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Fulvio Reggiori

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Listed Publications

135 publications found

TitleAuthors (identified)Published InIdentifier(s)TopicPublished Date
Spatial control of avidity regulates initiation and progression of selective autophagy[1]David Maria Hollenstein, [2]Mariya Licheva, [3]Nicole Konradi, [4]David Schweida, [5]Hector Mancilla, [6]Muriel Mari, [7]Fulvio Reggiori, [8]Claudine Kraft [Full author list]Nature Communications [curation]DOI: 10.1038/S41467-021-27420-3
PubMed: 34893607
Post-transcriptional regulation of ATG1 is a critical node that modulates autophagy during distinct nutrient stresses[1]Vikramjit Lahiri, [2]Shree Padma Metur, [3]Zehan Hu, [4]Xinxin Song, [5]Muriel Mari, [6]Wayne D. Hawkins, [7]Janakraj Bhattarai, [8]Elizabeth Delorme-Axford, [9]Fulvio Reggiori, [10]Daolin Tang, [11]Jörn Dengjel, [12]Daniel J. Klionsky [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2021.1997305
ATG9A protects the plasma membrane from programmed and incidental permeabilization[1]Aurore Claude-Taupin, [2]Jingyue Jia, [3]Zambarlal Bhujabal, [4]Meriem Garfa-Traoré, [5]Suresh Kumar, [6]Gustavo Peixoto Duarte da Silva, [7]Ruheena Javed, [8]Yuexi Gu, [9]Lee Allers, [10]Ryan Peters, ..., [21]Muriel C Mari, [22]Terje Johansen, [23]Fulvio Reggiori, [24]Vojo Deretic [Full author list]Nature Cell Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1038/S41556-021-00706-W
PubMed: 34257406
Autophagy induction during stem cell activation plays a key role in salivary gland self-renewal[1]Idil Orhon, [2]Cecilia Rocchi, [3]Beatriz Villarejo-Zori, [4]Paola Serrano Martinez, [5]Mirjam Baanstra, [6]Uilke Brouwer, [7]Patricia Boya, [8]Robert P. Coppes, [9]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2021.1924036
PubMed: 34009100
Function of the SNARE Ykt6 on autophagosomes requires the Dsl1 complex and the Atg1 kinase complex[1]Jieqiong Gao, [2]Rainer Kurre, [3]Jaqueline Rose, [4]Stefan Walter, [5]Florian Fröhlich, [6]Jacob Piehler, [7]Fulvio Reggiori, [8]Christian Ungermann [Full author list]EMBO Reports [curation]DOI: 10.15252/EMBR.202050733
PubMed: 33025734
Hydroxychloroquine in rheumatic autoimmune disorders and beyond[1]Eliise Laura Nirk, [2]Fulvio Reggiori, [3]Mario Mauthe [Full author list]EMBO Molecular Medicine [curation]DOI: 10.15252/EMMM.202012476
PubMed: 32715647
Vps13 is required for the packaging of the ER into autophagosomes during ER-phagy[1]Shuliang Chen, [2]Muriel Mari, [3]Smriti Parashar, [4]Dongmei Liu, [5]Yixian Cui, [6]Fulvio Reggiori, [7]Peter J Novick, [8]Susan Ferro-Novick [Full author list]Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [curation]DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.2008923117
PubMed: 32690699
MERIT, a cellular system coordinating lysosomal repair, removal and replacement[1]Jingyue Jia, [2]Aurore Claude-Taupin, [3]Yuexi Gu, [4]Seong Won Choi, [5]Ryan Peters, [6]Bhawana Bissa, [7]Michal H Mudd, [8]Lee Allers, [9]Sandeep Pallikkuth, [10]Keith A Lidke, [11]Michelle Salemi, [12]Brett S. Phinney, [13]Muriel Mari, [14]Fulvio Reggiori, [15]Vojo Deretic [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2020.1779451
PubMed: 32521192
Manipulation of selective macroautophagy by pathogens at a glance[1]Yingying Cong, [2]Nilima Dinesh Kumar, [3]Mario Mauthe, [4]Pauline Verlhac, [5]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Journal of Cell Science [curation]DOI: 10.1242/JCS.240440
PubMed: 32461337
Nucleocapsid Protein Recruitment to Replication-Transcription Complexes Plays a Crucial Role in Coronaviral Life Cycle[1]Yingying Cong, [2]Mustafa Ulasli, [3]Hein Schepers, [4]Mario Mauthe, [5]Philip V'kovski, [6]Franziska Kriegenburg, [7]Volker Thiel, [8]Cornelis A. M. de Haan, [9]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Journal of Virology [curation]DOI: 10.1128/JVI.01925-19
PubMed: 31776274
molecular biology [curation]; Nucleocapsid N protein [curation]; Murine coronavirus inf-MHV-A59 [curation]2020-01-31
Galectin-3 Coordinates a Cellular System for Lysosomal Repair and Removal[1]Jingyue Jia, [2]Aurore Claude-Taupin, [3]Yuexi Gu, [4]Seong Won Choi, [5]Ryan Peters, [6]Bhawana Bissa, [7]Michal H Mudd, [8]Lee Allers, [9]Sandeep Pallikkuth, [10]Keith A Lidke, [11]Michelle Salemi, [12]Brett S. Phinney, [13]Muriel Mari, [14]Fulvio Reggiori, [15]Vojo Deretic [Full author list]Developmental Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.DEVCEL.2019.10.025
PubMed: 31813797
Vac8 spatially confines autophagosome formation at the vacuole in S. cerevisiae[1]David Maria Hollenstein, [2]Rubén Gómez-Sánchez, [3]Akif Ciftci, [4]Franziska Kriegenburg, [5]Muriel Mari, [6]Raffaela Torggler, [7]Mariya Licheva, [8]Fulvio Reggiori, [9]Claudine Kraft [Full author list]Journal of Cell Science [curation]DOI: 10.1242/JCS.235002
PubMed: 31649143
vacuole [curation]; Protein anchor VAC8 YEL013W [curation]2019-11-14
Autophagy, Inflammation, and Metabolism (AIM) Center in its second year[1]Vojo Deretic, [2]Eric Prossnitz, [3]Mark Burge, [4]Matthew J Campen, [5]Judy Cannon, [6]Ke Jian Liu, [7]Meilian Liu, [8]Pamela Hall, [9]Larry A Sklar, [10]Lee Allers, ..., [30]Noboru Mizushima, [31]Christian Münz, [32]Fulvio Reggiori, [33]David Rubinsztein, [34]Kevin Ryan, ... [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2019.1634444
PubMed: 31234750
autophagy [curation]2019-07-15
Role of autophagy during the replication and pathogenesis of common mosquito-borne flavi- and alphaviruses[1]Liliana Echavarria-Consuegra, [2]Jolanda M Smit, [3]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Open Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1098/RSOB.190009
PubMed: 30862253
Culicidae [curation]; West Nile virus [curation]; autophagy [curation]; Dengue virus [curation]; arbovirus [curation]; Alphavirus [curation]; Flavivirus [curation]; viral genome replication [curation]; mosquito vector [curation]2019-03-29
Probing aggrephagy using chemically-induced protein aggregates[1]Anne F J Janssen, [2]Eugene A Katrukha, [3]Wendy van Straaten, [4]Pauline Verlhac, [5]Fulvio Reggiori, [6]Lukas C Kapitein [Full author list]Nature Communications [curation]DOI: 10.1038/S41467-018-06674-4
PubMed: 30315152
general chemistry [curation]2018-10-12
A novel in vitro assay reveals SNARE topology and the role of Ykt6 in autophagosome fusion with vacuoles[1]Jieqiong Gao, [2]Fulvio Reggiori, [3]Christian Ungermann [Full author list]Journal of Cell Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1083/JCB.201804039
PubMed: 30097515
cell biology [curation]; vacuole [curation]2018-08-10
Sorting the trash: Micronucleophagy gets selective[1]Pauline Verlhac, [2]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Journal of Cell Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1083/JCB.201806127
PubMed: 30006460
cell biology [curation]2018-08-06
Atg9 establishes Atg2-dependent contact sites between the endoplasmic reticulum and phagophores[1]Rubén Gómez-Sánchez, [2]Jaqueline Rose, [3]Rodrigo Guimarães, [4]Muriel Mari, [5]Daniel Papinski, [6]Ester Rieter, [7]Willie Geerts, [8]Ralph Hardenberg, [9]Claudine Kraft, [10]Christian Ungermann, [11]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Journal of Cell Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1083/JCB.201710116
PubMed: 29848619
endoplasmic reticulum [curation]2018-05-30
Autophagy, Inflammation, and Metabolism (AIM) Center of Biomedical Research Excellence: supporting the next generation of autophagy researchers and fostering international collaborations[1]Vojo Deretic, [2]Eric R Prossnitz, [3]Mark Burge, [4]Matthew J Campen, [5]Judy L Cannon, [6]Ke Jian Liu, [7]Larry Sklar, [8]Lee Allers, [9]Sally Ann Garcia, [10]Eric H Baehrecke, ..., [28]Mizushima Noboru, [29]Christian Münz, [30]Fulvio Reggiori, [31]David Rubinsztein, [32]Kevin M Ryan, ... [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2018.1465784
PubMed: 29938597
cell biology [curation]; molecular biology [curation]; autophagy [curation]; collaboration [curation]2018-01-01
Identification of seipin-linked factors that act as determinants of a lipid droplet subpopulation[1]Michal Eisenberg-Bord, [2]Muriel Mari, [3]Uri Weill, [4]Eden Rosenfeld-Gur, [5]Ofer Moldavski, [6]Inês G Castro, [7]Krishnakant G Soni, [8]Nofar Harpaz, [9]Timothy P Levine, [10]Anthony H. Futerman, [11]Fulvio Reggiori, [12]Vytas A Bankaitis, [13]Maya Schuldiner, [14]Maria Bohnert [Full author list]Journal of Cell Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1083/JCB.201704122
PubMed: 29187527
Phosphatidylinositol transporter YNL231C [curation]2017-11-29
Ultrastructural Characterization of Membrane Rearrangements Induced by Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Infection[1]Xingdong Zhou, [2]Yingying Cong, [3]Tineke Veenendaal, [4]Judith Klumperman, [5]Dongfang Shi, [6]Muriel Mari, [7]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Viruses [curation]DOI: 10.3390/V9090251
PubMed: 28872588
diarrhea [curation]; porcine epidemic diarrhea virus [curation]2017-09-05
Atg4 proteolytic activity can be inhibited by Atg1 phosphorylation[1]Jana Sánchez-Wandelmer, [2]Franziska Kriegenburg, [3]Sabrina Rohringer, [4]Martina Schuschnig, [5]Rubén Gómez-Sánchez, [6]Bettina Zens, [7]Susana Abreu, [8]Ralph Hardenberg, [9]David Maria Hollenstein, [10]Jieqiong Gao, [11]Christian Ungermann, [12]Sascha Martens, [13]Claudine Kraft, [14]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Nature Communications [curation]DOI: 10.1038/S41467-017-00302-3
PubMed: 28821724
proteolysis [curation]; phosphorylation [curation]2017-08-18
Coronavirus nucleocapsid proteins assemble constitutively in high molecular oligomers[1]Yingying Cong, [2]Franziska Kriegenburg, [3]Cornelis A. M. de Haan, [4]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Scientific Reports [curation]DOI: 10.1038/S41598-017-06062-W
PubMed: 28720894
viral nucleocapsid [curation]2017-07-18
The Interaction between Nidovirales and Autophagy Components[1]Yingying Cong, [2]Pauline Verlhac, [3]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Viruses [curation]DOI: 10.3390/V9070182
PubMed: 28696396
virus [curation]; autophagy [curation]; viral genome replication [curation]; host microbial interaction [curation]2017-07-11
Assays to Monitor Autophagy Progression in Cell Cultures[1]Idil Orhon, [1-Q86437470]Idil Orhon, [2]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Cells [curation]DOI: 10.3390/CELLS6030020
PubMed: 28686195
autophagy [curation]2017-07-07
Full length RTN3 regulates turnover of tubular endoplasmic reticulum via selective autophagy[1]Paolo Grumati, [2]Giulio Morozzi, [3]Soraya Hölper, [4]Muriel Mari, [5]Marie-Lena Ie Harwardt, [6]Riqiang Yan, [7]Stefan Müller, [8]Fulvio Reggiori, [9]Mike Heilemann, [10]Ivan Đikić [Full author list]eLife [curation]DOI: 10.7554/ELIFE.25555
PubMed: 28617241
endoplasmic reticulum [curation]; autophagy [curation]2017-06-15
Molecular definitions of autophagy and related processes[1]Lorenzo Galluzzi, [2]Eric H Baehrecke, [3]Andrea Ballabio, [4]Patricia Boya, [5]José Manuel Bravo-San Pedro, [6]Francesco Cecconi, [7]Augustine M K Choi, [8]Charleen T. Chu, [9]Patrice Codogno, [10]Maria Isabel Colombo, ..., [38]Josef Penninger, [39]Mauro Piacentini, [40]Fulvio Reggiori, [41]David C. Rubinsztein, [42]Kevin M Ryan, ... [Full author list]The EMBO Journal [curation]DOI: 10.15252/EMBJ.201796697
PubMed: 28596378
autophagy [curation]; process utilizing autophagic mechanism [curation]2017-06-08
LIR and APEAR, two distinct Atg8-binding features within Atg4.[1]Franziska Kriegenburg, [2]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Oncotarget [curation]DOI: 10.18632/ONCOTARGET.17697
PubMed: 29137209
Conserved Atg8 recognition sites mediate Atg4 association with autophagosomal membranes and Atg8 deconjugation[1]Susana Abreu, [2]Franziska Kriegenburg, [3]Rubén Gómez-Sánchez, [4]Muriel Mari, [5]Jana Sánchez-Wandelmer, [6]Mads Skytte Rasmussen, [7]Rodrigo Soares Guimarães, [8]Bettina Zens, [9]Martina Schuschnig, [10]Ralph Hardenberg, [11]Matthias Peter, [12]Terje Johansen, [13]Claudine Kraft, [14]Sascha Martens, [15]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]EMBO Reports [curation]DOI: 10.15252/EMBR.201643146
PubMed: 28330855
Progressive Motor Deficit is Mediated by the Denervation of Neuromuscular Junctions and Axonal Degeneration in Transgenic Mice Expressing Mutant (P301S) Tau Protein.[1]Zhuoran Yin, [2]Femke Valkenburg, [3]Betty E Hornix, [4]Ietje Mantingh-Otter, [5]Xingdong Zhou, [6]Muriel Mari, [7]Fulvio Reggiori, [8]Debby Van Dam, [9]Bart J L Eggen, [10]Peter P De Deyn, [11]Erik Boddeke [Full author list]Journal of Alzheimer's Disease [curation]DOI: 10.3233/JAD-161206
PubMed: 28222529
neuromuscular junction [curation]2017-02-10
Autophagosome Maturation and Fusion[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Christian Ungermann [Full author list]Journal of Molecular Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.JMB.2017.01.002
PubMed: 28077293
autophagosome [curation]; autophagosome maturation [curation]; autophagosome-lysosome fusion [curation]2017-01-08
Using microbes as a key tool to unravel the mechanism of autophagy and the functions of the ATG proteins.[1]Mario Mauthe, [2]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Microbial cell (Graz, Austria) [curation]DOI: 10.15698/MIC2017.01.550
PubMed: 28357383
autophagy [curation]2016-12-30
Monitoring the Formation of Autophagosomal Precursor Structures in Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae[1]Rubén Gómez-Sánchez, [2]J Sánchez-Wandelmer, [3]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Methods in Enzymology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/BS.MIE.2016.09.085
PubMed: 28237109
Saccharomyces cerevisiae [curation]2016-11-21
An evidence based hypothesis on the existence of two pathways of mitochondrial crista formation[1]Max E Harner, [2]Ann-Katrin Unger, [3]Willie Geerts, [4]Muriel Mari, [5]Toshiaki Izawa, [6]Maria Stenger, [7]Stefan Geimer, [8]Fulvio Reggiori, [9]Benedikt Westermann, [10]Walter Neupert [Full author list]eLife [curation]DOI: 10.7554/ELIFE.18853
PubMed: 27849155
mitochondrion [curation]2016-11-16
ATG proteins: Are we always looking at autophagy?[1]Mario Mauthe, [2]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2016.1236878
PubMed: 27662039
autophagy [curation]2016-09-23
An siRNA screen for ATG protein depletion reveals the extent of the unconventional functions of the autophagy proteome in virus replication[1]Mario Mauthe, [2]Martijn Langereis, [3]Jennifer Jung, [4]Xingdong Zhou, [5]Alex Jones, [6]Wienand Omta, [7]Sharon Tooze, [8]Björn Stork, [9]Søren Riis Paludan, [10]Tero Ahola, [11]Dave Egan, [12]Christian Behrends, [13]Michal Mokry, [14]Michal Mokry, [15]Cornelis A. M. de Haan, [16]Frank J. M. van Kuppeveld, [17]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Journal of Cell Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1083/JCB.201602046
PubMed: 27573464
autophagy [curation]2016-08-01
Genetic Coding Variant in GPR65 Alters Lysosomal pH and Links Lysosomal Dysfunction with Colitis Risk[1]Kara G Lassen, [2]Craig I McKenzie, [3]Muriel Mari, [4]Tatsuro Murano, [5]Jakob Begun, [6]Leigh A. Baxt, [7]Gautam Goel, [8]Eduardo J Villablanca, [9]Szu-Yu Kuo, [10]Hailiang Huang, [11]Laurence Macia, [12]Atul K Bhan, [13]Marcel Batten, [14]Mark Joseph Daly, [15]Fulvio Reggiori, [16]Charles R. Mackay, [17]Ramnik J Xavier [Full author list]Immunity [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.IMMUNI.2016.05.007
PubMed: 27287411
colitis [curation]2016-06-06
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition)[1]Daniel J. Klionsky, [2]Kotb Abdelmohsen, [3]Akihisa Abe, [4]Md Joynal Abedin, [5]Hagai Abeliovich, [6]Abraham Acevedo-Arozena, [7]Hiroaki Adachi, [8]Christopher M Adams, [9]Peter D Adams, [10]Khosrow Adeli, ..., [1729]Babak Razani, [1730]Bruce H Reed, [1731]Fulvio Reggiori, [1732]Markus Rehm, [1733]Andreas S Reichert, ... [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356
PubMed: 26799652
cell biology [curation]; autophagy [curation]2016-01-02
TRANSAUTOPHAGY: European network for multidisciplinary research and translation of autophagy knowledge[1]Caty Casas, [2]Patrice Codogno, [3]Marcello Pinti, [4]Henri Batoko, [5]María Morán, [6]Tassula Proikas-Cezanne, [7]Fulvio Reggiori, [8]Agnieszka Sirko, [9]Marisol Soengas, [10]Guillermo Velasco, [11]Frank Lafont, [12]Jon Lane, [13]Mathias Faure, [14]Andrea Cossarizza [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2016.1140294
PubMed: 27046256
autophagy [curation]2016-01-01
Electron microscopy for ultrastructural analysis and protein localization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae[1]Andri Frankl, [2]Muriel Mari, [3]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Microbial cell (Graz, Austria) [curation]DOI: 10.15698/MIC2015.11.237
PubMed: 28357267
Saccharomyces cerevisiae [curation]2015-10-12
Lipid partitioning at the nuclear envelope controls membrane biogenesis[1]Antonio Daniel Barbosa, [2]Hiroshi Sembongi, [3]Wen-Min Su, [4]Susana Abreu, [5]Fulvio Reggiori, [6]George M Carman, [7]Symeon Siniossoglou, [7-Q52277252]Symeon Siniossoglou [Full author list]Molecular Biology of the Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1091/MBC.E15-03-0173
PubMed: 26269581
Lipid droplets and their component triglycerides and steryl esters regulate autophagosome biogenesis[1]Tomer Shpilka, [2]Evelyn Welter, [3]Noam Borovsky, [4]Nira Amar, [5]Muriel Mari, [6]Fulvio Reggiori, [7]Zvulun Elazar [Full author list]The EMBO Journal [curation]DOI: 10.15252/EMBJ.201490315
PubMed: 26162625
triglyceride [curation]; autophagosome [curation]2015-07-10
Regulation of endoplasmic reticulum turnover by selective autophagy[1]Aliaksandr Khaminets, [2]Theresa Heinrich, [3]Muriel Mari, [4]Paolo Grumati, [5]Antje K Huebner, [6]Masato Akutsu, [7]Lutz Liebmann, [8]Alexandra Stolz, [9]Sandor Nietzsche, [10]Nicole Koch, [11]Mario Mauthe, [12]Istvan Katona, [13]Britta Qualmann, [14]Joachim Weis, [15]Fulvio Reggiori, [16]Ingo Kurth, [17]Christian A. Hübner, [18]Ivan Đikić [Full author list]Nature [curation]DOI: 10.1038/NATURE14498
PubMed: 26040720
endoplasmic reticulum [curation]; autophagy [curation]; reticulophagy [curation]; Reticulophagy regulator 1 [curation]; Reticulophagy regulator 1 [curation]2015-06-18
The I-BAR protein Ivy1 is an effector of the Rab7 GTPase Ypt7 involved in vacuole membrane homeostasis[1]Johannes Numrich, [2]Marie-Pierre Péli-Gulli, [3]Henning Arlt, [4]Alessandro Sardu, [5]Janice Griffith, [6]Timothy P Levine, [7]Siegfried Engelbrecht-Vandré, [8]Fulvio Reggiori, [9]Claudio De Virgilio, [10]Christian Ungermann [Full author list]Journal of Cell Science [curation]DOI: 10.1242/JCS.164905
PubMed: 25999476
vacuole [curation]2015-05-21
Assessing the progression of autophagy pathways in different organisms and tissues[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Patrice Codogno [Full author list]Methods [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.YMETH.2015.02.014
PubMed: 25747287
molecular biology [curation]; autophagy [curation]2015-03-01
ERES: sites for autophagosome biogenesis and maturation?[1]Jana Sánchez-Wandelmer, [2]Nicholas T Ktistakis, [3]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Journal of Cell Science [curation]DOI: 10.1242/JCS.158758
PubMed: 25568152
autophagosome [curation]2015-01-01
Intrinsically disordered linker and plasma membrane-binding motif sort Ist2 and Ssy1 to junctions[1]Annemarie Kralt, [2]Marco Carretta, [3]Muriel Mari, [4]Fulvio Reggiori, [5]Anton Steen, [6]Bert Poolman, [7]Liesbeth M Veenhoff [Full author list]Traffic [curation]DOI: 10.1111/TRA.12243
PubMed: 25409870
Autophagy competes for a common phosphatidylethanolamine pool with major cellular PE-consuming pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae[1]Caroline Wilson-Zbinden, [2]Aline Xavier da Silveira dos Santos, [3]Ingrid Stoffel-Studer, [4]Aniek van der Vaart, [5]Kay Hofmann, [6]Fulvio Reggiori, [7]Howard Riezman, [8]Claudine Kraft, [9]Matthias Peter [Full author list]Genetics [curation]DOI: 10.1534/GENETICS.114.169797
PubMed: 25519895
autophagy [curation]; Saccharomyces cerevisiae [curation]2014-12-17
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: an overview of methods to study autophagy progression[1]Elizabeth Delorme-Axford, [2]Rodrigo Soares Guimaraes, [3]Fulvio Reggiori, [4]Daniel J. Klionsky [Full author list]Methods [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.YMETH.2014.12.008
PubMed: 25526918
autophagy [curation]; Saccharomyces cerevisiae [curation]2014-12-16
Retromer and the dynamin Vps1 cooperate in the retrieval of transmembrane proteins from vacuoles[1]Henning Arlt, [2]Fulvio Reggiori, [3]Christian Ungermann [Full author list]Journal of Cell Science [curation]DOI: 10.1242/JCS.132720
PubMed: 25512334
vacuole [curation]; transmembrane protein [curation]2014-12-15
Assays for the biochemical and ultrastructural measurement of selective and nonselective types of autophagy in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae[1]Rodrigo Soares Guimaraes, [2]Elizabeth Delorme-Axford, [3]Daniel J. Klionsky, [4]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Methods [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.YMETH.2014.11.023
PubMed: 25484341
autophagy [curation]; Saccharomyces cerevisiae [curation]2014-12-05
Immuno- and correlative light microscopy-electron tomography methods for 3D protein localization in yeast[1]Muriel Mari, [2]Willie Geerts, [3]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Traffic [curation]DOI: 10.1111/TRA.12192
PubMed: 25040403
tomography [curation]2014-08-11
Cellular metabolism regulates contact sites between vacuoles and mitochondria[1]Carina Hönscher, [2]Muriel Mari, [3]Kathrin Auffarth, [4]Maria Bohnert, [5]Janice Griffith, [6]Willie Geerts, [7]Martin van der Laan, [8]Margarita Cabrera, [9]Fulvio Reggiori, [10]Christian Ungermann [Full author list]Developmental Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.DEVCEL.2014.06.006
PubMed: 25026035
mitochondrion [curation]; vacuole [curation]; vacuole-mitochondrion membrane contact site [curation]; Rab family GTPase YPT7 YML001W [curation]; Vam6p YDL077C [curation]2014-07-14
Nanogold labeling of the yeast endosomal system for ultrastructural analyses[1]Muriel Mari, [2]Janice Griffith, [3]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Journal of Visualized Experiments [curation]DOI: 10.3791/51752
PubMed: 25046212
Membrane rearrangements mediated by coronavirus nonstructural proteins 3 and 4.[1]Marne C Hagemeijer, [2]Iryna Monastyrska, [3]Janice Griffith, [4]Peter van der Sluijs, [5]Jarno Voortman, [6]Paul M van Bergen en Henegouwen, [7]Annelotte M Vonk, [8]Peter J M Rottier, [9]Fulvio Reggiori, [10]Cornelis A. M. de Haan [Full author list]Virology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.VIROL.2014.04.027
PubMed: 24928045
Aim24 and MICOS modulate respiratory function, tafazzin-related cardiolipin modification and mitochondrial architecture[1]Max Emanuel Harner, [2]Ann-Katrin Unger, [3]Toshiaki Izawa, [4]Dirk M Walther, [5]Cagakan Ozbalci, [6]Stefan Geimer, [7]Fulvio Reggiori, [8]Britta Brügger, [9]Matthias Mann, [10]Benedikt Westermann, [11]Walter Neupert [Full author list]eLife [curation]DOI: 10.7554/ELIFE.01684
PubMed: 24714493
mitochondrion [curation]; Aim24p YJR080C [curation]2014-01-01
A neurotoxic glycerophosphocholine impacts PtdIns-4, 5-bisphosphate and TORC2 signaling by altering ceramide biosynthesis in yeast[1]Michael A Kennedy, [2]Kenneth Gable, [3]Karolina Niewola-Staszkowska, [4]Susana Abreu, [5]Anne Johnston, [6]Linda J Harris, [7]Fulvio Reggiori, [8]Robbie Loewith, [9]Teresa Dunn, [10]Steffany A L Bennett, [11]Kristin Baetz [Full author list]PLOS Genetics [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PGEN.1004010
PubMed: 24465216
ceramides [curation]; neurotoxicity [curation]2014-01-01
Amphisomes: out of the autophagosome shadow?[1]Jana Sanchez-Wandelmer, [1-Q83809253]Jana Sánchez-Wandelmer, [2]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]The EMBO Journal [curation]DOI: 10.1038/EMBOJ.2013.246
PubMed: 24219988
autophagosome [curation]; autophagosome-endosome fusion [curation]; amphisome-lysosome fusion [curation]2013-11-12
Hidden behind autophagy: the unconventional roles of ATG proteins[1]Jovanka Bestebroer, [2]Philip V'kovski, [3]Mario Mauthe, [4]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Traffic [curation]DOI: 10.1111/TRA.12091
PubMed: 23837619
autophagy [curation]2013-07-30
Emerging regulation and functions of autophagy[1]Patricia Boya, [2]Fulvio Reggiori, [3]Patrice Codogno [Full author list]Nature Cell Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1038/NCB2788
PubMed: 23817233
autophagy [curation]2013-07-01
Autophagic processes in yeast: mechanism, machinery and regulation[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Daniel J. Klionsky [Full author list]Genetics [curation]DOI: 10.1534/GENETICS.112.149013
PubMed: 23733851
autophagy [curation]2013-06-01
Regulation of lipid droplet and membrane biogenesis by the acidic tail of the phosphatidate phosphatase Pah1p[1]Eleftherios Karanasios, [2]Antonio Daniel Barbosa, [3]Hiroshi Sembongi, [4]Muriel Mari, [5]Gil-Soo Han, [6]Fulvio Reggiori, [7]George M Carman, [8]Symeon Siniossoglou, [8-Q52277252]Symeon Siniossoglou [Full author list]Molecular Biology of the Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1091/MBC.E13-01-0021
PubMed: 23657815
Functional separation of endosomal fusion factors and the class C core vacuole/endosome tethering (CORVET) complex in endosome biogenesis[1]Margarita Cabrera, [2]Henning Arlt, [3]Nadine Epp, [4]Jens Lachmann, [5]Janice Griffith, [6]Angela Perz, [7]Fulvio Reggiori, [8]Christian Ungermann [Full author list]Journal of Biological Chemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1074/JBC.M112.431536
PubMed: 23264632
cell biology [curation]; vacuole [curation]; Rab family GTPase YPT52 YKR014C [curation]; Rab family GTPase VPS21 YOR089C [curation]; Guanine nucleotide exchange factor VPS9 YML097C [curation]; Guanine nucleotide exchange factor MUK1 YPL070W [curation]2013-02-15
Atg18 function in autophagy is regulated by specific sites within its β-propeller[1]Ester Rieter, [2]Fabian Vinke, [3]Daniela Bakula, [4]Eduardo Cebollero, [5]Christian Ungermann, [6]Tassula Proikas-Cezanne, [7]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Journal of Cell Science [curation]DOI: 10.1242/JCS.115725
PubMed: 23230146
autophagy [curation]; Phosphoinositide binding protein ATG18 YFR021W [curation]; Atg2p YNL242W [curation]; ATG2-ATG18 complex [curation]2013-01-15
Autophagy: New Questions from Recent Answers[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [1-Q28320691]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Fulvio Reggiori, [2-Q28320691]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]ISRN molecular biology [curation]DOI: 10.5402/2012/738718
PubMed: 27335669
autophagy [curation]2012-12-30
A Dimer to Bridge Early Autophagosomal Membranes[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Christian Ungermann [Full author list]Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.CELL.2012.12.008
PubMed: 23260133
An autophagy-independent role for LC3 in equine arteritis virus replication[1]Iryna Monastyrska, [2]Mustafa Ulasli, [3]Peter J M Rottier, [4]Jun-Lin Guan, [5]Fulvio Reggiori, [6]Cornelis A. M. de Haan [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.4161/AUTO.22743
PubMed: 23182945
autophagy [curation]2012-11-26
Understanding phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate dynamics during autophagosome biogenesis[1]Eduardo Cebollero, [2]Aniek van der Vaart, [3]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.4161/AUTO.22162
PubMed: 22992453
autophagosome [curation]2012-09-19
Selective types of autophagy[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Masaaki Komatsu, [3]Kim Finley, [4]Anne Simonsen [Full author list]International Journal of Cell Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1155/2012/156272
PubMed: 22956958
autophagy [curation]2012-08-21
Phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate clearance plays a key role in autophagosome completion[1]Eduardo Cebollero, [2]Aniek van der Vaart, [3]Mantong Zhao, [4]Ester Rieter, [5]Daniel J. Klionsky, [6]J Bernd Helms, [7]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Current Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.CUB.2012.06.029
PubMed: 22771041
autophagosome [curation]2012-07-05
Autophagy regulation through Atg9 traffic[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Sharon Tooze [Full author list]Journal of Cell Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1083/JCB.201206119
PubMed: 22826119
autophagy [curation]2012-07-01
Up for grabs; trashing peroxisomes[1]Adabella van der Zand, [2]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]The EMBO Journal [curation]DOI: 10.1038/EMBOJ.2012.152
PubMed: 22643221
Role of the SEL1L:LC3-I complex as an ERAD tuning receptor in the mammalian ER.[1]Riccardo Bernasconi, [2]Carmela Galli, [3]Julia Noack, [4]Siro Bianchi, [5]Cornelis A. M. de Haan, [6]Fulvio Reggiori, [7]Maurizio Molinari [Full author list]Molecular Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.MOLCEL.2012.04.017
PubMed: 22633958
Autophagy: more than a nonselective pathway[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Masaaki Komatsu, [3]Kim Finley, [4]Anne Simonsen [Full author list]International Journal of Cell Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1155/2012/219625
PubMed: 22666256
autophagy [curation]2012-05-15
A role for Atg8-PE deconjugation in autophagosome biogenesis[1]Usha Nair, [2]Wei-Lien Yen, [3]Muriel Mari, [4]Yang Cao, [5]Zhiping Xie, [6]Misuzu Baba, [7]Fulvio Reggiori, [8]Daniel J. Klionsky [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.4161/AUTO.19385
PubMed: 22622160
cell biology [curation]; autophagosome [curation]2012-05-01
A dual role for K63-linked ubiquitin chains in multivesicular body biogenesis and cargo sorting[1]Zoi Erpapazoglou, [2]Manel Dhaoui, [3]Marina Pantazopoulou, [4]Francesca Giordano, [4-Q63362157]Francesca Giordano, [5]Muriel Mari, [6]Sébastien Léon, [7]Graça Raposo, [8]Fulvio Reggiori, [9]Rosine Haguenauer-Tsapis [Full author list]Molecular Biology of the Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1091/MBC.E11-10-0891
PubMed: 22493318
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy[1]Daniel J. Klionsky, ..., [2]Fábio Camargo Abdalla, [3]Hagai Abeliovich, [4]Robert T. Abraham, [5]Abraham Acevedo-Arozena, [6]Khosrow Adeli, [7]Lotta Agholme, [8]Maria Agnello, [9]Patrizia Agostinis, [10]Julio Aguirre-Ghiso, ..., [906]Bruce H Reed, [907]John C. Reed, [908]Fulvio Reggiori, [909]Anne Régnier-Vigouroux, [910]Andreas S Reichert, ... [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.4161/AUTO.19496
PubMed: 22966490
autophagy [curation]; selective autophagy [curation]; process utilizing autophagic mechanism [curation]2012-04-01
Reticulophagy and ribophagy: regulated degradation of protein production factories[1]Eduardo Cebollero, [2]Fulvio Reggiori, [3]Claudine Kraft [Full author list]International Journal of Cell Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1155/2012/182834
PubMed: 22481944
reticulophagy [curation]2012-02-28
Suppression of α-synuclein toxicity and vesicle trafficking defects by phosphorylation at S129 in yeast depends on genetic context[1]Vicente Sancenon, [2]Sue-Ann Lee, [3]Christina Patrick, [4]Janice Griffith, [5]Amy Paulino, [6]Tiago F Outeiro, [7]Fulvio Reggiori, [8]Eliezer Masliah, [9]Paul J Muchowski [Full author list]Human Molecular Genetics [curation]DOI: 10.1093/HMG/DDS058
PubMed: 22357655
phosphorylation [curation]; Synuclein [curation]2012-02-21
The puzzling origin of the autophagosomal membrane[1]Muriel Mari, [2]Sharon Tooze, [3]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]F1000 biology reports [curation]DOI: 10.3410/B3-25
PubMed: 22162728
The mitochondrial contact site complex, a determinant of mitochondrial architecture[1]Max Harner, [2]Christian Körner, [3]Dirk Walther, [4]Dejana Mokranjac, [5]Johannes Kaesmacher, [6]Ulrich Welsch, [7]Janice Griffith, [8]Matthias Mann, [9]Fulvio Reggiori, [10]Walter Neupert [Full author list]The EMBO Journal [curation]DOI: 10.1038/EMBOJ.2011.379
PubMed: 22009199
mitochondrion [curation]; MICOS complex [curation]; mitochondrial crista junction [curation]; mitochondrial inner-outer membrane contact site [curation]; Mic12p YBR262C [curation]; Mic60p YKR016W [curation]; Tom22p YNL131W [curation]; Mic27p YNL100W [curation]; Tom40p YMR203W [curation]; Mic10p YCL057C-A [curation]; Mic19p YFR011C [curation]; Mic26p YGR235C [curation]2011-10-18
Unconventional use of LC3 by coronaviruses through the alleged subversion of the ERAD tuning pathway[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Cornelis A. M. de Haan, [3]Maurizio Molinari [Full author list]Viruses [curation]DOI: 10.3390/V3091610
PubMed: 21994798
virus [curation]; mammal [curation]; cell [curation]; eukaryote [curation]; regulation of gene expression [curation]; viral genome replication [curation]2011-09-05
Seeing is believing: the impact of electron microscopy on autophagy research[1]Eeva-Liisa Eskelinen, [2]Fulvio Reggiori, [3]Misuzu Baba, [4]Attila L Kovács, [5]Per Ottar Seglen [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.4161/AUTO.7.9.15760
PubMed: 21566462
autophagy [curation]; microscopy [curation]2011-09-01
SNARE proteins are required for macroautophagy[1]Usha Nair, [2]Anjali Jotwani, [3]Jiefei Geng, [4]Noor Gammoh, [5]Diana Richerson, [6]Wei-Lien Yen, [7]Janice Griffith, [8]Shanta Nag, [9]Ke Wang, [10]Tyler J Moss, [11]Misuzu Baba, [12]James A McNew, [13]Xuejun Jiang, [14]Fulvio Reggiori, [15]Thomas J Melia, [16]Daniel J. Klionsky [Full author list]Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.CELL.2011.06.022
PubMed: 21784249
Lipid droplets are functionally connected to the endoplasmic reticulum in Saccharomyces cerevisiae[1]Nicolas Jacquier, [2]Vineet Choudhary, [3]Muriel Mari, [4]Alexandre Toulmay, [5]Fulvio Reggiori, [6]Roger Schneiter [Full author list]Journal of Cell Science [curation]DOI: 10.1242/JCS.076836
PubMed: 21693588
endoplasmic reticulum [curation]; Saccharomyces cerevisiae [curation]2011-06-21
Adaptation of the Tokuyasu method for the ultrastructural study and immunogold labelling of filamentous fungi[1]Janice Griffith, [2]Miguel A Penalva, [3]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Journal of Electron Microscopy [curation]DOI: 10.1093/JMICRO/DFR026
PubMed: 21527426
Mobility and interactions of coronavirus nonstructural protein 4.[1]Marne C Hagemeijer, [2]Mustafa Ulasli, [3]Annelotte M Vonk, [4]Fulvio Reggiori, [5]Peter J M Rottier, [6]Cornelis A. M. de Haan [Full author list]Journal of Virology [curation]DOI: 10.1128/JVI.00042-11
PubMed: 21345958
molecular biology [curation]; Coronaviridae [curation]; Murine coronavirus inf-MHV-A59 [curation]2011-02-23
Phosphorylation of a membrane curvature-sensing motif switches function of the HOPS subunit Vps41 in membrane tethering[1]Margarita Cabrera, [2]Lars Langemeyer, [3]Muriel Mari, [4]Ralf Rethmeier, [5]Ioan Orban, [6]Angela Perz, [7]Cornelia Bröcker, [8]Janice Griffith, [9]Daniel Klose, [10]Heinz-Jürgen Steinhoff, [11]Fulvio Reggiori, [12]Siegfried Engelbrecht-Vandré, [13]Christian Ungermann [Full author list]Journal of Cell Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1083/JCB.201004092
PubMed: 21079247
phosphorylation [curation]2010-11-01
Autophagy-independent LC3 function in vesicular traffic.[1]Cornelis A. M. de Haan, [2]Maurizio Molinari, [3]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.4161/AUTO.6.7.13309
PubMed: 20814233
autophagy [curation]2010-10-11
An Atg9-containing compartment that functions in the early steps of autophagosome biogenesis[1]Muriel Mari, [2]Janice Griffith, [3]Ester Rieter, [4]Lakshmi Krishnappa, [5]Daniel J. Klionsky, [6]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Journal of Cell Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1083/JCB.200912089
PubMed: 20855505
autophagosome [curation]2010-09-01
The coronavirus nucleocapsid protein is dynamically associated with the replication-transcription complexes[1]Monique H Verheije, [2]Marne C Hagemeijer, [3]Mustafa Ulasli, [4]Fulvio Reggiori, [5]Peter J M Rottier, [6]Paul S Masters, [7]Cornelis A. M. de Haan [Full author list]Journal of Virology [curation]DOI: 10.1128/JVI.00569-10
PubMed: 20739524
Coronaviridae [curation]; viral nucleocapsid [curation]2010-08-25
Exit from the Golgi is required for the expansion of the autophagosomal phagophore in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae[1]Aniek van der Vaart, [2]Janice Griffith, [3]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Molecular Biology of the Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1091/MBC.E09-04-0345
PubMed: 20444982
cell biology [curation]; Saccharomyces cerevisiae [curation]; Arf family guanine nucleotide exchange factor GEA2 YEL022W [curation]; Arf family GTPase ARF2 YDL137W [curation]; Arf family guanine nucleotide exchange factor SEC7 YDR170C [curation]; Arf family guanine nucleotide exchange factor GEA1 YJR031C [curation]; Arf family GTPase ARF1 YDL192W [curation]2010-07-01
Coronaviruses Hijack the LC3-I-positive EDEMosomes, ER-derived vesicles exporting short-lived ERAD regulators, for replication[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Iryna Monastyrska, [3]Monique H Verheije, [4]Tito Calì, [5]Mustafa Ulasli, [6]Siro Bianchi, [7]Riccardo Bernasconi, [8]Cornelis A. M. de Haan, [9]Maurizio Molinari [Full author list]Cell Host & Microbe [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.CHOM.2010.05.013
PubMed: 20542253
Qualitative and quantitative ultrastructural analysis of the membrane rearrangements induced by coronavirus[1]Mustafa Ulasli, [2]Monique H Verheije, [3]Cornelis A. M. de Haan, [4]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Cellular Microbiology [curation]DOI: 10.1111/J.1462-5822.2010.01437.X
PubMed: 20088951
Coronaviridae [curation]2010-01-20
Dynamics of coronavirus replication-transcription complexes[1]Marne C Hagemeijer, [2]Monique H Verheije, [3]Mustafa Ulasli, [4]Indra A. Shaltiel, [5]Lisa A de Vries, [6]Fulvio Reggiori, [7]Peter J M Rottier, [8]Cornelis A. M. de Haan [Full author list]Journal of Virology [curation]DOI: 10.1128/JVI.01716-09
PubMed: 20007278
Coronaviridae [curation]2009-12-09
The EmERgence of autophagosomes[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Sharon A. Tooze, [2-Q21264645]Sharon Tooze [Full author list]Developmental Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.DEVCEL.2009.12.004
PubMed: 20059943
The CORVET subunit Vps8 cooperates with the Rab5 homolog Vps21 to induce clustering of late endosomal compartments[1]Daniel F Markgraf, [2]Franziska Ahnert, [3]Henning Arlt, [4]Muriel Mari, [5]Karolina Peplowska, [6]Nadine Epp, [7]Janice Griffith, [8]Fulvio Reggiori, [9]Christian Ungermann [Full author list]Molecular Biology of the Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1091/MBC.E09-06-0521
PubMed: 19828734
cell biology [curation]; CORVET complex membrane-binding subunit VPS8 YAL002W [curation]2009-12-01
Multiple roles of the cytoskeleton in autophagy[1]Iryna Monastyrska, [2]Ester Rieter, [3]Daniel J. Klionsky, [4]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Biological Reviews [curation]DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-185X.2009.00082.X
PubMed: 19659885
cytoskeleton [curation]; autophagy [curation]2009-08-01
Ultrastructural analysis of nanogold-labeled endocytic compartments of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae using a cryosectioning procedure[1]Janice Griffith, [2]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1369/JHC.2009.952952
PubMed: 19435716
Saccharomyces cerevisiae [curation]2009-05-11
Selective types of autophagy in yeast[1]Claudine Kraft, [1-Q73466524]Claudine Kraft, [2]Fulvio Reggiori, [3]Matthias Peter [Full author list]Biochimica et Biophysica Acta [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.BBAMCR.2009.02.006
PubMed: 19264099
autophagy [curation]2009-03-02
Vps41 phosphorylation and the Rab Ypt7 control the targeting of the HOPS complex to endosome-vacuole fusion sites[1]Margarita Cabrera, [2]Clemens W Ostrowicz, [3]Muriel Mari, [4]Tracy J LaGrassa, [5]Fulvio Reggiori, [6]Christian Ungermann [Full author list]Molecular Biology of the Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1091/MBC.E08-09-0943
PubMed: 19193765
vacuole [curation]; phosphorylation [curation]2009-02-04
Regulation of autophagy in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae[1]Eduardo Cebollero, [2]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Biochimica et Biophysica Acta [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.BBAMCR.2009.01.008
PubMed: 19344676
autophagy [curation]; Saccharomyces cerevisiae [curation]2009-01-22
Harpooning the Cvt complex to the phagophore assembly site[1]Iryna Monastyrska, [2]Fulvio Reggiori, [3]Daniel J Klionsky [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.4161/AUTO.6657
PubMed: 18708760
Mouse Hepatitis Coronavirus RNA Replication Depends on GBF1-Mediated ARF1 Activation[1]Monique H Verheije, [2]Matthijs Raaben, [3]Muriel Mari, [4]Eddie G Te Lintelo, [5]Fulvio Reggiori, [6]Frank J. M. van Kuppeveld, [7]Peter J M Rottier, [8]Cornelis A. M. de Haan [Full author list]PLOS Pathogens [curation]DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PPAT.1000088
PubMed: 18551169
Coronaviridae [curation]2008-06-13
Irs4p and Tax4p: two redundant EH domain proteins involved in autophagy[1]Amandine Bugnicourt, [2]Muriel Mari, [3]Fulvio Reggiori, [4]Rosine Haguenauer-Tsapis, [5]Jean-Marc Galan [Full author list]Traffic [curation]DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-0854.2008.00715.X
PubMed: 18298591
autophagy [curation]; Tax4p YJL083W [curation]; Irs4p YKR019C [curation]2008-05-01
A cryosectioning procedure for the ultrastructural analysis and the immunogold labelling of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae[1]Janice Griffith, [2]Muriel Mari, [3]Ann De Mazière, [4]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Traffic [curation]DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-0854.2008.00753.X
PubMed: 18429928
Saccharomyces cerevisiae [curation]2008-04-21
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy in higher eukaryotes[1]Daniel J. Klionsky, ..., [162-Q28320691]Fulvio Reggiori, [163-Q30111863]Bärbel Rohrer, ..., [2]Hagai Abeliovich, ..., [3]Patrizia Agostinis, ..., [4]Devendra K. Agrawal, ..., [5]Gjumrakch Aliev, [6]David S Askew, [7]Misuzu Baba, [8]Eric H Baehrecke, [9]Ben A Bahr, [10]Andrea Ballabio, ..., [160]Prescott M, [161]Abdelhaq Rami, [162]Raben N, [163]Rami A, [164]Reggiori F, ... [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.4161/AUTO.5338
PubMed: 18188003
autophagy [curation]; guideline [curation]; laboratory diagnostics [curation]; eukaryotic cell [curation]; statistical data interpretation [curation]2008-02-16
Fluorescence microscopy-based assays for monitoring yeast Atg protein trafficking.[1]Takahiro Shintani, [2]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Methods in Enzymology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(08)03204-7
PubMed: 19185712
A picky eater: exploring the mechanisms of selective autophagy in human pathologies[1]Aniek van der Vaart, [2]Muriel Mari, [3]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Traffic [curation]DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-0854.2007.00674.X
PubMed: 17988219
autophagy [curation]2007-11-06
Are nidoviruses hijacking the autophagy machinery?[1]Cornelis A. M. de Haan, [2]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.4161/AUTO.5241
PubMed: 18032917
autophagy [curation]2007-11-03
Shaping membranes into autophagosomes[1]Muriel Mari, [2]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Nature Cell Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1038/NCB1007-1125
PubMed: 17909525
An interrelationship between autophagy and filamentous growth in budding yeast[1]Jun Ma, [2]Rui Jin, [3]Xiaoyu Jia, [4]Craig J Dobry, [5]Li Wang, [6]Fulvio Reggiori, [7]Ji Zhu, [8]Anuj Kumar [Full author list]Genetics [curation]DOI: 10.1534/GENETICS.107.076596
PubMed: 17890363
autophagy [curation]2007-09-01
The transmembrane domain of acid trehalase mediates ubiquitin-independent multivesicular body pathway sorting[1]Ju Huang, [2]Fulvio Reggiori, [3]Daniel J. Klionsky [Full author list]Molecular Biology of the Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1091/MBC.E06-11-0995
PubMed: 17475771
transmembrane protein [curation]2007-05-02
Atg9 trafficking in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae[1]Muriel Mari, [2]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.4161/AUTO.3608
PubMed: 17204846
Saccharomyces cerevisiae [curation]2007-03-21
Atg9 sorting from mitochondria is impaired in early secretion and VFT-complex mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Daniel J. Klionsky [Full author list]Journal of Cell Science [curation]DOI: 10.1242/JCS.03047
PubMed: 16787937
Saccharomyces cerevisiae [curation]2006-06-20
Atg11 directs autophagosome cargoes to the PAS along actin cables[1]Iryna Monastyrska, [2]Takahiro Shintani, [3]Daniel J Klionsky, [4]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.4161/AUTO.2.2.2298
PubMed: 16874092
1. Membrane origin for autophagy[1]Fulvio Reggiori [Full author list]Current Topics in Developmental Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/S0070-2153(06)74001-7
PubMed: 16860663
autophagy [curation]2006-01-01
The actin cytoskeleton is required for selective types of autophagy, but not nonspecific autophagy, in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Iryna Monastyrska, [3]Takahiro Shintani, [4]Daniel J. Klionsky [Full author list]Molecular Biology of the Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1091/MBC.E05-07-0629
PubMed: 16221887
cytoskeleton [curation]; autophagy [curation]; Saccharomyces cerevisiae [curation]2005-10-12
Autophagosomes: biogenesis from scratch?[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Daniel J. Klionsky [Full author list]Current Opinion in Cell Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1016/J.CEB.2005.06.007
PubMed: 15978794
autophagosome [curation]2005-08-01
Atg9 cycles between mitochondria and the pre-autophagosomal structure in yeasts[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Takahiro Shintani, [3]Usha Nair, [4]Daniel J. Klionsky [Full author list]Autophagy [curation]DOI: 10.4161/AUTO.1.2.1840
PubMed: 16874040
mitochondrion [curation]; phagophore assembly site membrane [curation]; Autophagy protein ATG9 YDL149W [curation]2005-07-11
Atg17 regulates the magnitude of the autophagic response[1]Heesun Cheong, [2]Tomohiro Yorimitsu, [3]Fulvio Reggiori, [4]Julie E Legakis, [5]Chao-Wen Wang, [6]Daniel J. Klionsky [Full author list]Molecular Biology of the Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1091/MBC.E04-10-0894
PubMed: 15901835
cell biology [curation]; autophagy [curation]; Protein kinase regulatory subunit ATG17 YLR423C [curation]; Protein anchor VAC8 YEL013W [curation]2005-07-01
Atg21 is a phosphoinositide binding protein required for efficient lipidation and localization of Atg8 during uptake of aminopeptidase I by selective autophagy[1]Per E Strømhaug, [2]Fulvio Reggiori, [3]Ju Guan, [4]Chao-Wen Wang, [5]Daniel J. Klionsky [Full author list]Molecular Biology of the Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1091/MBC.E04-02-0147
PubMed: 15155809
cell biology [curation]; autophagy [curation]; Phosphoinositide binding protein ATG18 YFR021W [curation]; Hsv2p YGR223C [curation]; Atg21p YPL100W [curation]; Atg5p YPL149W [curation]2004-08-01
The Ras/cAMP-dependent protein kinase signaling pathway regulates an early step of the autophagy process in Saccharomyces cerevisiae[1]Yelena V Budovskaya, [2]Joseph S Stephan, [3]Fulvio Reggiori, [4]Daniel J. Klionsky, [5]Paul K Herman [Full author list]Journal of Biological Chemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1074/JBC.M400272200
PubMed: 15016820
cell biology [curation]; autophagy [curation]; Saccharomyces cerevisiae [curation]; Ras family GTPase RAS2 YNL098C [curation]; CAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit TPK1 YJL164C [curation]2004-05-14
Early stages of the secretory pathway, but not endosomes, are required for Cvt vesicle and autophagosome assembly in Saccharomyces cerevisiae[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Chao-Wen Wang, [3]Usha Nair, [4]Takahiro Shintani, [5]Hagai Abeliovich, [6]Daniel J. Klionsky [Full author list]Molecular Biology of the Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1091/MBC.E03-07-0479
PubMed: 15004240
Saccharomyces cerevisiae [curation]; autophagosome [curation]2004-03-05
Atg23 is essential for the cytoplasm to vacuole targeting pathway and efficient autophagy but not pexophagy[1]Katherine A Tucker, [2]Fulvio Reggiori, [3]William A Dunn, [4]Daniel J. Klionsky [Full author list]Journal of Biological Chemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1074/JBC.M309238200
PubMed: 14504273
cell biology [curation]; vacuole [curation]; autophagy [curation]; Atg23p YLR431C [curation]2003-11-28
Vps51 is part of the yeast Vps fifty-three tethering complex essential for retrograde traffic from the early endosome and Cvt vesicle completion[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Chao-Wen Wang, [3]Per E Stromhaug, [4]Takahiro Shintani, [5]Daniel J. Klionsky [Full author list]Journal of Biological Chemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1074/JBC.M210436200
PubMed: 12446664
cell biology [curation]; GARP complex [curation]; Vps51p YKR020W [curation]; Vps52p YDR484W [curation]2003-02-14
Autophagy in the eukaryotic cell[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Daniel J. Klionsky [Full author list]Eukaryotic Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1128/EC.01.1.11-21.2002
PubMed: 12455967
autophagy [curation]2002-02-01
A transmembrane ubiquitin ligase required to sort membrane proteins into multivesicular bodies[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Hugh R B Pelham [Full author list]Nature Cell Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1038/NCB743
PubMed: 11788821
membrane protein [curation]; transmembrane protein [curation]; multivesicular body [curation]; Ubiquitin-protein ligase TUL1 YKL034W [curation]; E2 ubiquitin-conjugating protein UBC4 YBR082C [curation]2002-02-01
Sorting of proteins into multivesicular bodies: ubiquitin-dependent and -independent targeting[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]H R Pelham [Full author list]The EMBO Journal [curation]DOI: 10.1093/EMBOJ/20.18.5176
PubMed: 11566881
multivesicular body [curation]; multivesicular body organization [curation]; multivesicular body assembly [curation]; Hmx1p YLR205C [curation]; Sna3p YJL151C [curation]; Sna4p YDL123W [curation]; Endopolyphosphatase YDR452W [curation]2001-09-17
Polar transmembrane domains target proteins to the interior of the yeast vacuole[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]M W Black, [3]H R Pelham [Full author list]Molecular Biology of the Cell [curation]DOI: 10.1091/MBC.11.11.3737
PubMed: 11071903
vacuole [curation]; transmembrane protein [curation]2000-11-01
Deletion of GPI7, a yeast gene required for addition of a side chain to the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) core structure, affects GPI protein transport, remodeling, and cell wall integrity[1]A Benachour, [2]G Sipos, [3]I Flury, [4]Fulvio Reggiori, [5]E Canivenc-Gansel, [6]C Vionnet, [7]A Conzelmann, [8]M Benghezal [Full author list]Journal of Biological Chemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1074/JBC.274.21.15251
PubMed: 10329735
cell wall [curation]; protein structure [curation]; Mannose-ethanolamine phosphotransferase LAS21 YJL062W [curation]1999-05-21
Analysis of the lipid moiety of GPI anchor in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]Canivenc-Gansel E, [3]Conzelmann A [Full author list]Methods in Molecular Biology [curation]DOI: 10.1385/1-59259-264-3:91
PubMed: 10399148
Saccharomyces cerevisiae [curation]1999-01-01
Biosynthesis of inositol phosphoceramides and remodeling of glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae are mediated by different enzymes[1]Fulvio Reggiori, [2]A Conzelmann [Full author list]Journal of Biological Chemistry [curation]DOI: 10.1074/JBC.273.46.30550
PubMed: 9804825
Saccharomyces cerevisiae [curation]; inositol phosphoceramide [curation]1998-11-01
GPI anchor biosynthesis in yeast: phosphoethanolamine is attached to the alpha1,4-linked mannose of the complete precursor glycophospholipid[1]E Canivenc-Gansel, [2]I Imhof, [3]Fulvio Reggiori, [4]P Burda, [5]A Conzelmann, [6]A Benachour [Full author list]Glycobiology [curation]DOI: 10.1093/GLYCOB/8.8.761
PubMed: 9639537
Putative glycosylphosphatidylinositol-alpha 1,2 mannosyltransferase YGL142C [curation]1998-08-01
Alternative lipid remodelling pathways for glycosylphosphatidylinositol membrane anchors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae[1]Sipos G, [2]Fulvio Reggiori, [3]Vionnet C, [4]Conzelmann A [Full author list]The EMBO Journal [curation]DOI: 10.1093/EMBOJ/16.12.3494
PubMed: 9218792
Saccharomyces cerevisiae [curation]1997-06-01
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