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Group #1

Matched potential author: Robert W Frenck - author of 10 items
TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished DateMatch?
Developing and utilizing controlled human models of infection[1]Chad K Porter, [2]A Louis Bourgeois, [3]Robert W Frenck, [4]Michael Prouty, [5]Nicole Maier, [6]Mark S Riddle [Full author list]Vaccine [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.VACCINE.2017.05.068 [ORCID]
PubMed: 28583306 [ORCID]
2017-06-02Robert W Frenck (Q99616536; 10 items)
Lot-to-lot consistency, safety and immunogenicity of 3 lots of Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine: results from a phase III randomized, multicenter study in infants[1]Nicola P Klein, [2]Remon Abu-Elyazeed, [3]Matthew Cornish, [4]Michael L Leonardi, [5]Leonard B Weiner, [6]Peter E Silas, [7]Stanley E Grogg, [8]Meera Varman, [9]Robert W Frenck, [10]Brigitte Cheuvart, [11]Yaela Baine, [12]Jacqueline M Miller, [13]Maarten Leyssen, [14]Narcisa Mesaros, [15]Sumita Roy-Ghanta [Full author list]Vaccine [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.VACCINE.2017.05.018 [ORCID]
PubMed: 28536030 [ORCID]
Haemophilus influenzae [missing]2017-05-20
A cross-sectional household cluster serosurvey of hepatitis C virus antibodies in an urban slum of Cairo, Egypt in 2004.[1]Isabelle A Nakhla, [2]John W Sanders, [3]Emad W Mohareb, [4]Sahar Samy, [5]Michael T Cosby, [6]Manal M Mostafa, [7]Mark S Riddle, [8]Robert W Frenck [Full author list]Tropical diseases, travel medicine and vaccines [missing]DOI: 10.1186/S40794-015-0012-7 [ORCID]
PubMed: 28883941 [ORCID]
Egypt [missing]; slum [missing]; Hepatitis C virus [missing]2015-10-01
The epidemiological and clinical characteristics of diarrhea associated with enteropathogenic, enteroaggregative and diffuse-adherent Escherichia coli in Egyptian children[1]Salwa F Ahmed, [2]Hind I Shaheen, [3]Ibrahim Adib Abdel-Messih, [4]Manal Mostafa, [5]Shannon D Putnam, [6]Karim A Kamal, [7]Abdel Nasser El Sayed, [8]Robert W Frenck, [9]John W Sanders, [10]John D Klena, [11]Thomas F Wierzba [Full author list]Journal of Tropical Pediatrics [missing]DOI: 10.1093/TROPEJ/FMU034 [ORCID]
PubMed: 25122630 [ORCID]
Escherichia coli [missing]; diarrhea [missing]; enteropathogen [missing]2014-08-13
Pathogenicity and phenotypic characterization of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolates from a birth cohort of children in rural Egypt[1]Adel Mansour, [2]Hind I Shaheen, [3]Mohamed Amine, [4]Khaled Hassan, [5]John W Sanders, [6]Mark S Riddle, [7]Adam W Armstrong, [8]Ann-Mari Svennerholm, [9]Peter J Sebeny, [10]John D Klena, [11]Sylvia Y N Young, [12]Robert W Frenck [Full author list]Journal of Clinical Microbiology [missing]DOI: 10.1128/JCM.01639-13 [ORCID]
PubMed: 24478492 [ORCID]
Egypt [missing]; Escherichia coli [missing]; enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli [missing]; birth cohort [missing]; rural ecology [missing]2013-12-11
A prospective study of acute diarrhea in a cohort of United States military personnel on deployment to the Multinational Force and Observers, Sinai, Egypt[1]Mark S Riddle, [2]David M Rockabrand, [3]Carey Schlett, [4]Marshall R Monteville, [5]Robert W Frenck, [6]Marcy Romine, [7]Salwa F Ahmed, [8]John W Sanders [Full author list]American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene [missing]DOI: 10.4269/AJTMH.2011.10-0093 [ORCID]
PubMed: 21212203 [ORCID]
Egypt [missing]; diarrhea [missing]; acute diarrhea [missing]2011-01-01
Rotavirus genotypes among hospitalized children in Egypt, 2000-2002.[1]David O Matson, [2]Ibrahim A Abdel-Messih, [3]Carey D Schlett, [4]Karin Bok, [5]Tiffany Wienkopff, [6]Thomas F Wierzba, [7]John W Sanders, [8]Robert W Frenck [Full author list]Journal of Infectious Diseases [missing]DOI: 10.1086/653581 [ORCID]
PubMed: 20684714 [ORCID]
Egypt [missing]; hospitalization [missing]2010-09-01
The epidemiology of travelers' diarrhea in Incirlik, Turkey: a region with a predominance of heat-stabile toxin producing enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli[1]Chad K Porter, [2]Mark S Riddle, [3]David R Tribble, [4]Shannon D Putnam, [5]David M Rockabrand, [6]Robert W Frenck, [7]Patrick Rozmajzl, [8]Edward Kilbane, [9]Ann Fox, [10]Richard Ruck, [11]Matthew Lim, [12]James Johnston, [13]Emmett Murphy, [14]John W Sanders [Full author list]Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.DIAGMICROBIO.2009.10.002 [ORCID]
PubMed: 19903582 [ORCID]
Escherichia coli [missing]; diarrhea [missing]2009-11-10
Azithromycin and loperamide are comparable to levofloxacin and loperamide for the treatment of traveler's diarrhea in United States military personnel in Turkey[1]John W Sanders, [2]Robert W Frenck, [3]Shannon D Putnam, [4]Mark S Riddle, [5]James R Johnston, [6]Sefa Ulukan, [7]David M Rockabrand, [8]Marshall R Monteville, [9]David R Tribble [Full author list]Clinical Infectious Diseases [missing]DOI: 10.1086/519264 [ORCID]
PubMed: 18688944 [ORCID]
military [missing]; diarrhea [missing]; azithromycin [missing]; loperamide [missing]; levofloxacin [missing]2007-08-01
Incidence, etiology, and impact of diarrhea among deployed US military personnel in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom[1]Marshall R Monteville, [2]Mark S Riddle, [3]Usha Baht, [4]Shannon D Putnam, [5]Robert W Frenck, [6]Kenneth Brooks, [7]Manal Moustafa, [8]Jaime Bland, [9]John W Sanders [Full author list]American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene [missing]DOI: 10.4269/AJTMH.2006.75.762 [ORCID]
PubMed: 17038708 [ORCID]
military [missing]; diarrhea [missing]2006-10-01
Sensitivity and specificity of various tests for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori in Egyptian children[1]Robert W Frenck, [2]Hanan Mohamed Fathy, [3]May Sherif, [4]Zaynab Mohran, [5]Hanan El Mohammedy, [6]Wagdy Francis, [7]David M Rockabrand, [8]Bahaa Ihab Mounir, [9]Patrick Rozmajzl, [10]Henry F Frierson [Full author list]Pediatrics [missing]DOI: 10.1542/PEDS.2005-2925 [ORCID]
PubMed: 16982805 [ORCID]
Helicobacter pylori [missing]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [missing]2006-09-18
Enteric pathogens associated with diarrhea in children in Fayoum, Egypt[1]Hanon El-Mohamady, [2]Ibrahim A Abdel-Messih, [3]Fouad G Youssef, [4]Mohamad Said, [5]Hossaini Farag, [6]Hind I Shaheen, [7]David M Rockabrand, [8]Stephen B Luby, [9]Rana Hajjeh, [10]John W Sanders, [11]Marshall R Monteville, [12]John D Klena, [13]Robert W Frenck [Full author list]Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.DIAGMICROBIO.2006.02.007 [ORCID]
PubMed: 16675181 [ORCID]
Egypt [missing]; diarrhea [missing]2006-05-03
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli colonization factor types collected from 1997 to 2001 in US military personnel during operation Bright Star in northern Egypt[1]David M Rockabrand, [2]Hind I Shaheen, [3]Sami B Khalil, [4]Leonard F Peruski, [5]Patrick J Rozmajzl, [6]Stephen J Savarino, [7]Marshall R Monteville, [8]Robert W Frenck, [9]Ann-Mari Svennerholm, [10]Shannon D Putnam, [11]John W Sanders [Full author list]Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.DIAGMICROBIO.2005.12.002 [ORCID]
PubMed: 16542813 [ORCID]
Egypt [missing]; military [missing]; Escherichia coli [missing]; enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli [missing]2006-03-20
Self-reported description of diarrhea among military populations in operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom[1]Shannon D Putnam, [2]John W Sanders, [3]Robert W Frenck, [4]Marshall Monteville, [5]Mark S Riddle, [6]David M Rockabrand, [7]Trueman W Sharp, [8]Carla Frankart, [9]David R Tribble [Full author list]Journal of Travel Medicine [missing]DOI: 10.1111/J.1708-8305.2006.00020.X [ORCID]
PubMed: 16553595 [ORCID]
military [missing]; diarrhea [missing]2006-03-01
Impact of illness and non-combat injury during Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan)[1]John W Sanders, [2]Shannon D Putnam, [3]Carla Frankart, [4]Robert W Frenck, [5]Marshall R Monteville, [6]Mark S Riddle, [7]David M Rockabrand, [8]Trueman W Sharp, [9]David R Tribble [Full author list]American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene [missing]DOI: 10.4269/AJTMH.2005.73.713 [ORCID]
PubMed: 16222015 [ORCID]
Afghanistan [missing]2005-10-01
Posttreatment changes in Escherichia coli antimicrobial susceptibility rates among diarrheic patients treated with ciprofloxacin[1]Shannon D Putnam, [2]John W Sanders, [3]David R Tribble, [4]David R Rockabrand, [5]Mark S Riddle, [6]Patrick J Rozmajzl, [7]Robert W Frenck [Full author list]Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy [missing]DOI: 10.1128/AAC.49.6.2571-2572.2005 [ORCID]
PubMed: 15917577 [ORCID]
Escherichia coli [missing]2005-06-01
Diarrheal illness among deployed U.S. military personnel during Operation Bright Star 2001--Egypt[1]John W Sanders, [2]Shannon D Putnam, [3]Philip Gould, [4]John Kolisnyk, [5]Norma Merced, [6]Vincent Barthel, [7]Patrick J Rozmajzl, [8]Hind Shaheen, [9]Salwa Fouad, [10]Robert W Frenck [Full author list]Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.DIAGMICROBIO.2005.02.005 [ORCID]
PubMed: 15964494 [ORCID]
Egypt [missing]; military [missing]2005-06-01
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding epidemiology and management of travelers' diarrhea: a survey of front-line providers in Iraq and Afghanistan[1]Mark S Riddle, [2]David R Tribble, [3]Nishith K Jobanputra, [4]James J Jones, [5]Shannon D Putnam, [6]Robert W Frenck, [7]John W Sanders [Full author list]Military Medicine [missing]DOI: 10.7205/MILMED.170.6.492 [ORCID]
PubMed: 16001598 [ORCID]
Iraq [missing]; Afghanistan [missing]; diarrhea [missing]; epidemiology [missing]2005-06-01
The changing epidemiology of meningococcal meningitis after introduction of bivalent A/C polysaccharide vaccine into school-based vaccination programs in Egypt[1]Isabelle Nakhla, [2]Robert W Frenck, [3]Nadia A Teleb, [4]Said El Oun, [5]Yehia Sultan, [6]Hoda Mansour, [7]Francis Mahoney [Full author list]Vaccine [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.VACCINE.2005.01.084 [ORCID]
PubMed: 15837234 [ORCID]
Egypt [missing]; meningitis [missing]; epidemiology [missing]; polysaccharide [missing]; meningococcal meningitis [missing]2005-05-01
Relationship between intracranial granulomas and cerebrospinal fluid levels of gamma interferon and interleukin-10 in patients with tuberculous meningitis[1]Adel M Mansour, [2]Robert W Frenck, [3]Toni Darville, [4]Isabelle A Nakhla, [5]Thomas F Wierzba, [6]Yehia Sultan, [7]Magdy I Bassiouny, [8]Kathryn McCarthy, [9]Richard F Jacobs [Full author list]Clinical and Vaccine Immunology [missing]DOI: 10.1128/CDLI.12.2.363-365.2005 [ORCID]
PubMed: 15699436 [ORCID]
meningitis [missing]; cerebrospinal fluid [missing]; tuberculous meningitis [missing]2005-02-01
Serologic correlates of protection against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli diarrhea[1]Malla R Rao, [2]Thomas F Wierzba, [3]Stephen J Savarino, [4]Remon Abu-Elyazeed, [5]Nemat El-Ghoreb, [6]Eric R Hall, [7]Abdollah Naficy, [8]Ibrahim Abdel-Messih, [9]Robert W Frenck, [10]Ann-Mari Svennerholm, [11]John Clemens [Full author list]Journal of Infectious Diseases [missing]DOI: 10.1086/427662 [ORCID]
PubMed: 15655780 [ORCID]
Escherichia coli [missing]; diarrhea [missing]; enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli [missing]2005-01-14
Universal high-level primary metronidazole resistance in Helicobacter pylori isolated from children in Egypt[1]May Sherif, [2]Zaynab Mohran, [3]Hanan Fathy, [4]David M Rockabrand, [5]Patrick J Rozmajzl, [6]Robert W Frenck [Full author list]Journal of Clinical Microbiology [missing]DOI: 10.1128/JCM.42.10.4832-4834.2004 [ORCID]
PubMed: 15472354 [ORCID]
Egypt [missing]; metronidazole [missing]; Helicobacter pylori [missing]; Helicobacter pylori infectious disease [missing]2004-10-01
The epidemiology of self-reported diarrhea in operations Iraqi freedom and enduring freedom[1]John W Sanders, [2]Shannon D Putnam, [3]Mark S Riddle, [4]David R Tribble, [5]Nishith K Jobanputra, [6]James J Jones, [7]Daniel A Scott, [8]Robert W Frenck [Full author list]Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.DIAGMICROBIO.2004.06.008 [ORCID]
PubMed: 15474316 [ORCID]
diarrhea [missing]2004-10-01
Epidemiology of Shigella-associated diarrhea in rural Egyptian children[1]Remon R Abu-Elyazeed, [2]Thomas F Wierzba, [3]Robert W Frenck, [4]Shannon D Putnam, [5]Malla R Rao, [6]Stephen J Savarino, [7]Karim A Kamal, [8]Leonard F Peruski, [9]Ibrahim A Abd-El Messih, [10]Sahar A El-Alkamy, [11]Abdollah B Naficy, [12]John Clemens [Full author list]American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene [missing]DOI: 10.4269/AJTMH.2004.71.367 [ORCID]
PubMed: 15381821 [ORCID]
diarrhea [missing]2004-09-01
Short-course azithromycin for the treatment of uncomplicated typhoid fever in children and adolescents[1]Robert W Frenck, [2]Adel Mansour, [3]Isabelle Nakhla, [4]Yehia Sultan, [5]Shannon D Putnam, [6]Thomas F Wierzba, [7]Mosaad Morsy, [8]Charles Knirsch [Full author list]Clinical Infectious Diseases [missing]DOI: 10.1086/382359 [ORCID]
PubMed: 15034826 [ORCID]
typhoid fever [missing]; azithromycin [missing]; teenager [missing]2004-03-12
Antimicrobial susceptibility trends in Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli isolated from a rural Egyptian pediatric population with diarrhea[1]Shannon D Putnam, [2]Robert W Frenck, [3]Mark S Riddle, [4]Atef El-Gendy, [5]Nancy N Taha, [6]Brian T Pittner, [7]Remon Abu-Elyazeed, [8]Thomas F Wierzba, [9]Malla R Rao, [10]Stephen J Savarino, [11]John Clemens [Full author list]Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease [missing]DOI: 10.1016/S0732-8893(03)00154-8 [ORCID]
PubMed: 14711482 [ORCID]
diarrhea [missing]; Campylobacter [missing]; Campylobacter jejuni [missing]; Campylobacter coli [missing]2003-12-01

Group #2

Matched potential author: Robert W Frenck - author of 10 items
TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished DateMatch?
Safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of a 4-antigen Staphylococcus aureus vaccine (SA4Ag): Results from a first-in-human randomised, placebo-controlled phase 1/2 study.[1]Robert W Frenck, [2]Clarence Buddy Creech, [3]Eric Sheldon, [4]David J Seiden, [5]Martin K Kankam, [6]James Baber, [7]Edward Zito, [8]Robin Hubler, [9]Joseph Eiden, [10]Joseph M Severs, [11]Shite Sebastian, [12]Jasdeep Nanra, [13]Kathrin Jansen, [14]William C. Gruber, [15]Annaliesa S Anderson, [16]Douglas Girgenti [Full author list]Vaccine [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.VACCINE.2016.11.010 [ORCID]
PubMed: 27916408 [ORCID]
Staphylococcus aureus [missing]; placebo [missing]2016-12-01Robert W Frenck (Q99616536; 10 items)
Immunogenicity and safety of a second administration of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 5 years after initial vaccination in adults 50 years and older[1]Robert W Frenck, [2]Anne Fiquet, [3]Alejandra Gurtman, [4]Martin van Cleeff, [5]Matthew Davis, [6]John Rubino, [7]William Smith, [8]Vani Sundaraiyer, [9]Mohinder Sidhu, [10]Emilio A Emini, [11]William C. Gruber, [12]Daniel A Scott, [13]Beate Schmoele-Thoma, [14]B1851020 Study Group [Full author list]Vaccine [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.VACCINE.2016.04.093 [ORCID]
PubMed: 27155493 [ORCID]
pneumococcal conjugate vaccine [missing]2016-05-04Robert W Frenck (Q99616536; 10 items)
Sequential administration of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine in pneumococcal vaccine-naïve adults 60-64 years of age.[1]Richard N Greenberg, [2]Alejandra Gurtman, [3]Robert W Frenck, [4]Cynthia Strout, [5]Kathrin Jansen, [6]James Trammel, [7]Daniel A Scott, [8]Emilio A Emini, [9]William C. Gruber, [10]Beate Schmoele-Thoma [Full author list]Vaccine [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.VACCINE.2014.02.002 [ORCID]
PubMed: 24606865 [ORCID]
polysaccharide [missing]; vaccine [missing]; pneumococcal conjugate vaccine [missing]2014-03-05Robert W Frenck (Q99616536; 10 items)
Immunogenicity, safety and tolerability of 3 lots of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine given with routine pediatric vaccinations in the United States[1]Terry Payton, [2]Douglas Girgenti, [3]Robert W Frenck, [4]Scott Patterson, [5]Jack Love, [6]Ahmad Razmpour, [7]Mohinder S Sidhu, [8]Emilio A Emini, [9]William C. Gruber, [10]Daniel A Scott [Full author list]Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal [missing]DOI: 10.1097/INF.0B013E3182906499 [ORCID]
PubMed: 23584582 [ORCID]
pneumococcal conjugate vaccine [missing]2013-08-01Robert W Frenck (Q99616536; 10 items)
Influence of initial vaccination with 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine or 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine on anti-pneumococcal responses following subsequent pneumococcal vaccination in adults 50 years and older[1]Lisa A Jackson, [2]Alejandra Gurtman, [3]Martin van Cleeff, [4]Robert W Frenck, [5]John Treanor, [6]Kathrin Jansen, [7]Daniel A Scott, [8]Emilio A Emini, [9]William C. Gruber, [10]Beate Schmoele-Thoma [Full author list]Vaccine [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.VACCINE.2013.04.084 [ORCID]
PubMed: 23688525 [ORCID]
polysaccharide [missing]; vaccine [missing]; pneumococcal conjugate vaccine [missing]2013-05-18Robert W Frenck (Q99616536; 10 items)
Randomized, controlled trial of a 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine administered concomitantly with an influenza vaccine in healthy adults[1]Robert W Frenck, [2]Alejandra Gurtman, [3]John Rubino, [4]William Smith, [5]Martin van Cleeff, [6]Deepthi Jayawardene, [7]Peter C Giardina, [8]Emilio A Emini, [9]William C. Gruber, [10]Daniel A Scott, [11]Beate Schmöle-Thoma [Full author list]Clinical and Vaccine Immunology [missing]DOI: 10.1128/CVI.00176-12 [ORCID]
PubMed: 22739693 [ORCID]
vaccine [missing]; influenza vaccine [missing]; randomized controlled trial [missing]; pneumococcal conjugate vaccine [missing]2012-06-27Robert W Frenck (Q99616536; 10 items)
Comparison of the immunogenicity and safety of a split-virion, inactivated, trivalent influenza vaccine (Fluzone®) administered by intradermal and intramuscular route in healthy adults[1]Robert W Frenck, [2]Robert B Belshe, [3]Rebecca C Brady, [4]Patricia L Winokur, [5]James D Campbell, [6]John Treanor, [7]Christine M Hay, [8]Cornelia L. Dekker, [9]Emmanuel B Walter, [10]Thomas R Cate, [11]Kathryn M. Edwards, [12]Heather Hill, [13]Mark Wolff, [14]Tom Leduc, [15]Nadia Tornieporth [Full author list]Vaccine [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.VACCINE.2011.06.010 [ORCID]
PubMed: 21699951 [ORCID]
influenza vaccine [missing]; virion [missing]2011-06-23


Matched potential author: Robert W Frenck - author of 10 items
TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished DateMatch?
A Phase I trial to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of WRSs2 and WRSs3; two live oral candidate vaccines against Shigella sonnei[1]Robert W Frenck, [2]Shahida Baqar, [3]William Alexander, [4]Michelle Dickey, [5]Monica McNeal, [6]Jill El-Khorazaty, [7]Holly Baughman, [8]Amy Hoeper, [9]Shoshana Barnoy, [10]Akamol E Suvarnapunya, [11]Robert W Kaminski, [12]Malabi M Venkatesan [Full author list]Vaccine [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.VACCINE.2018.06.063 [ORCID]
PubMed: 30037478 [ORCID]
phase I clinical trial [missing]; Shigella sonnei [missing]2018-07-02Robert W Frenck (Q99616536; 10 items)
Cat-Scratch Disease, a Diagnostic Consideration for Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis.[1]Onengiya Harry, [2]Grant S Schulert, [3]Alexei A Grom, [4]Robert W Frenck, [5]Jon L Woltmann, [6]Andrew H Shapiro, [7]Judith A Smith [Full author list]Journal of Clinical Rheumatology [missing]DOI: 10.1097/RHU.0000000000000653 [ORCID]
PubMed: 29239936 [ORCID]
cat-scratch disease [missing]; chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis [missing]2017-12-12
Response to Letter to the Editor regarding: Immunogenicity and safety of a 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in adults 18-49 years of age, naive to 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine.[1]Kristina Bryant, [2]Robert W Frenck [Full author list]Vaccine [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.VACCINE.2016.03.101 [ORCID]
PubMed: 27553746 [ORCID]
polysaccharide [missing]; pneumococcal conjugate vaccine [missing]2016-08-01
Polyarthritis in a 19-year-old female with systemic lupus erythematosus[1]Andrea Hahn, [2]Tracy V Ting, [3]Janalee Taylor, [4]Robert W Frenck [Full author list]Clinical Pediatrics [missing]DOI: 10.1177/0009922813498155 [ORCID]
PubMed: 23922248 [ORCID]
The development of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and its possible use in adults[1]Robert W Frenck, [2]Sylvia Yeh [Full author list]Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy [missing]DOI: 10.1517/14712598.2012.636348 [ORCID]
PubMed: 22074323 [ORCID]
Adolescent pneumonia[1]Elizabeth P Schlaudecker, [2]Robert W Frenck [Full author list]Adolescent Medicine [missing]PubMed: 21047025 [ORCID]
pneumonia [missing]; teenager [missing]2010-08-01
Infectious diseases and immunizations. Preface[1]Paula K Braverman, [2]Robert W Frenck, [3]Cynthia Holland-Hall [Full author list]Adolescent Medicine [missing]PubMed: 21047022 [ORCID]
Varicella vaccine safety and immunogenicity in patients with juvenile rheumatic diseases receiving methotrexate and corticosteroids[1]Robert W Frenck, [2]Jane F Seward [Full author list]Arthritis Care and Research [missing]DOI: 10.1002/ACR.20234 [ORCID]
PubMed: 20506363 [ORCID]
methotrexate [missing]; rheumatism [missing]; vaccine safety [missing]2010-07-01
Helicobacter in the developing world[1]Robert W Frenck, [2]John Clemens [Full author list]Microbes and Infection [missing]DOI: 10.1016/S1286-4579(03)00112-6 [ORCID]
PubMed: 12814771 [ORCID]
Quinolone treatment for pediatric bacterial meningitis: a comparative study of trovafloxacin and ceftriaxone with or without vancomycin[1]Xavier Sáez-Llorens, [2]Cynthia McCoig, [3]Jesús M Feris, [4]Sergio L Vargas, [5]Keith P. Klugman, [6]Gregory D Hussey, [7]Robert W Frenck, [8]Luisa H Falleiros-Carvalho, [9]Adriano G Arguedas, [10]John Bradley, [11]Antonio C Arrieta, [12]Ellen R. Wald, [13]Salvador Pancorbo, [14]George H McCracken, [15]Silvia R Marques, [16]Trovan menigitis Study Group [Full author list]Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal [missing]DOI: 10.1097/00006454-200201000-00004 [ORCID]
PubMed: 11791092 [ORCID]
meningitis [missing]; ceftriaxone [missing]; quinolones [missing]; bacterial meningitis [missing]2002-01-01

Potential author items

NameDescriptionAuthored itemsIdentifiersEmployer(s)
Robert W Frenckresearcher10ORCID: 0000-0002-2336-526X
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center [missing]
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