossing, [8]Mark J Sarnak, [9]Benedicte Stengel, [10]Kazumasa Yamagishi, [11]Kentaro Yamashita, [12]Luxia Zhang, [13]Josef Coresh, [14]Paul E de Jong, [15]Brad C Astor, [16]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [17]Toshimi Sairenchi, [18]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]The Lancet [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)61272-0
PubMed: 23013600
arterial hypertension [curation]; meta-analysis [curation]; kidney disease [curation]2012-11-10
Asymmetric and symmetric dimethylarginine and risk of secondary cardiovascular disease events and mortality in patients with stable coronary heart disease: the KAROLA follow-up study[1]Bob Siegerink, [2]Renke Maas, [3]Carla Y Vossen, [4]Edzard Schwedhelm, [5]Wolfgang Koenig, [6]Rainer Böger, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Hermann Brenner, [9]Lutz P Breitling [Full author list]Clinical Research in Cardiology [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S00392-012-0515-4
PubMed: 23073705
patient [curation]; heart disease [curation]; cardiovascular disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2012-10-17
A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies to identify prostate cancer susceptibility loci associated with aggressive and non-aggressive disease[1]Ali Amin Al Olama, [2]Zsofia Kote-Jarai, [3]Fredrick Schumacher, [4]Fredrik Wiklund, [5]Sonja Berndt, [6]Sara Benlloch, [7]Graham Giles, [8]Gianluca Severi, [9]David E. Neal, [10]Freddie Hamdy, ..., [134]Craig Teerlink, [135]Heiko Muller, [136]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [137]Norihiko Tsuchiya, [138]Shintaro Narita, ... [Full author list]Human Molecular Genetics [curation]DOI: 10.1093/HMG/DDS425
PubMed: 23065704
genome-wide association study [curation]; susceptibility locus [curation]2012-10-12
Relationship between inflammatory cytokines and uric acid levels with adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients with stable coronary heart disease[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Andrea Kleiner, [3]Wolfgang Koenig, [4]Paola Primatesta, [5]Lutz P Breitling, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0045907
PubMed: 23029307
coronary artery disease [curation]2012-09-21
Fasting plasma glucose and HbA1c in cardiovascular risk prediction: a sex-specific comparison in individuals without diabetes mellitus.[1]Ben Schöttker, [2]H Müller, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Diabetologia [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S00125-012-2707-X
PubMed: 22986731
circulatory system [curation]2012-09-19
Circulating Adipocyte Fatty Acid-Binding Protein Levels and Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease[1]Maximilian von Eynatten, [2]Lutz P. Breitling, [3]Marcel Roos, [4]Marcus Baumann, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.112.248609
PubMed: 22679309
circulatory system [curation]; patient [curation]; heart disease [curation]; adipocyte [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2012-09-01
Association of objectively measured physical activity with established and novel cardiovascular biomarkers in elderly subjects: every step counts[1]Jochen Klenk, [2]Michael Denkinger, [2-Q51731947]Michael Denkinger, [3]Thorsten Nikolaus, [4]Richard Peter, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Wolfgang Koenig, [7]ActiFE Study Group [Full author list]Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health [curation]DOI: 10.1136/JECH-2012-201312
PubMed: 22930799
biomarker [curation]2012-08-27
Gender disparities in diabetes and coronary heart disease medication among patients with type 2 diabetes: results from the DIANA study[1]Heike U Krämer, [2]Elke Raum, [3]Gernot Rüter, [4]Ben Schöttker, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Thomas Rosemann, [7]Joachim Szecsenyi, [8]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Cardiovascular Diabetology [curation]DOI: 10.1186/1475-2840-11-88
PubMed: 22838970
heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]; type 2 diabetes [curation]2012-07-27
Medication non-adherence and poor glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus[1]Elke Raum, [2]Heike U Krämer, [3]Gernot Rüter, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Thomas Rosemann, [6]Joachim Szecsenyi, [7]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.DIABRES.2012.05.026
PubMed: 22763108
type 2 diabetes [curation]2012-07-02
Gender differences in healthcare utilization of patients with diabetes[1]Heike U Krämer, [2]Gernot Rüter, [3]Ben Schöttker, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Thomas Rosemann, [6]Joachim Szecsenyi, [7]Hermann Brenner, [8]Elke Raum [Full author list]American Journal of Managed Care [curation]PubMed: 228235302012-07-01
Longitudinal predictors of health-related quality of life in middle-aged and older adults with hypertension: results of a population-based study.[1]Imad Maatouk, [2]Beate Wild, [3]Wolfgang Herzog, [4]Daniela Wesche, [5]Dieter Schellberg, [6]Ben Schöttker, [7]Heiko Müller, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [9]Christa Stegmaier, [10]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Journal of Hypertension [curation]DOI: 10.1097/HJH.0B013E328353D81B
PubMed: 22573129
quality of life [curation]2012-07-01
Cardiac troponin T measured by a high-sensitivity assay predicts recurrent cardiovascular events in stable coronary heart disease patients with 8-year follow-up[1]Wolfgang Koenig, [2]Lutz P Breitling, [3]Harry Hahmann, [4]Bernd Wüsten, [4-Q51731921]Bernd Wüsten, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Clinical Chemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1373/CLINCHEM.2012.183319
PubMed: 22634379
circulatory system [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2012-05-25
Prevalence and determinants of chronic kidney disease in community-dwelling elderly by various estimating equations[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Jochen Klenk, [3]Michael Denkinger, [4]Mahir Karakas, [5]Thorsten Nikolaus, [6]Richard Peter, [7]Wolfgang Koenig, [8]ActiFE Study Group [Full author list]BMC Public Health [curation]DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-343
PubMed: 22574773
chronic renal insufficiency [curation]2012-05-10
Type 2 diabetes mellitus and gender-specific risk for colorectal neoplasia[1]Heike Ursula Krämer, [2]Heiko Müller, [3]Christa Stegmaier, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Elke Raum, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]European Journal of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S10654-012-9686-6
PubMed: 22527209
type 2 diabetes [curation]2012-04-22
Smoking, F2RL3 methylation, and prognosis in stable coronary heart disease[1]Lutz Philipp Breitling, [1-Q51731909]Lutz Philipp Breitling, [2]Katrin Salzmann, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Barbara Burwinkel, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]European Heart Journal [curation]DOI: 10.1093/EURHEARTJ/EHS091
PubMed: 22511653
coronary artery disease [curation]2012-04-17
Gestational weight gain and body mass index in children: results from three german cohort studies[1]Andreas Beyerlein, [2]Ina Nehring, [3]Peter Rzehak, [4]Joachim Heinrich, [5]Manfred J Müller, [6]Sandra Plachta-Danielzik, [7]Martin Wabitsch, [8]Melanie Weck, [9]Hermann Brenner, [10]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [11]Rüdiger von Kries [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0033205
PubMed: 22457745
weight gain [curation]2012-03-22
Gender specific temporal and cross-sectional associations between BMI-class and symptoms of depression in the elderly.[1]Beate Wild, [2]Wolfgang Herzog, [3]Sabine Lechner, [4]Dorothea Niehoff, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]Heiko Müller, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Christa Stegmaier, [9]Elke Raum [Full author list]Journal of Psychosomatic Research [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.JPSYCHORES.2012.01.019
PubMed: 22469280
Clinical utility of creatinine- and cystatin C-based definition of renal function for risk prediction of primary cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes[1]Ben Schöttker, [2]Christian Herder, [3]Heiko Müller, [4]Hermann Brenner, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Diabetes Care [curation]DOI: 10.2337/DC11-1998
PubMed: 22338108
Calcium, phosphate and the risk of cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality in a population with stable coronary heart disease[1]Norma Christine Grandi, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Harry Hahmann, [4]Bernd Wüsten, [4-Q51731921]Bernd Wüsten, [5]Winfried März, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [7]Lutz Philipp Breitling, [7-Q51731909]Lutz Philipp Breitling [Full author list]Heart [curation]DOI: 10.1136/HEARTJNL-2011-300806
PubMed: 22301505
circulatory system [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2012-02-01
Temporal predictors of health-related quality of life in elderly people with diabetes: results of a German cohort study[1]Imad Maatouk, [2]Beate Wild, [3]Daniela Wesche, [4]Wolfgang Herzog, [5]Elke Raum, [6]Heiko Müller, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Christa Stegmaier, [9]Dieter Schellberg, [10]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0031088
PubMed: 22292092
quality of life [curation]2012-01-24
Prognostic value of haemoglobin A1c and fasting plasma glucose for incident diabetes and implications for screening.[1]Ben Schöttker, [2]Elke Raum, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Heiko Müller, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]European Journal of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S10654-011-9619-9
PubMed: 21947790
Dopamine-related genes and spontaneous smoking cessation in ever-heavy smokers[1]Lutz P Breitling, [2]Heiko Müller, [3]Thomas Illig, [4]Dan Rujescu, [5]Georg Winterer, [6]Norbert Dahmen, [7]Barbara Nitz, [8]Elke Raum, [9]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [10]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Pharmacogenomics [curation]DOI: 10.2217/PGS.11.74
PubMed: 21806388
dopamine [curation]2011-08-01
Prognostic Usefulness of Free Fatty Acids in Patients With Stable Coronary Heart Disease[1]Lutz P. Breitling, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Norma C. Grandi, [4]Winfried März, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]American Journal of Cardiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.AMJCARD.2011.03.076
PubMed: 21624537
heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2011-08-01
Seven prostate cancer susceptibility loci identified by a multi-stage genome-wide association study[1]Zsofia Kote-Jarai, [2]Ali Amin Al Olama, [3]Graham Giles, [4]Gianluca Severi, [5]Johanna Schleutker, [6]Maren Weischer, [7]Daniele Campa, [8]Elio Riboli, [9]Tim Keys, [10]Henrik Grönberg, ..., [122]James Farnham, [123]Heiko Muller, [124]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [125]Norihiko Tsuchiya, [126]Shintaro Narita, ... [Full author list]Nature Genetics [curation]DOI: 10.1038/NG.882
PubMed: 21743467
prostate cancer [curation]; genome-wide association study [curation]; susceptibility locus [curation]2011-07-10
Association between the prevalence of depression and age in a large representative German sample of people aged 53 to 80 years.[1]Beate Wild, [2]Wolfgang Herzog, [3]Dieter Schellberg, [4]Sabine Lechner, [5]Doro Niehoff, [6]Hermann Brenner, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Christa Stegmaier, [9]Elke Raum [Full author list]International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry [curation]DOI: 10.1002/GPS.2728
PubMed: 21618284
Gout treatment and comorbidities: a retrospective cohort study in a large US managed care population[1]Paola Primatesta, [2]Estel Plana, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders [curation]DOI: 10.1186/1471-2474-12-103
PubMed: 21599917
comorbidity [curation]2011-05-20
Serum parathyroid hormone and risk of adverse outcomes in patients with stable coronary heart disease[1]N. C. Grandi, [2]L. P. Breitling, [3]H. Hahmann, [4]B. Wusten, [5]W. Marz, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [7]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Heart [curation]DOI: 10.1136/HRT.2011.223529
PubMed: 21586795
heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2011-05-17
Interleukin-6 in the prediction of primary cardiovascular events in diabetes patients: Results from the ESTHER study[1]Christian Herder, [2]Ben Schöttker, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Michael Roden, [5]Hubert Kolb, [6]Heiko Müller, [7]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Atherosclerosis [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.ATHEROSCLEROSIS.2011.01.041
PubMed: 21334625
circulatory system [curation]; interleukins [curation]2011-05-01
Contemporary epidemiology of gout in the UK general population[1]Lucía Cea Soriano, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Hyon K Choi, [4]Luis A García Rodríguez [Full author list]Arthritis Research and Therapy [curation]DOI: 10.1186/AR3272
PubMed: 21371293
epidemiology [curation]2011-03-03
Diabetes mellitus, fasting glucose, and risk of cause-specific death[1]Sreenivasa Rao Kondapally Seshasai, [2]Stephen K Kaptoge, [3]Alexander Thompson, [4]Emanuele Di Angelantonio, [5]Pei Gao, [6]Nadeem Sarwar, [7]Peter H. Whincup, [8]Kenneth J. Mukamal, [9]Richard F Gillum, [10]Ingar Holme, ..., [21]John Danesh, [22]Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, [23]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [24]Lucy T. Lennon [Full author list]The New England Journal of Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1056/NEJMOA1008862
PubMed: 21366474
glycobiology [curation]2011-03-01
Frequency and risk factors of gout flares in a large population-based cohort of incident gout[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Paola Primatesta, [3]Alberto Ferreira, [4]Lucía Cea-Soriano, [5]Luis A García Rodríguez [Full author list]Rheumatology [curation]DOI: 10.1093/RHEUMATOLOGY/KEQ363
PubMed: 21228059
Type II secretory phospholipase A2 and prognosis in patients with stable coronary heart disease: mendelian randomization study[1]Lutz P Breitling, [2]Wolfgang Koenig, [3]Marcus Fischer, [4]Ziad Mallat, [5]Christian Hengstenberg, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [7]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0022318
PubMed: 21799821
heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2011-01-01
Genetic variants in the FADS gene cluster are associated with arachidonic acid concentrations of human breast milk at 1.5 and 6 mo postpartum and influence the course of milk dodecanoic, tetracosenoic, and trans-9-octadecenoic acid concentrations ov[1]Eva Lattka, [2]Peter Rzehak, [3]Éva Szabó, [4]Viktoria Jakobik, [5]Melanie Weck, [6]Maria Weyermann, [7]Harald Grallert, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [9]Joachim Heinrich, [10]Hermann Brenner, [11]Tamás Decsi, [12]Thomas Illig, [13]Berthold Koletzko [Full author list]American Journal of Clinical Nutrition [curation]DOI: 10.3945/AJCN.110.004515
PubMed: 21147856
nervonic acid [curation]; postpartum period [curation]2010-12-08
Smoking and γ-glutamyltransferase: opposite interactions with alcohol consumption and body mass index[1]Lutz P Breitling, [2]Volker Arndt, [3]Christoph Drath, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0013116
PubMed: 20927196
alcohol consumption [curation]2010-09-30
Diabetes mellitus, fasting blood glucose concentration, and risk of vascular disease: a collaborative meta-analysis of 102 prospective studies[2]N Sarwar, [3]P Gao, [4]S R Kondapally Seshasai, [5]R Gobin, [6]S Kaptoge, [7]E Di Angelantonio, [8]Erik Ingelsson, [9]Deborah A. Lawlor, [10]E Selvin, ..., [20]Gunnar Engström, [21]Sarah Lewington, [22]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]The Lancet [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60484-9
PubMed: 20609967
glucose [curation]; meta-analysis [curation]; glycobiology [curation]; collaboration [curation]; vascular disease [curation]2010-06-26
Serum vitamin D and risk of secondary cardiovascular disease events in patients with stable coronary heart disease[1]Norma Christine Grandi, [2]Lutz Philipp Breitling, [2-Q51731909]Lutz Philipp Breitling, [3]Carla Yvonne Vossen, [4]Harry Hahmann, [5]Bernd Wüsten, [5-Q51731921]Bernd Wüsten, [6]Winfried März, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]American Heart Journal [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.AHJ.2010.03.031
PubMed: 20569718
vitamin D [curation]; cardiovascular disease [curation]2010-06-01
Gamma-glutamyltransferase and prognosis in patients with stable coronary heart disease followed over 8 years[1]L.P. Breitling, [2]N.C. Grandi, [3]H. Hahmann, [4]B. Wüsten, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Atherosclerosis [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.ATHEROSCLEROSIS.2009.12.037
PubMed: 20092819
heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2010-06-01
Incidence and risk factors for the development of chronic atrophic gastritis: Five year follow-up of a population-based cohort study[1]Mariam Abdullahi Adamu, [2]Melanie Nicole Weck, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]International Journal of Cancer [curation]DOI: 10.1002/IJC.25476
PubMed: 20503273
atrophic gastritis [curation]; cancer research [curation]; population-based cohort study [curation]2010-05-25
Cholesteryl ester transfer protein in patients with coronary heart disease[1]Kristina Duwensee, [2]Lutz Philipp Breitling, [2-Q51731909]Lutz Philipp Breitling, [3]Ivan Tancevski, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Egon Demetz, [6]Josef R Patsch, [7]Andreas Ritsch, [8]Philipp Eller, [9]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]European Journal of Clinical Investigation [curation]DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2362.2010.02313.X
PubMed: 20497463
Association of estimated glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in general population cohorts: a collaborative meta-analysis[1]Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis Consortium, [2]Kunihiro Matsushita, [3]Marije van der Velde, [4]Brad C Astor, [5]Mark Woodward, [6]Andrew S Levey, [7]Paul E de Jong, [8]Josef Coresh, [9]Ron T Gansevoort, [10]Hermann Brenner, [9-Q28958446]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]The Lancet [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60674-5
PubMed: 20483451
circulatory system [curation]; meta-analysis [curation]; collaboration [curation]2010-05-17
Triglyceride-mediated pathways and coronary disease: collaborative analysis of 101 studies[0]Luigi Palmieri, [1]Hermann Brenner, [2]Nadeem Sarwar, [3]Manjinder S Sandhu, [4]Sally L Ricketts, [5]Adam S. Butterworth, [6]Emanuele Di Angelantonio, [7]S Matthijs Boekholdt, [8]Willem H. Ouwehand, [9]Hugh Christian Watkins, [10]Nilesh Samani, [11]Danish Saleheen, [12]Deborah A. Lawlor, [13]Muredach P. Reilly, [14]Aroon Hingorani, [15]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [15-Q37390347]Philippa Talmud, [16]Lucy T. Lennon, [16-Q22277498]John Danesh [Full author list]The Lancet [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60545-4
PubMed: 20452521
triglyceride [curation]; collaboration [curation]2010-05-08
Statistical methods for the time-to-event analysis of individual participant data from multiple epidemiological studies[0]Lucy T. Lennon, [1]Simon Thompson, [2]Stephen Kaptoge, [3]Ian R White, [4]Angela Wood, [5]Philip Perry, [6]John Danesh, [7]Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, [8]Hermann Brenner, [9]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]International Journal of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1093/IJE/DYQ063
PubMed: 20439481
statistics [curation]; epidemiology [curation]2010-05-03
Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A(2) and risk of coronary disease, stroke, and mortality: collaborative analysis of 32 prospective studies[1]Lp-PLA(2) Studies Collaboration, [13-Q28958446]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [14-Q45386066]Emmanouil S. Brilakis, [2]Alexander Thompson, [3]Pei Gao, [4]Lia Orfei, [5]Sarah Watson, [6]Emanuele Di Angelantonio, [7]Stephen Kaptoge, [8]Christie M. Ballantyne, [9]Christopher P Cannon, [10]Michael H Criqui, [11]Mary Cushman, [12]Albert Hofman, [13]Chris Packard, [14]Simon G Thompson, [15]Rory Collins, [16]John Danesh [Full author list]The Lancet [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60319-4
PubMed: 20435228
lipoprotein [curation]; collaboration [curation]2010-05-01
Serum fetuin-A, cardiovascular risk factors, and six-year follow-up outcome in patients with coronary heart disease[1]Marcel Roos, [2]Maximilian von Eynatten, [3]Uwe Heemann, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]Lutz P Breitling [Full author list]American Journal of Cardiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.AMJCARD.2010.01.342
PubMed: 20538112
Body mass index, chronic atrophic gastritis and heartburn: a population-based study among 8936 older adults from Germany[1]L. Gao, [2]M. N. Weck, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics [curation]DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2036.2010.04334.X
PubMed: 20456301
Germany [curation]; atrophic gastritis [curation]2010-04-23
Prognostic value of chronic kidney disease in patients with coronary heart disease: role of estimating equations[1]Qiu-Li Zhang, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Wolfgang Koenig, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Atherosclerosis [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.ATHEROSCLEROSIS.2010.02.028
PubMed: 20347445
chronic renal insufficiency [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2010-03-01
Fatty acid profile comparisons in human milk sampled from the same mothers at the sixth week and the sixth month of lactation[1]Eva Szabó, [2]Günther Boehm, [3]Christopher Beermann, [4]Maria Weyermann, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [7]Tamás Decsi [Full author list]Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition [curation]DOI: 10.1097/MPG.0B013E3181A9F944
PubMed: 20118808
fatty acid [curation]2010-03-01
Association of a variant in the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 2 gene (CHRM2) with nicotine addiction[1]A Mobascher, [2]D Rujescu, [3]K Mittelstraß, [4]I Giegling, [5]Claudia Lamina, [6]B Nitz, [7]Hermann Brenner, [8]C Fehr, [9]L P Breitling, [10]J Gallinat, [11]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [12]E Raum, [13]H Müller, ... [Full author list]American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics [curation]DOI: 10.1002/AJMG.B.31011
PubMed: 19644963
Alcohol consumption, serum gamma-glutamyltransferase, and helicobacter pylori infection in a population-based study among 9733 older adults[1]Lei Gao, [2]Melanie N Weck, [3]Christa Stegmaier, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Annals of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.ANNEPIDEM.2009.11.009
PubMed: 20123162
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; alcohol consumption [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2010-02-01
In reply[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Christa Stegmaier, [3]Elke Raum, [4]Hermann Brenner, [5]Lutz Ph. Breitling [Full author list]Deutsches Ärzteblatt international [curation]DOI: 10.3238/ARZTEBL.2010.0060
Low-to-moderate alcohol consumption and smoking cessation rates: retrospective analysis of 4576 elderly ever-smokers[1]Lutz Philipp Breitling, [1-Q51731909]Lutz Philipp Breitling, [2]Heiko Müller, [3]Elke Raum, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Drug and Alcohol Dependence [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.DRUGALCDEP.2009.12.005
PubMed: 20061096
alcohol consumption [curation]2010-01-12
C-reactive protein concentration and risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and mortality: an individual participant meta-analysis[0]Luigi Palmieri, [1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [1-Q66473922]Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, [2]Stephen Kaptoge, [2-Q97550120]Sarah Lewington, [3]Hermann Brenner, [3-Q43884331]Emanuele Di Angelantonio, [4]Gordon Lowe, [4-Q37384241]Deborah A. Lawlor, [5]Lucy T. Lennon, [5-Q6769213]Mark Pepys, [6]Simon G Thompson, [6-Q43142549]Valerie Tikhonoff, [7]Rory Collins, [7-Q46055634]Gunnar Engström, [8]John Danesh, [9]Hanno Ulmer [Full author list]The Lancet [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(09)61717-7
PubMed: 20031199
heart disease [curation]; meta-analysis [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2009-12-22
Alcohol consumption and chronic atrophic gastritis: population-based study among 9,444 older adults from Germany.[1]Lei Gao, [2]Melanie N Weck, [3]Christa Stegmaier, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]International Journal of Cancer [curation]DOI: 10.1002/IJC.24618
PubMed: 19637315
Germany [curation]; atrophic gastritis [curation]; alcohol consumption [curation]2009-12-01
Association between type II secretory phospholipase A2 plasma concentrations and activity and cardiovascular events in patients with coronary heart disease[1]Wolfgang Koenig, [2]C. Y. Vossen, [3]Ziad Mallat, [4]Hermann Brenner, [5]J. Benessiano, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]European Heart Journal [curation]DOI: 10.1093/EURHEARTJ/EHP302
PubMed: 19666896
circulatory system [curation]; patient [curation]; heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2009-08-07
Variants in COMT and spontaneous smoking cessation: retrospective cohort analysis of 925 cessation events.[1]Lutz Philipp Breitling, [1-Q51731909]Lutz Philipp Breitling, [2]Norbert Dahmen, [3]Thomas Illig, [4]Dan Rujescu, [5]Barbara Nitz, [6]Elke Raum, [7]Georg Winterer, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [9]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Pharmacogenetics and Genomics [curation]DOI: 10.1097/FPC.0B013E32832FABF3
PubMed: 19584770
Sibship size, Helicobacter pylori infection and chronic atrophic gastritis: a population-based study among 9444 older adults from Germany[1]Lei Gao, [2]Melanie N Weck, [3]Elke Raum, [4]Christa Stegmaier, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]International Journal of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1093/IJE/DYP250
PubMed: 19596750
Germany [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]; atrophic gastritis [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2009-07-13
Older smokers' motivation and attempts to quit smoking: epidemiological insight into the question of lifestyle versus addiction[1]Lutz Ph Breitling, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Christa Stegmaier, [4]Elke Raum, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Deutsches Ärzteblatt international [curation]DOI: 10.3238/ARZTEBL.2009.0451
PubMed: 19652767
epidemiology [curation]2009-07-03
Genetic variation in Fc gamma receptor IIa and risk of coronary heart disease: negative results from two large independent populations[1]Mahir Karakas, [2]Michael M Hoffmann, [3]Caren Vollmert, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Christa Meisinger, [6]Bernhard R. Winkelmann, [7]Natalie Khuseyinova, [8]Bernhard O Böhm, [9]Thomas Illig, [10]Winfried März, [11]Wolfgang Koenig [Full author list]BMC Medical Genetics [curation]DOI: 10.1186/1471-2350-10-46
PubMed: 19480687
genetic variation [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2009-05-29
Association of diabetes and body mass index with levels of prostate-specific antigen: implications for correction of prostate-specific antigen cutoff values?[1]Heiko Müller, [2]Elke Raum, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Christa Stegmaier, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention [curation]DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-08-0794
PubMed: 19383895
Association of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha 4 polymorphisms with nicotine dependence in 5500 Germans[1]L P Breitling, [2]N Dahmen, [3]K Mittelstrass, [4]D Rujescu, [5]J Gallinat, [6]C Fehr, [7]I Giegling, [8]Claudia Lamina, [9]Thomas Illig, [10]H Müller, [11]E Raum, [12]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [13]H-E Wichmann, [14]Hermann Brenner, [15]G Winterer [Full author list]The Pharmacogenomics Journal [curation]DOI: 10.1038/TPJ.2009.6
PubMed: 19290018
nicotine [curation]; nicotine dependence [curation]2009-03-17
Synergism between smoking and alcohol consumption with respect to serum gamma-glutamyltransferase[1]Lutz Philipp Breitling, [1-Q51731909]Lutz Philipp Breitling, [2]Elke Raum, [3]Heiko Müller, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Hepatology [curation]DOI: 10.1002/HEP.22727
PubMed: 19152425
alcohol consumption [curation]2009-03-01
Epidemiology of Stomach Cancer[1]Hermann Brenner, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Volker Arndt [Full author list]Methods in Molecular Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1007/978-1-60327-492-0_23
PubMed: 19107449
epidemiology [curation]; stomach cancer [curation]2009-01-01
Acquisition of Helicobacter pylori infection in early childhood: independent contributions of infected mothers, fathers, and siblings[1]Maria Weyermann, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]The American Journal of Gastroenterology [curation]DOI: 10.1038/AJG.2008.61
PubMed: 19098867
sibling [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2009-01-01
Epidemiology of chronic kidney disease: results from a population of older adults in Germany[1]Qiu-Li Zhang, [2]Wolfgang Koenig, [3]Elke Raum, [4]Christa Stegmaier, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Preventive Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.YPMED.2008.10.026
PubMed: 19041887
Germany [curation]; epidemiology [curation]; chronic renal insufficiency [curation]2008-11-11
Evaluation of Serum and Urinary Myeloid Related Protein-14 as a Marker for Early Detection of Prostate Cancer[1]Heiko Müller, [2]Ulrike Haug, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Christa Stegmaier, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Journal of Urology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.JURO.2008.06.025
PubMed: 18707695
prostate cancer [curation]2008-10-01
Epigenotyping in peripheral blood cell DNA and breast cancer risk: a proof of principle study[1]Martin Widschwendter, [2]Sophia Apostolidou, [3]Elke Raum, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Heidi Fiegl, [6]Usha Menon, [7]Christa Stegmaier, [8]Ian Jacobs, [9]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0002656
PubMed: 18628976
breast cancer [curation]2008-07-16
Adiponectin and prognostic outcome in patients with coronary artery disease: reply[1]Maximilian von Eynatten, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]European Heart Journal [curation]DOI: 10.1093/EURHEARTJ/EHN396
coronary artery disease [curation]2008-05-13
[The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies].[1]Erik von Elm, [2]Douglas G. Altman, [3]Matthias Egger, [4]Stuart J Pocock, [5]Peter C. Gøtzsche, [6]Jan P Vandenbroucke, [6-Q28958446]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [7]Iniciativa STROBE [Full author list]Revista Española de Salud Pública [curation]DOI: 10.1590/S1135-57272008000300002
PubMed: 18711640
epidemiology [curation]2008-05-01
For the majority of patients with diabetes blood pressure and lipid management is not in line with recommendations. Results from a large population-based cohort in Germany[1]Elke Raum, [2]Susanne Lietzau, [3]Christa Stegmaier, [4]Hermann Brenner, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety [curation]DOI: 10.1002/PDS.1589
PubMed: 18383562
Germany [curation]2008-05-01
Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in population-based studies: systematic review[1]Qiu-Li Zhang, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]BMC Public Health [curation]DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-8-117
PubMed: 18405348
chronic renal insufficiency [curation]; kidney disease [curation]; systematic review [curation]2008-04-11
Atherogenic dyslipidaemia but not total- and high-molecular weight adiponectin are associated with the prognostic outcome in patients with coronary heart disease[1]Maximilian von Eynatten, [2]Andreas Hamann, [3]Dorothee Twardella, [4]Peter P Nawroth, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]European Heart Journal [curation]DOI: 10.1093/EURHEARTJ/EHN135
PubMed: 18390868
patient [curation]; atherosclerosis [curation]; dyslipidemias [curation]2008-04-05
Effect of APOE genotype on lipid levels in patients with coronary heart disease during a 3-week inpatient rehabilitation program[1]C Y Vossen, [2]M M Hoffmann, [3]H Hahmann, [4]B Wüsten, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics [curation]DOI: 10.1038/CLPT.2008.31
PubMed: 18388879
coronary artery disease [curation]2008-03-19
Changes of cardiovascular risk factors and their implications in subsequent birth cohorts of older adults in Germany: a life course approach[1]Elke Raum, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Michael Löw, [4]Christa Stegmaier, [5]Hartwig Ziegler, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation [curation]DOI: 10.1097/HJR.0B013E3282EEB308
PubMed: 18043304
Germany [curation]; birth cohort [curation]2007-12-01
Epidemiologic findings on serologically defined chronic atrophic gastritis strongly depend on the choice of the cutoff-value[1]Hermann Brenner, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Melanie N Weck [Full author list]International Journal of Cancer [curation]DOI: 10.1002/IJC.22992
PubMed: 17691112
atrophic gastritis [curation]2007-12-01
Adipokines in human milk and risk of overweight in early childhood: a prospective cohort study[1]Maria Weyermann, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1097/EDE.0B013E3181567ED4
PubMed: 18062063
obesity [curation]2007-11-01
Epidemiology of chronic atrophic gastritis: population-based study among 9444 older adults from Germany[1]Weck MN, [2]Stegmaier C, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics [curation]DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2036.2007.03430.X
PubMed: 17767472
Germany [curation]; epidemiology [curation]; atrophic gastritis [curation]2007-09-01
Symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients with stable coronary heart disease: prognostic value and consideration of pathogenetic links.[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Harry Hahmann, [3]Bernd Wüsten, [3-Q51731921]Bernd Wüsten, [4]Wolfgang Koenig, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation [curation]DOI: 10.1097/HJR.0B013E3280142A02
PubMed: 17667646
patient [curation]; heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2007-08-01
Adipokines in cord blood and risk of wheezing disorders within the first two years of life[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]M. Weyermann, [3]Giamila Fantuzzi, [4]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Clinical & Experimental Allergy [curation]DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2222.2007.02759.X
PubMed: 17651143
wheeze [curation]2007-08-01
Adiponectin polymorphisms, cord blood levels of adiponectin, and body composition[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Alexandra Nieters, [3]Maria Weyermann, [4]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.JACI.2007.03.036
PubMed: 17498788
Body Mass Index and Premature Mortality in Physically Heavily Working Men???A Ten-Year Follow-Up of 20,000 Construction Workers[1]Volker Arndt, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Bernd Zschenderlein, [4]Stephan Schuberth, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0B013E31814544FE
PubMed: 17693790
Heavy Physical Activity: Risk or Protective Factor for Cardiovascular Disease? A Life Course Perspective[1]Elke Raum, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Hartwig Ziegler, [4]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Annals of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.ANNEPIDEM.2006.12.008
PubMed: 17395479
cardiovascular disease [curation]2007-06-01
trans Octadecenoic acid and trans octadecadienoic acid are inversely related to long-chain polyunsaturates in human milk: results of a large birth cohort study[1]Eva Szabó, [2]Günther Boehm, [3]Christopher Beermann, [4]Maria Weyermann, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [7]Tamás Decsi [Full author list]American Journal of Clinical Nutrition [curation]DOI: 10.1093/AJCN/85.5.1320
PubMed: 17490969
birth cohort [curation]2007-05-01
Helicobacter pylori infection, interleukin-1 gene polymorphisms and the risk of colorectal cancer: Evidence from a case-control study in Germany[1]Natalia Zumkeller, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Jenny Chang-Claude, [4]Michael Hoffmeister, [5]Alexandra Nieters, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]European Journal of Cancer [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.EJCA.2007.03.005
PubMed: 17446060
Germany [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]; colorectal cancer [curation]; interleukins [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]; colorectal carcinoma [curation]2007-05-01
Tumour M2-PK as a stool marker for colorectal cancer: comparative analysis in a large sample of unselected older adults vs colorectal cancer patients[1]Ulrike Haug, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Moritz N Wente, [4]C M Seiler, [5]Christa Stegmaier, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]British Journal of Cancer [curation]DOI: 10.1038/SJ.BJC.6603712
PubMed: 17406361
feces [curation]; colorectal cancer [curation]; colorectal carcinoma [curation]2007-04-03
Lifetime prevalence of self-reported atopic diseases in a population-based sample of elderly subjects: results of the ESTHER study.[1]Wolkewitz M, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Löw M, [4]Christa Stegmaier, [5]Ziegler H, [6]Radulescu M, [7]Hermann Brenner, [8]Diepgen TL [Full author list]British Journal of Dermatology [curation]DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2133.2006.07659.X
PubMed: 17493067
Mutant-Enriched PCR and Allele-Specific Hybridization Reaction to Detect K-ras Mutations in Stool DNA: High Prevalence in a Large Sample of Older Adults[1]Ulrike Haug, [2]T. Hillebrand, [3]P. Bendzko, [4]M. Low, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Christa Stegmaier, [7]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Clinical Chemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1373/CLINCHEM.2006.078188
PubMed: 17317884
Collaborative meta-analysis of individual participant data from observational studies of Lp-PLA2 and cardiovascular diseases[1]Lp-PLA2 Studies Collaboration, [2]C Ballantyne, [3]M Cushman, [4]B Psaty, [5]C Furberg, [6]Kay-Tee Khaw, [7]M Sandhu, [8]J Oldgren, [9]G P Rossi, [10]G Maiolino, ..., [17]Wolfgang Koenig, [18]Hermann Brenner, [19]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [20]G Berglund, [21]Margaretha Persson, ... [Full author list]European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation [curation]DOI: 10.1097/01.HJR.0000239464.18509.F1
PubMed: 17301621
cardiovascular disease [curation]; collaboration [curation]2007-02-01
Comparison of N-terminal pro-B-natriuretic peptide, C-reactive protein, and creatinine clearance for prognosis in patients with known coronary heart disease.[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Wolfgang Koenig, [3]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]JAMA Internal Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1001/ARCHINTE.166.22.2455
PubMed: 17159010
Adiponectin and Leptin in Maternal Serum, Cord Blood, and Breast Milk[1]M. Weyermann, [2]C. Beermann, [3]Hermann Brenner, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Clinical Chemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1373/CLINCHEM.2006.071019
PubMed: 16990422
Atopic diseases, immunoglobulin E and risk of cancer of the prostate, breast, lung and colorectum[1]Hao Wang, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Michael Löw, [4]Christa Stegmaier, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]Thomas L Diepgen [Full author list]International Journal of Cancer [curation]DOI: 10.1002/IJC.21883
PubMed: 16506215
Lifetime physical activity patterns and risk of coronary heart disease[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Wolfgang Koenig, [3]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Heart [curation]DOI: 10.1136/HRT.2006.087478
PubMed: 16855046
Prognostic value of physicians' assessment of compliance regarding all-cause mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes: primary care follow-up study[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Gernot Rüter, [3]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]BMC Family Practice [curation]DOI: 10.1186/1471-2296-7-42
PubMed: 16824234
type 2 diabetes [curation]2006-07-07
Role of cytomegalovirus sero-status in the development of secondary cardiovascular events in patients with coronary heart disease under special consideration of diabetes[1]Mercy Guech-Ongey, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Dorothee Twardella, [4]Harry Hahmann, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]International Journal of Cardiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.IJCARD.2005.07.028
PubMed: 16229909
Cytomegalovirus [curation]; circulatory system [curation]; heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2006-07-01
Genotype combinations of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and angiotensin-converting enzyme genes and risk for early onset of coronary heart disease.[1]Michael Loew, [2]Michael M Hoffmann, [3]Harry Hahmann, [4]Winfried Maerz, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation [curation]DOI: 10.1097/00149831-200606000-00023
PubMed: 16926677
The mother as source of Helicobacter pylori infection[1]Maria Weyermann, [2]Guido Adler, [3]Hermann Brenner, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1097/01.EDE.0000201257.31155.A0
PubMed: 16452833
Helicobacter pylori [curation]2006-05-01
Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 predicts future cardiovascular events in patients with coronary heart disease independently of traditional risk factors, markers of inflammation, renal function, and hemodynamic stress[1]Wolfgang Koenig, [2]Dorothee Twardella, [2-Q51731825]Dorothee Twardella, [3]Hermann Brenner, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1161/01.ATV.0000222983.73369.C8
PubMed: 16627803
circulatory system [curation]; heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]; hemodynamics [curation]2006-04-20
Chlamydia pneumoniae, heat shock proteins 60 and risk of secondary cardiovascular events in patients with coronary heart disease under special consideration of diabetes: a prospective study[1]Mercy Guech-Ongey, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Dorothee Twardella, [3-Q51731825]Dorothee Twardella, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]BMC Cardiovascular Disorders [curation]DOI: 10.1186/1471-2261-6-17
PubMed: 16608530
coronary artery disease [curation]; Chlamydia pneumoniae [curation]2006-04-12
Helicobacter pylori infection and colorectal cancer risk: a meta-analysis[1]Natalia Zumkeller, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Marcel Zwahlen, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Helicobacter [curation]DOI: 10.1111/J.1523-5378.2006.00381.X
PubMed: 16579836
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; colorectal cancer [curation]; meta-analysis [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]; colorectal carcinoma [curation]2006-04-01
Tumor M2 pyruvate kinase as a stool marker for colorectal cancer: stability at room temperature and implications for application in the screening setting[1]Ulrike Haug, [2]Moritz N Wente, [3]Christoph M Seiler, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Markus Büchler, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Clinical Chemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1373/CLINCHEM.2005.062752
PubMed: 16595841
colorectal cancer [curation]; colorectal carcinoma [curation]2006-04-01
Relationship of adiponectin with markers of systemic inflammation, atherogenic dyslipidemia, and heart failure in patients with coronary heart disease[1]Maximilian von Eynatten, [2]Andreas Hamann, [3]Dorothee Twardella, [4]Peter P Nawroth, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Clinical Chemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1373/CLINCHEM.2005.060509
PubMed: 16556684
heart failure [curation]; systemic inflammation [curation]; atherosclerosis [curation]; atherogenic dyslipidemia [curation]; dyslipidemias [curation]2006-03-23
Periodontal infections and coronary heart disease: role of periodontal bacteria and importance of total pathogen burden in the Coronary Event and Periodontal Disease (CORODONT) study.[1]Axel Spahr, [2]Elena Klein, [3]Natalie Khuseyinova, [4]Clemens Boeckh, [5]Rainer Muche, [6]Markus Kunze, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Gita Pezeshki, [9]Albrecht Hoffmeister, [10]Wolfgang Koenig [Full author list]JAMA Internal Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1001/ARCHINTE.166.5.554
PubMed: 16534043
heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]; periodontal disease [curation]2006-03-01
Duration of breastfeeding and risk of overweight in childhood: a prospective birth cohort study from Germany[1]M Weyermann, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]International Journal of Obesity [curation]DOI: 10.1038/SJ.IJO.0803260
PubMed: 16505835
Germany [curation]; obesity [curation]; breastfeeding [curation]; birth cohort [curation]2006-02-28
The underestimated impact of smoking and smoking cessation on the risk of secondary cardiovascular disease events in patients with stable coronary heart disease: prospective cohort study[1]Dorothee Twardella, [1-Q51731825]Dorothee Twardella, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Harry Hahmann, [4]Bernd Wüsten, [4-Q51731921]Bernd Wüsten, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Journal of the American College of Cardiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.JACC.2005.11.028
PubMed: 16487863
cardiovascular disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2006-01-26
Clustering of Helicobacter pylori infection in couples: differences between high- and low-prevalence population groups.[1]Hermann Brenner, [2]Maria Weyermann, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Annals of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.ANNEPIDEM.2005.09.009
PubMed: 16388968
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2006-01-04
Differential Expression of Chemokines, Risk of Stable Coronary Heart Disease, and Correlation with Established Cardiovascular Risk Markers[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Sylvia Müller-Scholze, [3]Christian Herder, [4]Wolfgang Koenig, [5]Hubert Kolb [Full author list]Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1161/01.ATV.0000191633.52585.14
PubMed: 16239601
circulatory system [curation]; heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2006-01-01
The diagnosis of a smoking-related disease is a prominent trigger for smoking cessation in a retrospective cohort study[1]Dorothee Twardella, [2]Michael Loew, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Christa Stegmaier, [5]Hartwig Ziegler, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Journal of Clinical Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.JCLINEPI.2005.05.003
PubMed: 16360565
diagnosis [curation]2006-01-01
The impact of body weight on smoking cessation in German adults[1]Dorothee Twardella, [1-Q51731825]Dorothee Twardella, [2]Michael Loew, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Christa Stegmaier, [5]Hartwig Ziegler, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Preventive Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.YPMED.2005.11.008
PubMed: 16336994
Helicobacter pylori-specific immune response in maternal serum, cord blood, and human milk among mothers with and without current Helicobacter pylori infection[1]Maria Weyermann, [2]Cathleen Borowski, [3]Günter Bode, [4]Bilge Gürbüz, [5]Guido Adler, [6]Hermann Brenner, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Pediatric Research [curation]DOI: 10.1203/01.PDR.0000181370.67474.FD
PubMed: 16183830
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2005-09-23
Long term adherence to dietary recommendations after inpatient rehabilitation: prospective follow up study of patients with coronary heart disease[1]D Twardella, [2]H Merx, [3]H Hahmann, [4]B Wüsten, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Heart [curation]DOI: 10.1136/HRT.2005.067611
PubMed: 16159977
coronary artery disease [curation]2005-09-13
Association between Lp-PLA2 and coronary artery disease: Focus on its relationship with lipoproteins and markers of inflammation and hemostasis[1]Natalie Khuseyinova, [2]Armin Imhof, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Gerlinde Trischler, [5]Silke Kuelb, [6]Hubert Scharnagl, [7]Winfried Maerz, [8]Hermann Brenner, [9]Wolfgang Koenig [Full author list]Atherosclerosis [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.ATHEROSCLEROSIS.2004.10.046
PubMed: 16115490
lipoprotein [curation]; inflammation [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2005-09-01
Construction work and risk of occupational disability: a ten year follow up of 14,474 male workers[1]Volker Arndt, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Daniel U, [4]Zschenderlein B, [5]Schuberth S, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Occupational and Environmental Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1136/OEM.2004.018135
PubMed: 16046609
disability [curation]2005-08-01
Breastfeeding, soluble CD14 concentration in breast milk and risk of atopic dermatitis and asthma in early childhood: birth cohort study[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]M. Weyermann, [3]C. Beermann, [4]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Clinical & Experimental Allergy [curation]DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2222.2005.02298.X
PubMed: 16120082
asthma [curation]; breastfeeding [curation]; atopic dermatitis [curation]; birth cohort [curation]2005-08-01
Genotype and Plasma Concentration of Cystatin C in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease and Risk for Secondary Cardiovascular Events[1]Michael Loew, [2]Michael M. Hoffmann, [3]Wolfgang Koenig, [4]Hermann Brenner, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1161/01.ATV.0000168416.74206.62
PubMed: 15860739
circulatory system [curation]; heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2005-07-01
Adiponectin, risk of coronary heart disease and correlations with cardiovascular risk markers[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Winfried März, [4]Wolfgang Koenig [Full author list]European Heart Journal [curation]DOI: 10.1093/EURHEARTJ/EHI340
PubMed: 15932907
circulatory system [curation]; heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2005-06-02
Helicobacter pylori seropositive subjects do not show a pronounced systemic inflammatory response even in the presence of the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene polymorphism[1]N Zumkeller, [2]W Koenig, [3]M M Hoffmann, [4]H Kolb, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Epidemiology and Infection [curation]DOI: 10.1017/S095026880400319X
PubMed: 15962564
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; interleukins [curation]2005-06-01
Prevalence and determinants of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency among older adults: Results of a population-based study[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Michael Löw, [3]Philip D. Hardt, [4]Hans-Ulrich Klör, [5]Hartwig Ziegler, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology [curation]DOI: 10.1080/00365520510023116
PubMed: 16036530
exocrine pancreatic insufficiency [curation]2005-06-01
Smoking, apolipoprotein E genotype, and early onset of coronary heart disease[1]Michael Loew, [2]Michael M Hoffmann, [3]Harry Hahmann, [4]Winfried März, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation [curation]DOI: 10.1097/00149831-200506000-00013
PubMed: 15942426
coronary artery disease [curation]2005-06-01
Plasma concentrations of cystatin C in patients with coronary heart disease and risk for secondary cardiovascular events: more than simply a marker of glomerular filtration rate[1]Wolfgang Koenig, [2]Dorothee Twardella, [2-Q51731825]Dorothee Twardella, [3]Hermann Brenner, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Clinical Chemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1373/CLINCHEM.2004.041889
PubMed: 15563478
circulatory system [curation]; patient [curation]; heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2005-02-01
Prognostic value of inflammatory markers alone and in combination with blood lipids in patients with stable coronary artery disease[1]Albrecht Hoffmeister, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Markus Kunze, [4]Hermann Brenner, [5]Wolfgang Koenig [Full author list]European Journal of Internal Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.EJIM.2004.09.008
PubMed: 15733822
Role of Helicobacter pylori infection in iron deficiency during pregnancy.[1]Maria Weyermann, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Lydia Gayer, [4]Günter Bode, [5]Guido Adler, [6]Dieter Grab, [7]Felix Flock, [8]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.AJOG.2004.08.028
PubMed: 15696001
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2005-02-01
Relationship between lifetime alcohol consumption and Helicobacter pylori infection[1]Jutta Kuepper-Nybelen, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Annals of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.ANNEPIDEM.2004.11.001
PubMed: 16118005
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; alcohol consumption [curation]2005-01-21
Prognostic value of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene polymorphism and cytomegalovirus seroprevalence in patients with coronary artery disease[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Thomas Mertens, [4]Michael M Hoffmann, [5]Albrecht Hoffmeister, [6]Wolfgang Koenig [Full author list]BMC Cardiovascular Disorders [curation]DOI: 10.1186/1471-2261-5-10
PubMed: 15943888
Cytomegalovirus [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]; seroprevalence [curation]2005-01-01
Patterns of alcohol consumption and Helicobacter pylori infection: results of a population-based study from Germany among 6545 adults[1]Kuepper-Nybelen J, [2]Thefeld W, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics [curation]DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2036.2004.02276.X
PubMed: 15644046
Germany [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]; alcohol consumption [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2005-01-01
Short-term benefit of smoking cessation in patients with coronary heart disease: estimates based on self-reported smoking data and serum cotinine measurements[1]Dorothee Twardella, [1-Q51731825]Dorothee Twardella, [2]Jutta Küpper-Nybelen, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Harry Hahmann, [5]Bernd Wüsten, [5-Q51731921]Bernd Wüsten, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]European Heart Journal [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.EHJ.2004.08.017
PubMed: 15571825
coronary artery disease [curation]2004-12-01
Helicobacter pylori and hepatitis A virus infections and the cardiovascular risk profile in patients with diabetes mellitus: results of a population-based study[1]Mercy Ongey, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Wolfgang Thefeld, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation [curation]DOI: 10.1097/00149831-200412000-00005
PubMed: 15580057
hepatitis A [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Hepatitis A virus [curation]2004-12-01
Epidemiologische Studie zu Chancen der Verhütung, Früherkennung und optimierten Therapie chronischer Erkrankungen in der älteren Bevölkerung (ESTHER-Studie)[1]M Löw, [2]Christa Stegmaier, [3]H Ziegler, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift [curation]DOI: 10.1055/S-2004-836089
PubMed: 15578318
Age, alcohol consumption, and all-cause mortality[1]Volker Arndt, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Reinhard Krauledat, [4]Ulrich Daniel, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Annals of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.ANNEPIDEM.2004.01.004
PubMed: 15519897
alcohol consumption [curation]2004-11-01
Role of Lewis A and Lewis B blood group antigens in Helicobacter pylori infection[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Maria Weyermann, [3]Günter Bode, [4]Murrat Kulaksiz, [5]Bernd Stahl, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Helicobacter [curation]DOI: 10.1111/J.1083-4389.2004.00236.X
PubMed: 15270746
Helicobacter pylori [curation]2004-08-01
Drug interactions in primary care: impact of a new algorithm on risk determination[1]Verena Bergk, [2]Christiane Gasse, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Michael Loew, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]Walter E Haefeli [Full author list]Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.CLPT.2004.02.009
PubMed: 15229467
G(-30)A polymorphism in the pancreatic promoter of the glucokinase gene associated with angiographic coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus[1]Winfried März, [2]Markus Nauck, [3]Michael M Hoffmann, [4]Dietmar Nagel, [5]Bernhard O Boehm, [6]Wolfgang Koenig, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]Bernhard R Winkelmann [Full author list]Circulation [curation]DOI: 10.1161/01.CIR.0000129306.44085.C4
PubMed: 15173029
angiography [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]; type 2 diabetes [curation]2004-06-01
Evidence of a rapid decrease in prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in children of a high risk group living in Germany[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Viola Schultze, [3]Peter J�hnig, [4]Bruce Scharschmidt, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]European Journal of Pediatrics [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S00431-004-1427-8
PubMed: 15346922
Germany [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2004-06-01
Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Gastroenterology [curation]DOI: 10.1053/J.GASTRO.2004.04.047
PubMed: 15188207
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2004-06-01
All-cause and cause specific mortality in a cohort of 20 000 construction workers; results from a 10 year follow up.[1]Volker Arndt, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Daniel U, [4]Zschenderlein B, [5]Schuberth S, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Occupational and Environmental Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1136/OEM.2003.008680
PubMed: 15090662
Is Helicobacter pylori infection a necessary condition for noncardia gastric cancer?[1]Hermann Brenner, [2]Volker Arndt, [3]Christa Stegmaier, [4]Hartwig Ziegler, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]American Journal of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1093/AJE/KWH039
PubMed: 14742285
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]; necessary condition [curation]2004-02-01
Epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori infection[1]Guillermo I Perez Perez, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Helicobacter [curation]DOI: 10.1111/J.1083-4389.2004.00248.X
PubMed: 15347299
gastroenterology [curation]; epidemiology [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]; infectious disease [curation]2004-01-01
[The prognostic value of variables from the quality assurance program and of the rehabilitation-discharge report of the LVA Baden-Württemberg for early retirement: results of a retrospective cohort-study][1]Küpper-Nybelen J, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Jacobi E, [4]Brenner H [Full author list]Rehabilitation [curation]DOI: 10.1055/S-2003-45456
PubMed: 14677104
Relationship between infectious burden, systemic inflammatory response, and risk of stable coronary artery disease: role of confounding and reference group[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Albrecht Hoffmeister, [4]Thomas Mertens, [5]Kenneth Persson, [6]Wolfgang Koenig [Full author list]Atherosclerosis [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9150(03)00300-9
PubMed: 14612216
inflammation [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2003-10-01
Moderate alcohol consumption and plasma concentration of sensitive markers of inflammation. Comment on an atheroprotective relationship[1]Hoffmeister A, [2]Imhof A, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Khuseyinova N, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]Wolfgang Koenig [Full author list]Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift [curation]DOI: 10.1055/S-2003-43101
PubMed: 14574636
alcohol consumption [curation]2003-10-01
Determination of C-reactive protein: comparison of three high-sensitivity immunoassays[1]Natalie Khuseyinova, [2]Armin Imhof, [3]Gerlinde Trischler, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [5]Winston L Hutchinson, [6]Mark Pepys, [7]Wolfgang Koenig [Full author list]Clinical Chemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1373/49.10.1691
PubMed: 14500603
Plasma lipoprotein Lp(a), markers of haemostasis and inflammation, and risk and severity of coronary heart disease[1]Armin Imhof, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Natalie Khuseyinova, [4]Albrecht Hoffmeister, [5]Winfried Maerz, [6]Matthias Nauck, [7]Hubert Scharnagl, [8]Wolfgang Koenig, [9]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation [curation]DOI: 10.1097/01.HJR.0000087080.83314.BE
PubMed: 14663298
lipoprotein [curation]; inflammation [curation]; heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2003-10-01
Helicobacter pylori infection and the occurrence and severity of gastrointestinal symptoms during pregnancy.[1]Maria Weyermann, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Guido Adler, [4]Zemine Yasar, [5]Annette Handke-Vesely, [6]Dieter Grab, [7]Rolf Kreienberg, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology [curation]DOI: 10.1067/S0002-9378(03)00486-1
PubMed: 14520229
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2003-08-01
Burden of Helicobacter pylori and H. pylori-related diseases in developed countries: recent developments and future implications[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Microbes and Infection [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S1286-4579(03)00111-4
PubMed: 12814770
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2003-07-01
Changes of risk factors in patients with coronary heart disease after in-patient rehabilitation[1]Küpper-Nybelen J, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Hahmann H, [4]Wüsten B, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift [curation]DOI: 10.1055/S-2003-40388
PubMed: 12854061
coronary artery disease [curation]2003-07-01
Younger patients with type 2 diabetes need better glycaemic control: results of a community-based study describing factors associated with a high HbA1c value[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Gernot Rüter, [3]Stefan Saam, [4]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]British Journal of General Practice [curation]PubMed: 12830567type 2 diabetes [curation]2003-05-01
Physical activity, coronary heart disease, and inflammatory response[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Albrecht Hoffmeister, [3]Hermann Brenner, [4]Wolfgang Koenig [Full author list]JAMA Internal Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1001/ARCHINTE.163.10.1200
PubMed: 12767957
heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2003-05-01
Recurrent abdominal pain in children: evidence from a population-based study that social and familial factors play a major role but not Helicobacter pylori infection[1]Günter Bode, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Guido Adler, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Journal of Psychosomatic Research [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3999(02)00459-2
PubMed: 12726896
Helicobacter pylori [curation]2003-05-01
Plasminogen levels and risk of coronary artery disease[1]Albrecht Hoffmeister, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Natalie Khuseyinova, [4]Hermann Brenner, [5]Wolfgang Koenig [Full author list]American Journal of Cardiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0002-9149(02)02792-3
PubMed: 12423728
coronary artery disease [curation]; plasminogen [curation]2002-11-01
Helicobacter pylori-specific immune responses of children: implications for future vaccination strategy[1]Günter Bode, [2]Isolde Piechotowski, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Clinical and Vaccine Immunology [curation]DOI: 10.1128/CDLI.9.5.1126-1128.2002
PubMed: 12204971
Helicobacter pylori [curation]2002-09-01
Dynamics of Helicobacter pylori infection in early childhood in a high-risk group living in Germany: loss of infection higher than acquisition[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]G Bode, [3]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics [curation]DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-2036.2002.01330.X
PubMed: 12197846
Germany [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2002-09-01
CD14 C(-260)-->T polymorphism, plasma levels of the soluble endotoxin receptor CD14, their association with chronic infections and risk of stable coronary artery disease[1]Wolfgang Koenig, [2]Natalie Khuseyinova, [3]Michael M Hoffmann, [4]Winfried März, [5]Margit Fröhlich, [6]Albrecht Hoffmeister, [7]Hermann Brenner, [8]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Journal of the American College of Cardiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0735-1097(02)01937-X
PubMed: 12103253
endotoxins [curation]2002-07-01
Role of infected parents in transmission of helicobacter pylori to their children[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Markus Winkler, [3]Theodor Gonser, [4]Guido Adler, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal [curation]DOI: 10.1097/00006454-200207000-00014
PubMed: 12237602
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2002-07-01
Dyspeptic symptoms in middle-aged to old adults: the role of Helicobacter pylori infection, and various demographic and lifestyle factors.[1]Bode G, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Adler G, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Journal of Internal Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-2796.2002.01000.X
PubMed: 12074737
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2002-07-01
History of breastfeeding and Helicobacter pylori infection in pre-school children: results of a population-based study from Germany.[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Guenter Bode, [3]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]International Journal of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1093/IJE/31.3.632
PubMed: 12055166
breastfeeding [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2002-06-01
Management of patients with type 2 diabetes. Results in 12 practices of general practitioners[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]G Rüter, [3]S Saam, [4]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift [curation]DOI: 10.1055/S-2002-31940
PubMed: 12035113
type 2 diabetes [curation]2002-05-31
Homocysteine and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase genotype: association with risk of coronary heart disease and relation to inflammatory, hemostatic, and lipid parameters[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Fischer HG, [3]Hoffmeister A, [4]Hoffmann MM, [5]Winfried März, [6]Bode G, [7]Rosenthal J, [8]Wolfgang Koenig, [9]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Atherosclerosis [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9150(01)00699-2
PubMed: 11947914
inflammation [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2002-05-01
Helicobacter pylori infection in childhood: transmission and role of antibiotics[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Gastroenterology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(02)80210-4
PubMed: 11910381
antibiotic [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2002-04-01
Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection in children: comparison of a salivary immunoglobulin G antibody test with the [(13)C]urea breath test[1]Bode G, [2]Marchildon P, [3]Peacock J, [4]Hermann Brenner, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Clinical and Vaccine Immunology [curation]DOI: 10.1128/CDLI.9.2.493-495.2002
PubMed: 11874901
breathing [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2002-03-01
Demonstration of the healthy worker survivor effect in a cohort of workers in the construction industry[1]Siebert U, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Daniel U, [3-Q63150167]Uwe Siebert, [4]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Occupational and Environmental Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1136/OEM.58.12.774
PubMed: 11706143
Plasma fibrin D-dimer levels and risk of stable coronary artery disease: results of a large case-control study[1]Wolfgang Koenig, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]A Hoffmeister, [4]M Griesshammer, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1161/HQ1001.097020
PubMed: 11597948
coronary artery disease [curation]2001-10-01
Coronary heart disease risk reduction in a predominantly beer-drinking population[1]Hermann Brenner, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Bode G, [4]Winfried März, [5]Hoffmeister A, [6]Wolfgang Koenig [Full author list]Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1097/00001648-200107000-00008
PubMed: 11416776
coronary artery disease [curation]2001-07-01
Helicobacter pylori heat shock protein 60 and risk of coronary heart disease: a case control study with focus on markers of systemic inflammation and lipids[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Hoffmeister A, [3]Bode G, [4]Miller M, [5]Wolfgang Koenig, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Atherosclerosis [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9150(00)00632-8
PubMed: 11369014
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]; systemic inflammation [curation]2001-05-01
Current infection with Helicobacter pylori, but not seropositivity to Chlamydia pneumoniae or cytomegalovirus, is associated with an atherogenic, modified lipid profile[1]Hoffmeister A, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Bode G, [4]Persson K, [5]Winfried März, [6]Nauck MA, [7]Hermann Brenner, [8]Hombach V, [9]Wolfgang Koenig [Full author list]Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1161/01.ATV.21.3.427
PubMed: 11231924
Cytomegalovirus [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]; atherosclerosis [curation]; Chlamydia pneumoniae [curation]2001-03-01
Alcohol as a gastric disinfectant? The complex relationship between alcohol consumption and current Helicobacter pylori infection[1]Hermann Brenner, [2]Bode G, [3]Adler G, [4]Hoffmeister A, [5]Wolfgang Koenig, [6]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1097/00001648-200103000-00013
PubMed: 11246582
disinfectant [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]; alcohol consumption [curation]; disinfection [curation]2001-03-01
Role of novel markers of inflammation in patients with stable coronary heart disease[1]A Hoffmeister, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]U Bäzner, [4]M Fröhlich, [5]Hermann Brenner, [6]V Hombach, [7]Wolfgang Koenig [Full author list]American Journal of Cardiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0002-9149(00)01355-2
PubMed: 11165957
inflammation [curation]; heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]2001-02-01
Characteristics of differences in Helicobacter pylori serology and 13C-urea breath-testing in an asymptomatic sample of blood donors[1]Bode G, [2]Hoffmeister A, [3]Wolfgang Koenig, [4]Hermann Brenner, [5]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation [curation]DOI: 10.1080/003655101753267955
PubMed: 11768319
breathing [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]2001-01-01
Helicobacter pylori colonization and diarrhoeal illness: results of a population-based cross-sectional study in adults.[1]Bode G, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]European Journal of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1023/A:1015618112695
PubMed: 12081100
Helicobacter pylori [curation]2001-01-01
Inverse Relationship between Gastric Colonization ofHelicobacter pyloriand Diarrheal Illnesses in Children: Results of a Population‐Based Cross‐Sectional Study[0]Hermann Brenner, [1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Martin J. Blaser, [3]Günter Bode, [4]Hermannn Brenner [Full author list]Journal of Infectious Diseases [curation]DOI: 10.1086/315887
PubMed: 11015236
Helicobacter pylori infection, intake of analgesics or anti-inflammatory medication, and personal factors in relation to dyspeptic symptoms in patients of a general practitioner[1]Bode G, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Adler G, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]British Journal of General Practice [curation]PubMed: 11042911Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2000-08-01
Acquisition of Helicobacter pylori infection in a high-risk population occurs within the first 2 years of life[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Jaqulin Inceoglu, [3]Günter Bode, [4]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]The Journal of Pediatrics [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3476(00)77103-4
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2000-06-01
Acquisition of Helicobacter pylori infection in a high-risk population occurs within the first 2 years of life[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Inceoglu J, [3]Bode G, [4]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]The Journal of Pediatrics [curation]DOI: 10.1067/MPD.2000.105367
PubMed: 10839870
Helicobacter pylori among siblings[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]G Bode, [3]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]The Lancet [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)72939-1
PubMed: 10859066
sibling [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]2000-06-01
Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection with a novel stool antigen-based assay in children[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]G Bode, [3]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal [curation]DOI: 10.1097/00006454-200004000-00026
PubMed: 10783036
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]; diagnosis [curation]2000-04-01
Parental Smoking and Infection with Helicobacter pylori among Preschool Children[1]Hermann Brenner, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Günter Bode, [4]Regina Gommel, [5]Gabriele Berg, [6]Guido Adler [Full author list]Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1097/00001648-200003000-00029
Helicobacter pylori [curation]2000-03-01
Seropositivity to chlamydial lipopolysaccharide and Chlamydia pneumoniae, systemic inflammation and stable coronary artery disease: negative results of a case-control study[1]Hoffmeister A, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Wanner P, [4]Bode G, [5]Persson K, [6]Hermann Brenner, [7]Hombach V, [8]Wolfgang Koenig [Full author list]Journal of the American College of Cardiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0735-1097(99)00507-0
PubMed: 10636268
inflammation [curation]; lipopolysaccharide [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]; systemic inflammation [curation]; Chlamydia pneumoniae [curation]2000-01-01
Does maternal smoking hinder mother-child transmission of Helicobacter pylori infection?[1]Hermann Brenner, [2]G Bode, [3]G Adler, [4]Dietrich Rothenbacher [Full author list]Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1097/00001648-200001000-00015
PubMed: 10615847
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]; maternal smoking [curation]2000-01-01
Infection with Helicobacter pylori is not a major independent risk factor for stable coronary heart disease: lack of a role of cytotoxin-associated protein A-positive strains and absence of a systemic inflammatory response[1]Wolfgang Koenig, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Hoffmeister A, [4]Miller M, [5]Bode G, [6]Adler G, [7]Hombach V, [8]März W, [9]Mark Pepys, [10]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Circulation [curation]DOI: 10.1161/01.CIR.100.23.2326
PubMed: 10587336
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]; risk factor [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]1999-12-01
Reply[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Guenter Bode, [3]Gabriele Berg, [4]Ute Knayer, [5]Theodor Gonser, [6]Guido Adler, [7]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Journal of Infectious Diseases [curation]DOI: 10.1086/315047
PubMed: 10479274
Inverse graded relation between alcohol consumption and active infection with Helicobacter pylori[1]Hermann Brenner, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]G Bode, [4]G Adler [Full author list]American Journal of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1093/OXFORDJOURNALS.AJE.A009854
PubMed: 10084247
Cytomegalovirus Infection and Coronary Heart Disease: Results of a German Case‐Control Study[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]A. Hoffmeister, [3]G. Bode, [4]P. Wanner, [5]Wolfgang Koenig, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Journal of Infectious Diseases [curation]DOI: 10.1086/314634
PubMed: 9952378
Cytomegalovirus [curation]; heart disease [curation]; coronary artery disease [curation]; cytomegaloviral disease [curation]1999-03-01
Helicobacter pylori among preschool children and their parents: evidence of parent-child transmission.[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Bode G, [3]Berg G, [4]Knayer U, [5]Gonser T, [6]Adler G, [7]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Journal of Infectious Diseases [curation]DOI: 10.1086/314595
PubMed: 9878024
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]1999-02-01
Active infection with Helicobacter pylori in healthy couples[1]Hermann Brenner, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]G Bode, [4]P Dieudonné, [5]G Adler [Full author list]Epidemiology and Infection [curation]DOI: 10.1017/S0950268898001964
PubMed: 10098790
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]1999-02-01
Pets are not a risk factor for Helicobacter pylori infection in young children: results of a population-based study in Southern Germany[1]Bode G, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Hermann Brenner, [4]Adler G [Full author list]Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal [curation]DOI: 10.1097/00006454-199810000-00012
PubMed: 9802634
Germany [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]1998-10-01
Parental smoking and infection with Helicobacter pylori among preschool children in southern Germany[1]Brenner H, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Bode G, [4]Gommel R, [5]Berg G, [6]Adler G [Full author list]Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1097/00001648-199809000-00011
PubMed: 9730035
vitamin [curation]; bone fracture [curation]; vitamin D [curation]1998-09-01
Dyspepsia in relation to Helicobacter pylori infection and psychosocial work stress in white collar employees.[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Peter R, [3]Bode G, [4]Adler G, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]The American Journal of Gastroenterology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0002-9270(98)00341-4
PubMed: 9732922
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]1998-09-01
Dyspepsia in relation to Helicobacter pylori infection and psychosocial work stress in white collar employees[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Richard Peter, [3]Gunter Bode, [4]Guido Adler, [5]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]The American Journal of Gastroenterology [curation]DOI: 10.1111/J.1572-0241.1998.00460.X
PubMed: 9732922
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]1998-09-01
Elevated liver enzyme activity in construction workers: prevalence and impact on early retirement and all-cause mortality[1]Volker Arndt, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]B Zschenderlein, [5]E Fraisse, [6]T M Fliedner [Full author list]International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S004200050299
PubMed: 9766914
[Possibilities of epidemiologic studies within the scope of school entrance examinations exemplified by Ulm Helicobacter pylori studies][1]Gonser T, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Bode G, [4]Adler G, [5]Brenner H [Full author list]Gesundheitswesen [curation]PubMed: 9816757Helicobacter pylori [curation]1998-08-01
Active infection with Helicobacter pylori in an asymptomatic population of middle aged to elderly people[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Bode G, [3]Peschke F, [4]Berg G, [5]Adler G, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Epidemiology and Infection [curation]DOI: 10.1017/S0950268898008644
PubMed: 9692608
Helicobacter pylori [curation]1998-06-01
Variation in the 13C-urea breath test value by nationality in Helicobacter pylori-infected children.[1]Bode G, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Hermann Brenner, [4]Adler G [Full author list]Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology [curation]DOI: 10.1080/00365529850172016
PubMed: 9648984
breathing [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]1998-05-01
The individual and joint contributions of Helicobacter pylori infection and family history to the risk for peptic ulcer disease[1]Hermann Brenner, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]G Bode, [4]G Adler [Full author list]Journal of Infectious Diseases [curation]DOI: 10.1086/517410
PubMed: 9534998
peptic ulcer disease [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]1998-04-01
Helicobacter pylori and abdominal symptoms: a population-based study among preschool children in southern Germany[1]G Bode, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Hermann Brenner, [4]G Adler [Full author list]Pediatrics [curation]DOI: 10.1542/PEDS.101.4.634
PubMed: 9521947
Germany [curation]1998-04-01
History of antibiotic treatment and prevalence of H. pylori infection among children: results of a population-based study[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]G Bode, [3]G Adler, [4]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Journal of Clinical Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0895-4356(97)00282-5
PubMed: 9495692
Helicobacter pylori [curation]1998-03-01
Parental history of gastric or duodenal ulcer and prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in preschool children: population based study[1]Hermann Brenner, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]G Bode, [4]G Adler [Full author list]The BMJ [curation]DOI: 10.1136/BMJ.316.7132.665
PubMed: 9522790
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]1998-02-01
Prevalence and determinants of Helicobacter pylori infection in preschool children: a population-based study from Germany.[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Bode G, [3]Berg G, [4]GJJ van Doornum, [5]Regina Gommel, [6]Theodor Gonser, [7]Guido Adler, [8]Hermarin Hermarin [Full author list]International Journal of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1093/IJE/27.1.135
PubMed: 9563707
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]1998-02-01
Early retirement due to permanent disability in relation to smoking in workers of the construction industry[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Volker Arndt, [3]E Fraisse, [4]B Zschenderlein, [5]T M Fliedner, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1097/00043764-199801000-00012
PubMed: 9467122
permanent disability [curation]1998-01-01
Relation of smoking and alcohol and coffee consumption to active Helicobacter pylori infection: cross sectional study[1]Hermann Brenner, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]G Bode, [4]G Adler [Full author list]The BMJ [curation]DOI: 10.1136/BMJ.315.7121.1489
PubMed: 9420488
coffee [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]; smoking [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]1997-12-06
Use of commonly prescribed antibiotics is not associated with prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in adults[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]G Bode, [3]G Adler, [4]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology [curation]DOI: 10.3109/00365529709002987
PubMed: 9399389
antibiotic [curation]; Helicobacter pylori [curation]1997-11-01
Body weight, pre-existing disease, and all-cause mortality in a cohort of male employees in the German construction industry[1]Hermann Brenner, [2]Volker Arndt, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]Schuberth S, [5]Fraisse E, [6]Fliedner TM [Full author list]Journal of Clinical Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0895-4356(97)00123-6
PubMed: 9368517
Helicobacter pylori in out-patients of a general practitioner: prevalence and determinants of current infection[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]G Bode, [3]T Winz, [4]G Berg, [5]G Adler, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]Epidemiology and Infection [curation]DOI: 10.1017/S0950268897007905
PubMed: 9363013
Helicobacter pylori [curation]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [curation]1997-10-01
Disorders of the back and spine in construction workers. Prevalence and prognostic value for disability[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Volker Arndt, [4]E Fraisse, [5]B Zschenderlein, [6]T M Fliedner [Full author list]Spine [curation]DOI: 10.1097/00007632-199707010-00011
PubMed: 9231967
Treatment decisions in palliative cancer care: patients' preferences for involvement and doctors' knowledge about it[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Manfred P Lutz, [3]F Porzsolt [Full author list]European Journal of Cancer [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0959-8049(97)00034-8
PubMed: 9301440
Chronic respiratory disease morbidity in construction workers: patterns and prognostic significance for permanent disability and overall mortality[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Volker Arndt, [3]E Fraisse, [4]U Daniel, [5]T M Fliedner, [6]Hermann Brenner [Full author list]European Respiratory Journal [curation]DOI: 10.1183/09031936.97.10051093
PubMed: 9163652
disability [curation]; permanent disability [curation]; respiratory disease [curation]1997-05-01
Distribution, Determinants, and Prognostic Value of γ-Glutamyltransferase for All-Cause Mortality in a Cohort of Construction Workers from Southern Germany[1]Hermann Brenner, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Volker Arndt, [4]Stephan Schuberth, [5]Eckart Fraisse, [6]Theodor M. Fliedner [Full author list]Preventive Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1006/PMED.1997.0144
PubMed: 9144754
Germany [curation]1997-05-01
The association between alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality in a cohort of male employees in the German construction industry[1]Hermann Brenner, [2]Volker Arndt, [3]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [4]S Schuberth, [5]E Fraisse, [6]T M Fliedner [Full author list]International Journal of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1093/IJE/26.1.85
PubMed: 9126507
Older workers in the construction industry: results of a routine health examination and a five year follow up.[1]Volker Arndt, [2]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [3]Hermann Brenner, [4]Fraisse E, [5]Zschenderlein B, [6]Daniel U, [7]Schuberth S, [8]Fliedner TM [Full author list]Occupational and Environmental Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1136/OEM.53.10.686
PubMed: 8943833
Smoking patterns and mortality attributable to smoking in a cohort of 3528 construction workers[1]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [2]Hermann Brenner, [3]Volker Arndt, [4]E Fraisse, [5]B Zschenderlein, [6]T M Fliedner [Full author list]European Journal of Epidemiology [curation]DOI: 10.1007/BF00145295
PubMed: 8891536
Do waste incinerators induce adverse respiratory effects? An air quality and epidemiological study of six communities[1]C M Shy, [2]D Degnan, [3]D L Fox, [4]S Mukerjee, [5]M J Hazucha, [6]B A Boehlecke, [7]Dietrich Rothenbacher, [8]P M Briggs, [9]R B Devlin, [10]D D Wallace [Full author list]Environmental Health Perspectives [curation]DOI: 10.1289/EHP.95103714
PubMed: 7588484
air quality [curation]1995-07-01
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