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Moritz Schubotz

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Listed Publications

97 publications found

TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished Date
Bravo MaRDI: A Wikibase Powered Knowledge Graph on Mathematics[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Eloi Ferrer, [3]Johannes Stegmüller, [4]Daniel Mietchen, [5]Olaf Teschke, [6]Larissa Pusch, [7]Tim Conrad [Full author list]DOI: 10.48550/ARXIV.2309.11484
mathematics [curation]; Wikibase [curation]; knowledge graph [curation]2023-09-20
PhysWikiQuiz - An AI-Aided Collaborative Physics Exam Question Generation and Test System for Teachers and Students[1]Philipp Scharpf, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Andreas Spitz, [4]André Greiner-Petter, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]2023-07-01
TEIMMA: The First Content Reuse Annotator for Text, Images, and Math[1]Ankit Satpute, [2]André Greiner-Petter, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Norman Meuschke, [5]Akiko Aizawa, [6]Olaf Teschke, [7]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1109/JCDL57899.2023.00056
Final Report for the DFG-Project Methods and Tools to Advance the Retrieval of Mathematical Knowledge from Digital Libraries for Search-, Recommendation- and Assistance-Systems[1]Bela Gipp, [2]André Greiner-Petter, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Norman Meuschke [Full author list]2023-03-27
Bootstrapping the Open Science culture: The fellowship approach[1]Tamara Heck, [2]Isabel Steinhardt, [3]Rima-Maria Rahal, [4]Moritz Schubotz, [5]Dominik Scholl, [6]Sarah Behrens [Full author list]Bootstrapping the Open Science culture: The fellowship approach [curation]DOI: 10.3897/RIO.9.E103675
Wikimedia Deutschland [curation]; open science [curation]; Open Science Fellows Program [curation]2023-03-21
Methods and Tools to Advance the Retrieval of Mathematical Knowledge from Digital Libraries for Search-, Recommendation- and Assistance-Systems[1]Bela Gipp, [2]André Greiner-Petter, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Norman Meuschke [Full author list]2023-03-01
Incentive Mechanisms in Peer-to-Peer Networks — A Systematic Literature Review[1]Cornelius Ihle, [2]Dennis Trautwein, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Norman Meuschke, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1145/3578581
Discovery and Recognition of Formula Concepts using Machine Learning[1]Philipp Scharpf, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Howard S. Cohl, [4]Corinna Breitinger, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1007/S11192-023-04667-9
Neural Machine Translation for Mathematical Formulae[1]Felix Petersen, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]André Greiner-Petter, [4]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.18653/V1/2023.ACL-LONG.645
Sustaining the swMATH project: Integration into zbMATH Open interface and Open Data perspectives[1]Maxence Azzouz-Thuderoz, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Olaf Teschke [Full author list]DOI: 10.4171/MAG/118
Collaborative and AI-aided Exam Question Generation using Wikidata in Education[1]Philipp Scharpf, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Andreas Spitz, [4]André Greiner-Petter, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]Proceedings of the 3rd Wikidata Workshop 2022 [curation]Wikidata [curation]2022-11-04
Design and Evaluation of IPFS: A Storage Layer for the Decentralized Web[1]Dennis Trautwein, [2]Aravindh Raman, [3]Gareth Tyson, [4]Ignacio Castro, [5]Will Scott, [6]Moritz Schubotz, [7]Bela Gipp, [8]Yiannis Psaras [Full author list]DOI: 10.1145/3544216.3544232
Towards Portable Identities in the Matrix Protocol[1]Cornelius Ihle, [2]Fabian Deifuss, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1109/ICDCSW56584.2022.00025
Mining mathematical documents for question answering via unsupervised formula labeling[1]Philipp Scharpf, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1145/3529372.3530925
Caching and Reproducibility: Making Data Science Experiments Faster and FAIRer[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Ankit Satpute, [3]André Greiner-Petter, [4]Akiko Aizawa, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics [curation]DOI: 10.3389/FRMA.2022.861944
PubMed: 35531060
Comparative Verification of the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and Computer Algebra Systems[1]André Greiner-Petter, [2]Howard S. Cohl, [3]Abdou Youssef, [4]Moritz Schubotz, [5]Avi Trost, [6]Rajen Dey, [7]Akiko Aizawa, [8]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-99524-9_5
Do the Math: Making Mathematics in Wikipedia Computable[1]André Greiner-Petter, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Corinna Breitinger, [4]Philipp Scharpf, [5]Akiko Aizawa, [6]Bela Gipp [Full author list]IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence [curation]DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2022.3195261
Wikipedia [curation]; mathematics [curation]2022-01-01
Collaborative and AI-aided Exam Question Generation using Wikidata in Education[1]Philipp Scharpf, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Andreas Spitz, [4]André Greiner-Petter, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]2022-01-01
Mathematics in Wikidata[1]Philipp Scharpf, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Bela Gipp [Full author list]Proceedings of the 2nd Wikidata Workshop (Wikidata 2021) [curation]mathematics [curation]; Wikidata [curation]2021-10-14
Strategies to Record, Annotate and Visualize and Parallel Structures in XML Documents[1]Marco Beck, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Vincent Stange, [4]Norman Meuschke, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]2021-09-01
Detecting Cross-Language Plagiarism using Open Knowledge Graphs[1]Johannes Stegmueller, [2]Fabian Bauer-Marquart, [3]Norman Meuschke, [4]Terry Ruas, [5]Moritz Schubotz, [6]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.17212340.V3
Open Science Fellows Program – Lessons learned[0]Dominik Scholl, [0-Q67569324]Benedikt Fecher, [1]Isabella Peters, [2]Moritz Schubotz [Full author list]Wikimedia Commons [curation]open science [curation]; evaluation [curation]; Open Science Fellows Program [curation]2021-08-05
Connecting Islands: Bridging zbMATH and DLMF with Scholix, a blueprint for connecting expert knowledge systems[1]Howard S. Cohl, [2]Olaf Teschke, [3]Moritz Schubotz [Full author list]DOI: 10.4171/MAG/35
zbMATH Open: Towards standardized machine interfaces to expose bibliographic metadata[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Olaf Teschke [Full author list]DOI: 10.4171/MAG/12
Introducing Peer Copy - A Fully Decentralized Peer-to-Peer File Transfer Tool[1]Dennis Trautwein, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.23919/IFIPNETWORKING52078.2021.9472842
Fast Linking of Mathematical Wikidata Entities in Wikipedia Articles Using Annotation Recommendation[1]Philipp Scharpf, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1145/3442442.3452348
zbMATH is open: a practical guide to open an information service[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Dennis Trautwein, [3]Olaf Teschke [Full author list]2021-03-01
procd: A privacy-preserving robust implementation to discover contacts in social networks[1]Fabian Deifuß, [2]Cornelius Ihle, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Bela Gipp [Full author list]2021-01-01
Academic Storage Cluster[1]Alexander von Tottleben, [2]Cornelius Ihle, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00034
Mathematics in Wikidata[1]Philipp Scharpf, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Bela Gipp [Full author list]2021-01-01
zbMATH Open: API Solutions and Research Challenges[1]Matteo Petrera, [2]Dennis Trautwein, [3]Isabel Beckenbach, [4]Dariush Ehsani, [5]Fabian Müller, [6]Olaf Teschke, [7]Bela Gipp, [8]Moritz Schubotz [Full author list]2021-01-01
NewsDeps: Visualizing the Origin of Information in News Articles[1]Felix Hamborg, [2]Philipp Meschenmoser, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Philipp Scharpf, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]2021-01-01
Leveraging Node Heterogeneity to Improve Content Discovery and Content Retrieval in Peer-To-Peer Networks[1]Dennis Trautwein, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1145/3488658.3493781
10 Years Later: The Mathematics Subject Classification and Linked Open Data[1]Susanne Arndt, [2]Patrick Ion, [3]Mila Runnwerth, [4]Moritz Schubotz, [5]Olaf Teschke [Full author list]2021-01-01
Pairwise Multi-Class Document Classification for Semantic Relations between Wikipedia Articles[1]Malte Ostendorff, [2]Terry Ruas, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Georg Rehm, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries [curation]DOI: 10.1145/3383583.3398525
Wikipedia [curation]; document classification [curation]; GloVe [curation]; Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformer [curation]2020-08-01
Mathematical Formulae in Wikimedia Projects 2020[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]André Greiner-Petter, [3]Norman Meuschke, [4]Olaf Teschke, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1145/3383583.3398557
Math-Word Embedding in Math Search and Semantic Extraction[1]André Greiner-Petter, [2]Abdou Youssef, [3]Terry Ruas, [4]Bruce R. Miller, [5]Moritz Schubotz, [6]Akiko Aizawa, [7]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1007/S11192-020-03502-9
Classification and Clustering of arXiv Documents, Sections, and Abstracts Comparing Encodings of Natural and Mathematical Language[1]Philipp Scharpf, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Abdou Youssef, [4]Felix Hamborg, [5]Norman Meuschke, [6]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1145/3383583.3398529
Empowering next generation open scholarship with an open science fellows program[1]Christopher Schwarzkopf, [2]Benedikt Fecher, [3]Isabella Peters, [4]Moritz Schubotz [Full author list]DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.3776755
Discovering Mathematical Objects of Interest — A Study of Mathematical Notations[1]André Greiner-Petter, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Fabian Müller, [4]Corinna Breitinger, [5]Howard S. Cohl, [6]Akiko Aizawa, [7]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1145/3366423.3380218
Detecting Machine-Obfuscated Plagiarism[1]Tomáš Foltýnek, [2]Terry Ruas, [3]Philipp Scharpf, [4]Norman Meuschke, [5]Moritz Schubotz, [6]William Grosky, [7]Bela Gipp [Full author list]2020-03-01
A first step towards content protecting plagiarism detection[1]Cornelius Ihle, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Norman Meuschke, [4]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1145/3383583.3398620
ARQMath Lab: An Incubator for Semantic Formula Search in zbMATH Open?[1]Philipp Scharpf, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]André Greiner-Petter, [4]Malte Ostendorff, [5]Olaf Teschke, [6]Bela Gipp [Full author list]2020-01-01
Making Presentation Math Computable: Proposing a Context Sensitive Approach for Translating LaTeX to Computer Algebra Systems[1]André Greiner-Petter, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Akiko Aizawa, [4]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-52200-1_33
A Review on Blockchain Technology and Blockchain Projects Fostering Open Science[1]Stephan Leible, [2]Steffen Schlager, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.3389/FBLOC.2019.00016
open science [curation]; blockchain [curation]2019-11-19
Forms of Plagiarism in Digital Mathematical Libraries[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Olaf Teschke, [3]Vincent Stange, [4]Norman Meuschke, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-23250-4_18
Securing the Integrity of Time Series Data in Open Science Projects Using Blockchain-Based Trusted Timestamping[1]Patrick Wortner, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Corinna Breitinger, [4]Stephan Leible, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]2019-06-01
Improving Academic Plagiarism Detection for STEM Documents by Analyzing Mathematical Content and Citations[1]Norman Meuschke, [2]Vincent Stange, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Michael Kramer, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1109/JCDL.2019.00026
Semantic Preserving Bijective Mappings for Expressions involving Special Functions between Computer Algebra Systems and Document Preparation Systems[1]André Greiner-Petter, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Howard S. Cohl, [4]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1108/AJIM-08-2018-0185
A decentralized method for making sensor measurements tamper-proof to support open science applications[1]Patrick Wortner, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Corinna Breitinger, [4]Stephan Leible, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]open science [curation]2019-04-02
Four Decades of TeX at zbMATH.[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Olaf Teschke [Full author list]DOI: 10.4171/NEWS/112/15
Mathematical Research Data – an Analysis Through zbMATH References.[1]Klaus Hulek, [2]Fabian Müller, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Olaf Teschke [Full author list]DOI: 10.4171/NEWS/113/14
AnnoMath TeX- a Formula Identifier Annotation Recommender System for STEM Documents[1]Philipp Scharpf, [2]Ian Mackerracher, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Jöran Beel, [5]Corinna Breitinger, [6]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1145/3298689.3347042
Why Machines Cannot Learn Mathematics, Yet[1]André Greiner-Petter, [2]Terry Ruas, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Akiko Aizawa, [5]William I. Grosky, [6]Bela Gipp [Full author list]2019-01-01
Towards Formula Concept Discovery and Recognition[1]Philipp Scharpf, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Howard S. Cohl, [4]Bela Gipp [Full author list]2019-01-01
Introducing MathQA: a Math-Aware question answering system[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Philipp Scharpf, [3]Kaushal Dudhat, [4]Yash Nagar, [5]Felix Hamborg, [6]Bela Gipp [Full author list]Information discovery and delivery [curation]DOI: 10.1108/IDD-06-2018-0022
Wikidata [curation]; information retrieval [curation]; question-answering engine [curation]2018-11-19
Fostering Open Science by Using Blockchain Technology[1]Stephan Leible, [2]Steffen Schlager, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.2454725
Repurposing Open Source Tools for Open Science: A Practical Guide[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Corinna Breitinger, [3]Thomas Hepp, [4]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.2453415
HyPlag: A Hybrid Approach to Academic Plagiarism Detection[1]Norman Meuschke, [2]Vincent Stange, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1145/3209978.3210177
Improving the Representation and Conversion of Mathematical Formulae by Considering their Textual Context[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]André Greiner-Petter, [3]Philipp Scharpf, [4]Norman Meuschke, [5]Howard S. Cohl, [6]Bela Gipp [Full author list]Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE on Joint Conference on Digital Libraries - JCDL '18 [curation]DOI: 10.1145/3197026.3197058
formula [curation]2018-05-23
Giveme5W: Main Event Retrieval from News Articles by Extraction of the Five Journalistic W Questions[1]Felix Hamborg, [2]Soeren Lachnit, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Thomas Hepp, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]Lecture Notes in Computer Science [curation]DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-78105-1_39
DiViDu – An Open Source Solution for Dual Task Experiments with Integrated Divided Visual Field Paradigm[1]Nina Heck, [2]Moritz Schubotz [Full author list]Journal of open research software [curation]DOI: 10.5334/JORS.199
open-source software [curation]2018-01-01
Mathematische Formeln in Wikipedia[1]Moritz Schubotz [Full author list]DOI: 10.17877/DE290R-19676
Extraction of Main Event Descriptors from News Articles by Answering the Journalistic Five W and One H Questions[1]Felix Hamborg, [2]Corinna Breitinger, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Soeren Lachnit, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1145/3197026.3203899
MathTools: An open API for convenient MathML handling[1]André Greiner-Petter, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Howard S. Cohl, [4]Bela Gipp [Full author list]2018-01-01
Automated Symbolic and Numerical Testing of DLMF Formulae Using Computer Algebra Systems[1]Howard S. Cohl, [2]André Greiner-Petter, [3]Moritz Schubotz [Full author list]DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-96812-4_4
Generating OpenMath Content Dictionaries from Wikidata[1]Moritz Schubotz [Full author list]DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.1409946
Towards Formula Translation using Recursive Neural Networks[1]Felix Petersen, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Bela Gipp [Full author list]2018-01-01
Representing Mathematical Formulae in Content MathML Using Wikidata[1]Philipp Scharpf, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Bela Gipp [Full author list]2018-01-01
Evaluating and Improving the Extraction of Mathematical Identifier Definitions[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Leonard Krämer, [3]Norman Meuschke, [4]Felix Hamborg, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]2017-08-01
VMEXT: A Visualization Tool for Mathematical Expression Trees[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Norman Meuschke, [3]Thomas Hepp, [4]Howard S. Cohl, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]2017-07-01
Semantic Preserving Bijective Mappings of Mathematical Formulae Between Document Preparation Systems and Computer Algebra Systems[1]Howard S. Cohl, [2]Moritz Schubotz [Full author list]Lecture Notes in Computer Science [curation]DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-62075-6_9
algebra [curation]2017-01-01
Citolytics: A Link-based Recommender System for Wikipedia[1]Malte Ostendorff, [2]Corinna Breitinger, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Norman Meuschke, [5]Bela Gipp [Full author list]Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Recommender Systems - RecSys '17 [curation]DOI: 10.1145/3109859.3109981
Wikipedia [curation]; citation analysis [curation]; recommender system [curation]2017-01-01
A Vision for Performing Social and Economic Data Analysis using Wikipedia's Edit History[1]Erik Dahm, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Norman Meuschke, [4]Bela Gipp [Full author list]Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion [curation]DOI: 10.1145/3041021.3053363
Wikipedia [curation]; data analysis [curation]2017-01-01
Analyzing Semantic Concept Patterns to Detect Academic Plagiarism[1]Norman Meuschke, [2]Nicolas Siebeck, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.1145/3127526.3127535
Augmenting Mathematical Formulae for More Effective Querying & Efficient Presentation[1]Moritz Schubotz [Full author list]2017-01-01
math.wikipedia.org: A vision for a collaborative semi-formal, language independent math(s) encyclopedia[1]Joe Corneli, [2]Moritz Schubotz [Full author list]2017-01-01
Identifier Gold Standard for NTCIR 11 Math Wikipedia Dataset[1]Moritz Schubotz [Full author list]2016-07-18
A Smooth Transition to Modern mathoid-based Math Rendering in Wikipedia with Automatic Visual Regression Testing[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Alan P. Sexton [Full author list]Wikipedia [curation]2016-07-01
Exploring the One-brain Barrier: a Manual Contribution to the NTCIR-12 Math Task[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Norman Meuschke, [3]Marcus Leich, [4]Bela Gipp [Full author list]DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.3547436
Evaluating Link-based Recommendations for Wikipedia[1]Malte Ostendorff, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Norman Meuschke, [4]Corinna Breitinger, [5]Volker Markl, [6]Bela Gipp [Full author list]Proceedings of the 16th ACM/IEEE-CS on Joint Conference on Digital Libraries - JCDL '16 [curation]DOI: 10.1145/2910896.2910908
Wikipedia [curation]; recommender system [curation]2016-01-01
Semantification of Identifiers in Mathematics for Better Math Information Retrieval[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Alexey Grigorev, [3]Marcus Leich, [4]Howard S. Cohl, [5]Norman Meuschke, [6]Bela Gipp, [7]Abdou S. Youssef, [8]Volker Markl, [8-Q50413465]Volker Markl [Full author list]Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval - SIGIR '16 [curation]DOI: 10.1145/2911451.2911503
information retrieval [curation]2016-01-01
A Smooth Transition to Modern Mathoid-Based Math Rendering in Wikipedia with Automatic Visual Regression Testing[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Alan P. Sexton [Full author list]DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3961.1124
Getting the Units Right[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]David Veenhuis, [3]Howard S. Cohl [Full author list]DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2508.0561
Challenges of Mathematical Information Retrievalin the NTCIR-11 Math Wikipedia Task[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Abdou Youssef, [3]Volker Markl, [4]Howard S. Cohl [Full author list]Proceedings of the 38th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval - SIGIR '15 [curation]DOI: 10.1145/2766462.2767787
Wikipedia [curation]2015-01-01
Growing the Digital Repository of Mathematical Formulae with Generic LaTeX Sources[1]Howard S. Cohl, [2]Moritz Schubotz, [3]Marjorie A. McClain, [4]Bonita Saunders, [5]Cherry Y. Zou, [6]Azeem S. Mohammed, [7]Alex A. Danoff [Full author list]Lecture Notes in Computer Science [curation]DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-20615-8_18
formula [curation]2015-01-01
Mathoid: Robust, Scalable, Fast and Accessible Math Rendering for Wikipedia[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Gabriel Wicke [Full author list]Intelligent Computer Mathematics: International Conference, CICM 2014, Coimbra, Portugal, July 7-11, 2014. Proceedings [curation]DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-08434-3_17
Wikipedia [curation]2014-01-01
Digital Repository of Mathematical Formulae[1]Howard S. Cohl, [2]Marjorie A. McClain, [3]Bonita V. Saunders, [4]Moritz Schubotz, [5]Janelle C. Williams [Full author list]Lecture Notes in Computer Science [curation]DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-08434-3_30
formula [curation]2014-01-01
Mathoid: Robust, Scalable, Fast and Accessible Math Rendering for Wikipedia[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Gabriel Wicke [Full author list]2014-01-01
Mathematical Language Processing Project[1]Robert Pagel, [2]Moritz Schubotz [Full author list]2014-01-01
Evaluation of Similarity-Measure Factors for Formulae Based on the NTCIR-11 Math Task[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Abdou Youssef, [3]Volker Markl, [4]Howard S. Cohl, [5]Jimmy J. Li [Full author list]2014-01-01
NTCIR-11 Math-2 Task Overview[1]Akiko Aizawa, [2]Michael Kohlhase, [3]Iadh Ounis, [4]Moritz Schubotz [Full author list]2014-01-01
Applying Stratosphere for Big Data Analytics[1]Marcus Leich, [2]Jochen Adamek, [3]Moritz Schubotz, [4]Arvid Heise, [5]Astrid Rheinländer, [6]Volker Markl [Full author list]DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.1210857
Querying Large Collections of Mathematical Publications: NTCIR10 Math Task[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]Marcus Leich, [3]Volker Markl [Full author list]2013-01-01
Making Math Searchable in Wikipedia[1]Moritz Schubotz [Full author list]DOI: 10.14279/DEPOSITONCE-5034
Wikipedia [curation]2012-07-30
Random backaction in tunneling of single electrons through nanostructures[1]Moritz Schubotz, [2]T. Brandes [Full author list]Physical Review B [curation]DOI: 10.1103/PHYSREVB.84.075340
condensed matter physics [curation]2011-08-17
Full Counting Statistics - A quantum master equation approach[1]Moritz Schubotz [Full author list]2011-01-01
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