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Matched potential author: Pierre Legrand - author of 52 items
TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished DateMatch?
Molecular interactions of PCSK9 with an inhibitory nanobody, CAP1 and HLA-C: Functional regulation of LDLR levels[1]Carole Fruchart Gaillard, [2]Ali Ben Djoudi Ouadda, [3]Lidia Ciccone, [4]Emmanuelle Girard, [5]Sepideh Mikaeeli, [6]Alexandra Evagelidis, [7]Maïlys Le Dévéhat, [8]Delia Susan-Resiga, [9]Evelyne Cassar Lajeunesse, [10]Hervé Nozach, [11]Oscar Henrique Pereira Ramos, [12]Aurélien Thureau, [13]Pierre Legrand, [14]Annik Prat, [15]Vincent Dive, [16]Nabil Seidah [Full author list]Molecular Metabolism [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.MOLMET.2022.101662 [ORCID]
Insights into the atypical autokinase activity of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa GacS histidine kinase and its interaction with RetS[1]Firas Fadel, [2]Violla Bassim, [3]Vanessa I. Francis, [4]Steven L. Porter, [5]Thomas Botzanowski, [6]Pierre Legrand, [7]Maria Maté Perez, [8]Yves Bourne, [9]Sarah Cianférani, [10]Florence Vincent [Full author list]Structure [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.STR.2022.06.002 [ORCID]
Pseudomonas aeruginosa [missing]2022-09-01
Characterization of the first tetrameric transcription factor of the GntR superfamily with allosteric regulation from the bacterial pathogen Agrobacterium fabrum[1]Armelle Vigouroux, [2]Thibault Meyer, [3]Anaïs Naretto, [4]Pierre Legrand, [5]Magali Aumont-Nicaise, [6]Aurélie Di Cicco, [7]Sébastien Renoud, [8]Jeanne Doré, [9]Daniel Lévy, [10]Ludovic Vial, [11]Céline Lavire, [12]Solange Moréra [Full author list]Nucleic Acids Research [missing]DOI: 10.1093/NAR/GKAA1181 [ORCID]
PubMed: 33313837 [ORCID]
2020-12-11Pierre Legrand (Q56810412; 52 items)
Structural insights into the mechanism of the radical SAM carbide synthase NifB, a key nitrogenase cofactor maturating enzyme[1]Ana Sosa Fajardo, [2]Pierre Legrand, [3]Lucía Payá-Tormo, [4]Lydie Martin, [5]Maria Teresa Pellicer Martinez, [6]Carlos Echavarri-Erasun, [7]Xavier Vernède, [8]Luis M Rubio, [9]Yvain Nicolet [Full author list]Journal of the American Chemical Society [missing]DOI: 10.1021/JACS.0C02243 [ORCID]
PubMed: 32476412 [ORCID]
The Atomic Structure of the Phage Tuc2009 Baseplate Tripod Suggests that Host Recognition Involves Two Different Carbohydrate Binding Modules[1]Pierre Legrand, [2]Barry Collins, [3]Stéphanie Blangy, [4]James Murphy, [5]Silvia Spinelli, [6]Carlos Gutierrez, [7]Nicolas Richet, [8]Christine Kellenberger, [9]Aline Desmyter, [10]Jennifer Mahony, [11]Douwe van Sinderen, [12]Christian Cambillau [Full author list]mBio [missing]DOI: 10.1128/MBIO.01781-15 [ORCID]
PubMed: 26814179 [ORCID]
2016-01-26Pierre Legrand (Q56810412; 52 items)
Structural insight into how the human helicase subunit MCM2 may act as a histone chaperone together with ASF1 at the replication fork[1]Nicolas Richet, [2]Danni Liu, [3]Pierre Legrand, [4]Christophe Velours, [5]Armelle Corpet, [6]Albane Gaubert, [7]May Bakail, [8]Gwenaelle Moal-Raisin, [9]Raphael Guerois, [10]Christel Compper, [11]Arthur Besle, [12]Berengère Guichard, [13]Geneviève Almouzni, [14]Françoise Ochsenbein [Full author list]Nucleic Acids Research [missing]DOI: 10.1093/NAR/GKV021 [ORCID]
PubMed: 25618846 [ORCID]
molecular chaperones [missing]2015-01-23Pierre Legrand (Q56810412; 52 items)
Solving the RNA polymerase I structural puzzle[1]María Moreno-Morcillo, [2]María Moreno-Morcillo, [3]Nicholas Michael Ian Taylor, [4]Tim Gruene, [5]Pierre Legrand, [6]Umar J Rashid, [7]Federico M Ruiz, [8]Ulrich Steuerwald, [9]Christoph W Müller, [10]Carlos Fernandez-tornero [Full author list]Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography [missing]DOI: 10.1107/S1399004714015788 [ORCID]
PubMed: 25286842 [ORCID]
2014-09-27Pierre Legrand (Q56810412; 52 items)
Crystal structure and functional mapping of human ASMT, the last enzyme of the melatonin synthesis pathway[1]Hany Goubran Botros, [2]Pierre Legrand, [3]Cecile Pagan, [4]Vincent Bondet, [5]Patrick Weber, [6]Mariem Ben-Abdallah, [7]Nathalie Lemière, [8]Guillaume Huguet, [9]Jacques Bellalou, [10]Erik Maronde, [11]Pierre Beguin, [12]Ahmed Haouz, [13]William Shepard, [14]Thomas Bourgeron [Full author list]Journal of Pineal Research [missing]DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-079X.2012.01020.X [ORCID]
PubMed: 22775292 [ORCID]
melatonin [missing]; crystal structure [missing]; protein homodimerization activity [missing]; Acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase [missing]2013-01-01Pierre Legrand (Q56810412; 52 items)
Energy resolution of the CdTe-XPAD detector: calibration and potential for Laue diffraction measurements on protein crystals[1]Kadda Medjoubi, [2]Andrew Thompson, [3]Jean-François Bérar, [4]Jean-Claude Clemens, [5]Pierre Delpierre, [6]Paulo Da Silva, [7]Bernard Dinkespiler, [8]Roger Fourme, [9]Patrick Gourhant, [10]Beatriz Guimaraes, [11]Stéphanie Hustache, [12]Mourad Idir, [13]Jean-Paul Itié, [14]Pierre Legrand, [15]Claude Menneglier, [16]Pascal Mercere, [17]Frederic Picca, [18]Jean-Pierre Samama [Full author list]Journal of Synchrotron Radiation [missing]DOI: 10.1107/S0909049512004463 [ORCID]
PubMed: 22514165 [ORCID]
2012-03-15Pierre Legrand (Q56810412; 52 items)
The PHD finger of human UHRF1 reveals a new subgroup of unmethylated histone H3 tail readers[1]Nada Lallous, [2]Pierre Legrand, [3]Alastair G McEwen, [4]Santiago Ramón-Maiques, [5]Jean-Pierre Samama, [6]Catherine Birck [Full author list]PLOS One [missing]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0027599 [ORCID]
PubMed: 22096602 [ORCID]
2011-11-11Pierre Legrand (Q56810412; 52 items)
Jacques in the book (on apophasis)[1]Pierre Legrand [Full author list]DOI: 10.1525/LAL.2011.23.2.282 [ORCID]
Exploring TAR-RNA aptamer loop-loop interaction by X-ray crystallography, UV spectroscopy and surface plasmon resonance[1]Isabelle Lebars, [2]Pierre Legrand, [3]Ahissan Aimé, [4]Noël Pinaud, [5]Sébastien Fribourg, [6]Carmelo Di Primo [Full author list]Nucleic Acids Research [missing]DOI: 10.1093/NAR/GKN831 [ORCID]
PubMed: 18996893 [ORCID]
X-ray crystallography [missing]; surface plasmon resonance [missing]2008-12-01Pierre Legrand (Q56810412; 52 items)
Isolation and characterisation of mesenchymal stem cells from adult mouse bone marrow[1]Philippe Tropel, [2]Danièle Noël, [3]Nadine Platet, [4]Pierre Legrand, [5]Alim-Louis Benabid, [6]François Berger [Full author list]Experimental Cell Research [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.YEXCR.2003.12.030 [ORCID]
PubMed: 15093739 [ORCID]
mesenchymal stem cell [missing]2004-05-01
Ni-Zn-[Fe4-S4] and Ni-Ni-[Fe4-S4] clusters in closed and open subunits of acetyl-CoA synthase/carbon monoxide dehydrogenase[1]Claudine Darnault, [2]Anne Volbeda, [3]Eun Jin Kim, [4]Pierre Legrand, [5]Xavier Vernède, [6]Paul A Lindahl, [7]Juan C Fontecilla-Camps [Full author list]Nature structural biology [missing]DOI: 10.1038/NSB912 [ORCID]
PubMed: 12627225 [ORCID]
carbon monoxide [missing]2003-04-01
Strange Power of Words: Codification Situated[1]Pierre Legrand [Full author list]Tulane European and Civil Law Forum [missing]1994-01-01

Potential author items

NameDescriptionAuthored itemsIdentifiersEmployer(s)
Pierre Legrandresearcher52ORCID: 0000-0003-2431-2255
Researcher ID: G-7709-2011
SOLEIL [missing]
Institute of Structural Biology [missing]
European Molecular Biology Laboratory [missing]
Pierre LegrandFrench lawyer and politician (1804-1859)0ISNI: 0000000081082642
VIAF ID: 29571874
Pierre LegrandFrench politician (1834-1895)0ISNI: 0000000121389121
VIAF ID: 71536759
Pierre LegrandCanadian Rhodes Scholar0Merton College [missing]
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