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Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa

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23 publications found

TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished Date
Ivacaftor-induced sweat chloride reductions correlate with increases in airway surface liquid pH in cystic fibrosis[1]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [2]Jan L Launspach, [3]Brenda Grogan, [4]Suzanne Carter, [5]Joseph Zabner, [6]David A Stoltz, [7]Pradeep K Singh, [8]Edward F McKone, [9]Michael J Welsh [Full author list]JCI insight [curation]DOI: 10.1172/JCI.INSIGHT.121468
PubMed: 30089726
cystic fibrosis [curation]2018-08-09
The vagal ganglia transcriptome identifies candidate therapeutics for airway hyperreactivity[1]Leah R Reznikov, [2]David Meyerholz, [3]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [4]Shin-Ping Kuan, [5]Yan-Shin J Liao, [6]Nicholas L Bormann, [7]Thomas B Bair, [8]Margaret Price, [9]David A Stoltz, [10]Michael J Welsh [Full author list]American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology [curation]DOI: 10.1152/AJPLUNG.00557.2017
PubMed: 29631359
transcriptome [curation]2018-04-05
Solitary Cholinergic Stimulation Induces Airway Hyperreactivity and Transcription of Distinct Pro-inflammatory Pathways[1]Leah R Reznikov, [2]David Meyerholz, [3]Shin-Ping Kuan, [4]Maria V Guevara, [5]Kalina Atanasova, [6]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa [Full author list]Lung [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S00408-018-0091-0
PubMed: 29380034
Motile cilia of human airway epithelia contain hedgehog signaling components that mediate noncanonical hedgehog signaling[1]Suifang Mao, [2]Alok Shah, [3]Thomas O Moninger, [4]Lynda S Ostedgaard, [5]Lin Lu, [6]Xiao Xiao Tang, [7]Ian M Thornell, [8]Leah R Reznikov, [9]Sarah E Ernst, [10]Philip H Karp, [11]Ping Tan, [12]Shaf Baloch Keshavjee, [13]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [14]Michael J Welsh [Full author list]Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [curation]DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.1719177115
PubMed: 29358407
Effects of Coal Fly Ash Particulate Matter on the Antimicrobial Activity of Airway Surface Liquid[1]Luis G Vargas Buonfiglio, [2]Imali A Mudunkotuwa, [3]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [4]Oriana G Vanegas Calderón, [5]Jennifer A Borcherding, [6]Alicia K Gerke, [7]Joseph Zabner, [8]Vicki Grassian, [9]Alejandro P Comellas [Full author list]Environmental Health Perspectives [curation]DOI: 10.1289/EHP876
PubMed: 28696208
Postnatal airway growth in cystic fibrosis piglets[1]Ryan J Adam, [2]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [3]Drake C Bouzek, [4]Daniel P Cook, [5]Nicholas D Gansemer, [6]Peter J Taft, [7]Linda S Powers, [8]Mallory R Stroik, [9]Mark J Hoegger, [10]James D McMenimen, [11]Eric A Hoffman, [12]Joseph Zabner, [13]Michael J Welsh, [14]David Meyerholz, [15]David Stoltz [Full author list]Journal of Applied Physiology [curation]DOI: 10.1152/JAPPLPHYSIOL.00263.2017
PubMed: 28620056
cystic fibrosis [curation]2017-06-15
Gel-forming mucins form distinct morphologic structures in airways[1]Lynda S Ostedgaard, [2]Thomas O Moninger, [3]James D McMenimen, [4]Nicholas M Sawin, [5]Connor P Parker, [6]Ian M Thornell, [7]Linda S Powers, [8]Nicholas D Gansemer, [9]Drake C Bouzek, [10]Daniel P Cook, [11]David Meyerholz, [12]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [13]David Stoltz, [14]Michael J Welsh [Full author list]Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [curation]DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.1703228114
PubMed: 28607090
Monocyte derived macrophages from CF pigs exhibit increased inflammatory responses at birth[1]Lily Paemka, [2]Brian N McCullagh, [3]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [4]David Stoltz, [5]Qian Dong, [6]Christoph O Randak, [7]Robert D Gray, [8]Paul B McCray [Full author list]Journal of Cystic Fibrosis [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.JCF.2017.03.007
PubMed: 28377087
Mounier-Kuhn syndrome: a case of tracheal smooth muscle remodeling[1]Daniel P Cook, [2]Ryan J Adam, [3]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [4]Michael Eberlein, [5]Julia A Klesney-Tait, [6]Kalpaj R Parekh, [7]David Meyerholz, [8]David Stoltz [Full author list]Clinical case reports [curation]DOI: 10.1002/CCR3.794
PubMed: 28174630
Acid-Sensing Ion Channel 1a Contributes to Airway Hyperreactivity in Mice[1]Leah R Reznikov, [2]David Meyerholz, [3]Ryan J Adam, [4]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [5]Omar Jaffer, [6]Andrew S Michalski, [7]Linda S Powers, [8]Margaret P Price, [9]David Stoltz, [10]Michael J Welsh [Full author list]PLOS One [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0166089
PubMed: 27820848
CFTR gene transfer with AAV improves early cystic fibrosis pig phenotypes[1]Benjamin Steines, [2]David D Dickey, [3]Jamie Bergen, [4]Katherine Jda Excoffon, [5]John R Weinstein, [6]Xiaopeng Li, [7]Ziying Yan, [8]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [9]Viral S Shah, [10]Drake C Bouzek, [11]Linda S Powers, [12]Nicholas D Gansemer, [13]Lynda S Ostedgaard, [14]John F Engelhardt, [15]David A Stoltz, [16]Michael J Welsh, [17]Patrick L. Sinn, [18]David Schaffer, [19]Joseph Zabner [Full author list]JCI insight [curation]DOI: 10.1172/JCI.INSIGHT.88728
PubMed: 27699238
pig [curation]; cystic fibrosis [curation]2016-09-08
Lentiviral-mediated phenotypic correction of cystic fibrosis pigs[1]Ashley L Cooney, [2]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [3]Viral S Shah, [4]Drake C Bouzek, [5]Mallory R Stroik, [6]Linda S Powers, [7]Nick D Gansemer, [8]David Meyerholz, [9]Michael J Welsh, [10]David A Stoltz, [11]Patrick L. Sinn, [12]Paul B McCray [Full author list]JCI insight [curation]DOI: 10.1172/JCI.INSIGHT.88730
PubMed: 27656681
cystic fibrosis [curation]2016-09-01
Repurposing tromethamine as inhaled therapy to treat CF airway disease[1]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [2]Janice L Launspach, [3]Kelsey A Sheets, [4]Jade A Rivera, [5]Nicholas D Gansemer, [6]Peter J Taft, [7]Peter S. Thorne, [8]Michael J Welsh, [9]David A Stoltz, [10]Joseph Zabner [Full author list]JCI insight [curation]DOI: 10.1172/JCI.INSIGHT.87535
PubMed: 27390778
Airway acidification initiates host defense abnormalities in cystic fibrosis mice[1]Viral S Shah, [2]David Meyerholz, [3]Xiao Xiao Tang, [4]Leah R Reznikov, [5]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [6]Sarah E Ernst, [7]Philip H Karp, [8]Christine L Wohlford-Lenane, [9]Kristopher P Heilmann, [10]Mariah R Leidinger, [11]Patrick D Allen, [12]Joseph Zabner, [13]Paul B McCray, [14]Lynda S Ostedgaard, [15]David Stoltz, [16]Christoph O Randak, [17]Michael J Welsh [Full author list]Science [curation]DOI: 10.1126/SCIENCE.AAD5589
PubMed: 26823428
cystic fibrosis [curation]2016-01-01
Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator in Sarcoplasmic Reticulum of Airway Smooth Muscle. Implications for Airway Contractility[1]Daniel P Cook, [2]Michael V Rector, [3]Drake C Bouzek, [4]Andrew S Michalski, [5]Nicholas D Gansemer, [6]Leah R Reznikov, [7]Xiaopeng Li, [8]Mallory R Stroik, [9]Lynda S Ostedgaard, [10]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [11]Michael A Thompson, [12]Y S Prakash, [13]Ramaswamy Krishnan, [14]David Meyerholz, [15]Chun Y Seow, [16]David Stoltz [Full author list]American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1164/RCCM.201508-1562OC
PubMed: 26488271
cystic fibrosis [curation]; transmembrane protein [curation]2015-10-21
pH modulates the activity and synergism of the airway surface liquid antimicrobials β-defensin-3 and LL-37[1]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [2]Leah R Reznikov, [3]Nicholas D Gansemer, [4]Kelsey A Sheets, [5]Alexander R Horswill, [6]David Stoltz, [7]Joseph Zabner, [8]Michael J Welsh [Full author list]Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [curation]DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.1422091112
PubMed: 25512526
liquid [curation]2014-12-15
Medical reversal of chronic sinusitis in a cystic fibrosis patient with ivacaftor[1]Eugene H Chang, [2]Xiao Xiao Tang, [3]Viral S Shah, [4]Janice L Launspach, [5]Sarah E Ernst, [6]Brieanna Hilkin, [7]Philip H Karp, [8]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [9]Scott M Graham, [10]Douglas B Hornick, [11]Michael J Welsh, [12]David Stoltz, [13]Joseph Zabner [Full author list]International forum of allergy & rhinology [curation]DOI: 10.1002/ALR.21440
PubMed: 25363320
cystic fibrosis [curation]2014-10-31
Antibacterial properties of the CFTR potentiator ivacaftor[1]Leah R Reznikov, [2]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [3]Cassie L Dohrn, [4]Nick D Gansemer, [5]Daniel J. Diekema, [6]David Stoltz, [7]Michael J Welsh [Full author list]Journal of Cystic Fibrosis [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.JCF.2014.02.004
PubMed: 24618508
Neonates with cystic fibrosis have a reduced nasal liquid pH; a small pilot study[1]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [2]Alison M Beer, [3]Alejandro A Pezzulo, [4]Janice L Launspach, [5]Rebecca A Horan, [6]David Stoltz, [7]Timothy D Starner, [8]Michael J Welsh, [9]Joseph Zabner [Full author list]Journal of Cystic Fibrosis [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.JCF.2013.12.006
PubMed: 24418186
cystic fibrosis [curation]2014-01-11
Early airway structural changes in cystic fibrosis pigs as a determinant of particle distribution and deposition[1]Maged S Awadalla, [2]Shinjiro Miyawaki, [3]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [4]Ryan J Adam, [5]Drake C Bouzek, [6]Andrew S Michalski, [7]Matthew K Fuld, [8]Karen Reynolds, [9]Eric A Hoffman, [10]Ching-Long Lin, [11]David Stoltz [Full author list]Annals of Biomedical Engineering [curation]DOI: 10.1007/S10439-013-0955-7
PubMed: 24310865
cystic fibrosis [curation]2013-12-06
Air trapping and airflow obstruction in newborn cystic fibrosis piglets[1]Ryan J Adam, [2]Andrew S Michalski, [3]Christian Bauer, [4]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [5]Thomas J Gross, [6]Maged S Awadalla, [7]Drake C Bouzek, [8]Nicholas D Gansemer, [9]Peter J Taft, [10]Mark J Hoegger, [11]Amit Diwakar, [12]Matthias Ochs, [13]Joseph M. Reinhardt, [14]Eric A Hoffman, [15]Reinhard R Beichel, [16]David Meyerholz, [17]David Stoltz [Full author list]American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.1164/RCCM.201307-1268OC
PubMed: 24168209
cystic fibrosis [curation]2013-12-01
Intestinal CFTR expression alleviates meconium ileus in cystic fibrosis pigs[1]David Stoltz, [2]Tatiana Rokhlina, [3]Sarah E Ernst, [4]Alejandro A Pezzulo, [5]Lynda S Ostedgaard, [6]Philip H Karp, [7]Melissa S Samuel, [8]Leah R Reznikov, [9]Michael V Rector, [10]Nicholas D Gansemer, [11]Drake C Bouzek, [12]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [13]Mark J Hoegger, [14]Paula S Ludwig, ... [Full author list]Journal of Clinical Investigation [curation]DOI: 10.1172/JCI68867
PubMed: 23676501
cystic fibrosis [curation]; meconium [curation]; meconium ileus [curation]; intestinal obstruction in the newborn due to guanylate cyclase 2C deficiency [curation]2013-05-08
Reduced airway surface pH impairs bacterial killing in the porcine cystic fibrosis lung[1]Alejandro A Pezzulo, [2]Xiao Xiao Tang, [3]Mark J Hoegger, [4]Mahmoud H Abou Alaiwa, [5]Shyam Ramachandran, [6]Thomas O Moninger, [7]Phillip H Karp, [8]Christine L Wohlford-Lenane, [9]Henk P Haagsman, [10]Martin van Eijk, [11]Botond Bánfi, [12]Alexander R Horswill, [13]David Stoltz, [14]Paul B McCray, [15]Michael J Welsh, [16]Joseph Zabner [Full author list]Nature [curation]DOI: 10.1038/NATURE11130
PubMed: 22763554
cystic fibrosis [curation]2012-07-04
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