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46 publications found

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Group #1

Matched potential author: Sibylle G Schwab - author of 12 items
TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished DateMatch?
Association of CamK2A genetic variants with transition time from occasional to regular heroin use in a sample of heroin-dependent individuals[1]Antonia Eirich, [2]Teresa Biermann, [3]Christian P Müller, [4]Johannes Kornhuber, [5]Beben Benyamin, [6]Gary K Hulse, [7]Dieter B Wildenauer, [8]Sibylle G Schwab [Full author list]Psychiatric Genetics [missing]DOI: 10.1097/YPG.0000000000000208 [ORCID]
PubMed: 30260900 [ORCID]
2019-02-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Secretion of acid Sphingomyelinase is affected by its polymorphic signal peptide[1]Cosima Rhein, [2]Martin Reichel, [3]Christiane Mühle, [4]Andrea Rotter, [5]Sibylle G Schwab, [6]Johannes Kornhuber [Full author list]Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry [missing]DOI: 10.1159/000366345 [ORCID]
PubMed: 25301364 [ORCID]
2014-10-02Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
The common acid sphingomyelinase polymorphism p.G508R is associated with self-reported allergy[1]Martin Reichel, [2]Tanja Richter-Schmidinger, [3]Christiane Mühle, [4]Cosima Rhein, [5]Panagiotis Alexopoulos, [6]Sibylle G Schwab, [7]Erich Gulbins, [8]Johannes Kornhuber [Full author list]Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry [missing]DOI: 10.1159/000362986 [ORCID]
PubMed: 24977483 [ORCID]
2014-06-16Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Genetics of psychiatric disorders in the GWAS era: an update on schizophrenia[1]Sibylle G Schwab, [2]Dieter B Wildenauer [Full author list]European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience [missing]DOI: 10.1007/S00406-013-0450-Z [ORCID]
PubMed: 24071914 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]; genome-wide association study [missing]2013-09-27Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Association of rs1344706 in the ZNF804A gene with schizophrenia in a case/control sample from Indonesia[1]Sibylle G Schwab, [2]Agung A A A Kusumawardhani, [3]Nan Dai, [4]WenWen Qin, [5]Mutiara D B Wildenauer, [6]Feranindhya Agiananda, [7]Nurmiati Amir, [8]Ronald Antoni, [9]Tiana Arsianti, [10]Asmarahadi Asmarahadi, ... [Full author list]Schizophrenia Research [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.SCHRES.2013.03.022 [ORCID]
PubMed: 23590871 [ORCID]
Indonesia [missing]; schizophrenia [missing]2013-04-13Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
The association between overcommitment to work and depressive symptoms is moderated by the polymorphic region of the 5-HTT gene[1]Petra H Wirtz, [2]Johannes Siegrist, [3]Anna Schuhmacher, [4]Susanne Hoefels, [5]Wolfgang Maier, [6]Gregor Domes, [7]Sibylle Schwab, [8]Astrid W Zobel [Full author list]Psychiatry Research [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.PSYCHRES.2013.01.028 [ORCID]
PubMed: 23462387 [ORCID]
2013-02-22Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Expression of PIP4K2A in lymphocyte cell lines from a sample of schizophrenia patients with previous evidence for association.[1]Llewellyn Saggers-Gray, [2]Dieter B Wildenauer, [3]Sibylle G Schwab [Full author list]Schizophrenia Research [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.SCHRES.2011.02.010 [ORCID]
PubMed: 21377334 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]; lymphocyte [missing]2011-03-04Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Influence of 5-HTTLPR polymorphism on resting state perfusion in patients with major depression[1]Holger Brockmann, [2]Astrid Zobel, [3]Anna Schuhmacher, [4]Marcel Daamen, [5]Alexius Joe, [6]Kim Biermann, [7]Sibylle G Schwab, [8]Hans-Juergen Biersack, [9]Wolfgang Maier, [10]Henning Boecker [Full author list]Journal of Psychiatric Research [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.JPSYCHIRES.2010.08.016 [ORCID]
PubMed: 20934189 [ORCID]
PCLO rs2522833 modulates HPA system response to antidepressant treatment in major depressive disorder.[1]Anna Schuhmacher, [2]Rainald Mössner, [3]Susanne Höfels, [4]Ute Pfeiffer, [5]Vera Guttenthaler, [6]Michael Wagner, [7]Sibylle G Schwab, [8]Wolfgang Maier, [9]Astrid Zobel [Full author list]The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology [missing]DOI: 10.1017/S1461145710000854 [ORCID]
PubMed: 20701824 [ORCID]
2010-08-12Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
DNA sequence variants of the FKBP5 gene are associated with unipolar depression[1]Astrid Zobel, [2]Anna Schuhmacher, [3]Frank Jessen, [4]Susanne Höfels, [5]Olrik von Widdern, [6]Martin Metten, [7]Ute Pfeiffer, [8]Claudia Hanses, [9]Tim Becker, [10]Marcella Rietschel, [11]Lukas Scheef, [12]Wolfgang Block, [13]Hans H Schild, [14]Wolfgang Maier, [15]Sibylle G Schwab [Full author list]The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology [missing]DOI: 10.1017/S1461145709991155 [ORCID]
PubMed: 20047716 [ORCID]
2010-01-05Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
DAOA/G72 predicts the progression of prodromal syndromes to first episode psychosis[1]Rainald Mössner, [2]Anna Schuhmacher, [3]Michael Wagner, [4]Boris B Quednow, [5]Ingo Frommann, [6]Kai-Uwe Kühn, [7]Sibylle G Schwab, [8]Marcella Rietschel, [9]Peter Falkai, [10]Wolfgang Wölwer, [11]Stephan Ruhrmann, [12]Andreas Bechdolf, [13]Wolfgang Gaebel, [14]Joachim Klosterkötter, [15]Wolfgang Maier [Full author list]European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience [missing]DOI: 10.1007/S00406-009-0044-Y [ORCID]
PubMed: 19763662 [ORCID]
psychosis [missing]2009-09-10Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
A family-based association study of DNA sequence variants in GRM7 with schizophrenia in an Indonesian population[1]Clarissa Ganda, [2]Sibylle G Schwab, [3]Nurmiati Amir, [4]Heriani Heriani, [5]Irman Irmansyah, [6]Agung Kusumawardhani, [7]Martina Nasrun, [8]Ika Widyawati, [9]Wolfgang Maier, [10]Dieter B Wildenauer [Full author list]The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology [missing]DOI: 10.1017/S1461145709990356 [ORCID]
PubMed: 19638256 [ORCID]
Indonesia [missing]; schizophrenia [missing]2009-07-29Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Update on key previously proposed candidate genes for schizophrenia[1]Sibylle G Schwab, [2]Dieter B Wildenauer [Full author list]Current Opinion in Psychiatry [missing]DOI: 10.1097/YCO.0B013E328325A598 [ORCID]
PubMed: 19553868 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]2009-03-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Neuregulin-1 haplotype HAPICE is associated with lower hippocampal volumes in schizophrenic patients and in non-affected family members[1]Oliver Gruber, [2]Peter Falkai, [3]Thomas Schneider-Axmann, [4]Sibylle G. Schwab, [5]Michael Wagner, [6]Wolfgang Maier [Full author list]Journal of Psychiatric Research [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.JPSYCHIRES.2008.01.009 [ORCID]
PubMed: 18291420 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]2008-11-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Neuregulin 1 ICE-single nucleotide polymorphism in first episode schizophrenia correlates with cerebral activation in fronto-temporal areas.[1]Tilo T. Kircher, [2]Renate Thienel, [3]Michael Wagner, [4]Martina Reske, [5]Ute Habel, [6]Thilo Kellermann, [7]Ingo Frommann, [8]Sibylle Schwab, [9]Wolfgang Wölwer, [10]Martina von Wilmsdorf, [11]Dieter F Braus, [12]Andrea Schmitt, [13]Alexander M. Rapp, [14]Tony Stöcker, [15]N. Jon Shah, [16]Fritz Henn, [17]Heinrich Sauer, [18]Wolfgang Gaebel, [19]Wolfgang Maier, [20]Frank Schneider [Full author list]European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience [missing]DOI: 10.1007/S00406-008-0837-4 [ORCID]
PubMed: 18806920 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]; single-nucleotide polymorphism [missing]2008-09-19Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Unipolar depression and hippocampal volume: impact of DNA sequence variants of the glucocorticoid receptor gene[1]Astrid Zobel, [2]Frank Jessen, [3]Olrik von Widdern, [4]Anna Schuhmacher, [5]Susanne Höfels, [6]Martin Metten, [7]Marcella Rietschel, [8]Lukas Scheef, [9]Wolfgang Block, [10]Tim Becker, [11]Hans H Schild, [12]Wolfgang Maier, [13]Sibylle G Schwab [Full author list]American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics [missing]DOI: 10.1002/AJMG.B.30709 [ORCID]
PubMed: 18286599 [ORCID]
unipolar depression [missing]2008-09-01
No support for an association with TAAR6 and schizophrenia in a linked population of European ancestry.[1]Herbert P Ludewick, [2]Sibylle G Schwab, [3]Margot Albus, [4]Bernard Lerer, [5]Wolfgang Maier, [6]Matyas Trixler, [7]Dieter B Wildenauer [Full author list]Psychiatric Genetics [missing]DOI: 10.1097/YPG.0B013E3283050ABA [ORCID]
PubMed: 18628684 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]2008-08-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Research on causes for schizophrenia: are we close?[1]Sibylle G Schwab, [2]Dieter B Wildenauer [Full author list]Schizophrenia Research [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.SCHRES.2008.04.005 [ORCID]
PubMed: 18705138 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]2008-07-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Influence of SORL1 gene variants: association with CSF amyloid-beta products in probable Alzheimer's disease.[1]Heike Kölsch, [2]Frank Jessen, [3]Jens Wiltfang, [4]Piotr Lewczuk, [5]Martin Dichgans, [6]Johannes Kornhuber, [7]Lutz Frölich, [8]Isabella Heuser, [9]Olive Melissa Minor Peters, [10]Jörg B. Schulz, [11]Sibylle G Schwab, [12]Wolfgang Maier [Full author list]Neuroscience Letters [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.NEULET.2008.05.049 [ORCID]
PubMed: 18541377 [ORCID]
Alzheimer's disease [missing]2008-05-18Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Sensorimotor gating of schizophrenia patients is influenced by 5-HT2A receptor polymorphisms[1]Boris B Quednow, [2]Kai-Uwe Kühn, [3]Rainald Mössner, [4]Sibylle G Schwab, [5]Anna Schuhmacher, [6]Wolfgang Maier, [7]Michael Wagner [Full author list]Biological Psychiatry [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.BIOPSYCH.2008.02.019 [ORCID]
PubMed: 18420180 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]2008-04-16Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
DNA sequence variants in the metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 and risk to schizophrenia: an association study[1]Sibylle G Schwab, [2]Christie Plummer, [3]Margot Albus, [4]Margitta Borrmann-Hassenbach, [5]Bernard Lerer, [6]Matyas Trixler, [7]Wolfgang Maier, [8]Dieter B Wildenauer [Full author list]Psychiatric Genetics [missing]DOI: 10.1097/YPG.0B013E3282EF48D9 [ORCID]
PubMed: 18197082 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]2008-02-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Homozygosity of the interleukin-10 receptor 1 G330R allele is associated with schizophrenia[1]Alexandra Schosser, [2]Harald Aschauer, [3]Dieter B Wildenauer, [4]Sibylle G Schwab, [5]Margot Albus, [6]Wolfgang Maier, [7]Monika Schloegelhofer, [8]Friedrich Leisch, [9]Kurt Hornik, [10]Sarah S Murray, [11]Christoph Gasche [Full author list]American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics [missing]DOI: 10.1002/AJMG.B.30416 [ORCID]
PubMed: 17066477 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]; homozygosity [missing]2007-04-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Association of DNA polymorphisms in the synaptic vesicular amine transporter gene (SLC18A2) with alcohol and nicotine dependence[1]Sibylle G Schwab, [2]Petra E Franke, [3]Barbara Hoefgen, [4]Vera Guttenthaler, [5]Dirk Lichtermann, [6]Matyas Trixler, [7]Michael Knapp, [8]Wolfgang Maier, [9]Dieter B Wildenauer [Full author list]Neuropsychopharmacology [missing]DOI: 10.1038/SJ.NPP.1300809 [ORCID]
PubMed: 15988470 [ORCID]
2005-12-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Further evidence for association of variants in the AKT1 gene with schizophrenia in a sample of European sib-pair families[1]Sibylle G Schwab, [2]Barbara Hoefgen, [3]Claudia Hanses, [4]Margitta Borrmann Hassenbach, [5]Margot Albus, [6]Bernard Lerer, [7]Matyas Trixler, [8]Wolfgang Maier, [9]Dieter B Wildenauer [Full author list]Biological Psychiatry [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.BIOPSYCH.2005.05.005 [ORCID]
PubMed: 16026766 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]2005-09-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Serotonin transporter promoter and intron 2 polymorphisms: relationship between allelic variants and gene expression[1]Dubravka Hranilovic, [2]Jasminka Stefulj, [3]Sibylle Schwab, [4]Margitta Borrmann-Hassenbach, [5]Margot Albus, [6]Branimir Jernej, [7]Dieter Wildenauer [Full author list]Biological Psychiatry [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.BIOPSYCH.2004.01.029 [ORCID]
PubMed: 15158428 [ORCID]
serotonin [missing]2004-06-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Association of tumor necrosis factor alpha gene -G308A polymorphism with schizophrenia[1]Sibylle G. Schwab, [2]Stephanie Mondabon, [3]Michael Knapp, [4]Margot Albus, [5]Joachim Hallmayer, [6]Margitta Borrmann-Hassenbach, [7]Matyas Trixler, [8]Magdalena Gross, [9]Thomas G. Schulze, [10]Marcella Rietschel, [11]Bernard Lerer, [12]Wolfgang Maier, [13]Dieter B. Wildenauer [Full author list]Schizophrenia Research [missing]DOI: 10.1016/S0920-9964(02)00534-0 [ORCID]
PubMed: 14623370 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]; schizophrenic psychology [missing]2003-12-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
No association of 141C-ins/del polymorphism in the D2 dopamine receptor gene in schizophrenia[1]Thomas Rohrmeier, [2]Albert Putzhammer, [3]Heino Sartor, [4]Michael Knapp, [5]Margot Albus, [6]Margitta Borrmann-Hassenbach, [7]Dirk Lichtermann, [8]Dieter Wildenauer, [9]Sibylle Schwab, [10]Wolfgang Maier, [11]Helmfried E. Klein, [12]Peter Eichhammer [Full author list]Psychiatrische Praxis [missing]PubMed: 14509080 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]; insertional mutagenesis [missing]; chromosomal deletion syndrome [missing]2003-05-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
[No Association of the - 141C Ins/Del Polymorphism of the Dopamine D2 Receptor with Schizophrenia][1]Thomas Rohrmeier, [2]Albert Putzhammer, [3]Heino Sartor, [4]Michael Knapp, [5]Margot Albus, [6]Margitta Borrmann-Hassenbach, [7]Dirk Lichtermann, [8]Dieter Wildenauer, [9]Sibylle Schwab, [10]Wolfgang Maier, [11]Helmfried E. Klein, [12]Peter Eichhammer [Full author list]Psychiatrische Praxis [missing]DOI: 10.1055/S-2003-39757 [ORCID]
PubMed: 13130378 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]2003-05-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Introducing a new recruitment approach to sample collection for genetic association studies in opioid dependence[1]Petra Franke, [2]Birgit Wendel, [3]Michael Knapp, [4]Sibylle G Schwab, [5]Daniela Neef, [6]Wolfgang Maier, [7]Dieter B Wildenauer, [8]Margret R Hoehe [Full author list]European Psychiatry [missing]DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(02)00005-6 [ORCID]
PubMed: 12648891 [ORCID]
opioid [missing]2003-02-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Support for association of schizophrenia with genetic variation in the 6p22.3 gene, dysbindin, in sib-pair families with linkage and in an additional sample of triad families[1]Sibylle G Schwab, [2]Michael Knapp, [3]Stephanie Mondabon, [4]Joachim Hallmayer, [5]Margitta Borrmann-Hassenbach, [6]Margot Albus, [7]Bernard Lerer, [8]Marcella Rietschel, [9]Matyas Trixler, [10]Wolfgang Maier, [11]Dieter B Wildenauer [Full author list]American Journal of Human Genetics [missing]DOI: 10.1086/345463 [ORCID]
PubMed: 12474144 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]; genetic variation [missing]2002-12-09Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Investigation of linkage and association/linkage disequilibrium of HLA A-, DQA1-, DQB1-, and DRB1-alleles in 69 sib-pair- and 89 trio-families with schizophrenia.[1]Sibylle G Schwab, [2]Joachim Hallmayer, [3]Julia Freimann, [4]Bernard Lerer, [5]Margot Albus, [6]Margitta Borrmann-Hassenbach, [7]Ronnen H Segman, [8]Matyas Trixler, [9]Marcella Rietschel, [10]Wolfgang Maier, [11]Dieter B Wildenauer [Full author list]American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A [missing]DOI: 10.1002/AJMG.10307 [ORCID]
PubMed: 11920855 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]; linkage disequilibrium [missing]; disequilibrium [missing]2002-04-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Genetics of complex psychiatric disorders: scientific foundations[1]Dieter B Wildenauer, [2]Joachim Hallmayer, [3]Sibylle G Schwab [Full author list]Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences [missing]PubMed: 12756855 [ORCID]

Group #2

Matched potential author: Sibylle G Schwab - author of 12 items
TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished DateMatch?
Schizophrenia-associated somatic copy-number variants from 12,834 cases reveal recurrent NRXN1 and ABCB11 disruptions[1]Eduardo A. Maury, [2]Maxwell A. Sherman, [3]Giulio Genovese, [4]Thomas G. Gilgenast, [5]Tushar Kamath, [6]S.J. Burris, [7]Prashanth Rajarajan, [8]Erin Flaherty, [9]Schahram Akbarian, [10]Andrew Chess, ..., [266]Adam Savitz, [267]Qingqin S. Li, [268]Sibylle G. Schwab, [269]Jianxin Shi, [270]Chris C.A. Spencer, ... [Full author list]DOI: 10.1016/J.XGEN.2023.100356 [ORCID]
2023-08-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Multi-trait genome-wide association study of opioid addiction: OPRM1 and beyond[1]Nathan Gaddis, [2]Ravi Mathur, [3]Jesse Marks, [4]Linran Zhou, [5]Bryan Quach, [6]Alex Waldrop, [7]Orna Levran, [8]Arpana Agrawal, [9]Matthew Randesi, [10]Miriam Adelson, ..., [34]Mark McEvoy, [35]Rodney J. Scott, [36]Sibylle G. Schwab, [37]Brion S. Maher, [38]Richard Gruza, ... [Full author list]Scientific Reports [missing]DOI: 10.1038/S41598-022-21003-Y [ORCID]
Mapping genomic loci implicates genes and synaptic biology in schizophrenia[1]Vassily Trubetskoy, [2]Antonio F. Pardiñas, [3]Ting Qi, [4]Georgia Panagiotaropoulou, [5]Swapnil Awasthi, [6]Tim B. Bigdeli, [7]Julien Bryois, [8]Chia-Yen Chen, [9]Charlotte A. Dennison, [10]Lynsey S. Hall, ..., [569]Meram C. Saka, [570]Alan R. Sanders, [571]Sibylle G. Schwab, [572]Alessandro Serretti, [573]Pak C. Sham, ... [Full author list]Nature [missing]DOI: 10.1038/S41586-022-04434-5 [ORCID]
PubMed: 35396580 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]; causes of schizophrenia [missing]2022-04-08Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Interaction Testing and Polygenic Risk Scoring to Estimate the Association of Common Genetic Variants With Treatment Resistance in Schizophrenia[1]Antonio F. Pardiñas, [2]Sophie Smart, [3]Isabella R. Willcocks, [4]Peter A. Holmans, [5]Charlotte A. Dennison, [6]Amy J. Lynham, [7]Sophie E. Legge, [8]Bernhard T. Baune, [9]Tim B. Bigdeli, [10]Murray J. Cairns, ..., [227]Christian R. Schubert, [228]Thomas G. Schulze, [229]Sibylle G. Schwab, [230]Edward M. Scolnick, [231]Rodney J. Scott, ... [Full author list]JAMA Psychiatry [missing]DOI: 10.1001/JAMAPSYCHIATRY.2021.3799 [ORCID]
PubMed: 35019943 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]2022-03-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Genomic dissection of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia including 28 subphenotypes[1]Douglas M Ruderfer, [2]Stephan Ripke, [3]Andrew McQuillin, [4]James Boocock, [5]Eli A Stahl, [6]Jennifer M Whitehead Pavlides, [7]Niamh Mullins, [8]Alexander W Charney, [9]Anil P S Ori, [10]Loes M Olde Loohuis, ..., [421]Peter R Schofield, [422]Nicholas J Schork, [423]Sibylle G Schwab, [424]Edward M Scolnick, [425]Laura J Scott, ... [Full author list]DOI: 10.1101/173435 [ORCID]
2017-08-08Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Apoptotic engulfment pathway and schizophrenia[1]Xiangning Chen, [2]Cuie Sun, [3]Qi Chen, [4]F Anthony O'Neill, [5]Dermot Walsh, [6]Ayman H Fanous, [7]Kodavali V Chowdari, [8]Vishwajit L Nimgaonkar, [9]Adrian Scott, [10]Sibylle G Schwab, [11]Dieter B Wildenauer, [12]Ronglin Che, [13]Wei Tang, [14]Yongyong Shi, [15]Lin He, [16]Xiong-Jian Luo, [17]Bing Su, [18]Todd L. Edwards, [19]Zhongming Zhao, [20]Kenneth Kendler [Full author list]PLOS One [missing]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0006875 [ORCID]
PubMed: 19721717 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]; apoptotic process [missing]2009-09-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Haplotypes spanning SPEC2, PDZ-GEF2 and ACSL6 genes are associated with schizophrenia[1]Xiangning Chen, [2]Xu Wang, [3]Shaon Hossain, [4]F Anthony O'Neill, [5]Dermot Walsh, [6]Lora Pless, [7]Kodavali V Chowdari, [8]Vishwajit L Nimgaonkar, [9]Sibylle G Schwab, [10]Dieter B Wildenauer, [11]Patrick F. Sullivan, [12]Edwin van den Oord, [13]Kenneth Kendler [Full author list]Human Molecular Genetics [missing]DOI: 10.1093/HMG/DDL409 [ORCID]
PubMed: 17030554 [ORCID]
schizophrenia [missing]2006-11-15Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Genome scan meta-analysis of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, part II: Schizophrenia[1]Cathryn Lewis, [2]Douglas F Levinson, [3]Lesley H Wise, [4]Lynn E DeLisi, [5]Richard E Straub, [6]Iiris Hovatta, [7]Nigel M Williams, [8]Sibylle G Schwab, [9]Ann E Pulver, [10]Stephen Faraone, ... [Full author list]American Journal of Human Genetics [missing]DOI: 10.1086/376549 [ORCID]
PubMed: 12802786 [ORCID]
genome [missing]; schizophrenia [missing]; bipolar disorder [missing]; meta-analysis [missing]2003-07-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)


Matched potential author: Sibylle G Schwab - author of 12 items
TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished DateMatch?
Severe childhood and adulthood stress associates with neocortical layer-specific reductions of mature spines in psychiatric disorders[1]Dominic Kaul, [2]Caine C Smith, [3]Julia Stevens, [4]Anna S Fröhlich, [5]Elisabeth Binder, [6]Naguib Mechawar, [7]Sibylle G Schwab, [8]Natalie Matosin [Full author list]Neurobiology of stress [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.YNSTR.2020.100270 [ORCID]
PubMed: 33344723 [ORCID]
2020-11-21Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Dissecting the molecular biology of schizophrenia: A call for emphasising genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity: commentary on Torrey and Yolken (this issue)[1]Sibylle G Schwab [Full author list]Psychiatry Research [missing]DOI: 10.1016/J.PSYCHRES.2019.06.005 [ORCID]
PubMed: 31200949 [ORCID]
molecular biology [missing]; schizophrenia [missing]; phenotypic heterogeneity [missing]2019-06-04
High-resolution SNP scan of chromosome 6p21 in pooled samples from patients with complex diseases[1]Nicole Herbon, [2]Monika Werner, [3]Christine Braig, [4]Henning Gohlke, [5]Gaby Dütsch, [6]Thomas Illig, [7]Janine Altmüller, [8]Janine Altmüller, [9]Annette Lantermann, [10]Stefan Schreiber, [11]Ezio Bonifacio, [12]Annette Ziegler, [13]Sibylle Schwab, [14]Dieter Wildenauer, [15]Dirk van den Boom, [16]Andreas Braun, [17]Michael Knapp, [18]Peter Reitmeir, [19]Matthias Wjst, [8-Q30348904]Jochen Hampe [Full author list]Genomics [missing]DOI: 10.1016/S0888-7543(02)00035-6 [ORCID]
PubMed: 12706109 [ORCID]
2003-05-01Sibylle G Schwab (Q91330215; 12 items)
Lack of association of alpha-1 antichymotrypsin gene polymorphism with PR3-ANCA and MPO-ANCA associated vasculitis[1]Stefan Borgmann, [2]Marion Haubitz, [3]Sibylle G Schwab [Full author list]Autoimmunity [missing]DOI: 10.1080/0891693021000038712 [ORCID]
PubMed: 12685871 [ORCID]

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Sibylle G Schwabresearcher (ORCID 0000-0002-9370-9080)12ORCID: 0000-0002-9370-9080
University of Wollongong [missing]
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