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16 publications found

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TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished DateMatch?
Taking Particle Tracking into Practice by Novel Software and Screening Approach: Case-Study of Oral Lipid Nanocarriers[1]María Plaza-Oliver, [2]Emilio L Cano, [3]María Mar Arroyo-Jimenez, [4]Matías Gámez, [5]María Lozano López, [6]Manuel J. Santander-Ortega [Full author list]Pharmaceutics [missing]DOI: 10.3390/PHARMACEUTICS13030370 [ORCID]
Discovery of a Cyclic Choline Analog That Inhibits Anaerobic Choline Metabolism by Human Gut Bacteria[1]Maud Bollenbach, [2]Manuel Ortega, [3]Marina Orman, [4]Catherine L Drennan, [5]Emily P Balskus [Full author list]ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters [missing]DOI: 10.1021/ACSMEDCHEMLETT.0C00005 [ORCID]
PubMed: 33062182 [ORCID]
Neuroprotective Natural Molecules, From Food to Brain[1]Joaquin González-Fuentes, [2]Jorge Selva, [3]Carmen Moya, [4]Lucia Castro-Vázquez, [5]Maria V Lozano, [6]Pilar Marcos, [7]Maria Plaza-Oliver, [8]Virginia Rodríguez Robledo, [9]Manuel J Santander-Ortega, [10]Noemi Villaseca-González, [11]Maria M Arroyo-Jimenez [Full author list]Frontiers in Neuroscience [missing]DOI: 10.3389/FNINS.2018.00721 [ORCID]
PubMed: 30405328 [ORCID]
Influence of the surface properties of nanocapsules on their interaction with intestinal barriers[1]Irene Santalices, [2]Dolores Torres, [3]Mª Victoria Lozano, [4]María Del Mar Arroyo-Jiménez, [5]María José Alonso, [6]Manuel J Santander-Ortega [Full author list]European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.EJPB.2018.09.023 [ORCID]
PubMed: 30268595 [ORCID]
PEG-PGA enveloped octaarginine-peptide nanocomplexes: An oral peptide delivery strategy.[1]Zhigao Niu, [2]Eleni Samaridou, [3]Emilie Jaumain, [4]Julie Coëne, [5]Gabriela Ullio, [6]Neha Shrestha, [7]Josep Garcia, [8]Matilde Durán-Lobato, [9]Sulay Tovar, [10]Manuel J Santander-Ortega, [11]M Victoria Lozano, [12]M Mar Arroyo-Jimenez, [13]Rocío Ramos-Membrive, [14]Iván Peñuelas, [15]Aloïse Mabondzo, [16]Véronique Préat, [17]Meritxell Teixidó, [18]Ernest Giralt i Lledó, [19]María José Alonso [Full author list]Journal of Controlled Release [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.JCONREL.2018.03.004 [ORCID]
PubMed: 29518466 [ORCID]
Heparin-engineered mesoporous iron metal-organic framework nanoparticles: toward stealth drug nanocarriers[1]Elena Bellido, [2]Tania Hidalgo, [3]Maria Victoria Lozano, [4]Mazheva Guillevic, [5]Rosana Simón-Vázquez, [6]Manuel J Santander-Ortega, [7]África González-Fernández, [8]Christian Serre, [9]María J. Alonso, [10]Patricia Horcajada [Full author list]Advanced Healthcare Materials [missing]DOI: 10.1002/ADHM.201400755 [ORCID]
PubMed: 25771896 [ORCID]
nanoparticle [missing]; Metal-organic framework [missing]; nanocarrier [missing]2015-03-12
Structural investigation of ribosomally synthesized natural products by hypothetical structure enumeration and evaluation using tandem MS[1]Qi Zhang, [2]Manuel Ortega, [3]Yanxiang Shi, [4]Huan Wang, [5]Joel O Melby, [6]Weixin Tang, [7]Douglas A Mitchell, [8]Wilfred van der Donk [Full author list]Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [missing]DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.1406418111 [ORCID]
PubMed: 25092299 [ORCID]
natural product [missing]2014-08-04
Chitosan-based nanocapsules: physical characterization, stability in biological media and capsaicin encapsulation[1]Francisco M. Goycoolea, [2]Angela Valle-Gallego, [3]Rossana Stefani, [4]Bianca Menchicchi, [5]Laurent David, [6]Cyrille Rochas, [7]Manuel J. Santander-Ortega, [8]María J. Alonso [Full author list]Colloid and Polymer Science [missing]DOI: 10.1007/S00396-012-2669-Z [ORCID]
Game·Tel: An approach to multi-format and multi-device accessible engineering education[1]Luis Anido, [2]Daniel Burgos, [3]Manuel Caeiro, [4]Javier Torrente, [5]Manuel Fernandez, [6]Javier Gonzalez, [7]Mario Manso, [8]Manuel Ortega, [9]Daniel Rodriguez, [10]Baltasar Fernández-Manjón [Full author list]DOI: 10.1109/FIE.2011.6142745 [ORCID]
Protein-loaded PLGA–PEO blend nanoparticles: encapsulation, release and degradation characteristics[1]Manuel J. Santander-Ortega, [2]Noemi Csaba, [3]Lisette González, [4]Delfina Bastos-González, [5]Juan L. Ortega-Vinuesa, [6]Maria J. Alonso [Full author list]Colloid and Polymer Science [missing]DOI: 10.1007/S00396-009-2131-Z [ORCID]
nanoparticle [missing]2009-10-28
A methodological approach for user interface development of collaborative applications: A case study[1]Ana Isabel Molina, [2]Miguel Ángel Redondo, [3]Manuel Ortega [Full author list]Science of Computer Programming [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.SCICO.2009.03.001 [ORCID]
An ecological integrity index for littoral wetlands in agricultural catchments of semiarid mediterranean regions[1]Manuel Ortega, [2]Josefa Velasco, [3]Andrés Millán, [4]Cristina Guerrero [Full author list]Environmental Management [missing]DOI: 10.1007/S00267-003-3059-6 [ORCID]
PubMed: 15054671 [ORCID]
agriculture [missing]2004-03-01

Potential author items

NameDescriptionAuthored itemsIdentifiersEmployer(s)
Manu OrtegaSpanish illustrator, Spanish comics artist0ISNI: 0000000059753729
VIAF ID: 99148752158141201161
University of Salamanca [missing]
University of the Basque Country [missing]
University of Kassel [missing]
Manuel OrtegaAustrian singer0VIAF ID: 65242663
Manuel Ortega OcañaSpanish cyclist0
Manuel OrtegaPhilippine politician0
Manuel OrtegaSpanish painter (1921–2014)0VIAF ID: 87231064
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando [missing]
Manuel Ortegauruguayischer Schriftsteller und Journalist0
Manuel OrtegaPhilippine actor0
Manuel Ortegaspanischer Universitätsprofessor0University of Navarra [missing]
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